Qing Kuang
Chapter 801 Table of contents


In fact, there are not many young couples who want to do something in the tent at night. Under the stars between this world, but the two men are still crowded in such a small tent.

Fortunately, Kou Chen still found a few pieces of reason in his already soaked brain, coupled with the strong and insecure environment of the tent, and people who walked outside from time to time ... they only conducted friendly and silent handshake ceremony.

When there were fewer people walking around, I went to the public bathroom to clean up, and lay back in the tent.

"You shouldn't clean up," Kou Chen whispered. "The pants are still wet. The water in that waterfall looks very clear, but in case who urinates upstream?"

"Shut up," Huo Ran said, "Isn't there a laundry pool next to the bathroom. Wouldn't it be reluctant to let you rub your pants!"

"Isn't that willing!" Kou Chen tilted his head, "I wouldn't! I don't know how to rub clothes beyond towels and **** ... Why don't you rub it for me? You are unwilling Right ... "

"Who told you I would?" Huo Ran also looked over at him.

"Are you so useless?" Kou Chen glared at him.

"Yeah," Huo Ran said, "as useless as you."

Kou Chen paused, and the two laughed at the same time.

Huo Ran sighed with a smile under her voice, "Are you sure you want to sleep so tightly?"

"Yeah," Kou Chen shook his shoulder, "I think it's okay, at least two people can lie flat."

Huo Ran glanced at the shoulders of the two who were together.

"You can sleep halfway on me if you are not convinced." Kou Chen said.

Huo Ran didn't talk anymore, pulled the sleeping bag over his legs, turned over, and turned his back on him.

Kou Chen immediately followed and turned over, and hugged him from behind: "You don't have to look like this, if you want to turn over at night, turn them together."

Huo Ran laughed: "I really convinced you."

"I really don't know that there is such a small tent." Kou Chen said.

"There are smaller ones," Huo Ran said. "My dad has a person who just lays down and sits down with his head down, which is the function of sleeping at night.

"I see." Kou Chen touched his leg across the sleeping bag.

"You pull up the sleeping bag in a while," Huo Ran said. "It's cold at night. You'd better listen to everything I say, and remember it well."

"I see, I know," Kou Chen pulled his sleeping bag, and then reached out to continue to hold him. "You are an old donkey, of course, we such chickens will listen to you."

"If you listen to me today, you won't fall into the water." Huo Ran said.

"You dare to say this, you're done!" Kou Chen stared fiercely at his back.

After staring for two seconds, the momentum didn't come out, so he stood up again and pulled Huo Ran's face over and stared.

"Good night," Huo Ran said.

"... Good night." Kou Chen lay back happily.

The next day they both woke up very early. At 4:30, there were people who were going to hike into the camp. The camp became very lively. Although all the people spoke softly, they couldn't hold many people, all kinds of fine voice Together, the effect is no worse than the ringtone of a mobile alarm clock.

"Are we going to get up too?" Kou Chen's voice was vaguely reluctant.

"I'm sorry," Huo Ran said in a similar voice. "Sleep, we'll get up when they leave."

Kou Chen went to sleep again without even saying a word.

The power of returning to the cage is very powerful, enough to fight the noise from the outside.

When the two of them woke up again, the sound outside had been changed by the people who came out to camp in the mountains last night, because the day was already dawning, and they no longer controlled the volume.

"I'll see if the clothes are dry." Huo Ran sat up, pulled up the tent, wrapped his sleeping bag, pierced his head, and felt the clothes thrown on the ground.

"Did you?" Kou Chen asked.

"Done," Huo Ran's head was still outside, and he retracted after a while, whispering in a low voice, "I'll go out to wash first, you'll wait here."

"Huh?" Kou Chen didn't understand.

"Our circle," Huo Ran said, "they are all tents, and everyone is standing outside."

"Ah?" Kou Chen froze.

"It's shaded here during the day, so it's all here," Huo Ran said, "showing us to such a tent ..."

"Our clothes are all thrown out," Kou Chen said, "exactly two sets."

Huo Ran was silent.

"A fool knows there are two people here, right?" Kou Chen said.

"You shut up." Huo Ran stared at him.

After standing in the tent for a while, Huo Ran pulled his clothes back quickly, put on the tent in the tent very hard, and gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go out first."

"Sorry," Kou Chen said. "Just go out first."

"Is it okay to go out later," Huo Ran said, "let me go first, I can still pretend you can't get up on me ..."

After Huo Ran got out of the tent, he heard Kou Chen whispering inward: "Fuck!"

However, he ignored it. When he came out, several people standing next to him looked at it. Although there were people coming out of the tent, everyone would surely take a look, but at this moment he was guilty of thief.

Pretending that there was no fart, he stretched his waist and was about to go forward. Suddenly someone heard him call him, "Horan!"

"Huh?" Huo Ran froze and turned to see a young man from their cycling club.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I wonder if it's you. How can you ride this line?" The boy asked with a smile, "Bring a friend?"

