Solo Leveling (MTL)
Chapter 434 Table of contents

"If you, President, are a person who can do whatever it takes to get what you want, then I won't take any risks for you."

"Does this mean that I didn't use Chen Hao?"


Cheng Jin-Woo nodded.

As expected of being the leader of a world-class company, Chairman Yoo Myung-han immediately understood what Cheng Jin-Woo wanted to say.

Yoo Myung-han has a chip card that can call Cheng Jin-Woo.

That is his son, Liu Chenhao, the vice president of Xiao Ya.

However, after he was rejected, he didn't pester him endlessly, but simply left.

It was because he believed what Seong Jin-Woo said, "There is no way".

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

Cheng Jin-Woo, who insisted on his principles, used his trust in Yoo Myung-Han to respond to Yoo Myung-Han's confidence in himself.

Although it took a long time to figure out if he could actually be trusted.

' And sure enough, my decision was correct. '

Cheng Jin-Woo smiled.

at the same time.

Tears flowed from one side of Liu Minghan's eyes.

"I don't know what to say to thank you."

After wiping away tears with his palm, Liu Minghan's tone was quite solemn.

"Please let me repay the favor I have received, even if what I can repay is very small compared with what you have given. But please also let me repay you my gratitude."

Only in this way can the debt in my heart be reduced a little.

Liu Minghan continued.

"Cheng Hunter, what do you want?"

"There is nothing to want. but......"

Because of this "but", Liu Minghan pricked up his ears.

If Hunter Seong Jin-Woo wants money, he will give it. If he wants something else, even if he uses his influence, he must find a way to get it back.

Just when Liu Minghan was thinking this way, Cheng Jin-Woo hesitated and spoke.

However, the answer was completely different from what Liu Minghan thought.

"In case, can you help me take care of my mother and sister if something happens to me?"

The answer came out after hesitation.

Cheng Jin-Woo thought what if there was an eventuality?

In order to prepare for the worst, he entrusted his family members.

The money has been saved and there will be no shortage of money, but there are things that money can't protect.

At this time, President Liu Minghan was enough to become a solid breakwater for his family.

"...Is it really as long as this is all right, Hunter Cheng?"


Although it was hard to imagine what would happen to Hunter Cheng Jin-Woo, Yoo Myung-han, thinking that he would accept any request, immediately nodded and agreed without any hesitation.

"I promise you, if there is a day, I will take good care of them."

The long conversation is over.


Just when Cheng Jin-Woo wanted to get up and leave.

Looking at Cheng Jin-Woo in front of him, Liu Minghan couldn't help feeling very sorry that the conversation ended like this.

At this time, Liu Minghan realized belatedly that he really liked this young man named Cheng Xiaoyu.

If I can become a family with Seong Jin-Woo Hunter...

"Are there any women you're dating right now?"

He, who had never thought of using his beloved daughter as a political marriage tool, even asked himself unconsciously.

If it was him, it wouldn't be a pity to give Chen Xi to him.

It was the first time that Liu Minghan met a young man who would make him have such an idea.

Following President Liu's words, Cheng Jin-Woo grinned.

"I have someone I like."


Realizing how embarrassing the question he asked, Chairman Liu Minghan blushed a little.

This is such a precious young man.

However, Liu Minghan is not a person who will be obsessed with what he can't get.

He immediately raised his head and said goodbye to Cheng Jin-Woo with a smile.

"Hopefully there will be no situation in the future where we need to abide by today's agreement."

Cheng Jin-Woo also raised the corners of his lips.

"For that, I will do my best."


Now that all his ability values ​​have already reached the highest point, the only thing he can grow now is the ability to use troops.

In order to make final preparations, Cheng Jin-Woo once again returned to the country where ordinary people are forbidden to enter and exit.

The vast sea of ​​trees stretches as far as the eye can see.

According to the instructions issued, the commander-in-chief Berleon divided the Shadow Legion into three groups, and Berleon himself, Yegrit, and Bell each led a group.

