How To Survive As A Demon King
Chapter 81 Table of contents

Chapter 81


The day had dawned.


Perhaps due to the events of the previous day, he felt quite exhausted, and getting out of bed seemed like a daunting task.




But he had to get up.


After all, classes at the Academy were starting again today.




With a groan, he lifted himself out of bed.


Bright sunlight streamed in through the window, blinding his eyes.


“It’s hard to go back to school at this age.”


Rubbing his eyes, he made his way to the bathroom and started to wash up in a hurry.




Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he made a satisfied face.


“It’s impressive.”


It wasn’t like the bulky muscles of Testosterone or Gu Dong-hwan, but a sculpted body that exuded more elasticity and firmness.


Perhaps even surpassing both in strength.


“It’s definitely better than before.”


The intense training in the North had not only honed his muscles to perfection, but had also restored his body’s balance and made his skin as smooth as white jade.


As a result, he looked much more handsome than he did on Earth.


Seo Woojin did what every man did in the bathroom.


He would look at himself in the mirror and ask himself, ‘Isn’t this good enough?’


Seo Woojin nodded and answered his own question, then left the bathroom.


“But I feel a bit better after the shower.”


There was no fatigue in his body to begin with.


He was just mentally exhausted and felt a bit tired, but after the shower, his brain started to function and his mind gradually became a lot clearer.


“What was today’s training about again?”


In the original Academy curriculum, theory played an important role.


Subjects like theology, history and pharmacology.


I don’t really understand why these things are necessary, but it was what it was.


However, after the appearance of Gerald, the educational curriculum was completely overturned and rewritten.


Focused on practical training.


Instead of spending time reading a book, swing your sword again. Instead of memorising history, master the skills.


Combat and survival training focused on practical experience.


This became the ultimate goal of the Academy.


But that didn’t mean that all theoretical training disappeared.


“I heard you were taking classes on monsters and magical beasts, right?”


Forewarned is forearmed.


It was better to know as much as possible about the enemies you would face in the future.


Therefore, the Academy decided to continue this subject according to the original plan without deleting it.


“As for the theory…”


To be honest, sitting at a desk and attending classes wasn’t his style.


Not many people liked to study, but Seo Woojin, who had severed all ties with studying a long time ago, felt it even more.


However, he acknowledged the fact that he had to learn.


It was the same in the North.


Irene had taught him a lot about monsters, and he had benefited from it more than once.


Before the war, he needed to know information about the enemy.


“Well, I can’t help it.”


Seo Woojin put on the academy uniform and left the room.


“Oh, Woojin!”


Just as Kang Byeong-gyu was leaving his room, he noticed Seo Woojin and greeted him happily, raising his hand.


“You look tired. Did you rest well?”


“I’m completely exhausted.”


When Seo Woojin sighed, Kang Byeong-gyu burst out laughing.


“That’s understandable. You made it to the finals in the practice match, went here and there for various things, and even had a showdown with Gye Suji at the end.”


Seo Woojin smiled.


If Kang Byeong-gyu knew what he went through yesterday, he wouldn’t be able to laugh like that…


“Did you go to the Sky Tower yesterday?”




How did he know?


He certainly hadn’t told anyone about it.


When Seo Woojin looked at him in confusion, Kang Byeong-gyu shrugged his shoulders.


“People who went out after the practice match yesterday saw you enter the Sky Tower. Thanks to that, rumours spread everywhere.”


The Sky Tower was quite an exciting place even among heroes.


It was a building so high that it pierced the sky, which naturally attracted attention.


No hero had ever been invited to the Sky Tower, so the rumour of Seo Woojin’s entrance couldn’t go unnoticed.


“Anyway, whether it’s on Earth or here, people love to talk about other people. Is it a universal thing?”


“So? What’s it like inside the Sky Tower?”


Kang Byeong-gyu asked curiously.


He was also very interested in Sky Tower.


“There was nothing special. It’s just spacious and fascinating.”




“I can’t really explain it. You have to see it with your own eyes. Anyway, it’s a place where the masters of magic of the world gather.”


While Seo Woojin mumbled vaguely, Kang Byeong-gyu got lost in his own imagination.


“I want to go there one day.”


Perhaps influenced by his profession as an ‘explorer’, Kang Byeong-gyu had a strong curiosity about new places.


Even though he often wandered around the academy, it was natural for him to be curious about Sky Tower.


“Maybe we’ll get the chance later?”


There was no need to go now, but when they grew a little more, they might find themselves in the Sky Tower.


‘Of course, for different reasons than mine.’


Seo Woojin decided not to mention that he had met the mage Martes.


If the story spread that he had seen both a Sword Master and a Mage, he had a feeling that it would become much more troublesome than it was now.


“Anyway, let’s hurry up. It’s time for classes to start.”


The two of them left the dormitory and quickened their pace towards the lecture hall.


They met a few people along the way, and soon a lively group was forming.


“So, was it hard yesterday? Suji’s room is on the 10th floor, so going up there…”


“Haha! My lower body is weak, that’s why. Speaking of lower body! How about we work on the lower body together today?”


