Solo Max-Level Newbie
Chapter 48 Table of contents

Episode 48: Black Market (1)

“Watch out? What do you mean by that?”

Jinhyuk lowered his voice.

[That guy. Something smells off about him. It’s unpleasant and creepy, you know? Unlike you, it’s a scent I wouldn’t want to consume even if I were starving to death.]

It turns out to be the smell of blood.

What does this creature think humans are?

Walking lunchboxes?

Or just snacks when bored?

Either way, it’s not normal.

[You can guess what I’m imagining from the look on my face, but I’m not joking—it’s genuine advice. That man is definitely not an ordinary person.]

His voice is quite serious.


Jinhyuk’s expression hardened slightly.

From the urgency of these words, it was clear this was no trivial jest.

Glancing ahead, he saw a blonde man in a white suit.

He appeared to be in his 20s. Yet, the ease that radiated from his posture bespoke a maturity beyond his years.

“Ha ha ha! It’s nothing!”

“Really, how did you know?”

The man and a stewardess were chattering away merrily.

‘He looks just like a young CEO or a second-generation conglomerate heir…’

Could he be hiding something more, as Ellis suggested?

There was only one way to find out.

Stealthily, so he wouldn’t be noticed, Jinhyuk activated the ‘Eyes of Truth.’

Name: Alex Judrow

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Level: 27

Strength 15, Agility 13, Stamina 15, Mana 61

Stat Points: 0

Coins: 0

Occupation: Necromancer

Unique Ability: Forgotten Tomb

Skills: Lv5 ‘Resurrection of the Dead’, Lv5 ‘Contract with the Dead’, Lv5 ‘Mana Dissolution’, Lv4 ‘Touch of the Deceased’, Lv4 ‘Hybrid Breeding’

[Copying Conditions: You can copy one of the unique abilities or skills based on your familiarity with the target. To reach the highest level of familiarity, you must join the ‘Mage Association’.]

Could it be…!

Jinhyuk’s pupils shuddered with realization.

To think that this man was one of the Mages.

Was that charming demeanor a complete facade?

[See? Wasn’t I right? My sense of smell is second to none even in the Tower of Ordeals…]

Ellis boasted loudly, but once Jinhyuk pocketed the ring, no further sound could be heard.

The creature was certainly useful, but its talkativeness was its only flaw.

And there was the issue of it still thinking it was a queen.

Just then.

“Are you enjoying your journey comfortably, Player Gang Jinhyuk?”

The stewardess approached with a bright smile.

Timely indeed.

An opportunity to inquire more about Alex.

“Yes, thanks to you.”

“If there’s anything uncomfortable, please let me know anytime. Oh, and I’ve brought some snacks too, would you like some?”

“I was actually feeling a bit peckish, thank you.”

Jinhyuk received a sandwich with beef steak and a can of Blanc beer.

Meanwhile, he casually brought up Alex.

“It seems there’s another passenger in first class besides me. Might they be an Awakened?”

“Ah, you mean Alex?!”

When asked about Alex, the stewardess replied with joy.

Apparently, he had made quite the impression.

“He’s an executive of a famous French cosmetic company. He was here for business and is now heading back to the U.S.”

A cosmetics company executive?

That hardly seems to fit a necromancer.


‘Chances are, him being here in the first class with me is no coincidence.’

The odds were high that his boarding was planned.

And for one purpose alone.

To attempt recruitment once more after the pair had failed previously.

‘And now I’m curious how they’ll play this.’

Since the assassination contract with Cheon Yuseong had failed, they wouldn’t approach openly.

They’d try to woo me with more attractive offers or gradually build rapport to recruit me.

Jinhyuk crossed his arms leisurely.

Knowing the other party’s goals in advance, the play’s climax was bound to flow the way I wanted.

All that remained was to act as if I were naively falling for his ruse.

After a few hours, Alex stood up and headed towards the washroom.

Or rather, he pretended to go, making his way towards me instead.

“Could it be…”

Upon seeing Jinhyuk, Alex’s eyes widened as if he had encountered a celebrity in real life.

“Excuse me. Aren’t you Player Gang Jinhyuk, who received an S-rank rating today in Korea?”

A slightly excited expression.

A trembling voice.

Wow, the acting skills.

With such a performance, I almost believed he was a movie actor, not a corporate executive.

But in this game of acting, I refuse to lose.

“Yes. I was re-evaluated as an S-rank just earlier.”

“Of course! I’ve watched your video on the [Tower of Trials] community several times over. It’s so fascinating to meet the person from the video in the flesh.”

After blabbing excitedly, Alex seemed to remember something and fumbled inside his suit pocket.

“Pardon me… my name is Alex Judrow.”

The business card he gave me stated ‘Overseas Sales Director at De Peona Corporation.’

“Gang Jinhyuk.”

“This encounter may just be fate. How about we grab a drink at the bar? A long journey is better with some alcohol, don’t you think?”

A social engagement masquerading as coincidence.

Certainly not a bad approach.

Especially if one has a gentle demeanor and eloquent speech on their side.

But let’s see.

Who will have the last laugh in this exchange?

