Solo Max-Level Newbie
Chapter 84 Table of contents

Chapter 84: The Grand Magic Library (2)

Within the splendor of the marble floor and elaborate lighting, libraries with endless rows of shelves housed a multitude of book varieties. Although the place was like a labyrinth, Jinhyuk smoothly made his way through, heading precisely toward the central area where the information desk was located. After a while, at the widening exit of a passage, he could see a person sitting at a desk made of ancient wood.



An elderly man wearing a monocle and dressed in a black suit stood up. A slight confusion was evident on his face, as if wondering how someone could penetrate the maze and find the information desk without any trouble.

“It’s surprising,” the man began. “Normally, newcomers wander lost in the labyrinth of books.”

“I just followed the apparent path and found myself here. It may sound strange, but I happen to be quite lucky,” Jinhyuk replied with a shrug.

His excuse was nonsensical, but Rick, the old man, didn’t press the issue.

Instead, he looked at Jinhyuk with what seemed like intrigue.

“I’m Rick Hennessy, the manager of this library.”

Rick politely removed his bowler hat and bowed deeply.

‘Even someone at the level of a middle manager bows his head…’

This is why the old man was intimidating.

It would have been easier to deal with if he had been condescending or dismissive.

Maintaining such manners despite his high position meant he was very comfortable with his authority.

After all, he managed one of the most powerful merchant houses in the tower and the Grand Magic Library itself.

To get what one wanted from such a sly fox, one needed a plan of their own.

“I’m Jinhyuk Kang.”

“So, you are Player Jinhyuk Kang. Welcome. Received favorably by the tower, you have visited this place faster than anyone else. As a reward, you may purchase any book you desire from the Grand Magic Library. Please, feel free to choose.”

Rick gestured with open hands, the repository of barriers, curses, magic, and sorcery. It had everything.


“Even if I choose something I want, I can’t just take it, can I?”

“Ha. Correct. This place offers a choice, but to purchase something, you must pay its value. Of course, we do not accept currency from Earth. Only coin or item exchanges are viable; keep this in mind.”

This response was expected.

However, worthwhile magic tomes invariably required coins in the hundreds of millions, so the option of purchasing something with coins was practically off the table.

“I don’t have enough coins to buy with, so that seems out of the question. But I’m interested in a trade. Could you recommend a decent grimoire?”

As Jinhyuk spoke, he carefully placed ‘Merlin’s Staff,’ taken from his inventory, on the table.

It fluttered, and Rick’s eyes narrowed – a habit that came with seeing something he liked.

“Hmm. Then how about this one? It’s a fire-attributed magic tome, rumored to be written by the Red Dragon himself. The trade would be even if you exchange it for Merlin’s Staff.”

Quickly, Rick chose a book with a red cover and golden runes engraved on it.

That’s the expected trick.

In the past, without knowing the true value of items, he had traded and suffered a tremendous loss.

He had emptied all his items for a worthless grimoire, a mistake made thinking the magic library was an immense opportunity.


“That’s strange.”

“Strange, you say? What precisely?”

“Well, to my knowledge, this book wasn’t penned by the Red Dragon but by an imperial court magician named… Telemos, right? Someone who barely crossed the 6th circle?”

Not a chief magician, but one among the seventy in the court.

Anchored to peddle this trivial tome for a profit?


A quake shook Rick’s pupils.

While a mix of skepticism and interest had been evident before, now, his face was a collision of astonishment and wariness.

“How could you know that…?”

“Well, I have a rather extensive network. And I have access to quite a bit of information.”

With a smile, Jinhyuk next pulled out a coffee pot, filter, and beans from his spatial inventory.

Items purchased from the ‘coin exchange’ before coming here.

“It seems our chat might be a long one, how about it? Would you care for a cup?”

As he spoke, Jinhyuk set the ground coffee on the filter and poured hot water over it.

“No, the coffee isn’t what’s important right now…”

Rick began to shake his head, then suddenly twitched his nose at the delightful aroma filling the space.

“This can’t be.”

Indeed, it was coffee made from the ‘Bengenti Jungle Coffee Beans’ that Rick favored the most.

“Do you share a liking for this coffee, Player Jinhyuk Kang?”

“I’m not fond of instant, so I searched around quite a bit. Coffee within the tower certainly has a better aroma. Of course, this was the one that suited me best.”

“…… Hmm. You have exceptional taste in coffee. Personally, this is my favorite as well.”

I’m aware of that.

After all, he remembered Rick consuming 12 cups a day of nothing but this coffee.

Personally, he preferred a caramel macchiato or a chocolate frappuccino loaded with syrup, but what mattered now was winning him over.

[The librarian ‘Rick Hennessy’ of the library’s favorability towards you increases dramatically.]

