How To Survive As A Demon King
Chapter 87 Table of contents

Chapter 87


“A Summoning Stone….”


Martes’s eyes, deep as an abyss, pierced through Seo Woojin’s inner self.


Seo Woojin flinched, feeling as if he had been stripped naked.


But he didn’t avoid the gaze.


“I can guess the reason.”


Martes saw through Seo Woojin’s state,that is, his level.


“You’ve grown a lot in such a short time. Indeed, the existence of a Hero is peculiar.”


“Thanks to the magician.”


“I’m satisfied that you like my gift.”


The smile on Martes’s face deepened slightly.


“However, granting the request is another matter. Boy, do you understand the value of a ‘Summoning Stone’?”




If it’s about the amount, he didn’t know.


After all, he hadn’t grasped the economic concepts of this world yet.


Since being summoned until now.


Seo Woojin had never used money.


Everything was provided, it was all supply.


As he had thought before, the ‘Summoning Stone’ didn’t seem to be something of great help to the people of this world.


So, its value itself might not be very high.


But saying it has no value and saying it’s not rare were not the same.


Seeing Martes asking like that, it seemed that the ‘Summoning Stone’ was quite a difficult item to obtain.


“…I’m not sure.”


Seo Woojin couldn’t answer otherwise.


“It’s precious. A rare item that only a mage sitting atop the mage’s world can create with great effort.”




Seeing the person who was owner of Sky Tower saying that, it didn’t seem like an easily obtainable item.


He sighed inwardly with regret.


But he couldn’t help but widen his eyes at what followed.


“I will give you ten.”




He was surprised.


‘Since I can use it ten times each, I can summon monsters up to a hundred times.’


He thought it would be fortunate to get even one, but to receive a number that was ten times that was beyond surprising.


Seo Woojin swallowed hard.


“Thank you, I am extremely grateful….”


“Of course, it’s not free.”


Seo Woojin, who was bowing his head, stopped his movement.


‘Well, of course.’


There was no way she would give something that was so difficult to obtain so easily.


‘Is it money? That’s a bit difficult….’


While everything necessary for living was provided, money wasn’t included.


Of course, there was an allowance for outings, but no matter how much he thought about it, it didn’t seem like he could afford to buy even ten “Summoning Stones” with that amount.


“There’s no need to worry too much. If you just grant me one small favor, that’ll be enough.”


“A favor… you say?”


Seo Woojin felt somewhat relieved at Martes’ seemingly casual request.


It seemed like it wouldn’t be a difficult favor, judging by the way she was speaking.


“Do you know the city of Mernotain?”


He didn’t know.


To be honest, he didn’t even know the name of the capital city of the current empire.


Martes smiled at the sight of Seo Woojin blinking.


“It’s a city in the eastern part of the empire.”


“Ah, I see.”


Seo Woojin nodded his head.


“I need you to do something there.”


“…In that city called Mernotain?”


“It’s not something overly difficult.”


“The Grand Duke…”


Seo Woojin looked a bit uneasy.


Following the knights and magicians, now a duke.


Seeing nobles that people rarely encounter in their lifetimes, one after another, made him feel overwhelmed.


“It’s only by going there that you can understand what the favor is. This is getting annoying.”


Martes said that if he went to that city and met Grand Duke Briani, he would naturally understand what the favor was.


He wasn’t really inclined to go.


He had a strong premonition that he would be involved in something strange again.


But the temptation of the “Summoning Stones” was too much to resist.


Not just one, but a whopping ten stones.


Even if it meant enduring some inconvenience, it was worth granting the favor.


“I’m glad though.”


Martes said she would personally arrange for a temporary leave from the empire and the academy.


Since he didn’t particularly find the education at the academy beneficial these days, it didn’t seem like a bad idea to wander around a bit during this opportunity.


“Alright. Let’s go.”


Martes said it would be fine if he had someone to accompany him, but Seo Woojin intended to go alone.


Although it wasn’t for himself, the Academy’s education had been a great help to others.


‘There’s a train route, so I should be able to finish work and return in two days, right?’


Unlike Sion, the Empire certainly had good transportation.


Seo Woojin entered the training ground with a satisfied smile.


“Mister, you’re here!”


“You’re not late today.”


Just as they finished eating, the guys gathered in the training ground greeted Seo Woojin.


He smiled at them and stretched his body to start training.


“Let’s finish quickly and go back to level up.”


There are six more summon counts for the remaining “Summoning Stones”.


He felt like he could raise at least 10 levels.


The bustling crowd made it chaotic.


It felt like looking at Seoul Station.


‘Where on earth are all these people going?’


Seo Woojin licked his lips as he looked at the crowded train station.


He heard that train tickets were so expensive that most people couldn’t afford them.


So naturally, he thought the platform would be deserted.


But it was a misconception.


‘There’s no separate flea market.’


Seo Woojin waited for the train to Mernotain, pushing through the crowd.


No one noticed he was a Hero because he was wearing casual clothes, not the Academy uniform.


Sometimes people glanced at Seo Woojin, but it was simply because of his appearance.


After undergoing physical evolution, Seo Woojin became quite handsome.


