Player with Maxed-Out Talent
Chapter 43 Table of contents

#재능만렙 플레이어 43화

22. Short Table Dungeon


As I uttered that word, I ended up coughing. A heavy, crushing pain surged through me, as though someone had punched me hard in the solar plexus.


It was difficult to breathe. Kneeling down, I had no choice but to clutch my stomach and fall over.

‘Good. Get angry.’

Neptune must certainly be a Broadcaster (BJ) from the race called ‘Dwarfs’. Everyone acknowledges that. The guardians watching this situation would call them that too. But Neptune really despises being referred to as a ‘dwarf.’

‘Whether you hate it or not, I didn’t attack you first.’

Neptune was closing in on me.

“Keep blabbering, you wretched thing.”


“Go on, blabber. I’ll kill you right now.”

Speaking was difficult. The pressure weighed down on me. Fear that I might actually die began to wash over me.

‘No. You can’t kill me.’

An intense murderous aura pricked at my skin like needles. Had my Sensory Eyes not been temporarily disabled, I might have vividly imagined my throat being sliced by that murderous intent, just like when I was attacked by a magical troll on the second floor of the D tower.

“Are you going to bark or not?”

I struggled to lift my head. He can’t kill me anyway. Right now, many guardians are focused on me. Plus, I’ve received sponsorships from several guardians. If he kills me here, then he would become a public enemy to the guardians who sponsored me.

‘You can’t kill me.’

I have the moral high ground.

“All I did was use informal language because you did first. I only provided an appropriate response to your wrongful oppression. I called your race ‘dwarfs’ simply because that’s what you are. Why should I be treated this way?”

Without knowledge, you cannot question. If one knows nothing, one can only be taken advantage of. But I know. What I’m stating is akin to the ‘laws’ of this system. My actions go beyond ‘self-defense’; they are ‘rightful’ grievances.

“At this point, I’m not even a criminal. Is it right for the powerful to oppress the powerless without just cause? To do so to a player who’s playing fairly?”

[‘The Lady of the Scales’ deeply resonates with your words.]

[‘The Lady of the Scales’ applies the special privilege ‘Presumption of Innocence’.]


The crushing pressure on me disappeared.

[Due to the ‘Presumption of Innocence’, the effect of ‘Forced Submission’ is nullified.]

As expected. The privilege of a guardian is much higher than that of a BJ.

[‘Pearl of Cheonma Mountain’ nods in agreement.]

[‘Pearl of Cheonma Mountain’ despises the cowardly.]

[‘Pearl of Cheonma Mountain’ applies the special privilege ‘Strong Against the Strong, Weak Against the Weak’.]

Strong Against the Strong, Weak Against the Weak. The meaning is to amplify one’s strength when facing the strong and to be weak against the weak. It’s a buff that enhances my power when I confront the powerful.

[Due to ‘Strong Against the Strong, Weak Against the Weak’, all player stats experience a temporary significant increase.]

Following the Lady of the Scales, the Pearl of Cheonma Mountain supported me. Although their reasons for doing so may be different, the result was they both aided me.

Confusion appeared on Neptune’s face.

[Sensory Eyes reactivated.]

Thanks to the boost from ‘Strong Against the Strong, Weak Against the Weak’, I could now see Neptune’s information.


[Intermediate Manager]

Name: Neptune (Dwarf)

Age: 9

Status: Confused/Shocked/Flustered

Disposition: Stubbornness/Competitiveness

Summary: A dwarf with strong competitive spirit

+ Tendencies and characteristics/summary reveal only a few representative qualities and may change with the situation.

+ Due to low proficiency of Sensory Eyes, detailed information cannot be viewed.


I attempted to check Senia’s information too, with my enhanced abilities, but failed. The privilege ‘Pearl of Cheonma Mountain’ granted me, ‘Strong Against the Strong, Weak Against the Weak’, seemed to apply only against Neptune.

‘Given the circumstances, I might win in a one-on-one fight with Neptune.’

It’s not exactly ideal for players to directly engage in combat with a BJ. Most guardians don’t really welcome that, aside from the valiant Lion King and the like.

“It seems the guardians agree with my view.”

At that moment, I received a notification.

[The system scan has found no bugs.]

[The system scan has confirmed no unfair practices have been used.]

I’ve come this far, staking my life and based on the knowledge of the future. Although I’m only at the initial stages, it definitely wasn’t without effort. Since the Lycanthrope, I’ve been literally playing for my life.

“It’s fine to raise an objection. It’s entirely possible. But with no evidence, based purely on conjecture, because I was weaker than you, you forced oppression onto me.”


Neptune was lost for words.


Status: Confused/Shocked/Flustered


His current state was such, but he couldn’t apologize due to his stubbornness and competitive spirit.

“If I had just cowered and remained silent when you scared me… this situation would have quietly faded away.”

It’s because I formally protested and rightfully spoke out that things have come this far. Had I remained silent, I would have just been steamrolled.

“Don’t you think it’s cowardly?”


Neptune bit his lip. It seemed he was incredibly angry, clenching his fists tightly. He didn’t want to admit his fault, but with more powerful guardians watching, he couldn’t say anything.

‘I didn’t lose the battle of wills.’

In fact, this was an unexpected gain. I can drive the situation like this.


