Solo Max-Level Newbie
Chapter 11 Table of contents

Chapter 11: Labyrinth of Rivarintos (5)

It had already been ten days since they entered the labyrinth.

The traps scattered everywhere.

The ceaseless pursuit of the Minotaurs.

Not to mention the hunger and lack of sleep.

Conditions that were exceedingly harsh for human survival.

As if to prove that, the seven-member raid had now dwindled to just three.

Jinhyuk, Park Hana, and Jang Cheol-sik.

Just the three of them.

“If we keep going like this, we’ll all end up dead,” Jang Cheol-sik muttered with a grim expression.

“Right. We’re just being used by that devilish guy, and eventually, we’ll be discarded.”

Park Hana nodded in agreement.

Either used as pawns to evade traps.

Or as throwaway pieces to distract the Minotaur’s gaze.

One or the other.

Lee Hyemin and Jang Mina had died like that too.

They failed in their attempts to kill Jinhyuk and ended up being exploited to the fullest.

-Anonymous1: Why don’t you just give up and stay quiet? It’s clear you guys can’t do it.

-Anonymous6: From what I see, someone has probably reached the 10th floor. Let’s just stop messing around.

-Anonymous3: Agreed. Against veterans like that, two newbies are nothing.

-Anonymous4: Plus, the mood is hostile. To think they still use honorifics even knowing they want each other dead. Chilling.

-Anonymous9: My seatmate, the killer, is so kind. Sob, sob.

Park Hana’s chat window scrolled rapidly.

They belonged to the Black Crow Guild but did not climb the tower themselves.

In other words, they were a supporting group outside of the tower.

“Did you manage to gather any information about that person?”

-Anonymous5: Past videos related to [The Tower of Trials] are all locked, can’t know anything.

-Anonymous3: They blocked everything. VeeTube, personal blogs, even stuff saved on phones got hacked.

-Anonymous2: If we could at least see the face, maybe.

-Anonymous1: Yeah, but he wears that mask 24/7, no answer to that.

-Anonymous6: Truly like the Phantom of the Opera.

-Anonymous4: Curious, does he even wear it when taking a dump?

-Anonymous7: Did a search and he hasn’t even created a broadcasting channel?

-Anonymous3: Doesn’t seem interested in gathering subscribers, seems set on solo play.

A mask with an eerie shape that gave off an ominous vibe.

Until the first day they entered the labyrinth… he hadn’t worn that mask.

But that was only for a brief moment.

When Park Hana panicked and turned on the broadcast, Jinhyuk had already bought the black mask from the coin exchange.

Since then, he had completely hidden his face.

-Anonymous3: Darn, should have played like crazy back then. Suddenly feel so envious.

-Anonymous4: If only we knew the strategy and the holy relic locations, totally sweet deal.

-Anonymous7: I can feel electric jolts going up to my prefrontal cortex.

-Anonymous1: But those who played long ago, they all went silent. Drop some tips, so we can survive too.

-Anonymous2: Would you, if you were them?

-Anonymous3: Lol, I would’ve hoarded it all myself.

‘So they picked these fools to support from outside the tower…’

Park Hana’s face contorted.

Giggling away, yet unable to dredge up any valuable information.

Naturally, it was frustrating.

“Did you report our situation over here to my brother?”

-Anonymous1: Wow, our Hana being so prickly.

-Anonymous5: Yeah, I told him.

-Anonymous9: But it’s so deeply hidden that it’s hard to find.

-Anonymous3: No way. Desperate times, but absolute no go.

-Anonymous4: Even Bear Grylls would face a survival situation here.

-Anonymous2: Even ‘Strong Disease’ turned back around.

-Anonymous6: From the start, there’s barely any info on this labyrinth. To catch up with you, we’d need at least three more weeks.

Three weeks…

We’ve been nearly wiped out after ten days, minus two.

And now we have to survive three more weeks?


Park Hana’s eyes blazed with murderous intent.

Even now, Jinhyuk was sound asleep.

That monstrous creature, always failing to be killed!


This isn’t murder, it’s attempted murder.

Because there’s the law, right?

The punishment for an attempted crime is much lighter.

