Solo Max-Level Newbie
Chapter 40 Table of contents

Chapter 40: Infinite Proliferation (2)


A heavy magical energy filled the interior of the underground.

“Damn it…”

Ellis’s face was harder than ever before.

The absolute beings in this tower.

If Ellis was the pinnacle of one kind…

The other was one of the pinnacles of a myth.

In other words, not an enemy to be taken lightly.

“I’ll handle that one, so you find some way to escape upwards in the meantime.”


“I can somehow survive, so you run away first!”

“What? Were you worried about me?”

Despite being no larger than a Pomeranian.

The way it boldly blocked the path was kind of like…

A puppy trying to protect its owner.

“Worried? I just mean, if you die, we wouldn’t be able to keep our promise. I’m trying to prevent that!”

Ellis exclaimed indignantly.

“Don’t worry and just watch.”

“What? Now’s not the time for your pride!”

“It’s not about pride. Just, trust me.”

I’ll show you.

Who the player you contracted with is.

And who will be laughing last.


Kwoong! Kwoong! Kwoong!

With a massive roar, a 3-meter-tall statue of Anubis appeared.

Crafted after the jackal of the desert.

This was the boss monster of these underground chambers.

“Interesting. Have you heard about me from the genuine article on your shoulder?”

Anubis ‘asked’.


The air changed dramatically.

This feeling, this sensation.

Indeed, was it about to activate.

[Anubis has initiated its unique ability ‘Judgment of Anubis’!]

If the caster asks three questions,

And the target answers all three,

The conditions are met.

…That’s it.

Jinhyuk’s mouth corner twisted slightly.

“Yeah, right. How else would I know about such a place?”

“Indeed,” Anubis nodded in agreement, as if convinced.

Someone of Jinjo’s caliber could plausibly know about the underground.

“Your purpose for coming here is ‘Hive’, right?”

“Well, yeah. I’ll make a hefty sum if I sell it on the black market.”

An item that could infinitely proliferate insects could command any price.

This was the second.

“Then, I’ll ask one last thing. Tomb Raider, to covet treasures is the natural instinct of vermin, but did you think you could enter my domain and leave alive?”

Quite a boring question for the last.


“If I can’t dodge you, I’ll bite my tongue and die.”

Jinhyuk shrugged his shoulders.

Then with those words.


A divine power manifested.

[All required conditions have been met.]

[Judgment of Anubis is activated!]

[All stats decrease by 50%!]

[Unique abilities and skill usage are sealed for 1 minute!]

Status windows appeared in succession.

At the same time, the magical power and strength in his entire body rapidly decreased.

The sharp senses dulled and the skills and unique abilities he was accustomed to disappeared.


It wasn’t over yet.

The true terror of this ability was what followed.

[Anubis has selected a ‘Champion of Judgment’!]

“May I introduce. This is the champion who will serve as my hands and feet.”

A deep and thick voice resonated.

And at that very instant.


A powerful magical force incomparable to the insects faced before burst forth.


The entire underground shook.

Having received the divine selection, the champion was bound to oblige.

Thus, the champion had the power to crush all obstacles in its path.

Its dark coat and dazzlingly bright claws were noticeable.

‘This guy’s level was about 71, right?’

Considering the clan members I met in the corridors were in the late 50s, this one had to be higher.

But the situation was different from back then.

Now, stats and unique abilities were sealed because of ‘Judgment of Anubis’.

Jinhyuk gripped the dagger, without the charged sword energy, tightly in his hand.

“Stop drooling already. So eager to rip into my head?”


Even without understanding the beast language, that sounded like a ‘Yes’.

Speaking of unique abilities, there was one that could use beast language too.

Wonder what would come out if those abilities merged?

Jinhyuk was lost in thoughts for a moment.


The Giant Mantis slid swiftly across the sand.

The claw-like protrusions reached threateningly towards his neck in an instant.



Jinhyuk twisted the trajectory with his dagger.

The claws only slashed empty air.



The Giant Mantis’s body heavily leaned forward.

Its center of gravity was completely thrown off.

‘Full of openings.’

What use is seeing 360 degrees with compound eyes if there’s no time to react?

A mischievous spark danced in Jinhyuk’s eyes.

At the same time, the dagger pierced through the Giant Mantis’s vulnerabilities.


A slicing sound of flesh echoed.

Green fluid gushed out.

It had targeted the soft joints, not the armored parts, allowing the strike to succeed.


A wretched scream echoed throughout the cave.

Just started and already complaining about a leg?

Jinhyuk withdrew his sword and slightly distanced himself.

“You got complacent because I’m just human? Now you’ve lost a leg for no reason.”

Most who were moderately strong did this.

Underestimating the opponent, being sloppy, and then taking a hit in return.


The Giant Mantis staggered backward, low growls escaping it.

