Doomsday Spiritual Artifact Master
Chapter 184.2 Table of contents

Chapter 184.2 – Before the Apocalypse (1)

◎ (Vincent x Xie Lan) Parents’ Love ◎

Six months later.


Xie Lan had just come out of her father’s study when she encountered her half-brother, Xie Ping, in the corner of the staircase.

“I heard you’re planning to form an army composed of awakeners? Ambitious, aren’t you?” Xie Ping’s expression was peculiar, with a touch of both mockery and seriousness.

This sister of his surpassed everyone by far. With extraordinary abilities, she had long been selected as the next master of Beijun. Xie Ping had tried to vie for her position, but Xie Lan was strict in her selection of soldiers and governed with discipline. Her troops not only had fierce combat capabilities but also unwavering determination. Moreover, they only followed Xie Lan’s orders.

Half a year ago, she brought back nearly three hundred awakened individuals from Askar and decisively won the border ownership in Hede Island. Now, her position was secure, and no one could shake it.

Xie Lan casually replied, “Heard the private doctor came yesterday? Big brother, take care of yourself.”

Xie Ping’s expression changed abruptly.

Back at the military headquarters, the terminal beeped, and her mother’s projection appeared, her tone as lamenting as ever, “When are you getting married?”

Accompanying the communication were numerous profiles of potential marriage partners. Xie Lan only glanced at them briefly and quickly closed it.

“Did you have another argument with someone?”

“Yes, yes, yes! I’m all alone in this; no one helps me when I argue.” Her mother, with delicate makeup, sighed while covering her chest. “You can choose the person, but you must get married. I’ve been wanting to hold a grandchild for a long time.”

Xie Lan looked helpless. The internal relationships of the Xie family were complex. Her mother was the fourth wife of her father, but Xie Lan knew her mother’s combat capabilities well. She could scold ten people by herself without fear. It seemed like she just felt lonely. Born into the Xie family, Xie Lan had a detached view of marriage. Since her mother wished for it, she agreed to get married.

She opened the folder, sifting through the potential suitors one by one. The more she looked, the more discerning she became: this one wouldn’t do, too chubby; that one wouldn’t do, too short; this one had a vacant gaze, clearly untrustworthy; and this one… a bit too simple; she did have certain expectations for intelligence.

Her thoughts drifted away, and a pair of light-colored eyes flashed by. When she tried to recall them, the memories seemed a bit blurry.

Xie Lan began frequenting blind dates, but unfortunately, she didn’t find any of the men in the folder appealing.

In the last blind date, she met the young master of the Xu family, said to be pursuing a Ph.D. Maybe Xie Lan’s aura was too strong; the young master seemed a bit awkward, wearing glasses, shy and timid. Surprisingly, Xie Lan didn’t get up and leave; she even made a joke, “Do all you researchers have such dark circles under your eyes?”

The young master appeared bewildered, not quite understanding whom she referred to as “you researchers.” Nevertheless, he honestly replied, “No, it’s because I’ve been working on my thesis recently, pulling several all-nighters. I’m not a genius, so writing is quite painful for me.”

Xie Lan was curious, “How do you define a genius in your academic field?”

Talking about a familiar topic, the young master’s words flowed, “We do have geniuses in our field! Vincent Zhuang, around my age, but he earned two Ph.D. degrees in Biology and Genetics before turning twenty. He made a name for himself in the field of genetic engineering. Do you know Professor Bob?”

Xie Lan nodded, “I’ve heard of him.” She didn’t have a favorable impression of this particular professor.

The young master’s face lit up with admiration, “Professor Bob leads the Genetic Enhancement Project, now called the Genetic Selection Project. Vincent is also part of it, and it’s really amazing.”

Over the past six months, the concept of “genetic selection” had gained immense popularity, maintaining a success rate of 65%. Families in District B had started experiments, but due to the high cost, only a very small number of people could enjoy the benefits of “awakening.”

Xie Lan listened absentmindedly, her mind gradually focusing on the clear and handsome face.

After chatting for a while and realizing there was no spark between them, they parted amicably. Before leaving, Xie Lan jokingly said, “I don’t know if your thesis will pass, but I’m sure the dark circles of a genius are heavier than yours.”

The young master was momentarily stunned, only to belatedly realize that, ignoring Xie Lan’s strong aura, her beauty was also top-notch.

That night, Xie Lan huddled on the sofa, opened the projection, and meticulously read Vincent’s information, from his complex and profound papers to his image. She didn’t understand a single word of his lengthy and intricate articles. When she reached his image, she lingered for a long time.

On a rainy day, Xie Lan returned to District B9. It coincided with the graduation season at the Askar First Military Academy, and she had to personally select non-commissioned officers.

For some reason, the weather wasn’t favorable both times she visited – last time, dust filled the air, and this time, it was a drizzly day. Xie Lan arrived alone at the research center, peering inside through the transparent glass.

Vincent, wearing experimental goggles, was focused on the instruments, head bowed attentively observing the data while jotting down notes with a stylus. Only half of his profile was visible, his complexion pale, features handsome. He had shaved this time, but his thin lips were pressed into a straight line, giving him a somewhat stern appearance.

At the spacious rooftop, the same receptionist from half a year ago sighed beside Xie Lan, “Dr. Zhuang’s application for an independent project got rejected. He hasn’t been in good spirits lately.”

On the empty rooftop, Vincent took off his white coat, leaving only a black shirt, unbuttoning it to let the air circulate.

The misty raindrops tapped on his shoulders as he gazed into the distance with a somewhat absent-minded expression.

