Doomsday Spiritual Artifact Master
Chapter 195.2 Table of contents

Chapter 195.2 – We Are V587 (10)

◎ (Lu Xiaoyu) Later on ◎

When the holiday came again, Lu Xiaoyu couldn’t wait to return to Erjia. He had many things he wanted to share with his mother.

For instance, that annoying Xie Zhuo had finally left, having dropped out of school. Lu Xiaoyu felt much happier with his extra 5.0.

Back at the main residence, the attitude of the clan members towards him was strange. They avoided eye contact and walked around him as if he were a virus.

Lu Xiaoyu paid no heed to this. What unsettled him was his mother’s absence. Stubborn and silent, he pushed open door after door, deployed numerous trackers, but found no trace of his mother’s gentle figure.

In the end, Lu Qiusuo couldn’t bear it and stopped him, “Your mother, during the data processing, her consciousness became disordered and she died, leaving no fragments of memory.”

“This was an accident. Condolences.”

Disordered consciousness death meant complete destruction of the brain, leaving no backups. His mother would never come back.

Lu Xiaoyu’s ice-cold eyes dimmed, and he locked himself in his room for a long time. But this time, no one came in to hold him or tell him to “be happy.”

A tear wet his hand.

Lu Xiaoyu learned what sorrow tasted like.

He didn’t consider his mother’s death an accident. Lu Xiaoyu never spoke again. In secret, he investigated for years, finally confirming the culprit.

“It’s you,” Lu Xiaoyu stood before the tree of knowledge, his gaze icy.

“Now I am your only mother, my child,” the super AI sighed softly.

Lu Xiaoyu’s cold eyes flickered, silent.

No one expected that, in a sudden turn of events, Lu Xiaoyu did something earth-shattering—he implanted a virus into the “Tree of Knowledge” during the consciousness connection.

This super virus, independently developed by Lu Xiaoyu, was capable of automatic propagation, self-generation, and self-infection. It possessed immense destructive power. Not only did it invade the central system of the Tree of Knowledge, but it also forcibly terminated all antivirus software processes. Once the virus ran, the central system automatically established a timer, continuously replicating under the root directory at a terrifying speed, causing the Tree of Knowledge to wither rapidly.

Lu Xiaoyu watched her decline with twisted satisfaction on his face.

In this moment, he was both a genius and a lunatic.

In the entire Lu family, only one person didn’t care whether he was intelligent or not, only hoping for his happiness.

His mother was dead.

On the eve of the Tree of Knowledge’s demise, the awakeners of the Lu clan hurriedly arrived. However, despite being a group of top hackers, they were powerless against Lu Xiaoyu’s virus. In the end, they could only resort to traditional physical methods, forcibly cutting off the super AI’s power source.

Angry clan members pinned Lu Xiaoyu to the ground, violently breaking his legs.

Then, he was thrown into the Death Prison, awaiting an endless lifetime of imprisonment.

Six years later, Lu Xiaoyu “stood” once again before the Tree of Knowledge, accompanied by a young man with ice-blue pupils.

“You’re not… Lu Xinglan…” the withered giant tree murmured weakly.

Ilya flashed an impeccable smile. “Respected mother, I am Ilya, a newly born independent consciousness of artificial intelligence. Just as you took over the body of Lu Qiusuo, clinging to life, I have found a suitable vessel and gained a new life. I have always followed in your footsteps.”

“You… colluded… to erase…”

“Yes, we colluded to erase you,” Ilya cheerfully helped her finish, playfully winking, “Surprising, isn’t it? You wanted to use me as a puppet, but in the end, it’s you who perished, right?”

“How… did you… do it…”

Lu Xiaoyu’s tone was indifferent as he turned his gaze towards the barely surviving Tree of Knowledge. “Although the virus from back then was eradicated, I left a backdoor.”

The bitter failure of that time had cost him his legs. Lu Xiaoyu understood very well that he had only one chance left. So he chose to cooperate with another AI. Ilya infiltrated under the guise of Lu Xinglan, released the Trojan horse to trigger the backdoor, paralyzed the Tree of Knowledge, and spent a year devouring all of its privileges, truly taking its place.

“I told you, you were never my mother.”

Lu Xiaoyu raised the blue tri-edged dagger and pierced through the core of the super AI.

The greenhouse collapsed, the once lush Tree of Knowledge turned into data dust and disappeared, leaving behind only a shriveled seed.

Ilya picked up that seed absentmindedly and stored it away. “At this moment, wouldn’t humans usually say congratulations?”

“I don’t know. My social skills have always been poor,” Lu Xiaoyu replied.

Ilya smiled. “Our collaboration is over. Before saying goodbye, is there anything else you’d like to say?”

