Doomsday Spiritual Artifact Master
Chapter 194.2 Table of contents

Chapter 194.2 – We Are V587 (9)

◎ She is a miracle ◎

In the final solo match, Song Ke faced Vladimir.

The media speculated eagerly. Prior to this match, Song Ke had completed a string of victories. Could this unique super S-class awakener still maintain their undefeated myth, or would Vladimir bring a surprise? The showdown between these two top-tier attack-type awakeners attracted countless attention.

Before the match began, the burly Vladimir looked solemn, bowing respectfully towards Song Ke with one hand placed in front of him.

During the previous mission in the Elderly People’s Nation, Song Ke and V587 had saved him. This ice-field warrior had always been grateful. “Veronica asked me to tell you that the card she drew for you was the upright World. We share a common goal, and she is willing to sound the horn of resistance by your side.”

Song Ke was slightly taken aback. “You… know what I’m planning to do?”

Vladimir nodded gently. “In our country, the treatment of awakeners is even more unfair. Utopia not only takes away resources but also hope. And without hope, people can’t live.”

The rise of Utopia had caused damage not only to the New Asia Alliance but also to two other countries on the opposite side of the mainland and on the other side of the Endless Seas, who were suffering from similar misfortunes.

Song Ke slowly raised their spiritual weapon and said solemnly, “Then let’s overthrow it together.”

Eight months later, the first Global Awakener Challenge came to a perfect conclusion, with ten winning teams securing their “tickets” to Utopia.

Northern Base.

On an ordinary morning, the radio broadcasted ordinary news:

“Currently, the peak period of solar activity is coming to an end, followed by a long period of silence, with global radiation returning to normal…”

“The number of zombies in the Alliance has sharply decreased, and although the military is still pushing forward in certain heavily affected areas, experts predict that humanity will completely eradicate zombies within ten years.”

“Rebuilding our homeland is urgent. More job opportunities are available at the Bauhinia Labor and Awakener Center.”

“The new version of the Awakener Code of Conduct has been released, and strict enforcement will be carried out in all districts…”

In the dimly lit bedroom, Zhuang Qingyan was still asleep.

Song Ke stared at him for a while, reaching out to poke his dimple. Zhuang Qingyan, feeling the itch in his dream, subconsciously reached out to the left side. Song Ke acted quickly, stuffing a pillow into his embrace, narrowly avoiding suspicion.

After watching for a while longer, she got up silently and left.

At the Qianzhan City Laboratory, Ning Rong had been waiting for a long time. Seeing Song Ke arrive alone, he was somewhat surprised:

“Why just you? Wasn’t it supposed to be a recheck? Where’s that kid?”

“He’s still sleeping,” Song Ke replied casually. “Dr. Ning, have you finished the cryogenic experiments?”

“Y-yes, they’re finished,” Ning Rong stuttered.

“Are you sure?” Song Ke stared at him.

Ning Rong hesitated for a moment. Song Ke’s presence was too imposing, and he dared not lie: “…There’s still, that one thing.”

“The phoenix gene in your body is the last original sample in the world.”

Ning Rong wasn’t lying. Zhang Ci had sorted through the data on replicated genes, confirming that the phoenix gene sold to Qinglan years ago was the only one of its kind. Although they had the complete DNA sequence, theoretically, experiments could be conducted. However, the phoenix’s activity was very low, with minimal impact on Song Ke. Even without conducting experiments, there would be no hindrance.

“I thought you would keep the phoenix gene,” Ning Rong said slowly. “After all, it means unlimited regeneration, equivalent to immortality. Ordinary people would be ecstatic to have such ability.”

Song Ke shook their head slowly. “After the reshaping, I will lose my memories.”

Nirvana meant everything reset. Song Ke had triggered it twice, facing entirely new lives and blank pasts.

“Then I won’t be me anymore.”

“What’s the point of immortality if I forget everything?” Watching loved ones, family, and friends depart, experiencing death and resurrection repeatedly, trapped in a cycle of loneliness, if this was the price of eternity, Song Ke didn’t want to bear it.