“Oh, please stop…”


“Nope, not gonna happen.”


As they walked towards the lecture hall, listening to the noisy chatter, it felt like they had returned to their school days.


Although what they were learning and the way they were thinking were different.


‘This isn’t that bad either.’


A period of time with a certain peace.


Although it wasn’t a long time, Seo Woojin sometimes thought that it was good to spend such ordinary and leisurely time.


“Seo Woojin!”


At that moment, a voice called out to him from behind.


He turned around and it was Gye Suji.


She was running towards the group with an embarrassed look on her face.


“How is your body?”


Seo Woojin asked apologetically.


Knowing her strong competitive spirit, Seo Woojin had knocked Gye Suji out because it seemed like things wouldn’t end if they sparred moderately. 


Instead of risking an escalated duel with possible injuries, it seemed more sensible to knock her out cleanly.


But getting hit on the head with a sword and losing consciousness was probably not a pleasant experience.


As expected, Gye Suji smiled awkwardly and massaged her temple.


“I got a bit dizzy.”


“I’m sorry.”


Although it was an unavoidable situation, an apology was still necessary.


Seo Woojin apologized, and Gye Suji extended both hands.


“No, I learned a lot as well.”


She considered the match with Seo Woojin a lucky one.


It was different from a real fight, but it gave her a chance to think more about her skills and techniques.


“Can I ask for another match next time?”


“Of course. Anytime.”


Ironically, Seo Woojin wanted to make the same request.


The newly expanded group soon arrived at the classroom.


“Can you tell us about the Sky Tower? I’m really curious!”


“Well, I… um.”


The topic of conversation was undoubtedly the Sky Tower.


Lee Ji-ah pulled at his sleeves, even Jin Tae-seong, who rarely spoke, seemed curious.


‘Maybe he’s even more curious because he’s a wizard?’


But Seo Woojin still had no intention of revealing the story of the Sky Tower.


Especially in the current situation where all the heroes in the classroom were focused on their conversation.


As he mumbled vaguely, Lee Ji-ah became even more animated.


“Please tell us! Just a little bit! I won’t tell anyone else, just me!”


It’s embarrassing.


Seo Woojin expressed his disapproval.


But at that moment, someone appeared to save him.


“Everyone, please take your seats.”


A young man entered the classroom after opening the door.


“My name is Jayronin. From today, I’ll be in charge of your theoretical training.”


His appearance was different from that of the knights.


Dressed in a neat suit, he looked more like a magician or a scholar.


“I am a first-class member of the Imperial Academy, specialising in the history of the Advent War and monster ecology.”


Seo Woojin nodded.


As he had expected, the young man was a scholar.


‘I thought a knight would take care of this training.’ 


To be honest, he would have trusted a knight’s training more than a scholar’s. 


The information of knights who have experienced things first hand would be more accurate than those who only read books.


‘He must already know that…’


There was no way that the Empire had not thought about what Seo Woojin was thinking.


Still, there must be a reason why Jayronin was in charge of education.


Seo Woojin’s eyes sparkled with curiosity.


“Well, let’s stop with the unimportant introductions. Let’s start with the lesson.”


Jayronin walked over to the large blackboard and started writing.


[What is a monster?]


He asked the Heroes, tapping the chalk dust off his hands.


“Do any of the heroes know the answer to that question?”


But no one raised their hand to answer.


They could vaguely outline it in their minds.


But putting it into words was not easy.


Jayronin nodded, as if he had expected this.


“Can you tell the difference between monsters and magical beasts?”


“… Magical beasts are creatures influenced by magic.”


One of the heroes mustered the courage to answer.




Jayronin smiled.


“Let’s go back to the original question. What is a monster? In fact, opinions are still divided on the answer to that question.”


It was the story of the survivors of the ancient invasion of the Demon King.


They were the descendants of corrupt races, tainted by magic and evolving through the generations.


A species that had existed since the beginning.


“There are many hypotheses, but we haven’t found a perfect definition yet. However, you must be aware of these hypotheses. Do you know why?”


“Because they are our enemies?”


“That’s right. Fighting an enemy without any information can be dangerous, even for experienced heroes. But what if you had information?”


Jayronin wrote on the board again.




Seo Woojin’s eyebrows twitched.


“In the north, there is a monster called Draconis that belongs to the dragon species. It’s a ruler class monster, so powerful that only knights of a higher rank can face it.”


‘Of course.’


He remembered Draconis he had met in the north. It might be easy to defeat now, but back then it was pure terror.


“Draconis not only possesses formidable strength, but also a more dangerous ability.”


“Dominating low-level monsters.”


He muttered unintentionally.


“Who just answered that question?”


Jayronin’s eyes were fixed on Seo Woojin.


“I’m Seo Woojin.”


“I see. You’re the one supported by Sion.”


Jayronin nodded, as if he knew when he heard Seo Woojin’s name.


“Did you try to hunt Draconis then?”




“At what level was that?”


Seo Woojin hesitated for a moment before answering.


“I don’t remember exactly, but it was probably before level 10.”


Jayronin’s eyes widened.

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