A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady
Chapter 161 Table of contents

“Talking purely about talent alone, Cairn is undoubtedly more exceptional, but when it comes to tactics and strategy…”

The topic of conversation shifted, and Violet couldn’t bring herself to react. She simply closed her eyes. The knights around her, unable to detect any negative emotions from her, continued to share their thoughts.

“Sir Michael was a remarkable knight, a role model for all of us, inheriting the talents of the Duke of Everett.”

“When he used those unexpected tactics to confound his opponents in duels… Speaking of which, Lord Aesir also had extraordinary talent.”

The knights remembered Mikhail as a truly righteous knight. If he hadn’t held the title of the duke’s heir, he would have held a significant position within the knight order. They had heard he was stripped of his successorship, but they weren’t sure what had happened.

As the various conversations continued, Violet’s composure began to crumble.

“Your Ladyship?”

Violet’s breathing became uneven, and the knights around her fell into an awkward silence. As Cairn and Aldin noticed Violet’s strange condition, they immediately rushed to her side.

Cairn, who had the freedom to move between knight divisions, questioned the two division leaders.

“What did you do to her to make her like this?”

“Well, we were just having a casual conversation.”

“…It’s fine. I just had an unpleasant thought for a moment.”

“Don’t pretend you’re fine.”

“It’s none of your concern.”


Violet raised her hand to interrupt them. Only Aldin stood silently by her side, ready to protect her.

“I’ve seen enough. Can we head back now?”

“Yes? Oh, certainly. Aldin, escort Her Ladyship back.”


“Right, this is the integrated training grounds… I’ll inform the captain of the third order, so you can return.”


The first order’s knight captain, who was adept at giving orders without fully grasping the situation, quickly made arrangements.




Zylo, who had been silently observing everything like a ghost, finally found his voice in the awkward silence. If Violet boarded the carriage in her current state, he wouldn’t be able to convey the truth that he had observed just now.

“The captain and vice captain were discussing the former Young Duke just now.”


With that brief response, Zylo conveyed the recent situation. Violet remained silent.

Violet’s dislike for Mikhail was much stronger than Cairn had thought. It went beyond a simple dislike.

“Did you dislike Elder Brother that much?”


“And did you dislike me that much?”


Violet did not respond, and Cairn took her silence as confirmation. Unable to even muster an apology, Cairn lowered his head.

In his own way, Mikhail had been a good brother to Cairn. Despite how Mikhail occasionally displayed unreasonable arrogance, Cairn still considered him family.

That’s why Cairn couldn’t fully understand Violet’s feelings. There was nothing more he could say.

“Why have you become such a fool?”


“Back in the day, you would have expressed your anger and overturned everything.”


“…I’m sorry.”

She continued to ignore him. Despite being right there, Cairn couldn’t help but get angry at Violet’s behavior.

Or rather, her indifference to him.

He didn’t even know what that anger was for.

“Just… At least get angry like you used to! Do you think everyone will like you if you act like an idiot?”



“It’s just that I never expected anything in the first place.”

“What do you mean?”

Violet fell silent once again.

It wasn’t simply about being forgiving or not saying anything because she was kind.

She had no expectations and, therefore, no room for disappointment.

Violet understood her position and had categorized herself as an outsider. It was better not to waste emotions on strangers who didn’t fit into the walls she had constructed.

How could that be considered kindness?

“…Anyway, just don’t overdo it.”

“It’s not something you need to care about.”

“Then I guess I’m not someone you’d care about either, Sister?”


Cairn, filled with only animalistic instincts, chose the closest option to the correct answer. However, since there was no response, he considered the answer as ‘pending’.

Mikhail was a straightforward person. Could he be described as merely straightforward? Regardless of how Violet saw Mikhail, public opinions about him were diverse.

It’s difficult to live without completely unraveling one’s own trauma. However, Violet decided to avoid confronting her own wounds.

As Aldin once again unexpectedly witnessed another family’s matters, he pretended not to hear anything. And off to the side, Zylo already knew everything and tactfully remained silent. It was a remarkable improvement.

The carriage was delayed. Even if they called for the duchy’s carriage, it would take time just the same.

Gazing at the sky in silence until now, Violet let out a sigh.

“…I’ll look into it.”

“Are you sure it’s okay?”


For different reasons, they all became the subjects of rumors, but they were still the children of the same ducal family. Zylo, who had been stuck in his station, quickly left.

Silence hung awkwardly in the air. Normally, Cairn would have made a fuss in this situation.

It seemed like belated adolescence had finally arrived. Violet didn’t find it bothersome.

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