Chronicles of the Heavenly Demon
Chapter 181 Table of contents

Chronicles of the Heavenly Demon

Chapter 181 – A Fool (1)

Translated by : moonchildkhz


They had not been mentioned in the report.

Was Cheon Ah-young and the Eight Bolt Blade King’s report wrong?

No, it doesn’t seem like that’s the case.

Woon-seong stared at the five men blocking his path with sharp eyes. Perhaps they were relocated here just for this fight.

Otherwise, Cheon Ah-young and the Blade King wouldn’t have missed them.

“Some petty things,” Woon-seong said, still watching them.

The five men trembled. It was as if they had been insulted.

The real insult was Woon-seong’s next words:

“You dare to think of stopping me with only five of you…”

“Even if you are the Heavenly Demon, I think that is too harsh.”

The one who spoke was the oldest of the five. The clothes around him snapped and he stood like a doll made of cloth.

But Woon-seong was able to identify the man.

The ‘Flood Demon’s Indestructible Technique’ (沔妖不壞功).

A monster that flows like the river does not collapse.

“The ‘Indestructible Flood Elder’.”

The man made a happy expression and nodded. “It is an honor to be recognized by the Heavenly Demon.”

Woon-seong turned a smile on the other four. The information about the 72 Supreme Masters was quite well known in Kangho.

Woon-seong was able to tell their peculiarities.

The man standing to the left of the Indestructible Flood Elder wore a chain wrapped around his arm. A sickle was visible behind his back. A man who dealt with demons using a sickle and chains.

“Nine Knots Death God (九節死神).”

“Hmm.” The Nine Knots Death God trembled under Woon-seong’s gaze.

After that, Woon-seong continued identifying the men standing before him.

“Ageless Old Man (童子老君).”

The man looked about as old as a child, but was actually over seventy years old.

“Quick Flying Hog King (快飛豚皇).”

A man who used his rolls of fat and unexpected speeds to swiftly crush the enemy.

And finally…

“Iron Cannon Twin Fists (鐵炮雙拳).”

A martial artist whose two fists packed the same punch as a steel cannon.

Each was a master in their own right; they all stood at the peak of Zhongyuan. Any province they went to, they would be amongst the top ten masters in the area.

Ah. Indeed, this is war.

Woon-seong clenched his fists. He then stretched out his index finger and said, “Come all together, it saves time and is less of a hassle.”

At his words, the Iron Cannon Twin Fists protested with dark eyes. “What?!”

From the beginning, they knew that none of them would be able to win against the Heavenly Demon alone.

That was why they had united, but the Heavenly Demon was being arrogant now.

The Death God swung his chains, as if in response to the man’s shout.


As he swung the chain, it sounded like a snake hissing.

“The Heavenly Demon is still a young child. Don’t you know you can’t catch ten hands with one?”

Woon-seong smiled. “Are you confident that you can stop even one hand of mine? It is bad to overestimate yourself.”

“You bastard!”

It seemed that they couldn’t take any more insults.

The Iron Cannon Twin Fists clenched his fists, which were as large as a pot each, and charged forward.

At the same time, the man pulled his fist back and swung.

The ‘Iron Cannon’ in his title was not just for show since he could smash through large rocks with just one blow, much like a cannon.

At the same time!


A vast stream of air shook the ground.

This massive offensive should have been enough to make even the Heavenly Demon step back.

At least, that was what everyone watching thought so. Even the Iron Cannon thought so, until he punched.

There was a crucial miscalculation.


The Iron Cannon’s face, who had been punching blind through the sand and dust, was bizarrely distorted.

There was a strange noise.


It sounded like something had been broken and warped.

The Quick Flying Hog King startled. “What?”

In conclusion, all guesses were wrong.

It wasn’t the sound of something breaking or twisting.

Well, not exactly.

It was the sound of something being compressed.

The Iron Cannon’s massive fists had been crushed by Woon-seong’s grip.

With just his finger strength, Woon-seong was wrecking the man’s hands.


With how much pain he was in, the Iron Cannon’s body trembled. He wanted to run away, but his legs would not listen.

Within the swirling dust, Woon-seong’s eyes flashed golden.

“Is it only this much?”

The sand cleared and Woon-seong appeared. He had blocked the Iron Cannon Twin Fists with one hand, but he was without a scratch.

The Quick Flying Hog King was startled, but cried out to the others. “We must help!”

“Let’s move out!”

That was the signal.

The Ageless Old Man moved first, rushing towards Woon-seong. Running around like a child, he spread his palms out in front of Woon-seong, using his martial arts.

He tried to shoot out the energy that he was so proud of.

But something was faster than that.



A scream tore from the Ageless Old Man’s mouth. As he pulled his hand back, a glass knife could be seen embedded into his palm.


The Ageless Old Man was supposed to spread poisonous qi into the air so that the Iron Cannon could distance himself from Woon-seong.

Everyone thought this would work.

Actually, it had to…

Until they heard…

The Iron Cannon Twin Fists thought the world in his eyes was tilting. Not, it seemed to be shattering.

