Solo Max-Level Newbie
Chapter 81 Table of contents

Chapter 81. The Womb of the Dead, ‘Pendariel’ (3)

[‘The Black Hound’ reveals its presence.]

[On behalf of Egyptian mythology, I wish to make you a proposal.]

The nickname ‘The Black Hound’.

It was Anubis.

After being thoroughly defeated on the first floor underground, I thought he was lying low for a while, but now he shows up at this moment…


Jinhyuk looked up to the sky while holding a flagpole in one hand.

He must have been watching even before entering the colony.

Not from the fourth floor.

But from a much higher level.

“Since you’re listening, speak.”

[‘The Black Hound’ growls softly.]

Anubis couldn’t hide his discomfort at the sight of someone speaking down to him, even though his divinity was expressed.


The air trembled, and magical energy surged wildly.

Of course, threats like that would not make him submit.

This isn’t their dominion.

What’s with the commotion over a little cough?

“Ah? Are you angry now? Shall I just extract this and end this? I don’t mind either way.”

Jinhyuk tightened the grip on the flagpole.

The flag slightly rose.

Then, as if by magic, the oppressive aura vanished.

[‘The Black Hound’ panics greatly.]

[It soothes you, asking you to calm down.]

[They say they still want to see the proper end of this battle.]

“I know. That’s why you intervened.”

From the standpoint of those ruling the upper floors of the tower, the idea of the fourth floor being conquered without a proper fight against the boss monster was difficult to accept.

If there was a proper fight, it would be too obvious who would win.

Plus, they wouldn’t want to see a cheeky human progressing triumphantly.

But, you see.

“Why should I accept your proposition?”

Jinhyuk scoffed.

There’s no need for a disadvantageous fight.

The outcome was already decided.

[‘The Black Hound’…]

“Ah! It’s better not to threaten with cheap tactics. Be honest. The might of your level of divinity, no matter how much you bark, isn’t intimidating.”

By the way, use the whip based on the person you’re dealing with.

“If you really want to negotiate with me, use carrots. Make an offer that might change my mind. Maybe then? I might even fight the Queen for you?”

Jinhyuk sneered.

The system message paused momentarily.

Then, after about ten seconds.

[‘The Black Hound’ is willing to offer ‘Jackal’s Fang’ if you agree to the fight.]

When the system message reappeared, it bore content beyond expectation.


To think it would make such an offer.

I thought it was stingy, but it seems to be unexpectedly generous.

The ‘Jackal’s Fang’ was an ingredient item that increased the speed of one’s internal energy by 10%.

Although it was limited to upgradeable items and received a Grade A rating, its ability alone was comparable to any S-grade item.

The compensation was quite satisfactory.

It was satisfying, indeed.

However, the problem is.

“I’m a bit greedy, you see.”

Jinhyuk’s lips curled upwards.

“First, give me the molar from among the teeth. In addition, if you listen to another term of mine, I’ll consider it.”

[‘The Black Hound’ is tremendously puzzled.]

[It asks how you knew about the type of tooth.]

The most powerful of the ‘Jackal’s Fang’ was indeed the ‘molar’.

Unlike the other fangs that provided a 20% increase in attacking power, this one gave a whopping 30%.

An item from Anubis that could leave a colossal scar on the target’s body was one of the best items one could obtain.

“Whether I know or not is none of your business. Will you accept it or not?”

[‘The Black Hound’ inquires what the other condition is.]

“It’s nothing special. There’s an item called ‘The White Branch,’ a Grade B ingredient. I need that. And of course, all of this must be paid in advance.”

The White Branch was commonly used for medical purposes and could not be found in the fourth floor but was readily available beyond the tenth floor.

It was worthless trash to Anubis, of course.

[‘The Black Hound’ accepts the proposal.]

[The agreement is made.]

[‘The Black Hound’ must promptly deliver the two promised items, and the player, Gang Jinhyuk, cannot extract the flag until the battle with the Queen is concluded.]


Before his eyes, the sharp molar and a white branch, as white as snow, appeared.

…Caught in the trap.

Jinhyuk slightly bit his lip.

The arrogant god who thought everything was beneath him.

He will soon pound the ground in regret over his own agreement.



The ground exploded, and black smoke rose from the colony.

“No way. Did he kill her? Even the Guardian.”

Pendariel looked at the butcher turned to ash.

She thought no human could penetrate that defense.

Yet once again, the human she was up against had far exceeded her expectations.

By now, she had to acknowledge.

The opponent wasn’t an insect that needed to be crushed.

He was an enemy that required her full attention to deal with.


Pendariel swiftly entered the room.

The flag was still not pulled.

As if to mock her, the opponent waited beneath the flag for the colony’s queen.

“Why. Haven’t you. Pulled it? If you pull the flag. It would be. Your victory.”

“That would be the case. But that’s just too dull, isn’t it?”

Jinhyuk nonchalantly shrugged.

“Dull? You say such. Even with me. Right in front of you. You laugh?”

Her voice sank coldly.


A chill ran over his skin.

Indeed, the magic power was intense.

‘Fighting her at a lower level is thrilling indeed.’

