Naruto: The Wind Calamity
Chapter 411 Table of contents

Except for Shikaku, everyone in the council stared at Hiruzen. Though many of them didn't want an additional seat to be added to the council, since it was already done, they wanted someone who was on friendly terms with them to be appointed. As such, everyone had someone in their minds.

That was especially true for Danzo and the civilian council members.

Danzo thought, 'By making such a move, Hiruzen will displease the clans. The Hyuga and Inuzuka clans were directly opposed to this proposal. The Senju and the Aburame clan didn't vote as it would have been pointless. Even though Shikaku convinced Inoichi and Choza, they would have some complaints as well.

I can use this to increase my influence in these clans once again. I can also increase my influence in the clans who don't meet the requirements for getting on the council as well. In addition, if I can get everyone to reject Hiruzen's choice and appoint someone I can influence, then I'll be the biggest winner in this meeting. In some time, I might even be able to restart Root openly.'

On the other hand, the civilian council members saw this as an opportunity to decrease the influence of the ninja clans and increase theirs instead.

Schemes ran constantly through everyone's minds as they waited for Hiruzen to respond. Hiruzen smiled and said, "Suzuki Fujin."

Hiruzen's reply surprised everyone in the room. Hiashi asked, "Not Jiraiya?"

Many of the clan leaders had the same doubts. They had expected Hiruzen to include his own student in the council and increase his influence. More importantly, if Hiruzen chose Jiraiya, no one would oppose him for obvious reasons.

Hiruzen shook his head and said, "Jiraiya has no interest in being on the council."

He chuckled and added, "If he was, then I would have already passed my seat to him."

Danzo frowned on hearing that. However, everyone else nodded. Though Hiruzen had more experience and had led Konoha for a long time, considering his age, Jiraiya was a far better choice for Hokage. Unfortunately, he had no interest in the position and rarely stayed in the village.

The Clan Leaders began analyzing whether Fujin would be a good choice for them. Shikaku obviously agreed.

Choza had interacted with him during a few negotiation missions and had also fought alongside him. So he had a good impression.

Tsume had seen him during the Chunin Exams and had a favorable opinion of him ever since.

Though Inoichi, Hiashi and the Senju Clan leader had no interactions with him, all regarded him highly due to the ninjas of their clan who were close with Fujin.

Only Shibi didn't have much information on Fujin.

However, the civilian council members didn't share the same opinion as the Clan Leaders. In fact, apart from his bounty and his recent promotion to Elite Jounin, they didn't know anything about him.

While the Clan leaders were analyzing their gains and losses on Fujin gaining that seat, one of the civilian council members immediately opposed, "Lord Hokage, Suzuki Fujin is only 15 years old. He has no knowledge of how the council works or the duties of the council. He hasn't experienced any war and from what I know, doesn't have a lot of relationships with other ninjas. I don't think he would be a good option for this as he won't be able to represent all ninjas from outside the clans."

Another added, "I agree. In my opinion, it will be better if we choose someone who has experienced both the Second and the Third Great Ninja Wars and is looked up to by everyone."

A third member added, "I agree with them, Lord Hokage. Since this is a new post, it will be better to select someone who is more mature and responsible."

The other four agreed with him. They waited for Hiruzen's response. However, before he could speak, Homura said, "I have interacted with Suzuki Fujin earlier. He is very mature and responsible. If that alone is your concern, then you don't need to worry."

Homura thought, 'When Hiruzen gave him permission to speak during negotiations, I expected him to mess up at least a few negotiations and cause Konoha heavy losses. I was surprised that despite getting the permission, he never spoke and instead just learnt by observing us.'

Shikaku added, "I agree with Elder Homura. Fujin's maturity and ability to handle official matters is very good."

He made a small mental note, 'Well, other than his tendency to push Konoha to the brink of a war.'

Shikaku continued, "He won't have any issue integrating with our council. While it is true that he has very few connections, that is instead a good point.

As Elder Koharu pointed out, anyone selected could play favorites. However, Fujin won't have anyone to play favorites with. That is something that someone old would not be able to do."

Homura and Shikaku's words put a stop to the schemes running through the minds of the 5 civilian council members. With the two of them rebuking them so harshly, they quickly shut their mouths. Seeing them back off, Danzo frowned.

Koharu said, "Though you two have a good impression of him, 15 years old is too young to be a council member. Besides, he was just promoted to an Elite Jounin. The current three Elite Jounins who aren't from the ninja clans would have complaints if they aren't considered."

The civilian council members nodded. Most of the clan leaders also didn't say anything. Apart from Shikaku, most weren't completely aware of Fujin's capabilities. The bounty and his promotion both happened too suddenly and without much information being exposed to the public. Even Choza and Homura, despite seeing him in action, didn't know much about him.

Hiruzen was about to reply when Danzo said, "I agree with Koharu. In addition to her points, Fujin's loyalty to the village is also not completely proven. If he quits the Anbu after being a part of it for just 3 years, then it raises a lot of questions about whether he will dedicate his life to the village or not.

By comparison, the three Elite Jounins, who have sacrificed their blood for the village, are far more suitable options. I recommend Elite Jounin Katsuhiro to be selected for the new seat."

Hearing Katsuhiro's names, the 5 civilian council members nodded. One of them thought, 'Though I have someone who will be more favorable for me, pushing him to this seat will be very difficult as no one else would support me. Though Katsuhiro doesn't owe me much, he has maintained a very good relationship with all the five civilian council members and will listen to our opinion. He will be far more useful than Fujin.'

A similar thought ran through the minds of the remaining civilian council members. They understood that they would have to be united to get their way. Each of them exchanged glances. Of course, their glances weren't missed by any ninja in the room.

Though Danzo showed no expression, he was very pleased. He thought, 'Good. With these 5 and me, I already have 6 votes. Koharu should vote for me. Even if Homura doesn't vote with me, as long as two of the Clan Leaders support Katsuhiro, I will win!'

Seeing that everyone had stopped speaking, Hiruzen looked at Koharu and said, "Age isn't an issue. The four of us were taught about how council works by Lord Second when we were very young as well. By including Fujin in the council at the age of 15, Konoha will have someone who can stay in the council for the next 50 to 60 years just like us."

Hiruzen looked at Danzo and said, "As for his loyalty to the village, there is no question. Fujin's performance in the Anbu shows his unwavering loyalty to the village. If that wasn't the case, would I suggest his name? As for him leaving the Anbu, I recommended him to quit. He has already learnt all he could through the Anbu. Staying there any longer would be a waste of time and will be detrimental to his potential."

Danzo frowned upon listening to Hiruzen's words while Shikaku smirked in his mind on hearing Hiruzen lie so casually. Hiruzen looked at everyone in the room and added, "As for Fujin's strength…"

Hiruzen took a small pause and let everyone wonder what he was about to say. He continued, "Two weeks ago, he led an Anbu squad to the Land of Hot Water to eliminate rogue ninjas. He killed Biwa Juzo."

The eyes of everyone in the room apart from Shikaku and Danzo widened in shock. Apart from Hiruzen and Danzo, no one in the room had any guarantee of defeating Juzo. In fact, in one-on-one combat, most of them would have to work very hard to retreat alive.

Before their shock subsided, Hiruzen added, "After killing him, he caused Hoshigaki Kisame and Hozuki Mangetsu to fight each other and retreated safely without taking any losses. According to our intel, several Kiri Hunter nins died in that fight and Kisame's status is currently unknown."

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