Naruto: The Wind Calamity
Chapter 362 Table of contents

Though Fujin succeeded in creating the Vacuum Blade on the first try, the jutsu needed a lot of improvements, unlike the Blade of Wind jutsu.

Fujin concentrated wind chakra on his two fingers once again. 5 Vacuum Blades began forming above his fingers. However, before they could completely form, the Vacuum core collapsed. Fujin immediately moved backwards and sighed.

He analyzed, 'Looks like mastering this jutsu won't happen on the first try. Oh well, it should still be done sooner than Hurricane Fist and Vacuum Gatling. I just need to increase the amount of blades I can create and be able to control them like I can control the Blade of Wind jutsu.

Though this jutsu will be much slower than the Vacuum Bullet and Vacuum Gatling, it is far superior in maneuverability. That is why, the Iwa ninjas, who could easily dodge my Vacuum Bullets, weren't able to dodge the Blades of Wind at a close range.

Unfortunately, Blade of Wind jutsu could be defended against with the Iron Skin jutsu. The Vacuum Blade won't have that weakness.'

Fujin began his training. He started by increasing the number of Vacuum Blades to two. Within half an hour, he managed to successfully create 2 Vacuum Blades consistently. By the time the pre-lunch training session was completed and Fujin's chakra reserves started taking a hit, he managed to successfully create the 3rd Vacuum Blade as well.

Since he was low on chakra, Fujin decided to use the post-lunch training session to practice Taijutsu with his clones and only continued training the Vacuum Blade jutsu in the evening.

For the next four days, Fujin repeated the same training pattern. The only change was that as the number of Vacuum Blades increased, the rate of his chakra consumption also increased. So his training time for Vacuum Blade decreased while he focused more on the Taijutsu spars.

The terrain of Training Ground 23 became even more weird. The rocks that were riddled with holes were now slashed into several pieces. So now, small rocks that had a lot of holes were spread throughout the training ground. Several trees also had similar holes. Luckily for them, Fujin stuck to testing the Vacuum Blades on the rocks.

Fujin ignored the terrain and analyzed, 'I can already create 7 Vacuum Blades at the same time and control their directions very well. This should be enough for the time being. Time for the next idea.'

Fujin slammed his hands on the ground and an Earth Wall appeared in front of him. Soon after, the seal on Fujin's bracer lit up and a sword appeared in his right hand. Chakra immediately began flowing alongside its edge and was quickly transformed into Wind nature.

Soon, the wind chakra just in front of the edge of the sword began transforming. An extremely thin Vacuum Core began forming along the edge of the sword. A few seconds later, Fujin pulled his sword back and swung it forming an arc in the air.

Immediately, a sword slash was released along the arc that the sword created. However, unlike Fujin's previous attempts, this time the front part of the sword slash was a thin arc made of Vacuum.

The sword slash hit the Earth Wall in the center and cut it through into two pieces! The upper part of the wall was sent flying in the air by a few centimeters. At that moment, it was hit by the winds accompanying the Sword Slash.

The impact of the winds pushed the upper half of the wall backwards, and it collapsed. Fujin analyzed, 'Good. My normal sword slashes couldn't cut through the walls. But this attack can. I'll call it Vacuum Slash.

If someone uses the Earth Wall and keeps standing like a fool, he will be cut in two. Even if they duck or jump to barely avoid the slash, they will be hit by the falling wall. The only way to completely avoid it is by moving backwards and jumping by a safe distance while using the Iron Skin jutsu to defend against the accompanying winds or escaping underground instead. But…'

Fujin raised his sword and observed it for a few seconds. He wondered, 'I remember that the way Danzo used the Wind Vacuum Technique with his sword was different. He blew winds on his sword which hovered around the sword making it very sharp. But, was that technique a Vacuum jutsu or just normal sharp winds?'

Fujin thought for some time before giving up. He thought, 'I barely even remember how it looked. I don't recall if any theory behind it was stated. Regardless, continuously maintaining vacuum cores around my sword doesn't seem feasible.

Though I don't need to maintain vacuum cores. After all, I don't need to blow wind on my sword to create it. I can just create new Vacuum Slash cores whenever I need it. And I can use this attack in both, close-range combat and long-range combat.

In these aspects, my way of using the Wind Vacuum Technique on my sword is superior to his, or at least superior to what I recall Danzo is capable of. That said, this isn't the max I can do.

Though I couldn't add the Vacuum Waves to my Hurricane fist, I should be able to use them with my swo…'

Fujin was about to pour his chakra into his sword and try it but suddenly stopped. He thought, 'Never mind. If I mess up, I'll destroy this sword. That'll be a rather expensive price to pay for no reason.'

Fujin placed his sword back in his seal and opened a scroll that had a few ordinary swords. He grabbed the sword and swung it around a few times to get a hang of it. He nodded and decided, 'Yeah, this should be good enough. In combat, I'll leave this attack to my clones. I'll use it just as a last resort.'

Fujin sent his chakra flowing into the ordinary sword. Soon, it turned into wind and began revolving around the sword at a high speed. Unlike his arm, Fujin didn't bother putting a protective chakra cover that spun in the opposite direction on the sword. He didn't particularly care if the sword was damaged.

Soon, 3 Vacuum Waves began forming just outside the hurricane. In a couple of seconds, they began revolving around the sword at a high speed as well.

Fujin observed his sword and thought, 'It looks completely like a mini-hurricane consisting of thousands of sharp blades moving at a speed. I wonder if I can make a full-scale version of this.

A massive hurricane full of sharp winds and maybe a dozen Vacuum Waves spinning at a high speed… Preferably one big enough to consume an entire village.'

Fujin's eyes lit up at that idea. However, his excitement doused as he analyzed, 'Unfortunately, the chakra consumption for such an attack will be too high. And, the ninjas who are good with Body Flicker jutsu or other movement jutsus can easily escape from the attack. They could even hide underground.

The only way such an attack will work is if I attack a village having a lot of civilians that the ninjas care about. Not too useful. Oh well, I'll develop a medium-sized one later to see if I can think of better applications for the same. For now…'

Fujin pulled his right arm back and jabbed forward with his sword. The mini-hurricane was launched forward. As it travelled, its size grew. It hit the remaining part of the Wall. The hurricane was stopped momentarily until the Vacuum Waves hit the wall and pierced through it, carving a path out for the hurricane.

The hurricane broke through the wall and carried some debris in it as it continued moving forward, tearing apart everything in its way and creating a new path in the training ground. As it moved, several wind blades were launched from the hurricane into the surroundings, cutting even more trees. It finally lost its power after travelling for around 60 meters!

Fujin had a thoughtful expression as he observed his attack. He analyzed, 'I see. I never thought of this possibility. The normal winds don't have the same penetrative capabilities as Vacuum Waves. So once they hit a tough obstacle, they get stopped and the Vacuum Waves move to the front.

So anyone facing the attack will just have to dodge those Vacuum Waves if they are confident in their defense. Still, despite this oversight, this is a great attack.

If any ninja were to just dodge the incoming hurricane, they could be cut by the wind blades that randomly get thrown out due to the centrifugal force. This attack can be very devastating when facing an army.'

A smile formed on Fujin's face as he muttered, "Anyway, that's the one jutsu nearly mastered and two new learnt today. I'll call this attack the Hurricane Sword!"

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