Naruto: The Wind Calamity
Chapter 429 Table of contents

Guy replied, "Yes. I'll first explain the basics. How much do you know about the inner gates? Tell me everything."

Fujin thought for a bit and replied, "I don't know much apart from the basics. The Eight Inner Gates are limiters placed on the human body. The Eight Inner Gates technique breaks through these limiters. My information is too vague. I'll proceed assuming that I know nothing about it and just follow your advice."

Though Fujin recalled more details from his previous life, he didn't say more because he couldn't find in-depth information on the Eight Inner Gates technique anywhere. After looking through the library, he had only found a few scrolls that had some vague information. In addition, Fujin wasn't sure whether all the information from his previous life would be true.

Meanwhile, Guy was impressed. Throwing away what you know and just listening to someone more knowledgeable and experienced was something very few could do. Most would try to stick to their knowledge and beliefs until they experienced a loss and reluctantly listen to others. He said, "Alright. I'll explain it to you.

Your initial information is right. The human body can't exert all of its strength. There are limiters in place to ensure that we don't hurt ourselves. The Eight Inner Gates forbidden technique breaks through these limiters. As for the limiters, there aren't any literal gates or blockades in our bodies.

Instead, the limiters are just like ordinary chakra points. There are eight special chakra points in our body that are responsible for limiting the amount of chakra flowing through it and thus limiting our body's capabilities. These eight chakra points act like gates. To unlock each gate, you have to push a high amount of chakra through the respective chakra point.

While this sounds easy, that isn't the case. Finding the chakra point is easy. However, you won't be able to flow a high amount of chakra through them if your body isn't strong enough to handle that. No matter how much you try, the chakra point will not budge. That is the biggest difficulty in learning the Eight Inner Gates technique.

Your body has to be strong. If your body isn't strong enough, you won't even open the first gate. Even if your body is strong enough, if you don't train in the future, you'll slowly lose the ability to open the gates one by one. It isn't like Ninjutsu or Genjutsu where your skill will always remain with you with little practice.

That is why almost no ninja learns this technique. No one wants to keep training their body all the time. If you want to learn it, you'll have to increase the intensity of your current training and keep doing so for as long as you want to increase the number of gates you can open. Do you still want to learn this technique?"

Fujin nodded without thinking much. Training was never an issue for him. Even when he was busy in the Anbu, he still did the basic training every day except for the days he was on missions.

Guy grinned and said, "Very good. I'll now explain the gates. The First Gate is the Gate of Opening. Its chakra point is located in the left hemisphere of your brain. It removes your mental inhibitions. That is, it removes the limits placed on your body by your brain.

Your chakra will increase slightly, but the main advantage is that your muscle movement will increase. Your muscles will be able to expand and contract optimally and your blood flow will improve. Of course, the backlash of being able to do that is heavy as well. You know that the Eight Inner Gates allows you to use all your strength by removing the limiters, right?"

Fujin nodded and replied, "Yes."

Guy grinned and said, "In truth, that isn't entirely correct."

Fujin was surprised. He asked, "What do you mean?"

Guy answered, "The Gate of Opening itself allows you to use 100% of your body's capability!"

Fujin was surprised by the information. However, very quickly, it clicked. He asked, "You mean?"

Guy nodded and said, "Yes. The Gate of Opening allows you to exert 100% of your strength without harming yourself. The remaining gates extract more from your body to help you go far beyond what your body should be able to do.

Of course, that doesn't come from thin air and is instead the strength extracted from your body. As such, every Gate after the first is harmful to your body. This is especially true from the Gate of Life onwards. The damage done to your body is far worse than the muscle tears you will experience after opening the Gates. And, no healer will be able to heal that damage.

Only through intense training, you can make your body strong enough to sustain and overcome the damage to keep getting stronger. This is what I meant by you having to train continuously. The more you use the Eight Inner Gates in combat, the more you need to increase the intensity of your training.

For the Gate of Opening, the drawback is just exhaustion and some physical damage and trauma to your body due to using 100% of your strength without any mental inhibitions. You can heal the damage with some rest and the help of a good medical ninja.

The Second Gate, that is, the Gate of Healing overexerts each and every cell in your body to generate more stamina and chakra for you to recover and have a second chance in a fight. However, even this can be recovered from by eating a lot and providing sufficient nutrients to your body. From the Third Gate onwards, there is no other way other than excessively training your body. Remember this. If you learn to open them, avoid using them as long as you can."

Fujin's expression became grim. Even though he was aware of the drawbacks of the Eight Inner Gates Technique, it seemed like he had still underestimated their backlash. He thought, 'Looks like the price to pay to use them is too high. Fortunately, the cost of opening the Gate of Healing isn't high. And, I don't need to use the Eight Inner Gates against most of my opponents. I only need it against enemies who can absorb Ninjutsu or are immune to it.'

Fujin said solemnly, "I will remember this, Guy."

Guy smiled and said, "Good. The chakra point of the Gate of Healing is located in the right hemisphere of your brain. As I just said, this Gate re-energizes you by recovering your stamina and chakra to optimal condition and healing minor injuries such as muscle tears caused due to opening the Gate of Opening.

If you are exhausted, be it from opening the first Gate or through just normal fighting, this Gate will give you a second chance of fighting. In addition, it also increases your physical strength and chakra slightly like the other Gates,

The Third Gate is the Gate of Life. Its chakra point is located on your spinal cord. This is the Gate where you see an explosive growth in your strength and speed. Both are increased several times as compared to the Gate of Healing. As a result, your skin becomes red and your pupils disappear.

Of course, it is also very difficult to open for that reason. If you do manage to open the Gate of Life, you'll have to rest a long time whenever you open it. The overexertion also happens from this Gate onwards. And, as I said, some irreversible damage will be left in your body."

Fujin nodded, greedily absorbing all the information and remembering all the warnings. Guy added, "For now, this much information is sufficient for you. Learning about the higher gates won't be of any help. If you manage to learn how to open this Gate, I'll teach you about the Gate of Pain and the Gate of Limit."

Fujin nodded and said, "Alright."

Guy said, "I will now demonstrate the process of opening the First Gate. Observe me carefully."

Fujin nodded and concentrated his chakra in his eyes. Guy noticed Fujin's glowing eyes and shouted, "Eight Inner Gates Formation: Gate of Opening: Open!"

As soon as Guy opened the First Gate, the air around him became erratic. But that wasn't all. With his glowing eyes, Fujin noticed a surge of chakra flowing in Guy's body. In addition, his muscles also looked to be slightly stronger.

Guy said, "This is the Gate of Opening. I will attack you now. Observe me carefully and defend or dodge."

Fujin immediately moved away from Guy and prepared himself. Guy said, "Here I come…"

His figure disappeared and he appeared right in front of Fujin. Fujin's eyes widened as he thought, 'So fast!'

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