Naruto: The Wind Calamity
Chapter 437 Table of contents

Guy grinned and gave Fujin a thumbs up. He said, "Good! I'm impressed by the power of youth in you, Fujin! The process of opening the Gate of Life is the same. You just have to bombard the chakra point until you can open it.

The only difference is that the blockade is much stronger. It'll require a great deal of determination and will also be a painful process. The way to make this process easier is by increasing the intensity of your training by several times. So focus on doing that. You can come and find me to spar as well to push yourself more. Only when you constantly push your body beyond your limits, can you open the Gate of Life."

Fujin sighed internally and thought, 'I had a feeling that just having a strong body wouldn't be sufficient. Surpassing my limits…

That would have been easier to do when my body was still quite weak. It looks like opening the Inner Gates would be easier when the body is just barely strong enough to allow the respective Inner Gates to be opened. It'll be much harder for me. No wonder Lee progressed so rapidly. The body requirements for the initial five Inner Gates shouldn't be too high. From the Sixth Gate onwards, it will become very difficult.

Oh well, even if I don't open a lot of the remaining Inner Gates, just this training should make my body much stronger. So there isn't any loss.'

Fujin nodded and said, "Alright, Guy. I'll keep working towards it. I had just opened the Gate of Opening though. So I'll find you tomorrow to spar."

Guy nodded and said, "Alright. Get good rest and let your youth explode tomorrow!"

He gave Fujin his trademark grin and the thumbs up. Fujin smiled and took his leave.

After returning home, Fujin wondered, 'A jutsu that doesn't require chakra to be manipulated carefully inside our body… Fortunately, I do know a few of them and can learn a few more. Rasengan, Wind Domain and Wind Style Genjutsu all work by first releasing the chakra outside my body and then manipulating it. The Elemental forms of Rasengan are also the same. Does that mean that I can use those jutsus even after opening the Inner Gates?

Hmm, I need to test it out. It will be very beneficial to be able to perform them. Rasengan will give me a very strong frontal attack. While punching and kicking is good, having an attack like Rasengan would be more helpful, at least until I can open the last three Inner Gates.

Though Rasengan has the disadvantage of needing to slam it into the enemy, punches and kicks have the same issue as well. Not to mention, thanks to my speed buffs from opening the Inner Gates, there wouldn't be many ninjas who are faster than me. So that disadvantage won't matter much.

Wind Domain will add variety to my attack and make me more unpredictable. And, Wind Style Genjutsu can help me catch my opponent off guard. After all, who'd have time to consider Genjutsu when your opponent is opening the Inner Gates?'

Fujin began resting his body. Since he hadn't kept the Gate of Opening open till he reached his limit the previous time when he experimented, he didn't need to wait half a day. After a few hours, he had rested enough to open the Gate of Opening once again.

Fujin entered his basement and opened the Gate of Opening. Immediately, he raised his right palm and released chakra from the chakra points on his right palm. He controlled the chakra to rotate at a very high speed.

Soon, a shape similar to the Rasengan formed. However, it wasn't a proper sphere. The chakra ball in Fujin's right hand was still very unstable. Fujin observed, 'Hmm, my control over it isn't perfect. It looks like it'll explode at any point.

Still, this is far better than Wind jutsus. With some practice, I should be able to use the Rasengan while having the Inner Gates opened. The only question is whether it'll change when I open more gates… Oh well, time to test out the Wind Domain.'

The Rasengan dispersed. Fujin began emitting chakra into the basement. As it left his body, Fujin's chakra transformed into wind and mixed into the air in the basement. The process happened too smoothly, surprising Fujin.

Fujin muttered, "This is just too smooth!"

Fujin immediately focused on the winds flowing in front of him. Soon, a claw made of wind appeared in front of him. It grabbed one of the pillars and sharp winds began hitting the wind. Fortunately, the pillar was strengthened and protected by too many seals. As such, no damage was done to the pillar.

Fujin analyzed, 'Not bad. Though my control is a bit unsteady, this is still very good. The important factor is that the time needed to perform the jutsus hasn't been reduced. For Rasengan, I need to improve my control. Whereas, for the Wind Domain, I'm not able to form as many sharp winds as I can normally.

So it is a bit less potent, but it still has the ability to do a lot of damage. After all, I only need one good slash to kill my enemy. Regardless, this is very good. It is as if the Wind Domain is instinctual for me... I wonder if I can create Vacuum Cores as well.'

Considering the instability, Fujin didn't want to risk creating a Vacuum Core inside his mouth. He raised his right palm once again. He started creating a Vacuum Core to create the Vacuum Sphere jutsu. Though he wouldn't be able to use his own chakra to form a wind sphere around it, he could easily do so with the help of the Wind Domain.

Unfortunately, while Fujin was attempting, the core exploded! Fujin immediately moved far away from it. Thanks to having the Gate of Opening open, reacting quickly and moving at a fast speed wasn't an issue for him. As such, he was unharmed.

Fujin analyzed, 'Too difficult. Even though a Vacuum Core forms outside my body, it is far more intricate and complicated than a Rasengan which merely requires chakra spinning at a high speed. It looks like I won't be able to use my Vacuum jutsus with the Eight Inner Gates technique even if I learn how to create Vacuum Cores with the help of the Wind Domain. A shame… These two techniques together would have been very destructive.'

Suddenly, Fujin's chakra surged even more! He had opened the Gate of Healing. Immediately, another Ghost Palm formed in front of him. Fujin observed it carefully before stopping. He raised his right palm and formed another Rasengan. After observing it, he stopped and closed both the Inner Gates.

His breathing became a bit heavy, but a smile could be seen on his face. He analyzed, 'Good! There isn't much difference in control be it with the First or the Second Gate. It looks like both these jutsus are very compatible with the Eight Inner Gates! Hehe. This will be fun. I wonder who will be the one to force me into using this deadly combo. Regardless, I need to train more.'

Satisfied with his experiments, Fujin continued his training. He restarted practicing the Wind Domain and split his time between training it, the Flying Thunder God, physical training and sparring with Guy. The only thing that changed was that Fujin would suddenly increase the pressure from his training seal beyond what his body could bear while training to push himself further.

In the next month, Fujin made rapid progress in Wind Domain. He also became capable of using the Rasengan and the Wind Domain seamlessly while having the Gate of Opening and the Gate of Healing open. Unfortunately, he was stuck in other aspects. Though he improved in teleporting the Wind Explosion Sphere through the Dimensional Void, it hadn't reached a satisfactory level. More importantly, despite having a strong body, he couldn't open the Gate of Life.

The lack of progress in those two aspects caused Fujin some frustration. One day, while he was eating in Ichiraku with Naruto, he muttered to himself, 'It feels like I am in a rut. The constant training with no action is causing me to feel some boredom. I'm missing the constant bloodshed I had engaged in earlier. It feels like my instincts are telling me to go out and kill!'

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