Solo Leveling (MTL)
Chapter 445 Table of contents

The last shot should be kept for yourself.

The pilot's hand drooped limply.

He stood there helplessly, and the first thing that came to him was a cockroach-like monster.

swish swish!

Seeing the worm-shaped monster occupying his entire field of vision, the pilot sat powerlessly on the ground.

The moans of despair could no longer be suppressed.


at this time.

A miracle happened...

Beep, beep, beep!

It was as if an invisible sharp claw had torn the worm-shaped monster in front of him into pieces.

"Oh my God!"

Although trembling, he still wanted to find out the source of this miracle.

Soon, he saw an oriental male standing not far from him.

Although there is only a back view, it is not difficult to guess the man's identity by looking at the two uniquely shaped daggers in the man's hand.

"Seong Jin-Woo... Cheng Jin-Woo Hunter?」

Cheng Jin-Woo turned to look at the pilot.

Obviously, Cheng Jin-Woo's expression makes it difficult to distinguish whether he is an enemy or a friend, but what is clear is that his eyes seem to tell the pilot to run away quickly.

At the same moment, more enemies are rushing forward.

"Even Hunter Seong Jin-Woo can't be alone..."

The pilot's words stopped abruptly.

Bang Ka Ka Ka Ka!

Whenever Cheng Jin-Woo waved 'Kamish's Wrath', the monsters were torn apart like paper figurines.

Seong Jin-Woo, who had gained some time, looked at the pilot again.


"Yes Yes!"

The pilot then struggled to stand up and escaped with all his strength.

Glancing at the back of the pilot, Cheng Jin-Woo looked forward again.

Although dozens of enemies have been dealt with just now, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Hundreds of times the enemy smelled the breath of war.

This is just the first step in the war.

'Then... let's start with these bugs. '


Cheng Jin-Woo took a deep breath.

Then, he said a word to this group of soldiers who came from the mixed world, which was enough to reverse the whole situation of the battle.

"stand up."

Chapter 239 Legion, start action

"stand up."

Cheng Jin-Woo's voice just fell.

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!

The bugs that were torn apart just now became his shadow soldiers and floated up one by one.

Although they have turned dead monsters into soldiers in battles before, this time these guys are not at the same level as those.

In the past, because the system has been suppressing the power of the shadow king, the power of the shadow soldier has been weakened a lot compared to his life, but now he has become the shadow king, and he will not be suppressed by the system anymore. He can already create a complete shadow Soldier.

Jie Jie-!

The shadow soldier, who was stronger than before, was covered with black steam.

The stronger the soldiers of the mixed world, the stronger the shadow soldiers made from them.

These forces have been destroying the entire world until now, but now, this force has become their own shackles.

Seong Jin-Woo gave the first order to the soldiers with high morale.

Go ahead and have fun.

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie

The worm-shaped soldiers rushed towards the soldiers of the chaotic world.

Cheng Jin-Woo also followed afterward.

In an instant, he passed over the worm-shaped soldiers leading the battle, and came among the half-orcs standing at the forefront.


The panicked half-orcs and the ogres mixed in with the half-orcs waved their weapons indiscriminately, but none of them caused any harm to Cheng Jin-Woo.

Cheng Jin-Woo easily avoided the attacks from all directions, and immediately after he swung his dagger, the orcs were mercilessly swept away by his attack.

Every time the short sword is swung, the black sword wind extending from the short sword will tear the ground under their feet while killing the orcs.

It's a hurricane.

Those half-orcs fell down one after another before they could scream.

And at this moment, Cheng Jin-Woo noticed that the shadow above his head was constantly expanding.

Cheng Jin-Woo raised his head.


The huge predator that couldn't see the whole picture clearly even if he raised his head was looking down at him.

It is holding a stone pillar as long as its arm in its hand.

I don't know how many human beings it swallowed, but the human blood on the corner of its mouth has already started to turn black.

Cheng Jin-Woo frowned.

Just before the giant swung down the stone pillar, Seong Jin-Woo took the lead.

He came to the crotch of the giant in an instant and swung the 'Kamish's Wrath' which he held in his hand vigorously.


The black sword wind shot from the blade instantly cut off the giant's ankle cleanly.


The giant that lost one foot screamed and shook, and finally lost its balance, and its huge body fell backwards.


The monsters behind the giant did not have time to escape the huge body of the giant.

Next it was the turn of the Bug Soldiers.

The giant fell to the ground panting heavily, and the worm-shaped soldiers jumped onto its body with ease.

rustle rustle

The giant struggled to throw off the worm soldiers, but the worm soldiers quickly reached the giant's face.

The bugs immediately began to enjoy their feast.


The giant kept screaming and convulsing, but its struggle soon stopped, but this was not the end of the giant.

Once again, Cheng Jin-Woo gave the order again.

"stand up."


woo woo woo woo -

Beside the giant who had been gnawed beyond recognition by the bugs, a shadow of its size slowly stood up.

Even the shadow soldiers who were crushed under the giant's body crawled out one by one.

The orc-turned shadow soldiers took up their weapons and stared at their former companions.

Unknowingly, more than a hundred monsters of the mixed world joined the shadow army.


When the giant soldier moved, the enemies trembled.

It ignored the surroundings and snatched the stone pillar from its body.

Now this is the weapon of the giant soldier.

Boom, boom, boom-

It splashed the taxi fragments on the stone pillars on the ground.

As if regretting not being able to swing the stone pillar well before its death, it pulled its arms back vigorously and prepared to attack.

Only then did the mixed-world soldiers realize what kind of enemy they were facing.

One, two, three.

These soldiers who once enjoyed war began to retreat.

Cheng Jin-Woo could clearly feel the fear coming from the air.

He spoke to them in the language of kings.

"What are you afraid of?"

The counterattack has only just begun, and it's too early to feel scared just like that.

There was a cold light in Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes.

Just at this very moment.


The giant trooper swung the pillar vigorously, and the enemy was swept away like a bunch of fragile toys.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!


Cheng Jin-Woo appeared on the battlefield.

The Dragon Emperor, who did not relax his vigilance at all, sensed the aura of the Shadow King.

'Just to the east. '

He is at the easternmost end of the forces extending from himself.

The Shadow King is there.

The ancient dragons and another king also sensed the Shadow King's actions after the Dragon Emperor.

The king of demons, the king of the fantasy world, said to the Dragon Emperor.

"Lead the whole army now..."

But Dragon Emperor interrupted him by raising his hand.

The subordinates were very puzzled.

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