“Well, it does seem like a good way to kill the time. I was getting a bit tired of beer alone.”


We arrived at the bar exclusive to first and business class passengers.

“May I order something I usually enjoy? Is that okay?”

“Any drink is fine as long as it’s strong.”

“Ha ha. No need to worry about that.”

Louis XIII.

A top-shelf cognac selling at 15 million won per bottle at the saloon.

Alex ordered it as casually as one buys a soda from a vending machine.

One drink, two drinks.

As the strong liquor emptied, the tension between us seemingly eased.

At least, that’s what Alex believed.

When the bottle was finally depleted.

“Truth be told, my visit to Korea wasn’t for cosmetics. I came to extend our business to Awakening-related ventures.”

Alex began to delve into the meat of the conversation.

The ice clinked.

Cubes the size of a child’s fist shifted within the glass.

Feigning ignorance, Jinhyuk prompted further.

“Awakening-related business?”

“Yes, although it was intended to be light-hearted at first. We’ve run into a small problem, though.”

“What kind of problem?”

“Before I explain, may I ask if you are aware of the masked individual who has been talked about lately?”

I sure am.

That mask is currently stowed right inside my luggage.

I could just put it on right now and see his face turn a picture, however….

Now is not the time.

The story isn’t over yet.

Jinhyuk composed his expression, then continued.

“I have seen them a few times in videos. That player played a pivotal role in the conquest of the ‘Corridor of the Lost’ on the first floor. They also declared the challenge of the fourth floor in a recent meeting between major guilds. But what problem does this person have with your company?”

“It’s a kind of turf war. We wanted to assist in the boss raids, but they put up a strong resistance—probably wanting to take all the glory themselves.”

You listen to this guy?

Making things up without a hint of shame.

After editing out parts involving the Mages and posting the video…

A third party will never know the truth, or so they assume.

‘Who lies to someone directly involved?’

It’s unbelievable and impossible to sympathize.

Jinhyuk chuckled.

Let’s see how much more nonsense he’s going to spew.

“Sounds like a very greedy fellow. This mask-wearing individual.”

“Exactly! Terrible, right? So, I was thinking, if Player Gang Jinhyuk could join with us… It would be of immense help to us.”


“Yes! S-ranks have the right to operate independently, so no one can touch you.”

So basically.

Use the privilege of an S-rank to butt in on the fourth floor’s conquest, is that it?

What to say?

You’ve sure got thick skin.

Poke you with a pen and not a drop of blood would spill.

“Although I don’t dislike Alex, that’s a bit too much to ask.”

“Of course, I plan to offer a worthy reward for such a request.”

As if waiting for this, Alex opened his spatial inventory.


A shining blue potion emerged from a transparent crystal, an elixir to be exact.

Even if one fell to a terminal illness or had a shattered heart, this legendary potion could bring healing.

‘Really, what do these guys do to afford such costly items?’

Seriously, if possible, I’d like to vlog a Mage’s entire day.

From waking up to sleep, to see just how cruelly one must live to stay warm and well-fed.

Jinhyuk toyed with the elixir flask.

“This is quite tempting.”

Then Alex presented a single sheet of paper.

“Just sign here, and the elixir is yours.”

[Alex activates Lv5 ‘Contract with the Dead’!]

A faint but ominous aura began to rise.

It was a signature skill of the necromancer, granting contractual power over the other party.

‘It’s exactly like that, isn’t it? Using this skill.’

Jinhyuk’s eyes narrowed.

It looked like any ordinary contract on the surface.

And that’s what made it dangerous.

If you unknowingly fall for it, it’s too easy.

‘Because it’s absolute. Once you’re ensnared, you’re compelled to fulfill the terms written in the contract.’

Violation equated to death, so one must not be hooked.

Yet it was too painful to not sign for the elixir.


As if struck by inspiration, Jinhyuk clapped his hands together.

“Have you made up your mind?”

“Yes. Sorry, but I won’t sign. These days, there are so many scams, I’d rather not take chances with my pen.”

“That’s… quite disappointing. Then there’s no choice but to leave the matter of the elixir unsaid.”

Alex reached out towards Jinhyuk, signaling for the elixir’s return now that the deal had faltered.


“I’ll keep this for myself.”

“What do you mean?”

“You see, I have a principle not to spit out the candy I’ve already put in my mouth until it’s completely finished.”

Saying so, he smoothly gathered his mana.

Boom boom boom!

The plane shook violently.

“Attention, passengers. We’re experiencing turbulence, please fasten your seatbelts… Argh!”

“We request that everyone momentarily cease moving.”

The flight attendants scrambled to manage the situation, believing this was an encounter with turbulence.

“It’s about time I go back to my seat for safety reasons. Follow the crew’s instructions, Alex.”

With those words, Jinhyuk flashed a sly smile at the gritted teeth of Alex.

What’s wrong?

Feel cheated? Well, why not use your strength?

But would that really work out?

A necromancer, here with no corpses… what can you really do?

Do you plan to kill everyone here?

‘Lets see about that.’

It probably won’t come to that.

Alex likely doesn’t have enough sway in the Mage Association to make such a call on his own.

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