An Extra’s POV
Chapter 278 Table of contents


Pure, unbridled silence radiated within the vast expanse.

As the golden lights danced around the room like fireflies, Rey stood in front of his Familiar—his question echoing in both their minds.

Ater's face remained the same. He had a calm smile, and despite the dangerous question he was asked, nothing changed in his demeanor.

"What would I do, huh…?" He slowly raised his hand to his chin and rubbed it while closing his eyes for a moment.

"Need some time to think about it?"

"No, no… that's not it." Ater responded swiftly to Rey's question, inhaling deeply as if absorbing the question.

"It's just that… I find it to be a pretty straightforward question."

Rey's curious face sharply contrasted the completely resolute expression that Ater gave.

"As your Familiar, everything I possess is yours. If you desire my life… it is yours."

His face no longer had a smile or any hint of amusement on it.

It was purely that of a serious disposition.

"I see. Good answer." Rey smiled and nodded.

Their 'Bond' confirmed everything Ater said.

It was still surprising to see such a hateful, uncontrollable Beast become so tame, but what Ater just had made all the remnant skepticism within him vanish.

Rey couldn't deny it any longer.

"I have confirmed your absolute loyalty to me." Rey's body slowly began to change, and his tall, imposing form vanished.

Replacing his 'Ralyks' form was his mundane appearance as Rey.

He had a plain face, and his dark hair complimented his dark irises. His height had grown to be a little above average, but he was still considerably shorter than Ater.

He had a baggy shirt on, and he wore plain shorts.

This was Rey—master of Ater and tamer of darkness—in all his glory.

"This is my true form. Pretty underwhelming, right?" He placed both hands in his pockets and smiled.

In response, however, Ater slowly shook his head and smiled.

"True power need not flaunt. Those who judge outward appearances are merely superficial fools."

He placed a hand on his chest and bowed very deeply to Rey. It was an awkward sight, one that seemed like a grown man was bowing his head to a mere teenager.

However, those with knowledge would know who was the truly superior one among the two.

This was what Ater meant by his words.

"The power within you towers mine by an infinite degree. I can not comprehend the depths of your strength, nor can I compare to the magnitude of your greatness."

The power Rey had was one that transcended the Absolute and even the Divine.

It was Primeval.

Ater didn't know what level it was in, but he was perceptive enough to recognize the true nature of his Master's power.

He knew it was impossible for him to overcome.

"If you so permit it, I would be honored to learn of my Master's name."

His head was still bowed as he uttered those words.

He took on a reverent tone, and he remained still like a statue… waiting for his Master's words to grace him.

"My name is Rey. Rey Skylar." As Rey spoke, he placed his hand on Ater's crimson hair.

"You will do well to remember it."

"Thank you, Master. I will forever cherish this moment, as well as your honored name."

The moment lasted for a few more seconds before Rey removed his hand from Ater's hair.

'Too cringe…' His thoughts flowed as he smiled nervously.

He could feel that Ater was a bit forlorn by his action, but Rey didn't care at this point.

What mattered was the understanding they had between each other.

And now…

"There's something I need from you, Ater." Rey broke the awkward silence between them and began to walk away.

After taking a few steps back, he used his [Divine Elemental Magic] to make an earth throne to sit on, collapsing on it as soon as he did so.

"Yes, Master." Ater slowly raised his head and looked at Rey's majestic form.

His physical form was, of course, unimpressive, but Ater could see beyond the natural.

He knew the existence before him was no longer in the realm of the natural.

Rey Skylar was a god!

"A lot will be going down in about four days. I'll be needing you to take care of a few things for me."

"Understood, Master. You can count on me."

"You don't even know what I want to ask of you. How sure are you that you can do it?" Rey's question caused Ater to smile a bit broader than usual.

"As long as Master is the one who orders it… there is nothing I can not do."

Rey nodded in approval, as if saying "That's the spirit!"

Ater's response was by no means a sign of hubris.

Rather, he was essentially placing Rey at an intellectual precipice, implying that if his Master chose an assignment for him, it meant that he believed Ater was up for the task.

Rey was no fool.

He wouldn't send his subordinate on a mission that was beyond their capabilities.

"Well said. Now then, I will explain the details of your assignment."

Ater nodded carefully and awaited his task in excitement.

He couldn't wait to lay waste to his Master's enemies.


[The Next Day]

"The time has come."

Conrad stood before all the nine Otherworlders, with Vida and Ralyks standing beside him.

Every Otherworlder was outfitted in armor and special attires, carrying weapons and Enchanted Items which had been provided by the Royal Council and also Ralyks' generosity.

They were equipped to their maximum Equip Limit.

For most of them, that was about 9-10 Items. However, Adonis could equip 15 Items at once.

Hence, he remained the strongest of the group.

"You are about to venture into the Royal Dungeon to commence the long-awaited Raid." Conrad smiled at the nine who stood before him.

Their resolute faces and obvious determination made his heart race in excitement and pride.

He glanced at Ralyks, and nothing short of overflowing gratitude radiated from his heart.

The moment of truth was now upon them, and once again… the fate of the Alliance's future rested on the success of this mission.

Praying inside, and smiling outside, Conrad's loud voice marked the commencement of the Royal Dungeon Raid.

"I wish you all the best in this endeavor!"




Thanks for reading!

I hope you're all excited for what's about to go down.

I know I am.

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