Solo Max-Level Newbie
Chapter 103 Table of contents

Chapter 103: Medusa Raid (3)

In Greek mythology, it is known that Medusa has two sisters, the immortal beings ‘Stheno’ and ‘Euryale’—in fact, they’re even stronger than Medusa herself. That’s why the divine beings of Olympus, worried about their immense power potentially becoming a threat, buried the two sisters deep within a volcano. They made them curse their own bodies, unable to die even as they burned alive.

However, all these stories are non-existent in mythology and only present in the [Tower of Trials]. But now, could it be that the source material seems more like a falsehood? ‘It’s somewhat ironic. Well, life is always like that.’ Fiction becomes reality and adapted into truth.

And within that twisted reality, corresponding strategies need to be applied—just like now.

“How dare you… utter such words!”


A threatening aura rose from Medusa’s body.



“What kind of magic power is this…”

Players from the Fightaholic Guild gasped for air, the atmosphere constricting them so severely that it was almost impossible to even twitch a finger. It was akin to a kitten standing before a tiger—just one diffusion of magical energy had already decided the outcome of the battle.

Shudder, shudder!

The players bowed their heads, unable to even think of raising their swords and shields.

But there was one person.

‘I can’t fall apart like this.’

Only Lee Young-kwon gritted his teeth hard enough to break.

It had been just two months since the inception of the Tower of Trials. No matter how much they leveled up and raided dungeons, they could only just have shed their commoner skin—frail and inexperienced.

That’s why, even if they were from a prestigious guild, not everyone could be brave.

‘I know. I’m aware of our shortcomings.’

Humans are creatures of adaptation.

Given an absurd situation, they grow to match it.

There’s no way to keep making weak excuses forever!

“Everyone charge at once! We must not retreat!”

Lee Young-kwon shouted.

With the activation of his unique ability ‘Unified Command’, a golden mist spread around Lee Young-kwon’s body.

[The morale of the squadron rises by 30%!]

[All attack and defense values increase by 10%!]

A dazzling aura pushed back Medusa’s ominous presence, encouraging the squadron to hold onto their weapons.

“Dammit. Whether I die this way or that way!”

“That’s right. We have our pride too. We can’t leave everything to player Kang Jin-hyuk.”

“Despite looking like this, I passed through a competition rate of 1000 to 1 to get this job!”

Various spells were simultaneously cast at Medusa.

With a mindset to resolve everything in one go, a blow fully empowered by their magic struck.

Dazzling lights flickered in unison.

Boom! Bang!

A massive crater formed on the marble floor, and debris tumbled from the ceiling and walls like a carpet bombing, stirring a cloud of dust—a testament to the massive concentration of magical power.

But that was about it.

No matter how many top-tier skills were deployed, they were inadequate to inflict damage on the mythic beast.

“Really, you humans… lack any manners, don’t you? Can’t you see I’m conversing with that insolent brat right now?”

Medusa did not hide the irritation in her voice.

Suddenly, the whip in her hand blazed with red flames.


The whip lashed out instantly toward the foremost tank.


The tank reflexively raised his shield.

“Trying to block? You think I’m a fool who can do nothing but petrify?”

The lethal strength of a snake that could crush a tiger’s spine in an instant was yet another ability held by Medusa.

The whip completely encircled the tank’s body.

It was over.



The shield and even the iron armor dented inward with a single blow.

Naturally, the individual inside was crushed beyond recognition.

Thick blood sprayed out as Medusa, now stained red from top to bottom, warned the players.

Don’t mistake your place, preying on what you think is easy meat.


“Our tank couldn’t withstand even a single attack…”

‘Morale boosted through Unified Command’ melted away faster than snow.

It was inevitable.

Despite unleashing all their firepower, it was ineffective, while Medusa easily annihilated the tank with a casual flick of her wrist.

The battle was hopeless.

If they continued the onslaught, it would be no more than hitting a rock with an egg.

“Piglets should just exit the stage. You aren’t even qualified to be ornaments in my temple.”

The whip lashed out again, aiming to sweep the demoralized remnants.

‘Even this desperate struggle is pointless.’

Lee Young-kwon clenched his mouth tight.



The whip, aimed straight, was deflected by something.

The grisly weapon, once as heavy as lead, was easily blocked.

“In Greek school, don’t they teach not to bully the weak?” scoffed Kang Jin-hyuk, holding his shield.

He planned to buy some time for Lee Young-kwon to prepare a trap to capture Medusa, but the level difference suggested they’d only end up stacking dead bodies.

“Thank you for the help.”

“I’ll handle the angry worm. Captain, take the squad out of the labyrinth, now.”

Jin-hyuk drew the line again, distinguishing between those helpful in a raid and those who make no difference.


Despite trembling with helplessness, Lee Young-kwon quickly understood.

Arrogance here was not bravery, but rashness, and he knew the difference.

“I wish you luck, player Kang Jin-hyuk.”

