How To Survive As A Demon King
Chapter 51 Table of contents

Chapter 51


Seo Woojin paused for a moment in thought.


‘Red smoke.’


What this meant was that an enemy that could not be dealt with had appeared, so assistance was requested as quickly as possible.


Using this signal was not something a Hero would do.


If they were in danger, the surrounding knights would throw themselves in harm’s way to protect them initially.


However, in the Demonic region, there were monsters that even dozens of knights couldn’t handle.


The red smoke signal was intended for use in such situations by the knights.


‘I heard there are no such people in the outskirts?’


If those beings were abundant even in the outskirts, regardless of the need to gain practical experience, they would never have chosen this place.


‘It’s a familiar situation.’


This was certainly the case in the North as well.


A guy who shouldn’t have appeared has appeared in a place where he shouldn’t have appeared.




Fortunately, at that time, knights including the high-ranking knight Testeron were able to catch him…


Looking at the signal now, it seemed like something even more dangerous than Draconis had emerged on the outskirts.


‘They called it a sign of the Demon King’s descent, right?’


Back then, they had judged that when the Demon King arrived, monsters would engage in unpredictable behavior.


If that were the case, the probability here was also high.


‘What do we do…’


The rule for those who saw red smoke was to go there as quickly as possible to provide assistance.


However, Seo Woojin hesitated.


‘Is it okay to go?’


Not only he, but his teammates are also somewhat accustomed to combat.


At this level, they could exert a strength incomparable to most knights.


Certainly, they would be of help.


But the reason for hesitation was that everyone was exhausted.


Both physical and magical strength had been worn out for a long time, and their minds were exhausted from the continuous battles.


Even if they go, they won’t be of much help.


No, there was even a higher probability that they would become a burden.


“What should we do? Do we have to go there too?”


Yu Hong-seol asked Seo Woojin with a serious expression.


“In principle, we should go, but… … .”


Seo Woojin trailed off at the end of his words.


No one here failed to notice the reason for it.


They were well aware of how much of a mess their situation was.


“There is a way.”


Seo Woojin glanced at one side.


There, the knights who had also seen the red smoke were bustling about.


‘I can leave this place to the knights and go alone.’


Seo Woojin was tired, but not as much as the other team members.


Moreover, he rarely used magic, so he had some leisure.


Rather than having a few knights go, it would be much more helpful if Seo Woojin went directly.


‘But do I have to do this?’


Seo Woojin hesitated even though there was a way.




There was no need to personally go and rescue other Heroes.


If things went wrong, the Heroes could become his biggest enemies.


There was no reason to risk that.


Perhaps it would be better to welcome the fact that he could reduce the numbers without directly getting involved.


‘It’s contradictory.’


Seo Woojin, whose thoughts had reached that point, wore a bitter smile.


If he really thought the heroes were his enemies, he shouldn’t have acted like he did now.


Aside from Lee Ji-ah and Kim Da-hye, even…


Yu Hong-seol, Jin Tae-seong, Kang Byeong-gyu.


Because Seo Woojin was taking care of them too.


He wasn’t just protecting them from not dying; he was helping them become stronger.


‘I don’t even know what I really want.’


Certainly, in his mind, he considered the Heroes as potential enemies.


But his actions were the opposite.


It was impossible for Seo Woojin’s personality.


Perhaps it was because of his experiences in the North.


Hundreds of soldiers had died because of him.


Thinking about them, he couldn’t stay still.


‘Fool, a fool.’


Seo Woojin chastised himself inwardly and let out a sigh.


He felt frustrated and pathetic about himself, but what could he do?


‘This is who I am.’


Having organized his thoughts, Seo Woojin took a step forward.


Other team members glanced at his back, not able to guess what Seo Woojin was thinking.


“I have something to discuss.”


The place Seo Woojin was heading toward was, of course, where the knights were gathered.


Among them, he approached the most familiar knight.


It was Ludian.




After seeing the red smoke, he was having a short meeting with his subordinates and tilted his head when he saw Seo Woojin suddenly approaching and talking to him.


“Do you have something to say?”


Seo Woojin was one of the Heroes that Ludian was paying the most attention to.


This was especially true after coming to Helldane.


Honestly, compared to other Heroes, he was exceptionally talented.


It was hard to believe he was just a D-class.


If Seo Woojin were a person from this world and not a Hero, he might have suggested recruiting him right away.


Ludian held Seo Woojin in high regard.


However, he hadn’t expected Seo Woojin, who he thought highly of, to come up to him and start a conversation, so he looked puzzled.


“I have a proposal.”


“A proposal?”


Curiosity flashed across Ludian’s face.


But right now, he didn’t have the leisure to listen to that conversation.


When the red smoke signal rose, they had to get reinforcements as quickly as possible.


“We can listen to that later….”


“I’ll go.”


Ludein’s mouth closed.