"Yes, my classmate ..." Huo Ran hesitated and glanced at the tent behind him.

Looking at it this way, the tent is especially petite.

"You two have a tent?" The lad was stunned.


"My classmate came out for the first time, and he didn't bring a tent at all," Huo Ran found a loophole immediately after he said it, and quickly added a sentence.

The young man nodded with a smile, and came over and whispered, "The chickens are all the same. I also took my friends, and when I went back, I was about to sacrifice my life. I was too tired."

"Yes." Huo Ran nodded hard.

The clean habit in the tent probably heard the previous conversation and poked his head.

"You can get up," the young man looked at the clean habit. "You must not go back when you go back, it is a little bit farther than when you came, and you wo n’t be able to catch dinner if you don't leave."

"Ah." Kou Chen responded.

"Don't worry, you can sleep until noon for these rookie chickens." The boy patted Huo Ran's arm, turned and walked to his tent, "Hurry up, there are fewer people in the bathroom now."

When Huo Ran came to the bathroom door, Kou Chen dressed and chased after him.

"Who is that person?" He asked.

"Our cycling company," Huo Ran said, "I used to go out together. He didn't ride very much the year before he got married."

"Married?" Kou Chen nodded.

"What do you mean?" Huo Ran snorted.

"I was at your house last time, to see the team of your club, what are you riding and hiking outdoors, just those photos," Kou Chen said, "I find a lot of handsome guys ..."

"Ah!" Huo Ran shouted, turning his head to stare at him, "No wonder I always let me take you!"

"Fuck?" Kou Chen froze. "Why are you rushing to talk? Do you hit the rake?"

"What happened?" Huo Ran asked.

"I'm jealous now!" Kou Chen pressed his voice, pointing at himself, "me!"

"Then you eat." Huo Ran laughed.

"In the future, you really have to take me everywhere," Kou Chen leaned on his shoulder and shook his towel. "You don't need to take a bite of a chicken, as long as you are willing to take me, I will grow into one after the college entrance examination next year. Old bird ... Veteran, I can definitely run the hardest line with you. "

"It depends on how well you test," Huo Ran rubbed his nose. "I'm afraid you won't be in a good mood if you don't pass the test. It is difficult to accept a failure at the end of the period."

"That's my dad," Kou Chen thought for a while, "If I didn't do well in the college entrance examination, will he take me to the sea?"

"Go, it's impossible," Huo Ran laughed. "He can't pull you into the sea, and you can't do well in exams."

"So confident in me?" Kou Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Yes," Huo Ran said.

After cleaning and packing the tent, the two went to eat something. Huo Ran stopped Kou Chen from letting him eat too much and ate half full.

This line is a U-shaped back and forth. The road going back is better than when it came. It will also turn over a mountain, which is the highest place nearby. There is also an observation platform on the top of the mountain.

The scenery is good, but the road is harder to ride than when it comes.

In addition to watching the scenery, many things are like this. This theory has been learned in elementary schools, but Huo Ran almost felt the intuitive feeling after the final review of the final exam study group.

Kou Chen has yesterday's experience, and has obviously stabilized a lot since he set off today.

"Honest?" Huo Ran asked.

"Keep telling you," Kou Chen stood in the car. "I got up this morning, and I found my **** was sore, so I was honest."

Huo Ran smiled and shook the handlebars: "Are your legs sore?"

"The legs are okay," Kou Chen said. "You can bear it, but you can't bear it with sour ass."

"It will be better in a few minutes," Huo Ran said. "It will be numb after riding down. It will be a tragedy in the world a few days after going back."

"Will you do the same?" Kou Chen asked.

"It's not that serious, but it's a little bit more," Huo Ran said. "I must have been a tragedy this time. I haven't been riding for a long time."

"Have you ever ridden this road before?" Kou Chen asked again.

"Of course I've been there, it's quite a lot of times," Huo Ran thought about it, "My plan is to take you to run me first, all the places where the difficulty is small, and you can challenge the difficult ones together ... ... "

"Don't you say you didn't take me!" Kou Chen shouted happily, "Every time you ask me to take me out, it's as difficult as asking for martial arts secrets!"

Huo Ran hehe hehe he said nothing.

There are quite a lot of people on this road, and you can meet the rest on the ride. Kou Chen is in a good mood. He will say hello whether he meets the rest or surpasses someone else's car.

It's like a schoolboy going out for a spring trip for the first time.

When Huo Ran stopped halfway to help the two girls repair the car, he also clicked a dozen with his mobile phone.

When they took a break next time, Huo Ran saw in his circle of friends a picture of himself loading black chains with a car.

With a line of words: Huo Daxia actually rejected the girl's request for WeChat after repairing the car

Below are various messages from the group of seven and classmates.

Under the leadership of Wu Xiaochen, everyone brushed the same sentence.

