Qing Kuang
Chapter 117 Table of contents


The toilet hug didn't feel particularly good. Although the two hugged them vigorously, Kou Chen let go before someone else came in.

"This place is not very romantic, indeed." He sighed.

"Life is still very good," Huo Ran said.

Kou Chen laughed, went to the sink, looked in the mirror, and fixed his hair: "Let's go back to the classroom. I also want to know how you are doing."

"I should be fine this time," Huo Ran said.

"Is there a reward for going back?" Kou Chen asked.

"No," Huo Ran laughed. "No one would say me anyway if they didn't do well."

"I really envy your family's feeling like 'you're happy.'" Kou Chen gave a stun.

"Neither," Huo Ran thought for a while, "Actually I sometimes want them to scold me."

"It's a bit sloppy," Kou Chen said. "Why not eat meat."

"It's very pedantic now," Huo Ran said.

"I am." Kou Chen said.

"This spirit is still good." Huo Ran nodded.

The seven-member team did make great progress this time. They were praised by the teachers of each subject. Except for Wei Chaoren's failure in mathematics, everyone passed.

This was expected by Kou Chen. Before this group of people had the most headaches in his performance, he could pass, and no one else would have any problems.

When he heard the praise, Kou Chen's heart was no less beautiful than receiving a letter of praise from the police.

After the papers were issued, he first saw English, and he wanted to see where Kou's second child came from and scored two points.

"It's probably here," Huo Ran leaned next to him and looked at it. "There was a mistake here and I ticked."

"Well," Kou Chen nodded, "I wrote the s at the beginning, but I found it wrong when I checked it, and changed it again."

"I'll change it next time. You can force it directly on top. If you didn't check the papers with your dad, you wouldn't be able to pass it?" Huo Ran said.

"Isn't I lack test experience," Kou Chen said, "I can't modify the test before. It would be nice to fill in something."

When they packed up and left the dormitory, the group of seven was very cheerful. I didn't know they thought they had received a notice from Peking University to report.

"Are you two going to play?" Jiang Lei asked Huo Ran.

"Um." Huo Ran nodded.

"How long?" Jiang Lei asked.

"It's two days. I'm afraid that the chickens won't adapt because of the long time. Now it's hot and the bicycle is very tired." Huo Ran said.

"Let's get back together then," Jiang Lei said, "radish said to go to the beach."

"Okay," Huo Ran looked at the thxd on the bracelet, and the sea licking operation could begin. He smiled, "Would you like to record the taste of the seawater?"

"Save the video," Wei Chaoren said, "Zhifan will cut it."

"What?" Xu Zhifan looked at him.

"He won't be able to learn," Xu Chuan said, "these things can be left to him in the future."

"Are you guys a little bit aware that I shouldn't have been mixed with you," Xu Zhifan said with a smile, "Lao Yuan said that I dropped five places this time."

"I fuck," Jiang Lei said, "Really?"

"Really." Xu Zhifan nodded painfully.

"So sad," Xu Chuan held his right hand, "Zhifan."

"Sorrow!" Jiang Lei took his left hand.

Then several people went over and took his hands, wrists and arms, shaking their expressions gravely.

"But we will not let you go." Huo Ran said.

"Dare to run to break your leg!" Kou Chen gave him a cold look.

The school gate is full of cars and parents who come to pick up people. The group of seven usually goes home by themselves most of the time. Today, there are many things, and they have told their test results to their families.

A group of people shouted at each other, uncle, aunt, so funny that their faces were almost rigid.

However, no one from Huo Ran's family came to pick it up. Kou Chen had to send him back, so Huo Ran told his dad not to come and got on Kou's second car after saying goodbye to everyone.

A fluffy black-and-white head snapped up when the door of the back seat was opened.

Hello hello hello.

"Handsome ..." Huo Ran didn't have time to greet him, so he shook his tongue and licked his face fiercely. He jumped back several steps at once, "Oh! Manage your silly dog ! "

"Brother hugs!" Kou Chen opened his arms, and Shuai Shuai kicked his legs from the car and rushed to him.

He hugged the handsome, rubbing his hair vigorously.

Huo Ran sighed and wiped her face while looking at the handsome hairs flying in the sun and the eyes of the girls nearby.

"Get in the car," Huo Ran whispered. "I won't be able to walk for a while!"

"Huh?" Kou Chen looked back at him.

"Shuaishuai is going to be bald!" Huo Ran pushed him, "You ..."

"Kou Chen! Is this your dog in the circle of friends!" Tang Wei ran over, "isn't he handsome?"

"Um." Kou Chen nodded.

"Oh--" Wu Xiaochen rushed over with her arms open, "the head--too cute--"

Kou Chen then reflected what Huo Rangang just said.