But it was only momentary.


A new leg sprouted where the old one was severed.

“…You’re really something else.”

This is no Piccolo; cutting it made it grow back.

Jinhyuk quickly readied himself.

Here it comes.


As the ground shook from its leap, the Giant Mantis lunged at him again.

The claws drew an arc.

‘This is…’.


It wasn’t easy to see, but there was a white energy gathered on its claws.

If hit head-on, the dagger wouldn’t last.



Jinhyuk moved his head to dodge the blow.

The weapon grazed his hair and passed by.

Boooung! Bououng!

Subsequent attacks also cut nothing but air.

By no means were they slow.

As the battle progressed, the insect-like resilience began to assert itself, along with the Champion’s buff enhancing its state.

As a result, the Giant Mantis’s claws were now moving too quickly to see with the naked eye.

However, Jinhyuk dodged all of those strikes by a hair’s breadth.

As if dancing to a unique rhythm.

‘Trot songs really are the best.’

From the moment the battle started, a song had been playing in Jinhyuk’s head.

-My love for you is~ unconditional, unconditional! Crossing the Pacific! Crossing the Atlantic!

A thick voice and a catchy melody.

During the underground insect battles, timing his attacks to this rhythm helped gradually exhaust the opponents.

‘Strangely, it seems to work even better than before?’

Really, it did.

Previously, he would occasionally be off-beat, but now there were no minor slips.

His movements were near perfect, and even the quickening breath was an enjoyable sensation.

Boooung! Booung!

The pace of the attacks slowed down over time.

The claw’s silhouette began to become faintly visible.

‘Good. Now’s the time…’

Jinhyuk gripped his dagger in a reverse grip.

Dodging an attack from above for the last time.


He aimed for an exposed gap!

All his strength went into stabbing the back leg of the Giant Mantis.

Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk!

A clean blow targeting the tendons.

After delivering four swift stings, Jinhyuk again casually made space.



The Giant Mantis sprawled in an unseemly heap.

Not a fatal wound, of course.

The injuries would heal eventually anyway.

‘But some scars remain in your heart forever.’

Jinhyuk stood in front of the Giant Mantis as it attempted to stagger upright.

And he repeatedly sat and stood up in front of it.

Once, twice, three times…


When the enraged Giant Mantis got back up, he would knock it down again.

And repeat the same actions once more.

Once, twice, three times.

The point was not to show any signs of struggle.

With an easygoing atmosphere and a slight rise of the lips.

Finally, the expression that says ‘you won’t beat me even after a hundred years’.

Even though his thighs felt like bursting, it was fine.

Tormenting a strong opponent like this is precisely why a high-level player exists in this world.


“How, how could this be happening!”

Anubis roared, a mixture of anger and astonishment smeared across his voice.

The fight he was confident of winning was going the opposite way.

Ellis found the situation just as unbelievable.

“I knew he was strong, but this strong…”

He had been an exceptional human since the first meeting.

That much she admitted.

Even the distinguished Belus of the vampire clan struggled before ultimately losing.

Back then, in the corridors, all abilities were at their disposal.

But now, with a nerf and their unique abilities and skills sealed, it’s a completely different story.

‘He’s toying with his opponent just with his senses and reflexes.’

Ellis gulped down her saliva.

It was a sight hard to believe even while watching.

Moreover, the adversary was Anubis’s own appointed Champion.

To show such ease against it was almost madness.

Ellis saw Jinhyuk recurring sitting and standing up in front of the Giant Mantis.

‘Really, with him, maybe it’s possible.’

The downfall of the Ataraxia family and the hate for the six clans that caused it.


Just maybe.

One human could fulfill that long-cherished wish.

Dugeun! Dugeun! Dugeun!

Ellis’s heart began to beat quietly.

A blend of anticipation, excitement, and elation spread through her body.

And just at that moment.

The cleanly severed leg of the Giant Mantis shot high into the sky.



Jinhyuk shook off the fluid from his dagger onto the ground.


Now, both of its boasted foreclaws had been removed.

“Ki, Kiiee….”

The Giant Mantis stepped back, faltering.

Such sights were rare in aggressive insectoid demons.

What? Finished already?

“Do you not enjoy hunting?”

After being so spirited, giving up already?

Of course, he could understand.

Hunting was funnier for the hunter than for the hunted.

But now it was time for the hunter to become the hunted.

“What are you doing! Do not retreat but fight! Stand and fight!”

Anubis’s voice boomed.

Frustrated, he thumped his chest with his fist.

However, the Giant Mantis, now consumed by fear, failed to heed its master’s command.

“What are you waiting for? Better run fast.”

Jinhyuk slung the dagger over his shoulder.

And began counting down from ten with his lips pressed together.

Run as far away as you can.

It won’t be easy, but…

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