Solo Leveling (MTL)
Chapter 353 Table of contents

The king of the undead, who had borrowed the appearance of a human, was watching him with majestic eyes.

His authority as lord sent a shudder through the dragon's body.

But this is only temporary.

The dragon's gaze moved further back.

Then, the stupid faces of the humans who looked at him with their mouths open came into view.


The dragon recalled the endless malice he had harbored against humans before dying.

Immediately afterwards, the pain of being cut off at the hands of humans also emerged at that moment.

To kill all humans...


Thinking of this, the dragon completely lost his mind.

There was blood in the eyes of the dragon who straightened up.

"All... kill all of them."

The air inside the storage building began to boil.

"My God..."

The chief let out an exclamation.

They are in a space designed to house the dead Kamish.

And the moment Kamish stood up and raised his head, the wide void seemed infinitely narrow.

With a "click", the reinforced glass holding Kamish shattered, and Kamish, who hit his head on the ceiling, smashed the concrete with a blow.

"What, what?"

"No way......?"

There was something red and glowing in Kamish's wide-open mouth.

After the Battle of Kamish, the staff of the Hunter Management Bureau held countless meetings and reviewed the recorded video, and the director and deputy director also reviewed the red light countless times in the video.

The anxious Adam hurriedly grabbed the director's shoulder and shouted.

"Director, you have to avoid..."

"That's the breath of Kamish! Where can I escape to!"

If there is a red flash, both the custody building and the headquarters of the Hunter Administration will collapse, and the people present can speak for themselves.

There is nowhere safe from Kamish's attacks.


One of the managers was pale, and one leg seemed to lose strength and fell to the ground.

The other two hurriedly pressed the combination of the door lock to escape from the corpse storage building.

Knowing that all actions were futile, the chief and deputy chief just looked at Cheng Jin-Woo and Kamish in dismay.

ah ah ah one

The red light formed by magic finally turned into a glowing red sphere.

It concludes preparations for erasing all 'human beings in sight.

We all know that Kamish is about to emit super-high temperature dragon breath.



This command was so violent that Cheng Jin-Woo's neck burst out with blue veins.

The director and his party reflexively raised their arms to cover their eyes because of the scorching eyes.

When the light covered the interior, everyone thought that death was imminent.

However, this is their conclusion.

Seeing that the attack did not fall, they slowly put their hands down.

" is it possible..."

Obviously the dragon exudes anger all over its body, but the sparks in its mouth are gradually extinguishing.

Kamish, who melted the lives of more than a hundred elite hunters with one breath, stopped attacking immediately because of Cheng Jin-Woo's words?

The director, still in shock, locked his eyes on Cheng Jin-Woo.

And what happened next was even more astonishing, the director almost dropped his eyeballs in shock.

Seong Jin-Woo said this to Kamish.

"The magic spar inlaid in your mind has long been cleared. You don't need to obey the order of the ruler anymore."

The deputy chief, who was next to the chief, asked the chief in surprise.

"Is Hunter Seong Jin-Woo speaking Warcraft now?"

"...I don't know how to make sense of everything I'm looking at right now."

While everyone was astonished, Cheng Jin-Woo breathed a sigh of relief.

'call. '

Before coming to the Authority, he had been worrying about what to do.

Fortunately, it turned out very well, which is really a blessing.

To be honest, Cheng Jin-Woo also felt a little dizzy when he felt the strong anger surging from the dragon.

'What shadow soldier's ego can be so strong?'

The king of giants said that the higher the existence, the stronger the ego' seems to be true.

Even the dragon himself was amazed at how obediently he obeyed his new lord.

"Is this how it feels to surrender to the Shadow King..."

The standing giant dragon gradually lowered its posture, expressing respect to Cheng Jin-Woo.

With a slight movement of the giant dragon, he followed the anxious people and breathed a sigh of relief.

The dragon with its nose on the ground whispered.

"Humble servants of the Dragon King pay homage to the new king."

There is also a sense of solemnity in the unique grunt of monsters.

Cheng Jin-Woo walked towards the dragon slowly, and put his hand on its nose.

I saw the giant dragon gently closed its eyes, enjoying the lord's touch.

It seems to be able to feel an indescribable sense of comfort flowing down the nose to the whole body.

Cheng Jin-Woo also noticed Julong's improved mood.

His heart, which had finally calmed down, roared violently again.

Plop! Plop!

"Kamish, that dragon Kamish has really become my soldier..."

Cheng Jin-Woo's face was full of smiles unconsciously.

In this unbelievable situation, Adam, who was still surprised and couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, found out first, and he asked the deputy director in disbelief.

"Deputy Chief, is that Kamish... is wagging his tail at Hunter Seong Jin-Woo right now?"

What, the worst disaster in human history is not a puppy, what is this talking about.

Looking at Kamish's tail and concluding that' this is impossible, the deputy director let out a groan.

"Oh my God......"

As soon as Cheng Jin-Woo took his hand away, the dragon's tail also stopped shaking.

It raised its head again.

'Kamish' is a name given to the dragon by humans for their own convenience.

While Cheng Jin-Woo was thinking about what to name the new shadow soldier, it remembered what the little guy said when he said hello.

"You said you served the Dragon King?"

"Yes, my king."

The giant dragon continued to speak in a humble tone.

"I have served the king of light dragons and destroyed the king."

'King of the dead, king of shadows...'

And the king of giants, King Taizu.

Seong Jin-Woo realizes that the master that the dragon said was one of the nine monarchs heard from the system at that time.

But right now, that doesn't matter.

What he wants to know more now is what the dragon's real name is.

That's how you can give it a name.

"Then what was your name before..."

For a moment, Cheng Jin-Woo was speechless.

Seong Jin-Woo, who looked up at the dragon, began to shake in his heart.

As if sand was flying in the wind, the dragon's body slowly slid down.

"But my lord, it's time for me to say goodbye."


Seong Jin-Woo's feelings were intertwined with Julong's.

It was sadness without a tinge of hypocrisy.

The giant dragon really felt sorry.

"It's too late to see the lord."

Hasn't the power possessed by the Shadow King been able to span eight years?

Trapped at the end of the abyss for too long, the dragon's weakened magic vanished into the air.

'System! System!'

Feeling very sorry, Seong Jin-Woo tried to call the system, but the system did not respond as usual.

Just like Seong Jin-Woo can feel Julong's feelings, Julong can also know Seong Jin-Woo's feelings.

"I envy those soldiers who can serve you forever."

This is the truth.

The dragon leaves a final piece of advice to the king who does not want to lose his soldiers.

"My lord, there are four humans who have borrowed the power of the ruler. Please be careful of them."

While the shape became blurred, the voice of the dragon gradually faded away.

"Although the time is short, I feel very honored to meet the new owner..."

Like a lie, the shadow of the dragon disappeared, and the lights that had been flashing before returned to their original state.

The director who held his breath and watched from the beginning to the end hurriedly went to check the dragon's body.

However, the dragon's body was as if nothing had happened.

Feeling like a dream, the director's head went blank for a moment.

But if all of this was a dream, Hunter Seong Jin-Woo standing there would not show such a disappointed expression now.

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