And yet, just for an attempt, to try to kill all of us.

That’s too much.

Way too much.

‘Surely six lives aren’t naturally more valuable than one?’

Even now, there are only two of us left.

Thus, he must die.

For the majority.

The minority.

“How shall we do it, now? While he’s sleeping seems like an opportunity.”

Jang Cheol-sik picked up a rock from the ground.

Crude, but a weapon whose lethality has been proven since ancient times.

If his head is crushed while sleeping soundly! There’s no chance of survival for any living thing.


Park Hana shook her head.

“That guy’s reaction speed is a complete monster. Whether it’s open combat or surprise. There’s no chance in a fight.”

There are always those who try an assassination so foolishly.

Without considering the opponent’s skills, they rush in, led by emotion.

Such emotional attempts often lead to an unfortunate end.

“Then what do you propose we do? We can’t just wait passively to be taken down,” questioned Jang Cheol-sik.

“Who said we’re just going to take it passively?”

Park Hana said coldly as she pulled out a sharp needle.

Droplets of a transparent liquid glistened on it.

It was the venom needle of the Giant Gourd Wasp.


“No matter how monstrous he is, he’s gotta eat, right?”

Preparing the meal was the responsibility of Park Hana and Jang Cheol-sik.

Gathering moss and mushrooms from within the labyrinth.

Cooking them over fire and serving them in dishes.

It was always done without any interference.

“Let’s prepare it. His last meal!”

Park Hana imagined Jinhyuk writhing in agony as he consumed the lethal neurotoxin.

An elated sensation, as if washing away the pain endured thus far.


Thud! Thud! Thud!

Something prodded Jinhyuk’s shoulder.

“Excuse me… feelinner Please wake up.”

Promptly, Park Hana’s voice followed.

“…What is it?”

Jinhyuk cracked open one eye slightly.

“Dinner’s ready. Please come eat.”

“Is it already time? Ah. It’s moss and mushroom stir-fry again?”

“What else could we have here? Eat up unless you want to eat bats and moths,” retorted Park Hana.

‘Quite prickly.’

Jinhyuk stretched and got up from where he was lying.

He felt light.

In a week, he had invested all 21 stats in ‘Gap.’

Additionally, his combat senses had been sharpened to the extreme through battles with powerful boss monsters.

His level might show as 1, but…

Absolutely not.

‘Absolutely not a level 1.’

The strongest level 1.

And so he looked forward to it.

To the day he would emerge from this labyrinth!

Jinhyuk approached where Park Hana and Jang Cheol-sik were.

The stench pricked his nose.

A repulsive mixture just by appearance.

The moss and mushroom dish truly something to eat for survival’s sake.

‘It feels like I’m truly filming a survival show.’

Since he had to force it down, having abandoned all sense of taste.

At least it was nutritionally balanced…

That much was fortunate.

“Park Hana, could you pass me some water from behind?

“…You mean water?”

“And Jang Cheol-sik just give me a little more mushrooms and moss.”

“More of this tasteless stuff? Go ahead and eat to your heart’s content.”

With light banter, preparations were over.

Jinhyuk picked up utensils made from bat bones.

The others did the same.

All three began eating simultaneously.

But then…


“Heh, he ate it.”

The two snickered at the same time.

The usually tense atmosphere suddenly dropped.

Something was…

“…You’ve used poison.”

Jinhyuk slowly put down his eating utensils.

“Right. Since it’s a blood-borne virulent poison, thrashing about will be futile.”

-Anonymous1: Hahaha! Swallowed it down the throat!

-Anonymous3: This is what they call [the meal thief].

-Anonymous7: Is the esophagus feeling hot~?

-Anonymous2: Yerim, go ahead and reveal the hand. Is it cherry blossoms or a wrist?

Even the public chat window was suddenly active.

How they cackled as if they had been waiting, sure of his impending doom.

Of course.

Antidotes for deadly poisons were very expensive.

With his current coins, it was beyond reach.

Thus, a sure kill.

The poison spreads, and the heart stops.


“If I actually consumed the poison.”

Jang Cheol-sik widened his eyes at Jinhyuk’s words.