Seeing the soldiers divided into three groups under the hillside, Cheng Xiaoyu nodded slightly.

Judging from the aura felt by the soldiers, they seemed to be trying to balance their strength carefully and cautiously.

The commander-in-chief who met Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes lowered his head deeply.

This guy seems to be the same as Yegrit, and he is the type who can handle the things entrusted to him neatly.

On the contrary...

'This kid......'

Cheng Jin-Woo turned around and looked helplessly at the "small dormitory" on the hillside.

"Bell, come running."


From the bottom of the hill to the highest point, Bell ran over in the blink of an eye and knelt down next to Cheng Jin-Woo.

"O king!"

"Lie Down and Stretch One"

Before Cheng Jin-Woo finished speaking, Bell slammed his head to the ground.

Cheng Jin-Woo raised his voice

"Is this a small dormitory where I can rest in peace? Let's not talk about the size, just ask you if this is a dormitory?"


Under Cheng Jin-Woo's pressure, Bell, who flinched, replied in an aggrieved tone.

"If it is the dormitory that Wang wants to live in, it must be at least this level..."


Cheng Jin-Woo held his forehead.

Building a house is the bounden duty of ants.

So he ignores possible problems of scale.

If it was an ant monster that was bigger and more powerful than a human, he should have expected what kind of house would appear.

As soon as Cheng Jin-Woo raised his head, he was again overwhelmed by the majesty of the 'small dormitory'.

In order to be more eye-catching, the ants built a huge castle with white stones, extending from the end of the land here to the far end of the land there.

How tall is it?

He looked up at the edge of the castle, even to the point where his neck felt sore.

Seong Jin-Woo has always felt a headache for the unnecessary enthusiasm of the ants to devote themselves to things that they have never been attached to.

Cheng Jin-Woo rubbed his temples and sighed.

"The black flag fluttering at the end of that castle... Um, what is the reason for hanging it up?」

Just talking...

I saw Berleon quickly ran to Bell's side, and plunged his head into the ground in the blink of an eye.


Cheng Jin-Woo, who was speechless for a while, stopped looking at Bell and Burleon, and turned to the soldiers.

"All troops, start training!"

Immediately afterwards, the thunderous shouts of the shadow soldiers shook the ground.

Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah one!

Chapter 233 Final Announcement

One day, two days, then three days.

Three days have passed since the super-large teleportation portal appeared in various countries around the world.

During this period, the turmoil in the country where the portal was generated and its neighboring countries began to intensify significantly.

This is because no special countermeasures have been introduced.

Angry citizens demanding countermeasures took to the streets to demonstrate.

The news took turns filming the growing size of the protesters and the shrinking portal above their heads, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation for days.

"The phenomenon known as the Megaportal has been in the sky for about seventy-five hours, and the government still has nothing to say."

"We can see countless citizens marching with signs saying 'Government answer'."

"The number of demonstrations is increasing and the demonstrations are becoming more and more intense. It seems that concerns on the eve of the outbreak are emerging..."

This is a situation that did not even appear in country H, which was the first to have a super-large teleportation port.

"Why is only country H different from other countries?"

The experts analyzed quickly, and the conclusions drawn were simple.

One is because of the decisiveness of the hunters of country H. After the portal appeared, the Hunters Association of country H immediately gathered all the hunters from all over the country in one place to prepare for defense.

And the second is because the people of country H have gained a sense of security far beyond that of other countries.

Because the strongest hunter beyond the national power level is in his own country.

Said one of the experts invited to participate in the special program in front of the camera.

"Hunter Seong Jin-Woo almost handled two S-level dungeons out of control by himself. Ant monsters and giant monsters, the two most notable incidents in the past year were resolved in his hands."

Needless to say, the giant monsters that landed in the country, the ant team battle on Qizhou Island is also very concerned all over the world.

It is said that the TV station that had the exclusive right to broadcast the team battle at that time had earned the sales of the past three years at once, which... is enough to see how high-profile the event was.

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