An Extra’s POV
Chapter 285 Table of contents

'Not bad…' Rey smiled as he looked at the faces of everyone around him.

He was, of course, pretending to be exhausted beyond measure. Still, he was secretly staring at everyone and looking at their Status Windows.

'Most of them have Levels already in their early Twenties.'

A few outliers like Billy and Belle managed to get to the late twenties.

Trisha's Level was around the mid-twenties—same as Eric.

Those were the hardest hitters in the entire raid.

'Clark started out strong, but he ended up defending himself and others too much.'

As a result, he didn't Level Up too much.

'Alicia was too busy healing people, so she didn't have much of a chance to Level Up herself.'

Justin was objectively the one with the lowest Level since he often liked to sneak around and take down his enemies one at a time rather than engage in a more reckless assault.

No one could really blame him since that was his build.

People like Billy and Belle had immense destructive power, so it was only expected that they would Level Up the fastest.

Trisha was the most skilled fighter of the group—aside from Adonis, of course.

As a result, she was more efficient in taking down Monsters despite being weaker and having a limited set of Skills.

'Then there's Eric. That guy's like a natural-born wizard. It's crazy!'

His combination and utilization of various Skills, as well as the Spells associated with them, was insane.

Rey wouldn't be surprised if the guy had a scrapbook that he used to prepare attack patterns and countermeasures against Monsters.

He truly was impressive.

'As for me, I think I'll maintain a range of Level 10-12. That's a safe place to be in.' Rey nodded to himself as he stared at the MVP of the entire Raid.

Adonis Levi.

'He's seriously a beast. I still can't check his Status Window, but I wouldn't be surprised if he cracked Level 40. No… maybe even close to 50.'

Adonis had everything! Every compliment Rey gave his other classmates could also be attributed to him.

No… perhaps even more!

'He's the most skilled combatant I've ever seen. He uses his Skills perfectly, and he's so decisive in his attacks.'

Adonis was unbelievably strong.

'I can't afford to slack off. At this rate, he'll definitely catch up to me.'

Rey felt tempted to solo the Floors in order to prevent that, but he decided against it.

'Even after killing the Boss and my fair share of Monsters, I still haven't Leveled Up once.'

It seemed there was something about the realm behind Level 100 that just made it difficult to proceed any further.

'I have to find an alternative soon. Maybe another Dungeon or something.'



- Name: Adonis Levi.

- Race: Human (Otherworlder) (Regressor)

- Class: The Hero (S-Tier)

- Level: 60 (56.99% EXP)

- Life Force: 420 (+210) [100]

- Mana Level: 450 (+225) [150]

- Combat Ability: 400 (+200) [200]

- Stat Points: 0

- Skills (Exclusive): [Divine Sword Summon]. [Absolute Defense]. [Grand Light Magic]. [&$@?3$$!0n]

- Skills (Non-Exclusive): [Combat Application]. [Magic Application]. [Mana Recovery]. [Full Sense]

- Alignment: Lawful Good

[Additional Information]

Your desire to save this world has transcended the very bounds of time itself, and now you are once again on the journey to protect those you love.

Good luck!

[End Of Information]

'Not enough. It's still not enough…' As Adonis stared at his Status Window, he felt a constant surge of hunger within him.

Despite reaching Level 60 on his first day, he still didn't feel accomplished.

It wasn't enough.

'It's a shame that my Stats deteriorated after facing that Dragon. I would have been a lot stronger by now.'

Adonis calculated how many Stat Points he lost in total, and it was over 400.

He had gained 900 Stat Points thanks to Leveling Up thirty times in this Raid, so that compensated for his loss greatly.

Still, he desired a lot more.

Until his Stats were in the thousands, he didn't have enough confidence in his ability to protect his friends.

'I wonder what his Status Window looks like…' Adonis thought to himself as he looked at the Dark Adventurer.

Was it in the thousands? Tens of thousands? Surely it couldn't reach hundreds of thousands.

'I don't know. I don't think I can know…'

Adonis swallowed his current dissatisfaction and looked around him.

He could see their smiles and expressions of relief, and somehow that made him happy.

'It seems everyone has grown considerably. That's good…'

He couldn't face the upcoming threats alone, and it felt reassuring to have his friends grow with him.

'Even Rey is finally catching up. This is good… it's all good!'

Rather than also seeing his own progress and being proud of his achievements, Adonis did not even let such a thought cross his mind.

'I can't afford to grow complacent.' That was his excuse.

'Until I properly defeat a Dragon on my own… I will not be satisfied!'


Rey and his friends got transported back to the Royal Estate thanks to the portal that Ralyks created.

They all had refreshed expressions on their faces, despite still being sore in certain parts of their bodies.

Alicia would have healed them all if she could, but even she had reached the limits of her abilities and was plenty exhausted.

"You should all have a proper rest. I'll see you again tomorrow." Ralyks told them as soon as they appeared within the Estate.

Before they could say anything else, he completely vanished from their sights.

"He didn't even wait to hear my 'Thank you'."

"Haha! That's just the kind of guy he is…"

"I'm actually very excited for tomorrow!"

"Me too!"

The Otherworlders retired to their quarters and straight for their rooms as soon as they arrived in the Royal Estate.

Of course, they discussed before getting there, but everyone instantly clocked in the moment they reached the comfort of their home.

Alicia was no exception, as she told Rey she was drowsy and would talk to him later before venturing to her room.

Rey told her the same and went to his inner sanctum as well.

The moment he entered and closed the door, however, he completely put off the act and sat on his bed, a completely different demeanor now active.

"I suppose it's time for a review…" Rey stared right ahead at a swirling darkness that formed a small distance from him.

"… Ater."




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