Doomsday Spiritual Artifact Master
Chapter 191.1 Table of contents

Chapter 191.1 – We Are V587 (6)

◎ Formidable Big Brother-in-law ◎

“Master?” Song Ke was also very surprised.

In her limited memory, Grandfather Song Zhiyuan and Master Zhang Ting were the two most important people in her life. One raised her, and the other taught her martial arts.

Song Ke had heard her grandfather mention that Zhang Ting was the heir of a lost martial arts sect, seemingly with a significant background. However, he had lived in seclusion on Yue Mountain for many years, never voluntarily mentioning his past. He gave the impression of a hot-tempered old man who was skilled in combat. No one would have thought that he was actually the last disciple of Tianyi.

And the replicated genes that V587 urgently needed were under the care of Zhang Ting.

Fate truly takes unexpected turns, with hidden brightness emerging from the darkness.

“But, Master has passed away.”

Song Ke’s eyes dimmed, her shoulders drooping like a fragile figurine, soft and sorrowful.

Zhuang Qingyan’s heart softened in an instant. He reached up to her cheek in front of everyone, gently comforting her, “The old man may have left, but Zhang Ci… Senior Brother Zhang is still here. He might know something. Hiss… Song Keke!”

Song Ke tilted her head and bit down on his hand, leaving a moist tooth mark, while accusing him with her eyes: Can’t you pay attention to the occasion? Are we that familiar?

“…Did you hurt your teeth?” Zhuang Qingyan smiled, not at all angry. He took a tissue elegantly and wiped his hand.

“Cough, cough,” Lin Youyou weakly coughed, unable to resist commenting, “This worthless look… really shameful.”

Lu Xiaoyu, on the other hand, solemnly dismantled the conversation, “Speaking of Senior Brother Zhang, who doesn’t know the name of Shaye’s Qiong Qi? This time, District D88 is sure to be upgraded. With his good reputation, strong abilities, and being well-liked, he’ll probably become an official magistrate soon. He’s much stronger than a certain ‘successor,’ I guess.”

Zhuang Qingyan’s eyelid twitched, then twitched again. “There are some things I haven’t settled with you. You don’t think they’ve just been forgotten, do you?”

The two who had been at odds since their youth locked eyes for a second. Lu Xiaoyu sensed the atmosphere and smoothly changed the subject, understanding the unspoken agreement between them.

Back then, Song Ke had extracted Xie Zhuo’s identity out of his own mouth. Zhuang Qingyan was well aware of the little schemes between him and Ilya in Erjia, seeing through without exposing them. He even provided assistance, but if pushed too far, this guy would definitely turn his back on them.

Lu Xiaoyu seamlessly shifted the topic, “Anyway, I suggest we go to Shaye. What does the captain think?”

“Sure,” Song Ke nodded willingly.

“Wait, I’m going too,” Lin Youyou propped herself up, her lips devoid of any color. “Old Fang, give me a sealing agent.”

“No, considering your current condition, it’s best not to move,” Fang Zhixu decisively refused.

“It’s okay, leave it to us,” Xu Xing also chimed in.

Lin Youyou shook her head firmly, “I’ve always been accustomed to enjoying protection behind Su Cha. This time, I want to do something for him.”

She looked at Song Ke, revealing an expectant smile, “Besides, it’s the first collective action after the reunion of V587. I don’t want to miss it.”

Song Ke decisively concluded, “Then let’s go together and come back together.”


Beneath the vast sky, a silver-white starship glided through the long expanse. Prior greetings with Zhang Ci and the green lights along the way from the outposts made way for V587 to smoothly enter the territory of Shaye.

The winding highway divided the wilderness in two, with once teeming with zombies and ferocious beasts on both sides. Every passage through used to be nerve-wracking, but now it was cleared of monsters, and hardly any could be seen beneath their line of sight.

Approaching the base, a steel fortress connected by a dozen iron cables appeared in front of them. Its scale had expanded more than three times since they left, and various flying terminals shuttled through the air. A bustling crowd flowed incessantly, and even the surrounding areas had spawned numerous small shelters, forming a sharp contrast with the desolate and dilapidated Mu City on the other side.

Today’s Shaye was reborn, a Shaye bathed in the light of dawn. Although it couldn’t match large cities with deep foundations like Beijun, Erjia, and Northern Base, Shaye’s development had reached a medium level of District B, surpassing areas like Miao Ying and Tokushima constrained by terrain and climate.

The watchtower flashed the arrival signal, and the canopy at the top of the base slowly opened. Lu Xiaoyu controlled the starship, smoothly landing it indoors.

A young man in a black Taoist robe stood ahead, his robes fluttering in the strong wind. He stood firm like a pine tree, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, exuding a cold and steady temperament.

Song Ke took off her hood and leaped down from the cabin door.

“Little Junior Sister~!!”

Mo Yan and Rita flew towards her, one wrapping an arm around her shoulder, the other patting her head. When they watched the holographic video, they couldn’t believe it. After asking about various internal gossip in the martial arts hall and confirming Song Ke’s identity repeatedly, now that they saw the real person, they were filled with enthusiasm.

“You’ve grown taller, and you’re thinner.”