Shuai Shuai was quickly overwhelmed by the students at the school gate who were preparing to go home. Within two seconds, he found that the traction rope was not in his hand, and Shuai Shuai was led to the wall by a group of girls.


"It's so cute, so docile!"

"Your hair is so thick, handsome, are you hot?"

"Taking a tongue, is it hot or laughing?"

A group of girls who are usually fierce when it comes to talking to boys. At this moment, they face each other handsomely.

Kou lowered the window and yelled at them: "I'll go find a place in front and stop the car. You two grab the dog and come back to me."

"Ah." Kou Chen responded, and then turned to look at the handsome man around him, "Fuck, can you grab it back?"

"I didn't expect it," Huo Ran said, "The handsome Kou is not as attractive as a dog."

"In the eyes of most girls, boys are not as good as cats and dogs," Kou Chen tilted him, "I just want to attract you. I care about others."

Huo Ran smiled and said nothing.

"Kou Chen," Li Yi turned around, asked with a smile, "is handsome handsome?"

"Be obedient." Kou Chen said.

"Then we scratch it so comfortably, you call it, will it follow you?" Li Yi asked again.

"Yes." Kou Chen hooked his lips.

"Then try it." Tang Wei became interested.

"Don't hold the collar by your hand," Kou Chen reminded her, "you're so strong, you'll hurt your hand in a while."

"Okay." Tang Wei let go of his hand.

Kou Chen whistled.

Shuai Shuai's ears twitched a little, before everyone could react, it had rushed to Kou Chen in front of him, stood up, put his claws on Kou Chen's arm, and called out two praises.

"Wow--" the girls exclaimed, and then pulled out their phones.

"Walk, walk," Huo Ran poked Kou Chen back. "Stolen again!"

"Handsome, go, look for Dad." Kou Chen grabbed the traction rope, turned around and ran out with the handsome.

Huo Ran quickly followed.

Shuai Shuai is still very smart. He ran forward about 50 meters and found Kou's second car and yelled at the door twice.

"You two go up first," Huo Ran said, "I'm afraid it will lick me again."

"It missed you and was glad to see you," Kou Chen pulled the door of the car, pushed Shuai Shuai in, and whispered into Huo Ran's ear, "If I haven't seen you for a few days, I want to lick. "

"Get in the car!" Huo Ran suddenly shouted in fright.

Kou Chen laughed loudly, completely without the coolness when facing girls before.

"So happy," Kou started the car, "how did Huo Ran do well?"

"OK," Huo Ran said with a smile.

"Much better than me," Kou Chen said, "but he turned out to be better than me."

"So much progress, your parents must be happy." Kou said to Huo Ran.

"That's not necessarily true," said Kou Chen. "You think everyone is the same as ours. The results are not good. The results are a little better."

"Would you like me to pull you down?" Kou looked at him from the rearview mirror.

"No need, I will be in the sky for a while." Kou Chen snorted.

"Horan," Kou said, "Your parents must be happy. You didn't do well in the past. They didn't say that, they didn't mean they didn't care. The way was different. They'd be happy if you improved."

"Um." Huo Ran nodded hard.

"Are you two going to ride a bike?" Kou asked again. "Is there a place to take someone?"

"Dad?" Kou Chen stared alertly at the back of Kou's second child.

"No position," Huo Ran answered.

Kou Chen patted his leg with relief.

"... how many of you are going?" Asked Kou, the second child.

"Just the two of us," Huo Ran said.

"I want to go with some uncles," Kou said, "we ..."

"Uncle," Huo Ran said, "usually we little children, as a last resort, are unwilling to take the elderly group out."

"Who's old! Who's old!" Kou shouted. "Horan, you are not my son, if you are my son, chop sausages with Kou Chen for you two!"

Kou Chen leaned on Shuai Shuai with his legs resting on Huo Ran's legs and smiled for a long time.

When Huo Ran returned home, her mother was already busy cooking in the kitchen.

"My son is back," Dad probed into the kitchen and said, "Almost ready to eat?"

"Two more dishes," Mom yelled in the kitchen, "Ranran--"

"Hey--" Huo Ran put down his stuff and went into the kitchen, hugging his mother.

"Go take a bath first," said the mother. "It's time to eat after washing."

"Um." Huo Ran nodded.

As always, my parents didn't ask him about his grades, and he wouldn't ask his teacher to ask him about his parents' meeting.

He opened the refrigerator, took a bottle of ice water and drank two sips: "I did well in the final exam."

"Really?" Dad appeared by the kitchen door.

"Is it better than last semester?" Mom asked.

"A lot better," Huo Ran smiled, "not just passing."

"Really?" Mom turned her head, and there was an unshakable surprise on her face.

"I ... look at the paper?" Dad asked.

Except when it was necessary to sign before, my parents would not ask to see his papers.

"Wait." Huo Ran turned to the living room.

I don't know why, but suddenly he was a little proud, and there was a joy to show off.

