Solo Leveling (MTL)
Chapter 382 Table of contents

When fighting that guy just now, Cheng Jin-Woo discovered its weakness.

He already had a countermeasure in his head.

Cheng Jin-Woo smiled and called out several shadow soldiers.

"come out."

As if he had been waiting for a long time, Fang and three magic soldiers quickly appeared in front of him.

At this time when the other shadow soldiers are all in battle, it makes sense to keep these guys waiting.

"let's start."

At the same time as Cheng Jin-Woo gave the order, the giant fangs sprayed out a pillar of fire, and the other three magic soldiers also started a spark show.

ah ah ah ah ah ah!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After the fire spread, the trees writhed and screamed.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp!"

"Chi Chi Chi!"


I don't know if it's because the sparks are so magical, but even if it's not a dead tree, those guys burn perfectly.

The foul-smelling liquid was also quickly evaporated along with the heat, and Cheng Jin-Woo, who had already retreated a certain distance, watched happily from the side.

Cheng Jin-Woo couldn't help showing a smile on the battle strategy, and in front of his eyes, the system information was piled up happily one by one.

[The enemy has been eliminated. 】



Countless messages that pop up.

The strong fecundity of Warcraft is both bad news and good news.

After all, this means that the experience value will increase accordingly.

And just as Cheng Jin-Woo thought.

With the sound of "ding bell", there was a lighter mechanical sound than usual.

【Level up!】

That's it!

Cheng Jin-Woo clenched his fists happily.

In order to confirm the rising points, he immediately summoned the status window.

'Status window. '


【Name: Cheng XiaoWoo】

【Level: 133】

【Occupation: Shadow King】

[Title: Demon Hunter (2 other)]

【HP: 78,230】


【Fatigue: 3】


Power: 308

Stamina: 307

Agility: 316

Intelligence: 321

Feeling: 298

(Available points: 0)

It has risen to level one hundred and thirty-three.

Thanks to the soldiers who are engaged in team battles all over the country, the level is climbing up quickly.

Those countless monsters pouring out from the portal were a good opportunity for Cheng Jin-Woo.

Almost all the points are over three hundred, and the only remaining feeling points are two points away from three hundred.

'After tomorrow's daily task is completed, focus on feeling points. '

Thinking of this, Cheng Jin-Woo closed the status window with a smile.

The king of giants speaks of war.

What President Goh Gun-li said about their plan.

He had no way of knowing what those were.

But what does it matter.

No matter what happens, just be prepared in advance to deal with it.

Now is the time to seriously upgrade.

However, at this moment, Bell, who led the ant army to the furthest distance from Cheng Jin-Woo to destroy the monsters, received news.

'My king...the minister is terrified, and I have something to report. '

How could the strong Bell call himself at this juncture?

Cheng Jin-Woo, who was somewhat surprised, immediately sent a signal to Bell.

'What's up?'


"...If you don't have one, please contact me through the H Country Hunter Association."

Since Cheng Jin-Woo's interview was spread, the Hunter Association has received countless inquiries one after another.

Most of the calls are from top hunters from all over the world.

Among them is the hunter who secretly came to the country so that he could consult with Cheng Jin-Woo.

Country D's strongest hunter, Lennart Neeleman, is one of them.

"I don't even dare to speak out with such confidence when I have the title of national power level hunter. What am I compared to Cheng Jin-Woo..."

Judging from what happened in country R and country M, Cheng Jin-Woo is definitely a man with outstanding ability and humility.

Rather than just waiting tremblingly in anxiety, I should have more faith in Cheng Jin-Woo who said he has a countermeasure.

'I can't just stay in country D peacefully. '

In this way, Leinart chose to go to country H.

After Chu arrived at the airport, Leinart took a deep breath of the air of Country H, which was different from Country D and Country M.

'This is the smell of country H...'

The atmosphere of State Y that he felt for the first time made him very excited, and he asked the immigration inspection staff questions in an excited voice.

"Is this the country of Seong Jin-Woo the Hunter?"

"What? Ah, right..."

The clerk nodded frantically, and Lennart smiled contentedly.

You can talk to the strongest hunter in the world right away.

At the time of the joint guild meeting, Cheng Jin-Woo passed him by, but now he can actually see him again like this, this is a meeting that makes the heart tremble uncontrollably just thinking about it.

Just when Lennart took a big breath to calm his excitement, the tall man standing behind him said impatiently.

"If you want to dawdle, get out of the way."

Veins popped out of Lennart's gentle face instantly.

How dare you!

How dare you be so rude to yourself as one of the top hunters in the world!

This bad attitude of yours must be corrected.

Lennart took off the sunglasses he was wearing and turned around gracefully.

"Hey! Seeing my face, can you say the same thing?"

But then, Lennart's expression suddenly became as stiff as a stone.

In front of Lennart, the man who was a head taller than Lennart also took off his sunglasses.

The man said harshly.

"I said give way, open."

Leinart, who had lost his vigor, was trembling. After the man spoke, Leinart bowed his head.

"You, please."

After pushing Lennart away with his broad shoulders, Thomas stood on the immigration desk without saying a word.

Of course, an apology is for Laura who follows behind.

State power level hunter.

After witnessing the true face of Thomas, known as the world's strongest hunter, the airport staff felt suffocated.

Goliath is called a giant.

Thomas was not nicknamed Goliath for nothing.

After noticing that the clerk's face was gradually losing its color, Thomas put his sunglasses back on and smiled.

"Is this the country of MR. Cheng?"

Chapter 205 Bell Upgrade

'My king, my minister is terrified, and I have something to report. '

Bell suddenly called.

What does the strongest soldier who leads the army of ants fighting in the farthest distance want to say?

'What's up?'

Bell carefully sought the sovereign's consent.

'Can you concentrate all the prey on me?'

Concentrate all the prey?

The prey Bell mentioned should refer to the monsters who escaped from the dungeon due to the out-of-control.

And Bell's words mean that it wants to deal with the monsters alone?

Even Insatiable, who is a general, can't face Bell directly, and Bell's subordinates are even less likely to rebel.

Cheng Jin-Woo thought about the reason for a while, and suddenly, something flashed through his head.

Could it be...?

'As the number of prey I handled increased, my whole body gradually felt a similar feeling to that of eclosion. '


Cheng Jin-Woo's guess was correct.

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