Player with Maxed-Out Talent
Chapter 52 Table of contents

#재능만렙 플레이어 52화

An alert came to me.

[The Pearl of Cheonmasan offers you its hand.]

[The Pearl of Cheonmasan wishes to make you a special offer.]

The Pearl of Cheonmasan. The stalwart guardian of Sword Lord Shin Yeon-Seo. That guardian, using the word ‘special’ when extending an offer to me.

‘What’s this?’

[‘The Pearl of Cheonmasan’ proposes to bestow upon you the title ‘Cheonma’ (Heavenly Demon).]

[Should you accept the title, a class change will occur automatically.]

I couldn’t believe my ears.

‘A class change due to a title?’

Normally, a class change through a contract with a guardian takes place at Level 30. But now, without being at that level, they attempt a ‘class change’ by using the loophole of a ‘title effect’?

‘And it’s a title with the guardian’s name in it.’

This implies a lot.

‘A guardian who thinks they’re the best in the world, terribly weak to flattery and adoration.’

That was the evaluation of ‘The Pearl of Cheonmasan’ by the world, not that anyone would dare say it out loud.

‘In any case, for such a guardian to go through such lengths to bestow a title with their own name, it must be an amazing honor.’


‘A title that the past Sword Lord might have possessed.’

Since it’s given in the beginner’s rank, it’s definitely a title capable of growth. As I progress, its effects will likely enhance.

[‘The Pearl of Cheonmasan’ insists that the title ‘Cheonma’ embodies the principle of ‘In heaven and earth, only I alone am honored’.]

In other words, the title ‘Cheonma’ seems to assert that it’s an incredibly good title.

‘It seems like it may be a unique title given only to one person.’

Then, what about the Sword Lord?

‘Should I accept it?’

It might feel regretful to Shin Yeon-Seo, but this could be a huge opportunity for me. In a situation where the Pearl of Cheonmasan clamors ‘only I alone am honored’, suggesting a title and pressuring a class change is beneficial for me.

‘If they’d ignore even the Level 30 class change rule, then this guardian must be very powerful.’

There is no doubt about it. It’s a big opportunity that I must seriously consider accepting.


I must decline.

‘Sword Lord Shin Yeon-Seo.’

He was truly strong. Regarded as the best in one-on-one PVP, but his limitations were clear.

‘The eight heroes of Korea came together and barely managed to stand against the Demon King’s army.’

If the Demon King is my comparison point, there are definite limits with the class the Sword Lord had.

‘Now that I have returned to the past.’

Shouldn’t I aim to be someone who surpasses the Sword Lord? After all, I’ve decided to live earnestly. I do not want to set my limits at ‘Sword King’ or just ‘the strongest in one-on-one PVP.’

I’ve made my decision.

‘The Pearl of Cheonmasan is…’

The guardian is not someone petty. They may cease their direct support for me, but it signifies they won’t significantly harm me because of this decision.

‘I refuse.’

Simultaneously, an alert sounded.

[‘The Pearl of Cheonmasan’ is greatly disappointed.]

[‘The Pearl of Cheonmasan’ greatly regrets it.]

Luckily, it was only disappointment. If it was a petty guardian, they might have reacted as ‘an explicit enemy’. In that case, I would’ve received a notification like ‘is greatly furious.’

Out of the blue, I asked,

“Shin Yeon-Seo. Didn’t you get a notification, too?”

“Yeah, I did. You as well?”

It’s too easy. An experienced player would have kept all this to themselves. Which guardian they’d contracted with, which title and abilities they played with – all strategically crucial.

‘Real easy.’

The inexperienced Sword Lord spilled information without any struggle in mind games or deals.

“I was responded to for my desire.”


“Yeah, I…”

Shin Yeon-Seo paused, then continued.

“Wanted to become stronger.”

It seemed he had the desire to become stronger. I understand that yearning. Even now, I too wish to become stronger. In the future, people consider even the ‘desire to become stronger’ as an area of talent.

‘The future Sword Lord naturally would want to become stronger.’

The Pearl of Cheonmasan had reacted to that desire.

“The Pearl of Cheonmasan suggested a class change for me.”

“I thought so.”

“Huh? Really? You expected that? How did you know? Did you get a notification as well?”

Of course, I hadn’t expected it. Shin Yeon-Seo was just generously sharing. Without him speaking, these details would be unknown to anyone else.

‘It’s certain that a class change notification was sent.’

Cheonma made the same proposal to two people before Level 30. It likely holds great power.

‘But it suggested Cheonma to me.’

Most likely, it’s a unique title. It’s probable that it suggested a lower grade title to Shin Yeon-Seo.

‘That won’t do.’

Shin Yeon-Seo is a comrade who will journey with me into the future. Although now inexperienced and unreliable, there’s a high chance he’ll grow into one of the heroes representing Korea.

‘How can I persuade The Pearl of Cheonmasan?’

Lies won’t work. Engaging in blatant lies with guardians is a suicidal move.

‘I have to make it offer the Cheonma title.’

So I said,

“I had been given a very good class change proposition too. But I rejected it.”

“Huh? Why? Why? Is it because this thing is bad? Should I not accept it?”

Fortunately, he hadn’t yet chosen ‘YES’.

“I thought it was an extremely good proposition. Is it not? Tell me.”

Well, whatever it was, it wouldn’t be better than Cheonma.

“Of course, it’s fantastic.”

