Qing Kuang
Chapter 115 Table of contents


Huo Ran felt that Kou Chen felt a little embarrassed for Kou Chen when he told him that he might be a passing exam in the face of his pre-school daddy.

However, Kou Chen obviously feels that the exams are not bad these days, so he is in a good mood.

Kou didn't confront him, just asked: "Are you going home today? I'll take you back?"

"No," Kou Chen said, "I will be back tomorrow, and we will celebrate tonight."

"Okay," Kou nodded, "then I'm gone."

When Kou Lao disappeared in the corner of the building, Xu Chuan slaps on Kou Chen's shoulder: "What do you think in front of your dad? It's just like that, what is it? Pass?

"Yeah." Kou Chen raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong."

"What do you do if he throws you more than a hundred points?" Xu Zhifan asked with a smile.

"Come out," Kou Chen walked up to the office building. "This face-to-face provocation cannot be lost."

Old Yuan is packing in the office and preparing to go to the classroom.

Seeing a few of them coming in, he asked with a smile: "Why, so anxious to announce the good news? I'm going to the classroom."

"Hurry up." Jiang Lei shouted.

"How is the exam!" Lao Yuan asked with a smile and raised his voice.


"pretty good!"

"Can pass!"

"Must be better than before!"

A group of people immediately shouted into groups and answered.

"How does Zhifan feel?" Lao Yuan looked at Xu Zhifan again.

"It's difficult," Xu Zhifan said, "how can mathematics be so difficult ..."

"Is it difficult?" Hu Yi asked.

Xu Zhifan glanced at him: "There is a sentence, I don't know if I should talk or not."

"Speak," said Lao Yuan.

"Generally, I do n’t feel that it ’s difficult to come up with questions. Anyway, I wrote them hard," Xu Chuan answered immediately. . "

"Chuan brother understands me." Xu Zhifan pointed at Xu Chuan and couldn't smile.

"That's the relationship now," Wei Chaoren said. "Otherwise, Xu Zhifan is definitely going to fire our boy group."

"You can't get out without me." Xu Zhifan said.

"Lao Yuan, let's take a break soon," Huo Ran remembered why they came here. "Are you free at night?"

"Why," said Lao Yuan, "please invite me to dinner?"

"Yes." Several people answered neatly.

"Free," Lao Yuan smiled. "Where to eat?"

"... Why don't you excuse me?" Jiang Lei said, "I thought you would say don't waste money. You are all students, you don't make money, don't spend money or anything."

"I really quit, what would you do if you didn't ask for it," said Lao Yuan. "Today, there is no one in my family, and I happen to have nowhere to eat alone."

A group of people laughed, and Kou Chen looked at his mobile phone: "Then I book a table, go to Kou Xiao's hotel, and her card is still with me."

"Did you not return her after eating last year?" Huo Ran asked.

"She doesn't need it anyway." Kou Chen smiled.

Any test that will be closed after the test, no matter what test, the atmosphere in the classroom is very pleasant after the end, there is a kind of wonderful illusion that you don't need to go to school in the future.

When Lao Yuan entered the classroom, many of the people sitting at the table chatting did not change their posture. Otherwise, they would lie on a chair half-stretched and stretch their limbs, and the voice of the chat would be able to snooze the food market.

Lao Yuan didn't bother, he just called a classmate sitting on the window sill: "Come down, this time the exam is not good, and next time, don't think about it."

The whole class laughed.

"Happy?" Lao Yuan came to the podium. "You have two days to be happy, but after the results come out, I also hope you are still happy. If you don't do well in the exam, it's not a big deal. Next time, of course, if you have done it. "

"Ah-" The whole class was shouting and talking loudly, and couldn't hear what they were talking about.

"Hey, my brain is hurting, you have a little voice," Lao Yuan sighed. "Mr. Liang said later that we have affected their class."

"None of us had been accused of the opposite article 2." Kou Chen said with amused expression.

"It's too close to face to face," Lao Yuan said. "Well, let me talk about the time for vacation and back to school."

Lao Yuan turned around and wrote the time on the blackboard: "This year's summer vacation is relatively short, because you are now a senior in high school, no matter what your opinions and ideas about the college entrance examination one year later, you must defeat it first. . "

"Ah-" There was another chaotic shout in the classroom.

"Some things may be a little early to say now, but I think it ’s okay to say it earlier, you can think of it earlier," said Lao Yuan. This is your best choice right now, so don't think about anything else. If you can't avoid it, you will fight. For the same year, you will win hard. It is better than losing a year.

The voice in the classroom slowly subsided.

"Understood?" Lao Yuan asked, "I'm silent when it's time to speak. Isn't that guts?"

"I see!" The class roared together.

After roaring, he started shouting again.

Old Yuan Chong waved them: "It's okay, I'm a bit worried about the ceiling downstairs, we will not be in the old building next semester, and strive not to destroy it before leaving."