“When a person has the ability of eternal life, they become the most miserable,” Song Ke said. “I’ve suffered enough. I want to bid farewell to this world with everyone.”

Ning Rong felt a mix of emotions, sighing deeply. LAK0017, the only successful experimental subject of the Fire Seed experiment, was willingly giving up eternal life.

“You need to think it over. After cryogenics, you’ll only have one life left,” he couldn’t help but advise. “If you die, you’ll return to the embryo state, forever in a deep sleep.”

Song Ke smiled. “One life is enough. Don’t worry, I can handle it. No one in this world can kill me.”

Ning Rong watched Song Ke go away, then turned to look at the terminal on the desk. “Did you hear that?”

On the other end of the holographic call, Zhuang Qingyan was lazily leaning against the head of the bed, the thin blanket slipping from his shoulders, revealing several fresh scratches without any restraint.

“Yeah, crystal clear.”

“Sighing won’t change anything. The success of LAK0017 cannot be replicated. My father attempted countless times, and failed countless times. He said, even if there was a second phoenix gene, there would never be another LAK0017.”

“Song Ke is unique. She is the Fire Seed, but also a miracle. Since the moment of her birth, she has possessed a miraculous consciousness. Every time she perseveres, every time she suffers, she forges a resilient, irreplaceable soul.”

Zhuang Qingyan’s gaze gradually turned cold. “She cannot burn down humanity, and I won’t let her burn.”

Still unwilling to give up, Ning Rong asked, “Can I negotiate with her? Before the cryogenic surgery, can I extract her genes for research?”

Zhuang Qingyan remained noncommittal. “Dr. Ning, for the bright future of humanity, you also need to work hard. How about starting a new project? When can we extend the average lifespan to 150 years?”

Ning Rong: “…” Crafty guy, using his words to block me, huh?

When Song Ke returned, Zhuang Qingyan was only wearing a pair of trousers, bare-chested, his long arms wrapped around her, his chin nestled in her neck. His voice was low and deep. “Song Keke, I will live for a very, very long time.”

Zhuang Qingyan didn’t possess Vincent’s obsession, nor would he follow in his footsteps. He was cold-hearted, only capable of holding his beloved in his eyes.

So, let the greedy man live a little longer, and even longer.

In the year 49 of the New Calendar, in early autumn, the third year since Doomsday.

A black starship streaked across the sky, heading towards the S-level floating city of Utopia.

On the way, Zhuang Qingyan publicly announced the counterattack plan. Eight out of ten teams were willing to participate in the operation. As for the remaining two teams, Dylan unleashed “Nightmare Descends”, while Zhang Ci cast a sleep-inducing spell, Lu Xiaoyu switched the surveillance, and Song Ke directly knocked out and tied up all the people, stuffing them into the rear cabin.

She opened the port window and looked towards the increasingly closer airborne city. Turning to face everyone, she spoke loudly:

“My name is Song Ke, a super S-level awakener. I come from District F, the poorest area in the entire Alliance. Until I was eighteen, I didn’t even know what a terminal was. Three years ago, on Doomsday, I awakened my abilities. However, I found that I didn’t even have the authority to access emergency shelters. Our destiny is controlled by others. We are born into classes, divided into three, six, nine ranks, and throughout our lives, we are like pawns at the mercy of others.”

“Have you heard of the motto of the Bauhinia Alliance? General Ye stated, ‘Everyone has the right to fair survival.'”

“Perhaps there is no absolute fairness in this world, but I hope I can determine my own fate.”

In the distance, the morning glow filled the sky, and Utopia drew closer.

High-altitude air currents blew everyone’s clothes, and Song Ke looked at the unfamiliar and familiar faces inside the starship, and at the teammates who had fought side by side all the way: Zhuang Qingyan, Lu Xiaoyu, Su Cha, Fang Zhixu, Lin Youyou, and Xu Xing.

She smiled brightly, with a determined gleam in her eyes. “Let’s go, to forge a new world.”

“Sister, will we win?”

“Of course, because we are V587.”


Last Chapter Tomorrow~!!! AAAHHHHH!!

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