Naruto: The Wind Calamity
Chapter 40 Table of contents

Both Hoka and Mieko had arrived in the library sometime after Fujin. Unlike Fujin, they had guidance from their ninja parents. As they were talented enough, they were also guided by their respective clan elders. So they hadn't visited the village's library before as all their jutsus were directly taught to them. However, this time, respecting Renjiro's wishes, the elders allowed these kids to go and research in the village library. Of course, they would discuss Mieko and Hoka's plans with them before they talk to Renjiro.

Hoka was reading the scroll on Body Flicker jutsu in section D. He thought, 'Sigh, the library is full of Ninjutsu. I tried reading scrolls on Taijutsu, but they suck! Nothing comes close to our Gentle Fist style. Sigh, I don't wanna waste my time on Ninjutsu. I'll just tell sensei that I will learn Body Flicker jutsu. It was very cool when Fujin just blitzed everywhere. Also, if my enemy knows this jutsu, I won't be able to even touch him. Though father would probably still yell on me. Can't they get that I want to focus only on Taijutsu?'

Mieko, on the other hand, had directly arrived in section C and began looking for more Fire release jutsus. She thought, 'Why did my father make me search through jutsus here? Couldn't they just teach me stronger jutsus?' However, while searching, she found something that surprised her. She thought, 'Fire Release : Four? Why is this jutsu in section C? Shouldn't it be a rank B jutsu and Fire Release : Five jutsu be a rank A jutsu?' She took the scroll and began reading it. On reading it, she was very satisfied, she thought 'Finally! This jutsu finally has some power behind it.' The Fire Release : Four jutsu was similar to Fire Release : Two jutsu. Point 2 fingers and release a heat ray. However, in this stage the power was much higher. It was comparable to using a very hot kunai. Mieko thought, 'With this, I could compete with Hoka and Fujin in close combat. Getting hit by this will be very painful and it'll be very hard to dodge in close range. Though I don't like to admit it, both of them are much stronger than me physically. And Hoka's Gentle Fist style is difficult to counter despite having Sharingan. With this jutsu, I could become as strong as them in close combat and I am already superior to them in ranged combat.' She then looked for other jutsus. And decided to learn Flame sphere jutsu and Fireproof jutsu thinking, 'I don't have any defensive jutsus. So these might be a bit useful.'

Fujin ignored his teammates and began his search with the Kazekages. He wasn't aware much about the Kazekages. He thought, 'The syllabus didn't focus much on the past Kazekages. In fact, they didn't talk about which jutsus were used by any foreign Kage. I do recall Gaara, his father and the 3rd Kazekage. However, not much was shown. Gaara manipulated sand, Rasa manipulated gold and his predecessor manipulated iron. And all their combat was based around that. I hope the 1st and 2nd aren't the same. Also it isn't probable for 3rd and 4th Kazekages to not know anything else.'

It took him a while to gather all the data on the 3 Kazekages. He had already read about Rasa in the Bingo Book. Sadly, the Bingo book didn't maintain information on the dead. After almost 2 hours of going through various scrolls and trying to summarise it, Fujin understood 'I see. So the first Kazekage was a user of Magnet Release kekkei genkai. He was the one who created Sunagakure. And unlike Hashirama, he did it with an iron fist. Many tribes and clans in the vicinity were forced to join in or evacuate. It seems like he wanted to keep the position of Kazekage within his clan as he had announced his second son as his successor. Sadly for him, Tobirama killed all three of his sons in a clash in the first war. And later on, he was killed by the 2nd Tsuchikage's dust release in the same war. Not having any one strong enough in the clan, they had to appoint a student of the 1st Kazekage as the 2nd Kazekage. And at the same time, they began raising the 1st Kazekage's grandson for the 3rd Kazekage's position.

Though all the Kazekages have been an expert at Wind Release, it was the 2nd one who was a true master of the wind. It seems that the legends from these scrolls came from him. In order to defend an important location, he had created a wind dragon so huge that its tail couldn't be seen at all. He could also create hundreds of wolves to attack enemy armies. He could fly, and had clashed with the 2nd Tsuchikage a few times. And it seems like all the Danzo's vacuum jutsus came from the 2nd Kazekage too. However, towards the end of the 1st war, Tobirama killed the 2nd Kazekage. Though, despite that, they didn't surrender and retreated back into their deserts, where no one dared to march on them.

So, how exactly did Konoha get these jutsus? It's very unlikely for Konoha and Suna to both have these jutsus. So either Suna or, more likely, Konoha stole it from the other.' Fujin thought a bit and reached 3 conclusions, 'Well either Tobirama had an Uchiha keep an eye on him and copy his jutsus, or, Tobirama used Impure World Resurrection to get those jutsus from him, or Suna was asked to hand these jutsus over after their disastrous loss in the 2nd war. Hmm, knowing Tobirama, I'd say it is very likely that he employed both the first 2 ways and Hiruzen took the opportunity provided in the 2nd war to show that Konoha has acquired these jutsus in a proper manner. Of course, I can't be sure that this is what happened. Either way, it does seem that the potential of these Wind release jutsus is very real.

Still, the First Great Ninja War was so brutal. At the end of the war, every village had to elect their 3rd Kage. Only Tobirama and the 2nd Raikage were alive, but they were killed during the peace talks when the Gold & Silver brothers revolted. Probably that's why the next wars weren't that intense. No Kage died in the Second Great Ninja War and the 3rd Raikage was the only Kage to die in the 3rd Great Ninja War. I guess they did learn some form of constraint. Makes me wonder if the first war is the reason why Hiruzen talks so much about peace and why Onoki chose to just watch and be known as the fence-sitter instead of being more proactive.'

On validating the potential of the jutsus, Fujin decided to read one scroll up entirely to understand how the jutsu should be learnt. After analysing, he decided 'I'll start with Faithful Wind Blade jutsu. It should assist in my Samurai Saber Techniques training with Renjiro. Though, I'll need to confirm it with him first.'

Mieko and Hoka had already left the library when Fujin was searching for information on the Kazekages. When Hoka reached home, his father asked, "So what have you decided to learn?" Hoka put up a very serious face, and said, "Father, I have decided to learn Body Flicker jutsu." And then he paused. His father kept waiting to hear his son's further plans, but Hoka didn't speak. He asked, "And?" Hoka showed a confused expression and asked, "And what?" He impatiently asked, "What will you learn in addition to Body Flicker jutsu?" Hoka again put up a very serious face and said, "I'll learn more Taijutsu." This statement finally broke his father's stoic expression, and got Hoka, a punch right on his head. He then dragged his son to his clan's library to pick out more jutsus for him.

A similar scenario took place at Mieko's home. Her parents were happy with her choice to learn Fire Release : Four jutsu. But for the rest, her mother told her, "Those 2 jutsus don't provide much defense. Flame sphere will at best help you defend against 1 attack, and Fireproof jutsus will only make you immune to Fire Release jutsus. Actually, Fire element doesn't provide a good defense. Why don't you learn Earth or Water Release jutsus for defense?" Mieko thought about what her parents said and agreed. She said, "Alright, but I also want to learn Flame Sphere and Fireproof." Knowing their daughter's talent, her parents agreed. They then went to the Uchiha library to pick more jutsus.

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