"Are you going to change the classroom?" Kou Chen looked at Huo Ran.

"Isn't it good to change classrooms?" Huo Ran lay on the table. "Our old building, we can't walk smoothly, that is, without the third floor, it's impossible that our smallpox also collapsed."

"A little bit reluctant," Kou Chen said.

"I'm a little bit, too," Huo Ran said. "This is where I started."

Kou Chen didn't speak, and lay on the table, cheering at him.

"Lao Yuan said that the design of the classroom in the old building is very good. You don't need to raise your voice when you speak." Jiang Lei turned away from the front and lay on the table together.

"Yes." Huo Ran was helpless about the sudden addition of this light bulb, but now that everyone's emotions are on the top, he can't bear it.

"My dad also said it when he came back to the classroom. He said that he could hear clearly in the back row of the classroom," said Kou Chen. "I didn't seem to be so comfortable in the new building when I was a freshman."

"Is it because you are tired with Huo Ran every day after you come here," Jiang Lei said, "so you feel comfortable?"

"Lei Lei," Kou Chen looked at him, "Are you a bit too comfortable lately?"

"No," Jiang Lei left the table and turned to the front. "Study is too tiring, I feel uncomfortable, hey ... I'm so sad ..."

The end of the exam is very pleasant. Although there is a lot of homework in each subject, and because the senior year starts in advance, the time for summer vacation has shrunk a lot, but as long as you are relaxed, you can make them happy.

After all, juveniles, if they look forward, they will see it, but even if they enjoy it for only one second, they will not let it go.

The group of seven and Lao Yuan hit two cars and went directly to the Kou Xiao hotel.

When getting off the car, Huo Ran looked up at the hotel's signboard for a moment.

Ever since he and Kou Chen told small secrets here last time, he has never been here again.

But while standing here, he can still clearly remember his mood when he jumped off the car ten meters away and walked towards the hotel door.

I also remember the mood when he and Kou Chen stood at the window, Kou Chen was talking in the golden sunlight.

Of course, I remember the secret when he was carefully and desperately placed in the sun.

"Go," Kou Chen held his shoulders, and whispered in his ear, "are you remembering the past?"

"No more of the past," Huo Ran smiled. "Not long ago."

"Aftertaste," Kou Chen said.

"A little emotional," Huo Ran said, "you ..."

"Huh?" Kou Chen turned his head.

"Such a big man took a gamble and ran away from home." Huo Ran said.

"Get out." Kou Chen stared.

"But fortunately, you have run away from home." Huo Ran said.

It is said that eating a buffet should not require a box, and it is not convenient to take food, but their main purpose today is not to eat, but to thank Lao Yuan, so the box is more comfortable to speak.

And taking things like vegetables ... like the way Wei Chaoren can bring in seven plates of meat on a tray at a time, it doesn't matter.

"Do you usually get together like this?" Old Yuan asked.

"Yes," Xu Zhifan poured drink on Lao Yuan. "We all love to eat."

"Always eat barbecue," said Lao Yuan. "The eldest sister in the cafeteria knows a few of you and goes every day."

"Have you heard of this?" Kou Chen looked at Lao Yuan.

"Of course I know," Lao Yuan sipped his drink. "Where do you guys usually go and what you might have done, I know, not only you, my classmates in my class, I almost know."

"Are you tracking?" Huo Ran asked with a smile.

"Forget it, follow-up investigation," Lao Yuan laughed. "I just can't help worrying about it, I'm afraid I didn't notice something in your heart."

"Is your child still in elementary school? Children are aggrieved," Jiang Lei sighed. "Every day you care about other children."

"That can't be," Lao Yuan smiled happily. "I can do everything for my girlfriend, and I'll be with her when I have time. She likes to hear me tell your stories."

"Our story?" Xu Chuan hesitated. "You have said bad things about us in the back! Tell your children!"

Lao Yuan laughed so much that the drinks in the cup shook out: "It's all good news! These little brothers are brave, they can beat the bad guys, catch the bad guys, they can do justice!"

"Is there any comment from that child?" Kou Chen asked very carefully.

"She asked me, dad, are you going to the police academy now?" Lao Yuan said.

Several people suddenly laughed.

After the waiter had served the first wave of dishes, they all picked up the cups and stood up and looked at Lao Yuan.

"Oh this stand, should I stand up," Lao Yuan quickly picked up the cup, "how do I feel like you are about to graduate ..."

"Mr. Yuan." Kou Chen opened his mouth.

"Ah." Old Yuan responded, stood up holding a cup, and looked at him.

Kou Chen didn't speak.

Everyone turned to look at Kou Chen. Usually, this kind of scene that needs to say something was started by Xu Baba. Today Kou Chen opened his mouth, everyone is looking forward to it.