“Wow, who did you go to for that hairstyle? And your eyelashes! So cool!”

Song Ke lowered her head, good-naturedly letting her senior brother and sister tease her. Then, she looked up at the young man in the Taoist robe in front of her and obediently called out, “Senior Brother.”

“Good to have you back,” Zhang Ci nodded slightly, his gaze exceptionally gentle as he looked at her. “I told you, Shaye will always be your home.”

A long arm wrapped around Song Ke’s shoulder. Zhuang Qingyan, dressed in loose white casual wear, lazily spread his hand towards Zhang Ci, revealing a brilliant smile reminiscent of a magnificent peacock. “Long time no see, Senior Brother. You still have your charm.”

His current status was not ordinary; he was Song Ke’s officially recognized boyfriend. He didn’t care at all about the label of a former fiancé or anything like that.

Zhang Ci remained unfazed, showing no intention of reaching out. He left Zhuang Qingyan hanging in place. “Back then, Song Ke wanted to leave with you, she left Shaye in a good condition. What happened? Disappeared for a year out of thin air and came back with an illness. I actually hope that you two never meet again.”

Zhuang Qingyan’s smile froze for a moment.

Zhang Ci, with his ink-like pupils, scanned up and down and delivered a precise blow, “Is your leg going to heal?”

Zhuang Qingyan: “…” Can I say this is my second injury, Senior Brother, do you believe me?

“Pfft—!” Fang Zhixu and Xu Xing couldn’t help but laugh. The corners of their mouths leaked out laughter. Princess Zhuang, trying to act cool, ended up lifting a stone to smash his own foot, huh?

Normally, if it were anyone else, with Zhuang Qingyan’s sarcastic and proud personality, he would definitely retort back. But unfortunately, it was Zhang Ci. Song Ke currently didn’t remember him, only remembering Zhang Ci and holding great respect for this senior brother. Offending the big brother-in-law was not a wise move.

Zhuang Qingyan retreated to the back, filled with pent-up frustration. He happened to notice Lu Xiaoyu with a strange expression, trying not to laugh.

“If you dare to laugh out loud, I’ll report that there’s a spy in the artificial intelligence group when I get back,” Zhuang Qingyan threatened in a low voice.

“!” The corners of Lu Xiaoyu’s raised mouth abruptly suppressed the laughter.

After entering the meeting room, Zhang Ci concisely stated, “I don’t know about the replicated gene matter; he never mentioned it.”

Song Ke’s disappointment was evident. If even her senior brother didn’t know, did they go on this trip in vain?

Zhang Ci paused, then continued, “…but I asked you to come because there are some other discoveries.”

Song Ke was taken aback. After realizing it, she speechlessly reproached, “Senior Brother… try not to pause when you speak.”

Zhang Ci took out a pile of real estate documents, “This is what he left me as a… birthday present from your last visit.”

“There’s a piece of land inside, located in Yue Mountain. I’m unfamiliar with it, never had the time, nor the intention to verify what it is. If he is indeed the successor of Tianyi, responsible for safeguarding the replicated genes, I’m sure it can’t be inside the martial arts hall. So, it must be this place.”

Zhuang Qingyan flipped through the documents, “Judging from the blueprints, this seems to be an underground project. The internal design… looks like a warehouse.”

Song Ke looked up at Zhang Ci, “Senior Brother, let’s go check it out together.”

“Okay,” Zhang Ci nodded.

Just as the group was about to set off, the meeting room door was suddenly knocked. Mo Yan’s head popped in, “Senior Brother, can we talk?”

After getting Zhang Ci’s consent, Mo Yan grinned and magically pulled out a double-layered cream cake from behind, “Made by Senior Sister Rita herself. Isn’t it almost your birthdays? Since Little Junior Sister is back, we thought we’d celebrate together.”

“Even though you guys aren’t in that kind of relationship anymore…”

Mo Yan got slapped from behind and he hastily changed his tune, “But blowing out candles together shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

Back in Yue Mountain, Zhang Ci and Song Ke used to celebrate their birthdays together; it had almost become a tradition in the martial arts school. Despite the overwhelming hospitality and insistence, the two always ended up shoulder to shoulder.

Zhang Ci looked helpless, and Song Ke was quite used to it. Amidst the continuous chorus of birthday wishes, she puffed out her cheeks—

Phew! Zhuang Qingyan expressionlessly squeezed in between the two and promptly blew out the candles.

Starting with Mo Yan, the martial arts school members stared at him with murderous eyes: What is this little white face trying to do? Stirring up trouble!

Zhuang Qingyan exclaimed, “Oh!” with feigned surprise, “Don’t you all know? We’ve already found out Xiao Keke’s real birthday.”

“In the future, we won’t trouble Senior Brothers and Senior Sisters. We’ll celebrate at home by ourselves.” He smiled, considerate and warm.

LAK0017, as a humanoid embryo, was born on February 20th of the New Calendar, but Zhuang Qingyan wouldn’t choose this date. He preferred March 19th of the same year, the day they first saw each other through the capsule container.

Song Ke and Zhuang Qingyan’s birthdays, one in early spring and the other in late autumn, flourishing in spring and fruitful in autumn, were mutually causal. This is what’s called a perfect match.

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