He wasn’t bad-looking before, but as his body balanced and his skin improved, he became much neater in appearance.


He couldn’t stand hearing jokes about being a handsome man, but he had heard enough stories about being popular.


Seo Woojin pretended not to notice their gaze and smiled inwardly.


It was embarrassing to be treated like an idol as a Hero, but it was welcome to be looked at because he was handsome.


He chuckled inwardly, and at that moment, the train to Mernotain arrived at the platform.


“It’s here.”


Seo Woojin touched the train ticket in his pocket.


This, too, was given by Martes, and it was a first-class ticket.


“I’ve heard of golden tickets, but I never thought there would be tickets made of real gold.”


Although it was as thin as paper, it was 24K pure gold.


Seo Woojin cautiously boarded the stationary train, wary of potential pickpockets.


“Is this the one?”


Unlike the bustling platform, the interior of the train was quiet.


The aisle leading to the expensive first-class seats seemed empty.


Enjoying the serene silence, Seo Woojin made his way to his designated seat as indicated on his ticket.




As befitting a first-class compartment, it was a private room.


“Oh, luxurious.”


Upon opening the ornately decorated sliding door, the interior revealed itself.




Seo Woojin marveled.


The room was filled with antique charm, reminiscent of a high-end salon.


“Huh? But…”


There were two seats.


It wasn’t just two chairs; it was clearly designed for two people.


“Even in first class, it’s a double seat?”


Seo Woojin entered slightly disappointed and sat down on one of the chairs.


Soft –


The expensive sofa embraced Seo Woojin like a cloud.


Satisfied with the comfort, he closed his eyes.


“It’s about a four-hour journey, so…”


Taking a quick nap seemed like a good idea.


That’s when it happened.




The sound of the compartment door opening echoed.


As Seo Woojin opened his eyes slightly, he saw someone entering.




He blinked in surprise.


The face was all too familiar.


Long hair, a cold expression.


And even wearing blue armor.




“I didn’t expect you to go alone.”


Irene glanced at Seo Woojin with a slightly irritated expression.


“How did you end up here?”


“Makong asked to be with Mr. Woojin. He even personally bought the tickets.”


“Ha, hahaha.”


A forced laughter emerged.


He didn’t bring anyone with him, intending to enjoy some time alone for the first time in a while…


‘This was unexpected.’


Looking at Irene, whose face was colder than usual for some reason, he sniffled.


“Are you uncomfortable?”


“No way!”


Seo Woojin quickly shook his head.


In reality, he wasn’t uncomfortable.


Just a bit flustered by the unexpected situation.


“I didn’t think you’d leave me behind like this.”


“It’s personal business, so I didn’t plan to take you. You have duties at the academy.”


Irene had various tasks along with other knights.


Guarding the academy and preparing for education, unlike the Heroes who only needed training, there was a mountain of work to be done.


“My duty is to supervise Mr. Woojin.”


But Irene coldly shook her head.


For her, Seo Woojin was the most important.


Even the academy’s work was to assist Seo Woojin.


“From the start, Mr. Woojin didn’t know much about our world enough to wander around alone.”


There was nothing to say.


It was a situation where he didn’t even have the most basic economic concept.


He had received education when he was first summoned, but that was long forgotten.


He was busy just training with his sword.


“Anyway, it’s been a while since we traveled together.”


Seo Woojin smiled happily.


It was a desperate act to cover up his own mistakes.


And Irene, as if she had noticed it all, showed no change in expression.


“Let me tell you about Mernotain.”


Unexpected common knowledge education began in the first-class compartment of the train.


‘It seems the leisurely journey has ended.’


Seo Woojin, reminded of Spartan education in the North, listened to Irene’s forced education with a sense of resignation.


It lasted for a whopping four hours until they arrived at Mernotaie.




The remnants of magical power spewed out, and the train stopped.


“We’ve arrived.”


As if relieved of stress, Irene, with a slightly softened expression, stepped off the train first.


“…Yeah, we finally arrived.”


Seo Woojin, with a pale face, followed behind.


‘Not a second to rest.’


It felt as if he hadn’t traveled first class but instead had been riding in the caboose, overwhelming fatigue washing over him.


“This way.”


Irene took the lead in guiding the way.


Her stride lacked hesitation as if she had been here before.


‘I thought she had only lived in Sion.’


Upon reflection, Irene seemed oddly familiar with the Empire.


He had noticed it since they first arrived in the Empire.


However, without probing, he followed her from behind.




Seo Woojin exclaimed as he exited the train station.


It was magnificent.


The scenery of Mernotain spread out before him was a city beyond compare, unlike the capital of the Empire.


It felt like being at a luxurious resort.


‘I heard it from Irene, but I didn’t expect it to be this grand.’


While receiving education, he understood that Mernotain was the blessed city of the East.


However, there was a vast difference between hearing and seeing it firsthand.


“Where should we go to see the Grand Duke?”


As Seo Woojin, who was repeatedly amazed, asked, Irene raised her finger and pointed to one side.


“Over there.”


At the tip of her finger, there was a gigantic castle.

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