Kou Chen cleared his throat, seemed awkward, and said a few seconds later: "Thank you, sit ..."

"Fuck." Huo Ran did not hold back a laugh.

Lao Yuan smiled and helped the table, then sat down again: "Okay, I'm sitting."

"Zhifan?" Kou Chen looked at Xu Zhifan.

"Huh?" Xu Zhifan also looked at him.

"Say!" Kou Chen glared at him. "Congratulations ... No, thank you, what are you talking about?"

"No," Xu Zhifan held the glass, "don't you say?"

"I say a fart!" Kou Chen still glared at him.

"Mr. Yuan," Xu Zhifan turned his head with a smile, raised a toast at the old Yuan, "We invited you to dinner today. Actually, we just want to thank you. Thank you for letting us see a different teacher. We see different parents, thank you for not giving up on us ... not giving up on them ... "

"What do you mean!" Xu Chuan looked at him.

"Forget it, forbearance," Hu Yi comforted Xu Chuan, "after all, he has been defending the top 50 in the grade."

"It's up to ordinary parents," Jiang Lei added. "He's fallen with us."

"I am willing to fall." Xu Zhifan said with a smile.

"Okay," Xu Chuan expressed satisfaction. "Continue."

"Thank you for letting us realize that going to school is really happy during the second year of high school," said Xu Zhifan. "I used to talk about the teacher. You are the one who shut me up. Thank you, Teacher Yuan."

Xu Zhifan lifted his head and drank the drink from the cup.

"Thank you, Teacher Yuan!" Everyone shouted and drank all the drinks.

Lao Yuan looked at them with a smile: "Thank you, too, for giving me a response."

Everyone sat down, and Jiang Lei was busy alive and poured another drink.

"Actually, you have to remember," Lao Yuan clipped a few slices of pork belly and said while roasting, "The most important thing is not to give up on yourself. As long as you don't give up on yourself, you will always meet people who will not give up on you. Maybe a teacher, maybe a friend. "

"Well." A few people nodded.

"You must keep up your efforts. This time, Kou Chen and his father have given a head," said Lao Yuan. "Don't go back next semester."

"It's impossible," Jiang Lei said. "As long as you don't leave me alone, we can be a few of us together. I can still insist."

Kou Chen glanced at Huo Ran.

Huo Ran looked at him, and asked, "Why?"

"I can definitely insist." Kou Chen said.

"I can do that, too." Huo Ran twitched his lips.

Kou Chen extended his little thumb under the table, Huo Ran lowered his eyes and looked at him, and also extended his little thumb to hook him up.

I didn't want to part for a long time.

After having dinner with Lao Yuan, they sent Lao Yuan home, and went to the barbecue stall for a meal just like the starving ghost gave birth. It was almost 12 o'clock when they returned to the dormitory.

However, today is a holiday. The dormitory has no access control and the lights are turned off before the hour. It is just quieter than usual.

Huo Ran had not fallen asleep in bed, he had begun to wonder which line should Kou Chen take to ride after the results came out.

It must be good to ride, it must be interesting, and it must be not too far away, so that he can experience the feeling of riding.


Designing a course for rookie has always worried him.

Kou Chen originally wanted to go on a two-day holiday, but Huo Ran didn't agree. At the beginning, Kou Chen proposed that he passed the pass and took him. This had to follow the process, although he also said that he failed. .

So these two days are basically confused with the seven.

The seven-person group is now very impersonal. In order to get revenge on five single dogs, Jiang Gou and Wei Gou even gave up on the girl and concentrated on fooling with them.

In order to get enough revenge, a few people didn't even let it go at night. They stayed together after grilling in the backyard of Kou Chen's house. They didn't even sleep in the guest room.

On the sofa on the bed, even chatting while drinking beer, she fell asleep until midnight.

This scene made Huo Ran feel as if they were back when they licked the sea.

Back to school the next day, a few people got up very early in the morning, Kou Chen's toilets were quite large, and everyone was scattered and finished less than usual in the dormitory.

Kou's mother hasn't got up yet, and Kou Chen's only one who got up early is Kou's second child.

When they came downstairs, Kou was standing by the dining table and calling.

"What? Which subject?" He couldn't believe it in his tone. "Two points down? How is that possible?"

Several people stopped, and it seemed like Lao Yuan was reporting results with Kou's second child.

"What's the difference of two points?" Kou Chen suddenly became tense and turned to look at Huo Ran. "Is he two points or me?"

"I don't know," Huo Ran whispered.

"It's impossible!" Kou yelled suddenly. "Impossible! I'm going to school today. I want to see his paper! I have to read it one by one!"

"Fuck," Kou Chen said, "it's mine."

"Which teacher judged the paper!" Kou yelled in disapproval, "I'll see who dares to deduct my son by two points!"

The author has something to say: ⊙Continue tomorrow⊙ ▽ ⊙. 2k novel reading network

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