Solo Max-Level Newbie
Chapter 69 Table of contents

Chapter 69: Magic Surge Disorder

The urgency in the voice was unmistakable.

“What’s wrong, Yeonhwa?”

Jinhyuk cautiously asked.

“Brother, grandfather… he’s collapsed. If it continues like this, I don’t think he’ll make it through the night…”

If Yeonhwa was referring to her grandfather, could it be the esteemed Yoo Cheonyeong?

At that moment, Jinhyuk remembered what Kim Gitae had mentioned about Yoo Cheonyeong during the awakening test.

He had indeed asked about his health back then, and Yeonhwa had bristled in response.

The veteran who had earned the nickname ‘Bulgwangdong Nuclear Fist’ battling alongside him in the ‘Tower of Trials.’

‘To see the always cheerful Yeonhwa so disheveled and reaching out…it must be serious.’

Hope seemed out of the question now.

She must want to share her sorrow with someone, grasping at straws in her despair.

“Where are you?”


“Tell me where you are right now.”

“Seoul National University Hospital. But brother, even if you come…”

Seoul National University Hospital.

It looked like he would need to make a slight change to his plans for the night.

“Just wait for me; I’ll be there within 30 minutes.”

* * *

“Brother, over here.”

Yeonhwa was waiting in front of the hospital room.

“Thank you for coming. I…I don’t even know who to talk to anymore.”

Her face was pale and drawn, with tear stains marking her swollen eyes after much weeping.

Though he sympathized with her sorrow, he knew that identifying the nature of the illness was the current priority.

“Can you tell me what illness he has?”

“It’s a magic surge disorder. Grandfather had a chronic illness, but it suddenly got much worse after the Tower of Trials appeared.”

The Tower’s magic had seeped out.

Many changes had occurred because of it.

Artifacts preserved in museums becoming holy relics, or,

as in this case, causing a variety of side effects.

He had a rough idea of the cause.

‘It must be related to the martial arts Yoo Cheonyeong had practiced.’

The magic from the Tower and the energy he had cultivated long-term clashed, causing a surge.

“Maybe I can fix this.”


Hearing Jinhyuk’s words, Yeonhwa’s eyes widened in shock.

Saving her grandfather, whom everyone had given up on.

The chance was slim…

Yet just the glimmer of hope was enough to thaw her frozen heart in an instant.

“I need to see his condition for myself. Is he inside?”

“Yes, just a second.”

Wiping her tears, Yeonhwa opened the hospital room door.


The metallic squeak was unusually loud.

Inside the room, a dozen people were gathered: doctors and nurses in white coats, healers with rods that resembled magical tools, and muscular men in martial arts uniforms.

Of course, the most striking was an old man of sturdy build, lying unconscious on the bed.

Jinhyuk’s gaze sharpened.

This was Yoo Cheonyeong.

‘The strongest in Korea?’

Name: Yoo Cheonyeong

Gender: Male

Age: 78

Level: 5

Strength: 25, Agility: 50, Endurance: 38, Magic: 7, Immortal Qi: 103

Available Stat Points: 0

Coins: 0

Occupation: None

Special Abilities: Formless Tai Chi

Skills: Lv13 ‘Genuine Tai Clearing Youth Technique’, Lv12 ‘Never Retreat in Battle’, Lv12 ‘Strengthen’, Lv11 ‘One Against Hundred’

[Copy Conditions: The current healers have already accepted Yoo Cheonyeong’s death as a fact. If you expose their scheme of leeching billions of won despite this and manage to save Yoo Cheonyeong’s life, then you can copy one of his skills.]

Through ‘Gluttonous Eyes’, Jinhyuk could see Yoo Cheonyeong’s extravagant status.

His level was merely 5.

Yet, judging this man by level alone was a mistake.

While specific rankings for players had not been set yet, if asked who was currently the most powerful person in Korea, Yoo Cheonyeong’s name would surface first.

His level and unique abilities aside, his sheer talent was profound.

‘He said he never once entered a dungeon.’

Except for that one time, dealing with monsters that spilled out during an outbreak, which must have increased his level just that once.

It was an event that had occurred while he was within the labyrinth, and missing it was a slight regret.

‘That’s precisely why I came all the way here.’

Skipping a comfortable rest and delicious meal for this visit.

Of course, his acquaintance with Yeonhwa played a part in his decision, but the primary reason was the opportunity to copy skills and abilities from a powerful individual. Opportunities like encountering a heavyweight like Yoo Cheonyeong did not come around often.

At that moment.

“Miss Yeonhwa, where have you gone off to? This isn’t the time to leave your post… Huh?”