Dad followed him to the living room, sat down on the sofa, and took off the cups on the coffee table in front of him.

Huo Ran pulled a bunch of papers out of his schoolbag and handed it to him. He spread the papers on the coffee table: "Do you have anything neat in this schoolbag?"

"No," Huo Ran grinned two times, "Cacece was jammed."

Dad didn't say anything. He read the papers one by one, and then turned his head to look at him: "You've been working very hard recently. I'm still surprised with your mother. Why don't you come homework normally? At the last minute I was too lazy to write. When I got home, I finished my homework and reviewed it ... "

Huo Ran smiled and said nothing.

"Really ... have made great progress?" Dad looked at the paper again, patted it on his shoulder twice, and grabbed again, "Why did you suddenly have motivation to learn?"

"Let's just slip away," Huo Ran grabbed his hair and felt a little embarrassed. "Kou Chen was forced by his dad and bet he would pass the whole subject, otherwise he would be sent abroad, and then he would pull us a few together, so This time we all did better than the original test, Superman failed the math, but all other subjects passed, oh no, Zhifan was dragged by us and returned five, miserable ... we have to invite him to dinner Thank you so much. "

Dad laughed, and sighed softly for a long time: "Actually, you are fine with everything, of course, this is better now."

Huo Ran was silent for a while, and then turned his head to look at Dad: "I actually admire Kou Chen."

"What's wrong?" Dad turned over and asked seriously.

"Just ... his dad always scolded him, and hit him when he was a kid," Huo Ran said.

"... Do you want me to hit you?" Dad was a little confused.

"No, no, no," Huo Ran laughed, thinking again and saying, "I hope you have requirements on me."

Dad looked at him and said nothing.

Huo Ran did not know if Dad understood what he meant.

After a while Dad took the cup and sipped tea: "I know what you mean."

"You should scold, you should scold, you should fight," Huo Ran said, "don't be reluctant, you are too reluctant, of course!"

When he said half, he quickly added: "You can't be too willing like Uncle Kou."

Dad laughed and patted him on the back: "I know, I know."

"Really good?" Mom brought the soup out of the kitchen.

"Look at it," Dad handed the paper over, "this time their children have gone up a lot."

My mother didn't look as carefully as my dad, just watching and laughing.

Huo Ran raised her cheeks and leaned on the sofa to watch them.

Quite proud.

After dinner, Kou Chen called and called to ask what time to start tomorrow.

"Isn't that the day after tomorrow? You don't have to celebrate at home with your father, mother, sister or prospective brother-in-law about what you don't need to go abroad?" Huo Ran said.

"Come back and celebrate," Kou Chen said, "I'm going to cook and make lemon duck. My dad wants you all to come over."

"... could it be cooked?" Huo Ran asked.

"Don't go off the hook!" Kou Chen was wary this time without being taken aback. "Tomorrow, go out and play! My dad took my car to the store for maintenance in the morning and just returned it."

"Hey ..." Huo Ran stretched his waist, "Okay, tomorrow, tomorrow, you just pack your things, except the waist bag and the back pocket I gave you, don't bring anything, you can't fit it Streamline, do n’t take too much, I wo n’t help you carry it if you ca n’t ride it. ”

"Relax!" Kou Chen said, "is it necessary to have a double tent?"

"Single, not two," Huo Ran said. "Take your own tent."

"We two, sleep separately?" Kou Chen said, "did you let the handsome guy lick his head?"

"You can't take it for two! It's too big to fold!" Huo Ran pressed his voice.

"Let's go," Kou Chen simply didn't insist, "I know, a single person."

Huo Ran learned the next day why Kou Chen was so simple and so cooperative and obedient.

"You fucking," Huo Ran inspected the contents of his bag, "without a tent?"

"Did you not bring it?" Kou Chen raised an eyebrow.

"I brought mine!" Huo Ran stared at him. "Yours!"

"Let Shuai Shuai tear it." Kou Chen said, "You know, God and Ha, it is difficult to keep things intact if you have one ..."

"Go away," said Huo Ran, "you actually asked a dog to cook for you."

"Anyway, I don't have a tent now." Kou Chen hugged the corner of his mouth.

"I do," Huo Ran said.

"No, you don't." Kou Chen quickly grabbed his arm.

Huo Ran stalemate with him for a while, gritted his teeth and stepped on the car: "Okay, today I will show you the effect of sleeping in a single tent. Let ’s talk about it first. If you ca n’t sleep, go out and feed mosquitoes!"

"I'd like to see, which mosquito dare bite me!" Kou Chen patted the handlebar.

The author has something to say: ⊙Continue tomorrow⊙ ▽ ⊙.

There are probably two or three chapters, and then you can go outside, and some small branch lines and small plots will be placed in Fanwai Liha. 2k novel reading network

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