He was a very smart person.


Ludein was not only a top-class knight but also a very intelligent individual.


Thanks to this, he could understand the meaning behind Seo Woojin’s words with just a few hints.


“The knights can handle those guys….”


“Just a moment.”


Ludein raised his hand to stop Seo Woojin’s words and quickly rolled his head.


When Seo Woojin goes for support and when they go, he considered which option would be safer and more efficient.


‘It’s definitely better this way.’


Ludein had an idea of how strong Seo Woojin was.


Perhaps, even with several high-ranking knights attacking, he could withstand them.


That meant the effectiveness of sending him would be much greater than sending his subordinates.


“All right.”


Ludein, who quickly finished the calculations in his mind, nodded.


“Huh? Really?”


Seo Woojin had a bewildered expression.


He thought he would be naturally refused.


The excessive protectiveness towards the Heroes in this world was almost pathological.


So, Seo Woojin was preparing to persuade as quickly as possible.


‘But why did he accept so easily?’


It was incomprehensible.


Of course, it wasn’t a bad thing.


It reduced the time for persuasion, allowing him to depart right away.


However, Seo Woojin couldn’t accept it.


“But not alone.”


Ludian’s words were not the end of everything.


“Yes? Then it has no meaning.”


The knights had to protect their teammates here.


Was Seo Woojin not here to persuade him?


As Seo Woojin was about to frown and speak, Ludian was quicker.


“Let’s go together, just the two of us.”


* * *


Kang Byeong-gyu looked around with a serious expression.


‘What should I do?’


He had come out to find supplies for a moment when he noticed a red flare exploding nearby.


Knowing what it meant, Kang Byeong-gyu pondered.


Whether to go to the support or return to the base camp.


Honestly, he just wanted to go back, but the location where the flare went off was too close.


‘Should I check it out a bit?’


He had many skills related to ‘exploration’ and ‘tracking.’


If he used them well, he thought he could avoid dangerous situations.


‘Okay. Let’s consider it reconnaissance, I guess.’


After examining the situation there, he decided to return to the base camp.


It seemed better to convey the information he saw and discuss it with his teammates.


If there were monsters they couldn’t handle, he thought he should prevent his teammates from going to support.


Kang Byeong-gyu moved slowly and cautiously.


‘At least there are no monsters around.’


No threats were detected within the detection range.


‘Let’s take a quick look and go back.’


How far had he moved like that?


Combat sounds began to be heard from the front.




“Block it! Damn it, block it!”


Explosions, screams, and shouts blended together, filling the battlefield with a palpable sense of chaos.




Kang Byeong-gyu paused for a moment.


Somehow, the situation ahead didn’t seem reassuring.


Although he had guessed from the red smoke, it seemed like a more intense battle had unfolded than he had thought.


As he was exhausted from repeated fights and had no combat skills, he was reluctant to get involved.


‘I can’t do this. I should just go back’


Fear overcame curiosity.


After thinking for a moment, Kang Byeong-gyu shook his head and decided to return.


‘Anyway, going there won’t be of any help.’


Though he felt sorry, it was the right choice.


If he recklessly joined, it would only lead to the leakage of the knights’ strength who were supposed to protect him.


As Kang Byeong-gyu was cautiously turning his body, it happened.


“There was a rat hiding.”




An unexpected voice came from behind him.


Kang Byeong-gyu was astonished and threw himself off the ground.




Surely, there was no detected threat in the ‘exploration.’


It meant one thing.


‘A strong guy!’


Cold sweat streamed down Kang Byeong-gyu’s back.


It implied an existence so powerful that even his skills couldn’t detect it.


Just as Kang Byeong-gyu was about to turn around carefully,


“A quite agile one.”


Surprisingly, the opponent did not attack Kang Byeong-gyu.


They merely observed him with eyes tinged with curiosity.


“…Dark Elf!”


What appeared was a Dark Elf.


He had heard stories of a Dark Elf village near Helldane.


However, it was near the central hub, not at all in this remote area.


Dark Elves are powerful.


They were capable of playing with and killing knights as if it were child’s play.


The red signal made sense.


“Just standing guard is boring. but it worked out well. Try running away. If I like it, I might consider sparing you.”


His eyes glinted with a murderous intent.


‘I have to run!’


Against any other Hero, perhaps, but he knew he could never win, especially now that he was exhausted!


With all his might, Kang Byeong-gyu kicked the ground.


‘Light footsteps!’


Pouring out all the remaining magical power, he used a skill that increased his movement speed.


Kang Byeong-gyu’s movements instantly became more than twice as fast.


‘Alright, with this, I can escape…’




Kang Byeong-gyu, who was internally happy, suddenly groaned at the terrible pressure he felt in his neck.


“Did you think you could run away from an elf in the forest?”


A cruel smile spread across the Dark Elf’s lips.


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