[He may always seek profit, but with you, he’ll likely soften his stubbornness.]

Sharp enough to discern the truth of things, and now sharing a coffee preference, it was impossible not to feel favorable.

And using the ‘Sympathy’ skill unconsciously during this psychological warfare sealed the victory before it had even begun.

“May I ask you a personal question, Player Jinhyuk Kang?”

“Ask away, feel free.”

“I’m aware that from the moment you arrived, you’ve been no ordinary player. But somehow, you seem to have more than just a special background.”

It was information that no player who had just entered the 5th floor should know, yet he spoke of it confidently. Naturally, Rick would suspect something.

“You’re curious about what lies behind it all?”

“You are quick to grasp. Yes.”


Jinhyuk’s lips curled up into a smile, the answer he had been waiting for.

“Truthfully, the Egyptian deities have been looking out for me. Thanks to them, I could come here and gain a range of knowledge about the tower.”

“The Egyptian deities?”


“How could this… They took interest in a player so soon…”

“They seem to favor me quite a bit. Of course, their attention feels unwarranted to me.”

If Anubis had heard this, he would have collapsed, gripping the back of his neck.

Actually, it might not just be collapsing – he might have bitten his tongue and thrown himself from the top of a pyramid.

After all, he could have written a book on all the trouble he’d endured thanks to Jinhyuk.

But there was no way for Rick to discern the truth at that moment.

“It appears… I’ve slighted you in our dealings,” Rick’s tone shifted entirely.

“A person of value deserves respect to match it. By way of apology, I’d like to gift you one of the books here.”


This is what I had expected?

The offer exceeded expectations – it was essentially a blank check without regard for the price tag.

“Really, I can pick anything?”

“As a gesture of apology, please choose freely and with ease.”

“In that case…”

There were countless things to desire if price wasn’t a concern.

He had initially intended to exchange Merlin’s Staff for one, but now he could obtain what he desired for free.

Jinhyuk leisurely wandered along a bookshelf.


His pace slowed as he walked.

After a short while, Jinhyuk stopped in front of a secluded bookshelf.

12F – 127th row.

This was the place.

‘I hated textbooks, but why does this feel so welcome?’

He selected one of the books in the shelf, an ancient tome with an impressive black cover.

“Are you sure that’s the one you want? Indeed, it’s a fine magic book, but written in ancient runes and not something just anyone can…”

“I, the Black Dragon Makedrian, leave this here to commemorate my rise to an ancient dragon. A millennium’s consideration. I pondered ways to disrupt the world’s rules. Blah blah, whatever. A book written by a dragon with an overblown sense of self. This is it.”

Jinhyuk easily recited the first page of the book.

Ancient runes?

After more than a decade, they were more familiar than the Korean language.

“Pfahaha! Again, my apologies. Indeed, you have the support of divinities.”

Rick let out a hearty laugh, whether in amazement at Jinhyuk’s ability to translate ancient runes or because he carelessly referred to such a revered creature.

At least it was clear that one of the tower’s most influential middle managers had taken a liking to him.

“I too will keep a careful watch on Player Jinhyuk Kang. I eagerly look forward to meeting you again in all sincerity.”

With those words—

Crumble, crumble, crumble!

The library began to collapse into grains of sand.

With his reward secured, it was time to return to reality.


Tower of Trials, 5th floor.

Though only two days had passed since the 4th floor was conquered, many had already attempted the 5th.

Due to the map’s first-come, first-served nature, everyone was vying for the most advantageous spots.

The ‘Mine’ was the most popular spot.

[C – 101 area is closed off.]

[D – 77 area is closed off.]

[E – 158 area is closed off.]

Watching the rapidly blinking status window, Jinhyuk muttered in awe.

“Wow, the rate of closing off areas is almost like university course registration.”

The speed was on par with instantly snapped-up popular courses like ‘Love and Sexuality.’

He understood the allure.

Simply finding a gemstone acknowledged one’s clear of the area, much safer compared to other places where life could be at risk.


“The safe choice evidently comes with an abnormally slow clear rate.”

Finding the ‘Royal Diamond’ buried deep within the mine was akin to searching for a needle in a desert—the odds staggering, and countless failures ensued with nothing to show for a grueling 90-day endeavor.

Jinhyuk didn’t even glance at the popular maps.

Instead, he turned his attention to the location most players dreaded.

[Z – 01 (The Asylum)]

Current queue: 37

Remaining time: 0h:2m:13s

The Asylum.

A death trap where cursed monsters and deranged patients roamed.

This was the battleground to choose on the 5th floor.

‘Almost time for closure.’

Just as Jinhyuk was about to confirm his participation, he received an unexpected message.


From those who had never shown any signs of existence before, a surprising message arrived.

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