Lee Young-kwon bowed shortly.


Medusa did not move until the attack squadron had all retreated, her gaze filled with disinterest for the unappealing prey.

Instead, all her focus was on Jin-hyuk.

“That angry worm… was that in reference to me?”

“Ha. I studied liberal arts, so I have a hard time distinguishing between reptiles and arthropods. Aren’t they similar since they all crawl?”

“Oh? To anger me, you will not have a peaceful death. Do you plan on continuing to run your mouth?”

“Sorry, but I don’t plan to die here—at least, it doesn’t seem that dangerous.”

Jin-hyuk smirked.

On the contrary, Medusa’s expression turned even more ferocious.

The purpose of provocation? Simple.

The final condition to change class to a barrier master. The task was to capture a boss monster within a barrier.

And for that to happen…

[Medusa activates Lv19 ‘Gorgon’s Domain’!]


The entire temple was engulfed by expanding magical power. That’s right; it was vital for Medusa to activate this skill.


An ability that maximized offensive power, but at the cost of Medusa’s nimble movements.

‘Gorgon’s Domain’ was a double-edged sword.

Of course, Medusa, who had turned countless opponents into statues, was brimming with confidence that her movement wouldn’t be hampered by a mere human.

‘But there’s a saying, right?’

Continuing to win only means one has been meeting the right opponents.

“Just bullying newbies doesn’t mean you should let it go to your head.”

“Insolent! I will melt you down whole and consume you!”

Medusa spewed a purple-tinted liquid. With the ‘Gorgon’s Domain’ buffs stacked, the acid was powerful enough to corrode whatever it touched in an instant.

‘As expected, going for the legs.’

Was it because she liked her prey fresh? Medusa always aimed for her target’s legs.

Jin-hyuk concentrated his energy on his legs.


As the ‘Demonic Emperor’s Gaze’ was activated, Jin-hyuk’s form vanished like smoke.

The acidic liquid hit the floor faster than Jin-hyuk moved above Medusa’s head.

Having perfectly caught her from behind, Jin-hyuk extended his palm.


Ancient runes started to appear in the air.

[Barrier ‘Sealing Sphere’ is activated!]

Naturally, to create a barrier capable of containing a boss monster, a rather complex magical array is required.

That’s why Jin-hyuk avoided using barriers in battle up to this point.

No matter how seasoned he was, before the class change, adjusting the placement of runes and the quantity of magic was not an easy feat.

A blue shield enveloped Medusa.

“Do you really think you can stop me with this fragile glass wall?”

Medusa swung her whip contemptuously, scoffing at the barrier.

Boom, boom, bang!

With a thunderous sound, one side of the barrier shattered.


As expected, making a barrier to contain the boss within just a few seconds was too ambitious.

At the very least, minutes, not seconds, were needed for it to take effect.

So, Jin-hyuk deactivated the ‘Demonic Emperor’s Gaze’ and simultaneously used ‘Giant’s Grasp’ to strengthen his arms.


Medusa let out a mocking sneer.

To her, a simple power enhancement was far too easy to tackle.

“You fancy a head-on duel…”

Her expression softened, her tone gentler—not that she contemplated sparing him. She likely planned to toy with him leisurely before the kill, her intentions clearly reflected beyond the shield.

“Is this the end of your fleeing like a fly?”

“Just talk like you normally do. Your pretentious tone just isn’t working for me.”

“Hehe, don’t be too harsh. It seems I struck a nerve.”

Medusa smiled lightly.

“But, even with those frail arms strengthened, what do you hope to achieve? Surely you don’t think you can beat me just by using one skill?”

“Weak, you say?”

Jin-hyuk tilted his head.


He’d only used this skill once before, but to call it weak seemed far from the truth—especially with the Adaptability and Gap stats fully activated.

‘Very far, in fact.’

Jin-hyuk slowly reached out his hand.

The moment his fingers touched the column…


His fingers dug into the stone, and a column over 5 meters high was entirely uprooted.

“Seems like the lady here is quite confident in a show of strength. Turns out, I’m pretty hard to beat in that department myself.”

So let’s see who can really let loose.

“This is absurd…!” shouted Medusa, unable to hide her shock.




As Jin-hyuk swung the column, Medusa shattered it with her whip.

A simple battle of strength against strength.

Certainly, that was the case.

Absolutely… but…

‘What is this?’

Medusa felt a strange discomfort.

An unsettling question sticking to her like a sticky web.

It didn’t take long to realize why.

‘…There’s no killing intent in his attack?’


The columns swung by her opponent merely moved with purpose, not with any intent to kill.

Upon realizing,

Medusa’s pupils narrowed.

“You slippery snake…!”

As she yelled sharply, she saw a bright smile from the other side of the shield.

“Too bad you’re not entirely dumb. But it’s a shame you didn’t catch on a bit sooner, isn’t it?”

Jin-hyuk activated the card he had prepared.

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