“Why should I?”

“Because you were wrong.”

“You too……!”

He seemed about to say that I wronged him as well, but he didn’t have a point there.

He was desperately trying to think. But I didn’t leave him any loophole. I called him ‘dwarf’ to provoke him, but that isn’t actually wrong. It’s not derogatory. It’s just calling a dwarf race ‘dwarf’. Just as calling a human a ‘human’ is not an insult.


I heard a very faint sound. I frowned.


“……do, I said.”

Neptune’s face turned beet red. His normally bluish skin was now a reddish hue.

“I’m sorry…… I said!”

I finally nodded. An apology is an apology.

“But there should be a sign of your apology.”

Give me something.

I couldn’t miss this good opportunity—an opportunity for legal plunder.

* * *

After the encounter, I had Neptune provide a written pledge not to attack me.

Just in case he might attack me again. I also managed to get ‘Dwarf’s Ring’ from him.


[Dwarf’s Ring]

A ring made by a dwarf blacksmith.

Grade: Rare

Durability: 50/50

Effect: Fire resistance +5

* Level restriction for wearing: 20


Though he probably gave me the least useful thing he had, for my current level, even this was grateful.

The level ‘Rare’ is above the ‘Common’ tier. Considering that most beginners can’t invest in jewelry items, this is quite a catch.

I returned home. Seonhwa was the first to rush over and welcome me. A savory smell of soybean paste stew filled the house.


As I entered the living room, my sister glanced at me.


Status: Happiness/Relief/Joy/Anticipation


Although it was apparent by her status, her tone was curt.

“Mom will be home soon. She’s already eaten, so eat if you want, or don’t—it’s up to you.”

Her attitude seemed to say, ‘It’s your problem if you don’t eat. After all, we made this just for Seonhwa and me.’

But there were four place settings on the table.

‘Ah, is that the reason for the ‘anticipation’ in her status?’

I washed my hands and joined them at the table.

“I’ll enjoy the meal, sister.”



Status: Anticipation/Anxiousness/Unease


It seemed like I really needed to tell her it tasted amazing.

And it’s unusual for my sister to cook at all. Since I returned alive from the tutorial field, she seems to have changed quite a bit, venturing into cooking.

“Sis, what’s up? You cooked?”

“It wasn’t for you. The kitchen is just so nice and everything. I thought I’d try using it. It’d be a waste otherwise.”

Ah, I see. But her status was too transparent for that. The focus of her attention was painfully obvious, fixated on my spoon.

‘The stew is bad.’

It’s practically her first time making soybean paste stew. It would be weirder if it was tasty. However, I told her it was delicious.

“It’s really good, sis. Where did you learn to cook? How can it taste so good?”

“Shut up. I know it’s not good.”


Status: Embarrassment/Joy/Relief/Happiness


It was amusing to watch her status shift moment by moment. And ’embarrassment’ of all things. If unnoticed, her ears turned slightly red. Her face was frosty, so why the blush on her ears?

‘Let’s pretend I didn’t see that.’

The perceptive Seonhwa also cheerfully pretended it was delicious, and as we were almost finished eating, mom returned. She was holding a few loaves of bread.

“Did Ayoung make stew? What’s the occasion?”

Mom seemed a bit surprised too.

“Just because. The kitchen is so pretty that I gave it a try.”

While tapping my sister’s buttocks, mom teased her with, ‘Well done. Looks like our Ayoung could get married now.’ I sat at the table, basking in today’s comfort. My sister was there, mom too. There was even tasteless yet warm soybean paste stew. Mom was carrying bread and milk. And now, Seonhwa was here as well.

‘It’s so simple but… feels good.’

Would it be an exaggeration to call it happiness?

‘I must protect it.’

Whether it’s a sense of happiness, comfort, or the simple joys, I will protect this everyday life. And while doing so, I’ll become even more successful. Because from now on, I can do what I couldn’t do in the past. I can draw my own future.

I returned to my room and organized my plans further—an activity I’ve been doing daily since I returned to the past. I kept them in my inventory to ensure nothing slipped through.

‘What next…’

The next plan can be summed up in two main points.

‘This seems better though.’

Gates appeared all over the world, and even more challenging dungeons began to emerge. At the same time, ‘Breaks’ were happening, and people were slowly getting used to these phenomena.

‘Let’s ponder some more.’

I had to extract maximum efficiency in the shortest possible time. I went online. I entered the ‘Real Player’ cafe, which has recently become active. This would soon become the basis for the ‘Real Player’ site—a community hub and exchange for players.

There, posts like ‘Looking for Raid Party Members’ were common.

‘There’s still no structure or rules… but.’

Humanity was slowly adapting to this new world.

‘Is there anything I’m looking for?’

After about ten minutes, I found a particular post. It was highly relevant to one of my two plans.

‘Could this be it?’

I checked the author’s name. If I was right, this author would definitely be someone I know.

[Author: Yangdong Fire Master]

‘As I thought.’

The Yangdong Fire Master was Kang Sang-Gu’s nickname. Despite its somewhat comical impression, his epithet was anything but laughable in the future. His epithet would be Flame Emperor (炎帝).

‘Found you, Kang Sang-Gu.’

I clicked on the post.

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