At the same time, he fell to the floor.


Suddenly pain struck the Iron Cannon. His left leg.


Woon-seong had broken the man’s shin bones, then dropped him.

“How dare you!”

The Indestructible Flood Elder moved, blocking a blow coming at the Iron Cannon and probably saving the man’s life.

The Indestructible Flood Elder specialized in defensive martial arts. No matter how many times you hit, you won’t be able to slam him down with a single blow!

At least, that was his conviction.



Woon-seong’s fist plunged into the man’s abdomen. At the same time, the force of the blow tore apart the man’s insides.

One force destroying his internal organs, another crushing the skeletal structure.

Two forces simultaneously devoured the Indestructible Flood Elder’s body.

“Stop!” the man screamed, attempting to release his own power.

But Woon-seong’s energy was too strong.


Eventually, the man was unable to release even half of the energy contained in Woon-seong’s fists before he collapsed on the floor, dropping like a puppet without strings. He died, not bleeding a speck of blood. Though it must be noted that all of his bones, joints, muscles, and blood vessels had shattered.

“That’s one,” commented Woon-seong briefly as he moved the White Night Spear, blocking the Iron Cannon Twin Fists.

“Son of a bitch, I’ll make you drop that fucking spear!”


A large ball rolled towards Woon-seong.

No, not a ball, a person.

Like his name, the Quick Flying Hog King had rolled his body at unbelievable speeds and was tumbling towards Woon-seong.

If he was hit, Woon-seong would go down like a bowling pin.

Woon-seong pulled the White Night Spear, which had been stretching towards the Iron Cannon, back towards himself.

He then squeezed his left hand.

Woon-seong shoulders tensed and swung backwards. Then releasing, a cannon stronger than those of the Iron Cannon Twin Fists’ hurtled towards the Quickly Flying Hog King.

The Quickly Flying Hog King suddenly felt like a cliff was crumbling around him.

At the same time, he cursed his own martial arts for being unable to abort halfway. Although it allowed for fast speed, he was unable to stop his own movement until he collided with something.

And collide with something he did.


There was the sound of a pig bursting.

Like a perforated balloon, the Quick Flying Hog King’s body soared into the air, blood spilling out instead of air.


Woon-seong, after getting rid of the pig, pointed a finger at the Ageless Old Man.


A series of explosions later and the Ageless Old Man’s body was wrapped in flames.

“Get it off, it’s hot, hot!”

At that moment, the remaining glass knives stabbed into the man’s body.


And then what?

It was the Death God’s turn.

The Nine Knots Death God turned around and fled, knowing that everything had gone wrong.

Woon-seong was faster. Using some of his qi, he threw the White Night Spear like a javelin.


The air exploded and the White Night Spear raced through the sky.

It was as if the palm of the Shaolin had been stretched into a spear.

And as a result!


The head of the runaway Death God was smashed and bits of brain sprayed in all directions.

“Four, and…”

Woon-seong used a vortex to retrieve the White Night Spear. He walked towards the Iron Cannon Twin Fists, who was lying on the ground with his broken leg.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

“You’re the last one.”

As he approached, the Iron Cannon Twin Fists trembled. “Agh, agh. Monster, monster!”

The word ‘monster’ caused Woon-seong to pause. He was about three steps away from the man now.

It was a distance where he could easily slit the man’s throat with the White Night Spear.

Woon-seong stood there and coldly smiled. “First, thank you.”

All of a sudden, the Heavenly Demon was thanking him. The Iron Cannon Twin Fists could not understand the situation. “Agh. What? What are you talking about?”

“Thanks to you, I was able to develop a few skills. It is definitely easier to test them against those who actually know how to move their bodies than against weaklings.”

The Iron Cannon Twin Fists felt despair at these words.

It was not just a problem of overwhelming power.

From the beginning, Woon-seong hadn’t even shown his true colors.

The Iron Cannon asked in a trembling voice, “O-Oh. You mean you tested your martial arts on us?”

“Don’t say it like I was testing my martial arts on you.”

The Iron Cannon’s palms were sweating. He was trembling, but he didn’t even notice because of his horror.

“Well, then…”

“I was creating a martial art.”

“Creating a martial art?”

“Yes, thanks to you, I have a few takeaways.”

The few moves that he had used to beat the group.

These moves still needed to be united. In the process, there were several movements that would form the One Thousand Routes to One.

“So, before I kill you, I would like to thank you.”

After he finished speaking, Woon-seong raised the White Night Spear high.

At that moment, someone shouted at him: “The Cult Leader must stop his bloodshed.”

A voice that was dignified in strength.

Throughout this battlefield, there would only be one possessor of this kind of power.

Is it Tae Heo-jin?

Leader of the Wudang Sect.

Woon-seong looked up and saw the man’s face. The Taegeuk engraved onto his sword and uniform. Even the wrinkles on his face, traces of time.

Woon-seong glanced at him and responded, “Why would I do that?”


The Iron Cannon Twin Fists’ severed head rolled across the ground.



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