An Extra’s POV
Chapter 258 Table of contents

"Oho? So that's what is going on now…"

Ralyks sat on a couch, and opposite him were three seated individuals.

Rebal, Asher, and the girl he saved earlier that morning… Kara Verte.

They had dealt with all the pleasantries pretty early thanks to Ralyks' insistence. Important affairs came before any other thing, so he was more interested in progress.

'How noble…' Kara thought as she looked at her savior with starstruck eyes.

Ever since she was saved by the man of darkness, she couldn't stop thinking about him.

She wanted to meet him the moment she regained consciousness, and now to at he was right in front of her, she couldn't let out as much as a squeak before him.

Right when they met, she was able to thank him for saving her life, but he casually addressed it.

He also apologized for not coming earlier, but she couldn't understand why he was being so dismissive of his actions.

It was all thanks to him that she was able to safely keep all the relevant documents of the Verte House that related to their properties and assets.

Kara's family was very thorough with their paperwork, so the mere fact that their legacy didn't fall into the wrong hands was more than enough for her to lick the sole of his feet.

'Lick… his feet? What am I even thinking!' Kara chastised herself and shook her head.

Right now, she had to behave accordingly. Her parents were dead, and she was the only survivor of their main estate.

'I have to find a way to ally with him personally. To protect my family's assets and our future!'

These were her thoughts as she looked at the brooding Ralyks.

"So, to summarize, you plan on securing the properties of the Verte House and fortifying the positions that have become lax as a result of the loss of manpower on the end of our enemies?"

"Yes. Precisely." Rebal responded to Ralyks, his determined gaze now containing a fire that wasn't present before.

It seemed the recent incident had finally changed his disposition.

"We can't afford to be passive any longer, especially with this window of opportunity you've made for us."

There was already no way the other side would keep quiet once they found out two out of their Executives were killed, and their plans didn't go accordingly.

"Even if we didn't act, we'd only be driven into more of a corner, so it's better we make our moves."

The Mercenary Gang was completely on Scylla's side—as well as pretty much most of the Underworld.

"They've most likely taken control over the Jaune territory, and since there's no tether for us to use regarding that venture, it's best we only focus our attention on the Blanc and Verte house."

They didn't even have enough manpower to spread themselves too thin.

"I understand. So, what do you need my assistance with?" Ralyks asked with a deep, concise tone.

He clearly wanted to get to the point.

"Lady Kara over here would like to secure all the assets of the Verte Group, so it would be really helpful if you served as her guard." Rebal said solemnly.


"P-please don't take it the wrong way, Sir Ralyks! I would have sent anyone else if they were capable enough, but it's possible that they might encounter a Head, and this mission is too sensitive to take any chances."

Rebal—the Blanc Councilor—couldn't remember anyone else that he had to grovel so much to.

However, Ralyks was more than worth it.

Right now, it didn't even matter what kind of reward they were going to give him in the end, they needed him far more than he needed them.

With that thought currently at the forefront of his mind, Rebal awaited Ralyks' answer.

"There's no need to be so uneasy. I accepted to help you all out, and I intend to keep my end of the deal, so don't worry about it."

Rebal—as well as Asher and Kara—heaved a sigh of relief.

"I was just wondering if I could take a bunch of detours during my escort missions. Don't worry, it won't impede anything at all."

Upon hearing this, Rebal's eyes sparked a little in curiosity.

"I trust you, Sir Ralyks. Is it perhaps related to the Slave Trade Warehouse you mentioned the other time?"

Ralyks nodded, confirming the question.

"Well, I have had my men working on preparing a map for you that pinpoints every known and speculated Warehouse of the Slave Trade Union." Rebal added.

He and Ralyks had already had a thorough conversation on his interests in these Warehouses prior to their current conversation, so Rebal's men were done with their task.

'I suppose he wants to dismantle the Slave Trade Union, which is Scylla's major source of wealth and power.'

Rebal appreciated Ralyks thinking far ahead, and he was truly grateful to have him as an ally.

'I must never make this man an enemy!' He told himself for the umpteenth time.

"I'll also be bringing my… partner along with me. I'll talk to Asher about the details, so we don't have to discuss that now."

Everyone in the room already knew their place in the alliance they had formed. That meant Kara knew Aldred's true identity—

though not his real face.

He still had his 'Aldred' appearance, after all.

"There's no problem at all, Sir Ralyks." Rebal nodded, and so did the other two.

"I'm curious about one more thing."

This time, Ralyks turned his gaze to the only female in their midst.

"What do you plan to do after this conflict is resolved, though? Rebuild the Verte House as a Criminal Empire?"

This question had a lot of weight to it, considering the current state of the Black Market—as well as what it would end up as eventually.

"If we succeed, everything will be in shambles. The KariBlanc Group intends to become a legitimate business group. So, what about you?"

There was no doubt that the Verte House still had employees and affiliates in other areas aside from their headquarters.

Kara was not alone, and it was indeed possible to rebuild.

It all depended on what she wanted.

"I… am not sure yet." She muttered, her clouded face showing a mix of confusion and sadness.

"I just want to secure my family's legacy for now."

Ralyks nodded, and Rebal smiled alongside his son.

That in itself was the most concrete and realistic goal anyone could have given the current situation.

"Very well. I suppose we ought to act fast." Ralyks rose to his feet, his cloak of darkness dancing with him as he did so.

The rest followed his lead.

"Our enemies would have realized their loss by now. That means they'll make their next move pretty soon." Rebal added.

They just had to be prepared for the wrath to come.

'I'm not frightened or uneasy, though.' Rebal smiled as he shook the hand of the man before him.

Was there really a need to feel anxious at all?

No… not at all.

'After all, we have Sir Ralyks!'




Thanks for reading!

Sorry for all the info dumps and drawn-out conversations.

I personally can't wait till we're out of these woods and enjoy the pure, unadulterated action.

But… for fights to be fun, they need buildup.

So hang in there!

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