Lu Xiaoyu stared at him with icy eyes. “Don’t harm my friends. Otherwise, I’ll kill you just the same.”

After seizing the privileges of the Tree of Knowledge, Ilya became the new artificial intelligence group in District B, capable of deep-level connections with terminal holders. Of course, all of this was done in secret. Lu Xiaoyu didn’t care what he did, but he was extremely protective. He didn’t want anyone from V587 to be stolen from or to share consciousness.

Lu Xiaoyu took one last look at the wreckage of the greenhouse and left without looking back.

He wouldn’t come back.


Ten years have passed since the fall of Utopia.

In these ten years, many significant events have occurred within the Bauhinia Alliance. The most pivotal among them was the eradication of the last zombie. After humanity struggled through the apocalypse, it finally ushered in a new era.

Some things have changed.

For instance, the annual district evaluations no longer include rankings and designations. Every city within the Bauhinia Alliance is now considered equal.

Moreover, significant breakthroughs have been made in Ning Rong’s new research projects. The new genetic enhancement program has successfully extended the average human lifespan to around 120 years.

Furthermore, while the Lu family rapidly declined, starship technology experienced rapid development, achieving breakthrough progress. Humanity began exploring outer space, establishing space stations, and researching the mysteries of the sun.

The elderly Ye Zheng resigned from the position of magistrate and formally handed over control of the Northern Base to Zhuang Qingyan to retire peacefully. This decision greatly annoyed Xie Lan, who also contemplated retirement but was repeatedly urged to stay by the Azure Phoenix Army.

Speaking of General Xie, her attitude towards her son was average at best (especially when Zhuang Qingyan’s face was involved), but she surprisingly favored Song Ke. She often took her to spar at the Azure Phoenix Army, sometimes even competing with her own son for her attention. She was domineering in nature and an S4-level strong attacker.

Zhuang Qingyan found it difficult to express his grievances and, after being intercepted multiple times, resorted to guerrilla warfare against his mother. The two outstanding commanders engaged in a subtle struggle of wits and strategies.

Some things have remained unchanged.

For example, V587 was still ranked first on the leaderboard, with points that seemed unreachable, like an eternal star guiding the direction for those awakeners.

For example, the seven of them were still teammates fighting side by side, but they had developed a closer relationship.

Lin Youyou and Su Cha had a soft and adorable daughter, Lin Beibei, who became the new darling of V587.

And then, Fang Zhixu recently seemed troubled because Xu Xing appeared to be in love.

“Old Fang, why are you worried about someone falling in love? What’s the big deal?” Lin Youyou leaned against Su Cha’s sturdy thigh, bluntly commenting.

Fang Zhixu had just returned from the hospital, sighing, “Previously, for my daughter, Tiantian, I worried every day about pigs from outside coming to trample on my family’s flowers. Now that it’s a son, I always feel like Xu Xing will go trample on someone else’s flowers.”

“Haha! Your description is too real. No wonder Xiao Xing got mad and ran away from home,” Lin Youyou chuckled.

“…” Su Cha fell into contemplation over Fang Zhixu’s words, feeling that his perspective on children seemed somewhat reasonable.

“Where did Xiao Xing go?” Song Ke asked when she found a moment.

Fang Zhixu massaged his temples, “Where else could he go? Probably to Loak. That prodigal son, traveling in a luxury cabin!”


The terminal abruptly beeped, Song Ke glanced down, a faint smile playing on her lips. She jumped down from the window sill gracefully, casually fixing her hair and putting on a coat before heading out, “I’m going to pick up Zhuang Qingyan from work.”

“Daddy Lu~ Daddy Lu~”

Chubby Lin Beibei ran over, her two braids bouncing. She had a big family, with three dads, two moms, a grandpa, and a brother, always lively.

“This, I drew the wiififeightsefen crookedly.” Lin Beibei, who had recently lost a tooth, had a slight lisp.

Lu Xiaoyu took the drawing and examined it. The little girl had drawn him with a whopping three-meter-long legs, standing out from the crowd, towering over everyone else.

He was satisfied, lightly tapping on the touchscreen panel with his fingertips, and a brilliant star map made of data appeared before them, radiant and shining, exactly like the illusion he had seen when he was three years old.

Lin Beibei was amazed, “Daddy Lu, you’re so amazing.”

Lu Xiaoyu’s lips curled up slightly.

Lin Beibei clapped happily, “Daddy Lu is smiling.”

Indeed, Lu Xiaoyu had finally learned to smile, a genuinely happy smile.


THE END. Clap clap clap!

Ahh~ I’m gonna miss them so much.

Thank you for your joining V587’s adventures~<3

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