Even with the ‘gap’ stat narrowing the gap, no player at this moment could defeat the Queen.

Originally, a 1-on-1 fight with Pendariel wasn’t supposed to be possible.

But now, due to the recent agreement, one player emerged capable of toppling the womb of the zombies.


Jinhyuk split the soul-infused scissors he obtained from the ‘Butcher’ in half.

Only one blade was left.

Precisely, just the right blade.

Instantly, a frighteningly shaped weapon resembling a scythe was completed.

Jinhyuk immediately proceeded to the next step.

“I shall fuse ‘The White Branch,’ ‘Jackal’s Fang,’ and ‘Soul-Infused Scissors.’”


A unique ability to meld substances of different properties into one.

An ability meant solely for me, the one considered best for climbing the tower, was now manifested.

To stand against the worst of foes.

[You have successfully fused!]

[The ‘Scythe that Cuts Karma’ has been created!]

[Scythe that Cuts Karma]

Acquisition Difficulty: Immeasurable

Contents: A divine artifact with absolute judgment effects, belonging to the chief deity. It has the power to kill the unkillable and cut down what cannot be cut.

[Due to the appearance of an artifact unsuitable for the 4th floor, the system intervenes.]

[This item can only be used once.]


An indescribable light completely enveloped the scythe.

‘So it’s a one-time use after all.’

Jinhyuk clicked his tongue while reading the detailed description.

He already knew that it was impossible to use power that contradicts causality permanently.

Even so, he thought he might get two or three uses out of it.

The reality, however, proved that condition became even more stringent.

Perhaps if he had fused artifacts from Greek mythology instead of Anubis’, he might have had at least one more use. But even that was a luxury in the present situation.

‘At least I cleared the minimum conditions.’


He had obtained a weapon capable of killing with a single hit.

With this, the conditions were balanced.

Both sides could now sever each other’s lifeline.

[‘The Black Hound’ is shocked!]

[Deities from Egyptian mythology struggle to accept the current situation!]

The system messages shot up like mad.

From the top of the tower, feelings of horror and astonishment were conveyed unfiltered.

“That weapon. How did you…?”

Pendariel, too, found herself puzzled.

When he brought a myriad of trivial weapons, she didn’t care.

Whether it was ‘Jackal’s Fang,’ ‘Butcher’s Scissors,’ or ‘The White Branch,’ none could wound her.

But the moment these disparate items merged,

Everything changed.

“This can’t be.”

Known knowledge collapsed.

A new rule emerged.

“Who the hell! Are you?”

Pendariel crouched with her whole body.

She released her ferocity in full swing.


A black aura slowly began to seep around her.

Her will to not allow even the slightest threat was palpable.

For her, who was always arrogant and only offensive, it was the first time she deployed a defensive mechanism.

“At least we know who’s scared.”

“What did you say?”

“Ah, it’s nothing? From what I see, it’s like a hedgehog has raised all its spikes, with its head buried deep inside, right?”

“Craaaa! Damn! You filthy! Human!”

Pendariel moved her hand.

The ferocity followed her hand movements and shot out swiftly.


A power that corroded anything it touched.

Energy, both closest to and furthest from death, scorched the ground and air black.

It was coming.

Jinhyuk adjusted his movements accordingly.

There wasn’t enough space to dodge it all, but that didn’t matter.

He had the ability to withstand it, too.

[A unique ability ‘Mandala’ activates!]

A golden thin membrane wrapped around his entire body.


As the ferocity contacted the Mandala, smoke burst forth.

“Are you saying. You’ve negated. My power?”

Pendariel couldn’t help but be shocked again.

Her trusted unique ability couldn’t wield its power.

“There’s nothing invincible in this world.”

Survival depends on using opposing forces at the right moment.

Moreover, the concentration of ferocity used in a widespread spray wasn’t enough to penetrate the armor made by Mandala.


Realizing her mistake, Pendariel concentrated the wide-spread ferocity into one spot.

It formed into the shape of a two-meter-long bastard sword.

It didn’t match her slender figure, but Pendariel swung the massive sword as easily as flicking a toothpick.


The ground-splitting blow was ferocious.

And threatening.

However, no matter how destructive each blow was,

“It’s useless if it doesn’t hit.”

Jinhyuk had already read the trajectory of the attack.

‘Tomb of Swords’ and ‘Star’s Blessing’ were added to the Twin Dragon Swords.

To create the perfect timing, it was necessary to reduce the opponent’s stamina and concentration.

What followed was an onslaught like a storm.




Flames dispersed in all directions.

The two swords writhed to find an opening in Pendariel.

“Just with this, you think!”

As she was gradually cornered, Pendariel finally drew her last card.

[Pendariel casts Lv?? ‘Dirge of the Dead’]


A piercing scream erupted from the bastard sword.

The sword was wailing.

Unable to bear the pain.

“Too bad. Just as it was getting exciting, you’re already heading for the climax?”

“You think. You can. Laugh after. Seeing this.”

[‘The First Sword’]

The sword to escort the dead.

The sword to annihilate the dead.

[‘Eternal Destruction’]

The blade of the bastard sword vanished.




Everything turned to nothingness.

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