A cup of warm Jade Estate coffee was handed to him, and when he turned his head, he recognized the person, “Colonel Xie.”

Xie Lan, holding a black umbrella to shield them securely, asked, “What is the direction of your research?”

Vincent’s expression twitched slightly. He hadn’t expected this beautiful and authoritative senior military officer to be interested in a small scientific project. However, his research hadn’t reached a classified level, so he truthfully replied, “Gene fusion.”

Following that, Vincent explained the specific content using detailed professional terms.

Xie Lan remained silent for a long time, her eyes revealing a hint of emptiness. It was too professional. Honestly, despite reading the papers in advance, she still didn’t understand.

Vincent noticed her confusion and, for some reason, felt a bit relieved. “In simple terms, it’s about using gene fusion to resist diseases like cancer, extending the average human lifespan.”

“Oh,” Xie Lan sneezed again, “Ah-choo!”

Vincent’s lips moved, and he sighed almost inaudibly, “…delicate.”

Xie Lan stared at him expressionlessly.

Vincent paused for a moment, then casually spoke, “Your allergies seem quite severe.”

Xie Lan nodded, “I’m sensitive to nuclear residue.”

Although nuclear warfare had ended, the lingering pain remained, needing time to heal. As cities prospered, the environment deteriorated, and extreme weather became more frequent.

“The spray I had is finished. If you need it, I can give you the formula.”

“No need. It’s not very convenient for me,” Xie Lan replied. Being a military officer, she couldn’t exactly ask the enemy to “wait a moment” during a battle while she retrieved her spray.

Vincent glanced at her frosty profile and took a sip of his coffee, “Actually, there’s a better solution.”

“What solution?” Xie Lan raised her gaze.

“Do you know about air conditioning? It’s an outdated relic from the old civilization, but its principles are quite fascinating. I can install a large-scale air conditioner in the sky, automatically adjusting the climate through artificial intelligence calculations. By then, extreme weather will be under control. You won’t need to wear a mask and can move freely anywhere,” Vincent explained, his eyes sparkling with countless stars. “As long as there’s sufficient funding and a team, give me five years, no, three years, and I can make it happen.”

However, as he finished speaking, he thought of his recent failed project, and a sense of melancholy crept into his expression. His lowered eyelashes concealed all emotions.

Xie Lan felt a subtle shift inside her, a mysterious thought surfacing. Having encountered numerous prospective spouses, she had never experienced such a feeling.

An inexplicable impulse made her speak, “Come back to Beijun with me.”

Vincent stared at her in surprise.

It was an impulsive statement without much thought, but after saying it, the feeling of destiny settled. Xie Lan spoke again, her tone firm, “You, come back with me to Beijun.”

Turning around, she stood on the steps, her gaze meeting Vincent’s at eye level.

“Come with me. The laboratory, personnel, money—whatever you want, I’ll handle it. You choose the research topic, and you’ll be in charge.”

The autumn rain dampened the corners of their clothes, and the gentle wind intertwined their breaths. Under the umbrella, in this small space, the atmosphere was unusually romantic.

Vincent kept one hand in his pocket, tightening the grip on the coffee cup with the other. “Are you going to be my investor? Why?” He recalled Ning Rong’s frequent mention of “sugar daddy” with a soft laugh. “Or… benefactor? Are you going to raise me?”

Xie Lan remained silent, unexpectedly grabbing the collar of his shirt without a word and yanking it down. A few drops of scalding coffee splattered, landing on her fingertips and leaving faint red marks.

With calloused fingertips, Xie Lan boldly traced along his Adam’s apple, caressing the smooth chin, and then firmly held his jaw. She tilted her head up, repeatedly and gently biting those thin lips.

This was a moment, flavored with the rich taste of coffee.

When they parted, both of their breaths were in disarray. Vincent’s Adam’s apple slid as he sensed his own rapidly beating pulse.

Xie Lan slightly lifted her chin, her eyes carrying an unmistakable dominance:

“I’m not an investor, and I’m not a sponsor.”

“—I’m a marriage partner.”

They had known each other for half a year, strictly speaking, having met only twice, and exchanged only a few words. Yet, some emotions came fiercely, unreasonably, and some people, you just knew from the first moment you laid eyes on them—this was the one.

In the 17th year of the New Calendar, Xie Lan assembled a force of awakeners, and the formidable Azure Phoenix Army, which would later shake the Alliance, made its debut.

In the same year, in Beijun, the relatively unknown Qinglan Research Institute was established.

Facts proved that Vincent never spoke empty words. In less than three years, he resolved the issue of nuclear hypersensitivity for Xie Lan.

In the 20th year of the New Calendar, the independently developed Weather Simulation System by Qinglan amazed the world. T001 successfully operated in District A5 of the Elderly People’s Nation, officially ushering the Alliance into the era of artificial climate. Vincent Zhuang’s name became widely known.

Dr. Zhuang, who once aspired to dedicate himself to research, now faced a new worry—his son, Xie Zhuo.

Bringing a baby into the laboratory was undoubtedly the biggest mistake he had ever made in his life. Vincent looked at the mess on the floor, the instruments beeping alarms, and the “Young Master Xie” sitting among the scattered papers, chin raised in arrogance. It gave him a splitting headache.

Who could tell him why an infant less than a year old possessed such destructive power?!

An assistant stifled a laugh, “Dr. Zhuang, maybe Young Master Xie can earn a couple of doctorates too.”

“No, from now on, don’t let him near any devices,” Vincent said with a cold expression, sealing his son’s path to a career in research with his own words.

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