Naruto: The Wind Calamity
Chapter 69 Table of contents

2 carriages pulled by bullocks, 8 merchants, and 4 ninjas traveled on the road, steadily moving away from Konoha.

They traveled until evening without a break and then set up a camp. No bandits were encountered as all bandits in this area were exterminated by 3 of those 4 ninjas not long ago.

While having dinner, Hoka sighed and said, "They move just way too slowly."

Fujin agreed, "Yeah. We spent the last 4 months training and just hunting on our own. So we pretty much always moved at top speed."

Mieko joined the conversation, "Yeah. At least this one is a bit faster than the previous one though. That last escort mission to the Land of Rivers had 12 carriages! And their wheels broke off so frequently!"

Hoka smirked and said, "Yeah. We remember how frustrated you were."

Fujin added, "Yeah. I suspect the main reason Sensei kept standing next to the carriages at that time was that he was worried you'd burn them yourself. Haha"

Hoka joined in the laughter, while Renjiro ignored their antics. Mieko just snorted and ignored them.

After dinner, Renjiro said, "We will begin moving tomorrow at 4 AM. Tomorrow's traveling speed will be faster than today. Tonight, we will all keep watch turn by turn. Fujin, you are first. Wake Hoka up after 2 hours. After Hoka, it'll be Mieko and last me."

The genins nodded. Renjiro had a word with Toshio. Soon Hoka, Mieko, Renjiro, and the Merchants went to sleep.

Fujin sat on a branch and began meditating. Soon, he could sense all chakra within a 1.2 kilometer radius.

Fujin thought, 'I haven't trained my ability to sense for months. Still, the improvement has been decent just due to the increase in my chakra reserves, chakra control, and regular spars.

I should try and keep this on for 2 whole hours. Should be good training. I wonder if I'll last that long considering that my chakra reserves are full.'

Fujin stayed in that meditating position for the entire 2 hours. During this time, he used all his sensing skills to examine the merchants and their goods but found nothing unusual. He had to keep changing the range of his sensory field between 600 meters and 1.2 kilometers for optimal chakra management, but he managed to last the 2 whole hours without any issues. He still had around 60% of his chakra left. He woke up Hoka and went to sleep.

The group travelled for 4 days in this manner without any issues.

On the 5th day, around 9 am in the morning, the group was surrounded by bandits, who were hiding behind the trees or on them.

All 4 ninjas noticed the bandits but didn't react.

Fujin softly asked, "So who gets them?"

Hoka immediately replied, "I want them. I haven't fought or trained for 4 days straight!"

Mieko however argued, "Neither have I. And as you know, Ladies first!"

Hoka commented, "You are just a little girl. Say that when you become a lady."

That immediately infuriated her. She shouted back, "Why yo…"

However, Renjiro interrupted her, "Quiet down."

Mieko shut up and looked at Hoka angrily.

Renjiro stated, "All three of you will take them on. I won't help you guys, but do remember that you also have to protect the goods."

Fujin asked, "Should we just kill them, or also find and destroy their camp?"

Renjiro answered, "Both of course. But only for this group. Every time a bandit group attacks, you'll take permission from me before attacking their camp."

The three nodded.

Hoka looked at Fujin and asked, "Where to check?"

Fujin replied, "700 meters northwest. And 900 meters east."

Hoka activated his Byakugan and checked, "900 meters east is just a few normal homes. The camp is at 700 meters north-west."

Fujin asked Renjiro, "Sensei, will you be protecting the goods when we attack the camp, or should we defend it then as well?"

Renjiro replied, "After you eliminate the bandits here, all 3 of you can go."

Fujin replied, "Alright, let's begin then."

All 3 moved at a high speed, which made it look like all of them had disappeared. Both, the merchants and the bandits, who were keeping an eye out secretly, were shocked.

In under a minute, all the bandits surrounding the group were dead. A few dead bodies or even heads fell down from trees next to merchants. Surprisingly or unsurprisingly, they didn't freak out as they had seen similar scenes multiple times in the past. Though they were surprised to know that the killers were 3 innocent and sweet 9-10 years old kids.

The genins then flickered towards the bandit camp and eliminated everyone in there as well. They killed 2 more bandits who were at another spot in the forest. Completing the bandit elimination sub-mission in under 5 minutes.

The group continued on its way.

Over the next 8 days, 14 bandit camps were eliminated. The trio wondered whether they'd get a 'Bandit exterminator' nickname back in Konoha. Unknown to them, their team was already known by that name among the chunins who distributed missions.

By now, the swift and brutal 1 month campaign of Team Renjiro around Konoha to exterminate bandits was well spread. Many bandit groups had moved away from Konoha. A few even began leaving the Land of Fire entirely and continued their banditry in the weaker neighboring countries such as the Land of Rivers, Land of Grass, Land of Rain, and Land of Rice.

This time, it was the turn of the bandits on this route to suffer. In under a month, the bandits close by would get the news of the slaughter. Some would visit to check if something did happen. And they would see the gore and would end up either quitting banditry or moving away and making trading easier for Konoha.

Hiruzen would soon pick up on these movements, and launch an even more brutal assault on these bandits. This would not only boost Land of Fire's economy due to increased trading, but also improve Konoha ninja's reputation, and get them more jobs that would require lesser effort to complete. Konoha would also receive more funds from the Daimyo of Land of Fire due to this act.

And it'll prove to be a huge aid for Konoha to recover from the losses of the 3rd Great Ninja war. Especially over the next 3 years when more than a thousand genins will join the reserve force and a few hundred will begin training under a sensei. Of course, the loss of Jounins due to Kyubi's assault won't be overcome for almost a decade.

And even more importantly, while the recovery was in progress, Konoha would end up losing their strongest clan to internal friction!

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