-It's so cold.

Kou Chen was so angry that he could hardly fall, leaning on the signpost on the side of the road.

"I tell you Kou Chen, we can wait here, and when they catch up, I'll ask for WeChat." Huo Ran took out his mobile phone and took a few pictures of Kou Chen. This sign says, the highest point Travel 500 meters.

"Domestic violence!" Kou Chen still grinned.

Huo Ran said nothing and looked at the screen.

A lot of people will take photos under this brand. The brand itself is not very special, but looking at it from this angle ... In Huo Ran's lens, you can see a very long slow uphill road when they come over, from far away. The fog appeared in the mountains and straight up. Many people took a few breaks to ride this section, or just pushed the car to finish.

But this scenery is very beautiful, just behind the signboard, it is endless green, spread to the sky, and finally becomes dark on the horizon, with a few silver rivers in the middle.

Kou Chen leaned in such a landscape and laughed happily with his head up.

After Huo Ran took a dozen photos, he fixed the phone on the front of the car and turned on the camera.

"Selfie?" Kou Chen immediately came over.

"Well," Huo Ran responded. How can there be only Kou Chen alone in such a picture. When he sees it later, he is afraid that he will be jealous of the scenery of this second. There must be a photo here. A little bit behind ... "

Kou Chen stepped into the car, looked at the screen on his right and rear, and found a place: "Is this OK?"

"Okay," Huo Ran found his place. He was struggling at this angle. His whole face came out too scary. He could barely prove himself by showing only one arm. Finally, he showed half of his face. "

"Shoo it, do you have to shout one, two or three," Kou Chen said with a smile, "the natural state is the best."

Huo Ran ordered a delay.

They both just looked forward when the picture was frozen.

"It's okay," said Kou Chen, "I want to do the same, half-faced is really **** handsome."

"That's my half face." Huo remarked ruthlessly.

"My half face can be hit in a fisheye lens," Kou Chen also said coldly, "you go back and forth."

Facts have proved that the king ’s selfie is still very bullish. In this photo, he shows his side face, the beautiful lines are drawn by the sun, and the lashes are shining. He looks at Huo Ran behind him and Huo Ran smiles at him.

"How!" Kou Chen pointed at his face.

"Handsome." Huo Ran touched the tip of his nose.

"How!" Kou Chen pointed to his smiling face again.

"So handsome." Huo Ran nodded very sincerely.

Kou Chen smiled and passed both photos to his mobile phone, and sent a circle of friends.

Ready to climb.

"That's a bit of a shame," Huo Ran snorted. "I don't know what great place you are going to."

"What's the altitude here?" Kou Chen asked. "Are you old donkeys carrying an altimeter?"

"Come here with an altimeter!" Huo shouted helplessly, "It's 837 meters here! I'm ashamed to write the altitude on top! When you go to Tibet ..."

Kou Chen smiled as he pedaled the car and rushed forward: "How do you know the 837 meters!"

"The altimeter I see ... rely on," Huo Ran said, and he was happy. "I really brought the altimeter when I first came here."

The two laughed wildly and rode to the top of the mountain.

"Ah-" Kou Chen supported on one leg, shouting at a large green area over there, "Lao Tzu's legs are sour-"

Just after shouting, several people came out from the pavilion of the observation deck, followed by a smile and shouted, "Yeah--"

Huo Ran threw the car to the ground next to him and walked into the pavilion. There were steps to go down to the edge.

Kou Chen followed after a while, stood next to him, and touched his arm with a horrified look: "I fuck! Do you know! When I walked down the steps ... My legs were soft and almost kneeled. All the way to your side ... "

Huo Ran did not hold back and burst into laughter again. There was not even a mountain in front.

"But anyway," Kou Chen ignored his mockery completely and said happily while hammering his legs, "Today is considered to be the goal."

"Well," Huo Ran smiled and nodded, and opened his arms and took a breath. "A lot of goals have been achieved recently, sprouts, passed, reached the summit, and the relationship with your father is better ..."

"The relationship with Kou's second child is not a goal," Kou Chen said, thinking about it and saying, "Okay, let's count it. If you count this, there will be a lot of goals, a little busy, we are still so small."

"Just because we're ... so small," Huo Ran said, "there are so many goals."

"Well," Kou Chen also opened his arms, "you have to stay with me."

"You have to stay with me, too," Huo Ran said.

"Always." Kou Chen said.

"Well, always." Huo Ran nodded.

The author has something to say: The body text is ... finished.

Take a break tomorrow and start to update Fanwai the day after tomorrow. Thank you for accompanying me to finish another story.

The lives of the two children are still very long, and there will be many, many stories. We ca n’t look at all of them, but we have seen the youngest, youngest, most arrogant, and most sincere section of their aunts. Bless them, they will walk steadily and well.

Change Xu Baba's words-they are both drunk and ten thousand years old. 2k novel reading network

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