“You… knew about the poison?”

“After all the times you tried, do you think I would just swallow whatever food you gave me?”

In such a precarious situation, to rely on someone else…

He had always taken the precaution of swapping food in the dishes anyway.


Even so…

Park Hana remained undeterred, as if she had expected as much.

“Who said I put the poison in the food?”

Knowing the opponent was keen, she didn’t poison the food but the chopsticks instead.

It was a trap no veteran could escape.

“Cough? Cough! CAGH! CAGH!”

With agonizing gasps,

Blood spurted from the mouth.

Bloated blood vessels and veins created a grotesque spectacle.


“Why? Why not?”

It wasn’t Jinhyuk frothing at the mouth.

“Grrrrr… Grrruck! Cough! COUGH!”

Jang Cheol-sik writhed in torment.

His frenzied scratching at his neck was a pitiful sight.

Of course, the agony did not last long.

The rapidly spreading poison stopped his heart.

“How… How did you notice even that? How possibly?”

“Different from usual.”

Since entering the labyrinth, Park Hana had never initated conversation about eating first.

Instead, the role had always been taken on by Jang Cheol-sik or someone else.

But today, she was the first to prepare the meal?

How was it different from offering a scenic drive on the day insurance matured?

“Just for such a trivial thing…?”

“That’s what’s important.”

The reason I managed to complete the Tower of Trials.

Because of fast reflexes?

Persistence or perseverance?

Sure, that counts too.

An important factor, undeniable.

But not the most crucial one.

Becoming a veteran…

Was because of my different insight.

Collecting and analyzing the most minute pieces of information, drawing a single conclusion.

That’s how I was able to climb a seemingly impossible tower.

-Anonymous1: Damn it.

-Anonymous4: With just that, he thought of everything? Does that even make sense?

-Anonymous2: As the viewers also have Park Hana’s perspective, did they use it?

-Anonymous5: It’s one thing with the food, but switching the chopsticks is downright creepy.

-Anonymous7: Can we have Detective Conan or Kindaichi here?

-Anonymous3: Don’t exaggerate. Anyone with elementary education would’ve predicted it. Agree?

-Anonymous2: Agree. I actually noticed it too.

-Anonymous6: 222222

-Anonymous8: 333333

“And you guys…”

Jinhyuk glared at the guys in the public chat, still giggling.

Just staring at a point in space, but…

-Anonymous3: Lol! Is it our turn now?

-Anonymous2: What’s he gonna do by staring so scarily?

-Anonymous6: Is this a fight challenge, the edge is there?

-Anonymous8: Bro, how much can you bench press? I’m the top fighter from Dobong Elementary.

-Anonymous3: Not if you don’t want to get smacked by my paws.

“Still got your mouths running. But then again, you’re behind a monitor, what’s to fear?”

Jinhyuk smirked.

“But, if there’s a brain instead of nuts in your head, think about why I’d tolerate your existence.”

If broadcasting was blocked, there was no need for such troublesome acting.

There was no need to wear the mask all day long either.

However, all these hardships were endured for a reason.

To find out where Park Hana’s connections laid.

And to capture evidence of their foul play.

“You might not know, being outside, but there’s only one case when live broadcasting is possible.”

The Tower of Trials has its rules.

-Live broadcasts can only be turned on when facing the boss monster to advance to the next floor.

And for those who break the rule…

-Appropriate measures will be taken in case of view manipulation or other fraudulent activities.

The punishment is laid out.

Of course, isn’t it something far from gentle?

[Anonymous mode has been disabled.]

-‘Crow crows kak-kawk!’ has left the chat.

-To The Iron Ladle Lady: What the… what’s happening?

-JackBauer: Why is everyone suddenly leaving?

-‘To The Iron Ladle Lady’ has left the chat.

-tyg123: Wait…

-JoeYen: Hold on!

-‘JackBauer’ has left the chat.

-Note20: S**t! Someone just broke down my front door.

-DarlingS2: What’s with this? What’s happening?

One by one, the people in the public channel disappeared.

And a short while later…

[Current viewers: 0]

“This… It can’t be true.”

Park Hana was left alone, sitting on the ground.

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