One of the healers, rebuking her before, suddenly gasped as they saw a very familiar figure behind Yeonhwa.

“It’s Player Kang Jinhyuk!”

“The one who received an S-rank!?”

“Yes, him.”

“What is he doing here?”

How could they not recognize him?

The player who was the current talk of Korea.

He had obtained an S-rank evaluation with his overwhelming magic capacity, and the feats he displayed in the practice arena against Cheon Yuseong and Hong Deokpyo were hard to forget.

“Miss, how do you know that person?”

“I’ve known Jinhyuk oppa for quite a while. He’s come to check on my grandfather’s condition.”

“What? He’s going to assess the condition…”

“Do you mean Player Kang Jinhyuk is going to treat him?”

The room filled with voices of disbelief.

It was hard to believe.

Someone from out of nowhere claiming they would cure what no one else could.

No, it wasn’t just disbelief; there was a fear that something more insidious might be revealed.

[Darn, why has a Ranker suddenly appeared?]

[Could he have noticed that we’ve been sucking money by keeping him on life support?]

[Bragging, that’s it. Yep, certainly. A man who knows nothing but how to fight, do you think he can distinguish veins and arteries?]

Through the ‘Gluttonous Eyes’ and its ability ‘Mind Reading’, the inner thoughts of the healers reached Jinhyuk.

Those who profit from others’ hopes make the worst scum, but these ones were particularly vile.

Knowing Yeonhwa would never give up on her grandfather, they exploited her.

‘Detestable creeps.’

Feigning ignorance, Jinhyuk tilted his head quizzically.

“Hmm. You didn’t administer the Elixir directly, did you?”

“Of course we…”

“Haha. Surely, those experienced in the medical field wouldn’t have simply poured Elixir down the throat of a patient suffering from a magic surge. Unless, of course, their heads are completely empty.”


“Hmm! Ahem!”

The healers’ faces reddened in embarrassment.

He had hit a nerve.

But any retort or outburst on their part would be an admission of Jinhyuk’s claim, so they bit their lips hard, swallowing their rage.


They’re like docile sheep now.

“The reason his condition worsened is due to the incompatibility between the mana from the Tower and the energy cultivated through his life-long training. The disparate energies exacerbated the chronic illness. In other words, if we can dilute the clashing energies, we can potentially reverse the illness.”

“Then, Player Kang Jinhyuk… you know how to do that?”

“Of course, I do. Just like the esteemed healers here.”


“Ah, why be so modest? You all already know this method can only be used on a patient who has entered a coma due to their worsening condition. You’ve been waiting for this moment, haven’t you?”

Jinhyuk smiled faintly.

To an outsider, it must have seemed charming, but for the healers facing him, it was a smirk they wanted to strike off his face.

‘If we admit ignorance now, we’ll never step foot in this industry again.’

Healer Jinsoo Huh gritted his teeth.

To be deemed inferior in medical ability to a combat-oriented player…

The mere thought was horrifying.

“Yes, of course. We’ve been waiting to use that very method.”

“Exactly! Then, why don’t I learn a thing or two from the healers’ prowess.”

Jinhyuk took a step back, giving the floor to them.

Jinsoo Huh’s expression twisted as if he’d bitten into something bitter.

“That’s…we know the method, but due to the extensive use of materials over time, it will take some time to gather more. It might take a few hours, so we’d appreciate if you could take over for us.”

“Hmm, that’s strange.”

“Strange? In what way?”

“That you’re out of materials. From what I’ve observed, you should have plenty.”

He casually tossed out the remark.


Jinsoo Huh inhaled sharply without realizing it.

He was quick to regain his composure, but it was too late.

The ‘Gluttonous Eyes’ had already revealed all his inner thoughts.

[How… is that just a guess? Or could he possibly know about the under-the-table money?]

Well, how could I have known?

Jinhyuk’s lips curled upwards.

[Only I know about those accounts. Especially the seven hidden bank accounts and the Bitcoin wallet address, even if he were a god, he couldn’t possibly discover those.]

“Looking at it, you even used dummy accounts and Bitcoin wallets, huh? Considering you’ve been skimming off hundreds of billions, no wonder you wouldn’t have money left to buy materials.”

“You can’t…be.”

Jinsoo Huh staggered backward.

His greatest secrets had been laid bare, and he had no choice but to react.

‘Truly a demonic ability.’

It came with conditions, but the power to read others’ minds was overwhelmingly effective whenever and wherever.



Following Jinsoo Huh’s thoughts.

[……it can’t happen.]

Jinhyuk’s pupils quaked.

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