Naruto: The Wind Calamity
Chapter 472 Table of contents

'Summoning jutsu: Quintuple Rashomon'

Fujin weaved the snake seal, bit his thumb and slammed his hands on the ground.

In an instant, 5 Rashomon Gates appeared one after another in a straight line in front of Fujin. Standing next to him, Hiruzen's clone nodded. He said, "That's good. You can use the jutsu perfectly."

Fujin's eyes were focused on the gates. The Triple and Quintuple variants of Rashomon weren't difficult to learn as Fujin already knew the Rashomon jutsu. Even without Hiruzen's help, Fujin would have figured them out in a couple of weeks. However, thanks to Hiruzen's clone, Fujin was able to learn and master both the jutsus in merely half an hour. Since it was just basic summoning, there wasn't much for Fujin to improve upon the jutsu once he could summon them in an instant.

Fujin turned his gaze away from the gates and looked at Hiruzen's clone. With a smile on his face, he said, "Thank You, Grandpa."

The clone nodded and said, "I forgot to mention this earlier, but Kakashi's squad returned earlier today after recording the entire formation. We are making copies currently. Since you were the one who discovered it, you can get the first copy."

Fujin thought for a few seconds and said, "I will be busy with training in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. Though I want to study it, I won't be able to focus on it anytime soon. So, it is fine if you give it to me last. You can give it to the Grandmasters who have the time and are interested in studying it."

Fujin already had recorded the entire formation even before Hiruzen had learnt about it. It made no difference to him whether Hiruzen gave it to him first, last or never gave it to him at all. As a result, he wasn't concerned about it and took the chance to earn some brownie points.

Hiruzen's clone felt better. He thought, 'Though he is very greedy when it comes to jutsus and money, he knows when to step back and let the village benefit. Though it doesn't seem very significant, it shows that his nature is good.'

The clone nodded and said, "Alright. I'll focus on the ones who have time to study it right now. Is there anything else you want to know?"

Fujin shook his head and replied, "No, Grandpa. If I need anything, I'll come visit you."

The clone's eyes twitched. The good feeling he had evaporated in an instant. Fujin's words were extremely casual. It was as if he saw Hiruzen helping him to be a completely natural thing. In the decades he had served as the Hokage of Konoha, this was the first time Hiruzen was experiencing something like this.

He muttered to himself, 'I made a mistake last time. I shouldn't have agreed. But…'

Hiruzen knew that even last time, he had no way of declining Fujin's request. After all, Fujin was merely asking for a clone to help him out. Though the request was quite brazen, it didn't require much effort on Hiruzen's part. So, Hiruzen didn't have the option of declining.

If he did, he knew that Fujin would be forced to reevaluate Hiruzen or think that there was an issue in their relationship. After all, which Hokage would decline to help a promising young ninja who would be a pillar of the village in the future unless they have an issue with that ninja?

With no other option, the clone could only smile and say, "Alright. Feel free to come whenever you want."

Hiruzen's clone dispelled himself. A smirk appeared on Fujin's face. He thought, 'Well, that was fun.'

He turned his attention to the training ground and thought, 'Now, time to modify this training ground. Though I don't haven't learnt that jutsu yet. Oh well, it shouldn't take much time.'

Fujin created a Shadow Clone and sent it to the library.

A couple of days later, Fujin was in the training ground. He was at the part of the training ground which was on the opposite side of his house. He weaved hand signs while supercharging the jutsu. After half a minute, he slammed his hands on the ground.

'Earth Release: Rampart of Flowing Soil'

A gigantic rampart began rising up from under Fujin's feet. It continued rising until it was 50 meters in height. Its width was around 200 meters. Fujin flickered and appeared in front of the rampart and used the same jutsu. Another rampart rose around 50 meters in front of the first rampart. Fujin repeated the jutsu twice more, sealing off a 50m by 50m land between four ramparts.

Creating four gigantic ramparts caused Fujin's breathing to become a bit rougher. It consumed quite a bit of his chakra. Fortunately, he didn't need to keep creating them on a daily basis. He stood atop one of them and thought, 'Alright, this should be good enough.'

He gathered chakra and began creating a vacuum core.

'Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves jutsu'

Without holding back, he shot the strongest Vacuum Serial Waves jutsu he created towards the ground. The jutsu hit the ground, the Vacuum Waves piercing deep into the ground for several meters, making the entire surface uneven. A large amount of dust and soil were launched towards the skies due to the impact and the strong winds.

However, Fujins released his chakra into the air, transforming it into wind. It quickly began transforming into his Wind Domain. Within a few seconds, the entire airspace between the four ramparts was covered under Fujin's Wind Domain.

The winds in the domain prevented the soil and dust from being launched into the sky and attracting unwanted attention. Within a few seconds, the soil fell back to the ground.

A smile appeared on Fujin's face. This was the perfect place to not only train the wide range Vacuum jutsus but also to improve his control over the Wind Domain.

For the next week, Fujin continued training here daily until he ran out of chakra. He even consumed a special soldier pill to allow him to train more. The ground couldn't sustain such a bombardment and had collapsed more than once. Fortunately, there wasn't anywhere it could escape or fall. Fujin had to use Earth jutsus to stabilize the ground and make it firm once again. A couple of the ramparts collapsed as well at some point during the week but were rebuilt by Fujin.

In a week's time. Fujin had more or less mastered the jutsus. Standing on top of one of the ramparts, Fujin thought, 'This much should be sufficient. Though I can improve it further, it'll take some time as I'll need a lot more practice.

Anyway, though the jutsus are quite similar, they are still quite different from their previous versions. Calling them advanced variants will not necessarily be true, but I should name the new jutsus in order to differentiate them. Fortunately, I have thought of a few good ones.'

Fujin gathered chakra and began forming a vacuum core in his mouth. The vacuum core contained 144 smaller vacuum cores inside it.

'Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves jutsu'

Fujin unleashed a massive attack towards the ground. The jutsu bombarded the ground, causing a mini-earthquake between the four ramparts. In some places, the jutsu pierced more than a couple of dozen meters into the ground. The entire ground, which was fixed by Fujin not long ago, was covered in scars once again.

He thought, 'I don't need to rename this jutsu. After all, I have no reason to use the previous variant of this jutsu. Anyways, in terms of area covered, this is my best Vacuum jutsu. I managed to increase the number of cores to 144. And, I can even control how much this jutsu should spread, allowing me to switch between hitting a larger area or concentrating on a smaller area to overwhelm defenses.'

Fujin gathered chakra once again and began making vacuum cores. This time, he created 36 vacuum cores.

'Wind Release: Vacuum Cluster Bullets jutsu'

Fujin shot the larger vacuum core which contained 36 Vacuum Bullets in it. The bullets exited the larger vacuum core and moved towards the ground. Some bullets travelled next to each other, and the others were behind or in front of other bullets, maintaining a distance of 1 foot from each other. In addition, extremely sharp winds flew between the bullets. It caused the attack to look like a beam.

The beam hit the ground and drilled into it with little resistance. It created an 80-meter-deep hole in the ground! Not to mention, the hole was quite wide as well due to the high number of Vacuum Bullets and the sharp winds flowing in between them.

Fujin thought, 'I'll call this jutsu the Vacuum Cluster Bullets jutsu. This jutsu is most destructive when travelling as a beam. That said, against a nimble opponent, I'll be better off spreading the bullets slightly farther from each other. Though it won't be that destructive in that case, there aren't many ninjas who can defend a normal Vacuum Bullet. So it shouldn't matter.'

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