“Then why didn’t you accept it?”

“I have a relatively accurate grasp of my play style.”

Currently, my play style is close to being an all-rounder. I can handle most classes. However, given the powers currently at my disposal, the most suitable class for me is similar to that of a ‘monarch’.

“Utilizing my knowledge and intuition to facilitate flexible party play.”


Shin Yeon-Seo seemed somewhat skeptical. Understandable since I exploited orc archers more efficiently than him.

“If it weren’t for you, Sun-Hwa, and Sang-Hyun in that situation, I wouldn’t have cleared this level.”

It wasn’t a lie. The Pearl of Cheonmasan must be listening intently.

“In other words, I am fit to recognize each player’s characteristics and utility, and to deploy them where suitable.”

“So, it’s like being a comfortable leader?”

Shin Yeon-Seo nodded as if he got the point.

“Well yeah, that sort of makes sense given how you play. It’s like you know all the strategies.”

“Is that so?”

That is so. I know all the strategies. But even if I didn’t, it seems like I instinctively know. It feels like a talent. Why it should happen here, how it should work there – the scenes just come to me naturally. Whether it’s the realm of talent or the capability within the Sensory Eye, I’m not sure.

‘Is it considered talent because Sensory Eye is a unique ability?’

Whatever the case,

“It might be easier to think that it’s my special talent, recognizing people’s abilities and directing them.”

“I think I sort of understand what you’re saying. Truly, when following your lead it feels like the path becomes visible.”

“Perhaps I understand you better than yourself.”

This wasn’t a lie. He doesn’t realize the potential that he has to become the future Sword Lord.


“As far as latent potential in swordsmanship, you’re much higher than me.”

“Really? Seriously?”

Well. Whether it’s true or not, it must sound somewhat genuine.

“Trust my judgement.”

“Hmm. I suppose.”

Pearl, are you listening? This isn’t just a conversation with Shin Yeon-Seo, it’s with you. Now, are you just going to leave this amazing prospect to his own devices?

“Yeah. It’s a bit hard to explain. It’s something that only my special eyes can see. Had I not observed you closely, I wouldn’t have noticed your potential.”

The guardians looking down upon us wouldn’t recognize this kid’s true worth, would they? Roughly that’s the message.

“D-did you pay such close attention to me?”

Why is he unnecessarily blushing?

“Yeah. Because your potential is immense.”

“I didn’t realize you valued me so much.”


Condition: Embarrassment/Bashfulness/Expectation


But what is he expecting? Why does expectation appear in his condition? It’s hard to understand what Shin Yeon-Seo is thinking. Is it because there’s a 30-year-old man inside me that I cannot grasp the thoughts of 20-year-old Shin Yeon-Seo?

“So, you’re saying?”

“Yeah. I think the areas where you excel and where I excel are different.”

“Hmmm, hmmm.”

Shin Yeon-Seo seemed a bit pleased. It felt better after the chastisement, like getting a carrot after a stick.

“So I thought that the glorious title given by The Pearl of Cheonmasan would suit you more.”

Glorious title. Cheonma. Ah, I really wanted that title, Pearl. But no can do. It suits him better, right? He would make it shine. Probably better than I ever could. He’s a true genius.

“That’s why I declined. I believe that you would make that glorious title shine even more.”

As expected, The Pearl of Cheonmasan had carefully listened to my words.

[‘The Pearl of Cheonmasan’ appreciates your words.]

[‘The Pearl of Cheonmasan’ praises your discernment.]

[‘The Pearl of Cheonmasan’ commends you.]

A bit of lip service – I decided to dole out a little more.

“If you could have and monopolize the title I almost had, you would definitely make it shine boundlessly. You might even become the most famous player in the world, that’s what I believe.”

Shin Yeon-Seo’s eyes widened.


“Certainly. It’s no small matter if a distinguished guardian like The Pearl of Cheonmasan personally proposes a title-related class change.

Pearl. Are you listening? And to the other guardians. Are you listening? The Pearl of Cheonmasan was trying to cleverly reel us in, wasn’t it? It’s best if the rest of you make a move too.

‘Surely the other guardians must be stirred as well.’

That’s why I intentionally mentioned a direct ‘title-related class change.’

‘Now Shin Yeon-Seo has no choice but to be given the title of Cheonma.’

I’ve already covertly (?) set a trap, so if they don’t follow through now, ‘The Anachronistic Lady of the Scales’ – who esteems justice and righteousness – would forcefully protest.

‘Having saved face, established justification, and made known his immense potential, there’s no turning back.’

Eventually, The Pearl of Cheonmasan would bestow Shin Yeon-Seo with the title of ‘Cheonma’. Sure enough.

“Hyukjin. I… changed class.”

Concerned that this fool might spill all his information, I covered Shin Yeon-Seo’s mouth.

“There’s no need to divulge every single detail about yourself, even if it’s to us, your party members.”


“Did you understand? If so, may I let go?”

Shin Yeon-Seo nodded. His condition was updated.


Condition: Bashfulness/Expectation/Excitement


I just can’t understand it. Where does that excitement come from?

[The first gate’s validity time has expired.]

[Automatically moved to the second gate.]

When I arrived at the second gate, I had a hunch that the ‘second gate’ unfolding before me was utterly different from the strategies I knew.

‘This is madness…’

I think I know what’s going on.

‘Why here, of all places?’

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