An Extra’s POV
Chapter 289 Table of contents

"Two instead of three, huh? Interesting…"

A voice echoed in an immensely pristine room. It belonged to a woman who sat behind an incredibly large dining table.

Her chair was soft and of the utmost quality, and the table was finely made as well.

The entire room was painted mainly white, with layers of black and red—a bit of gold too.

It had an aesthetic of wealth and power… but also forbidden danger.

The woman who sat all alone in the room—save for the masked guard who stood in a corner—was incredibly beautiful.

She had the face of an Angel, and her body was gorgeous beyond description. With clear skin and perfect proportions, she would easily pass as any man's dream lady.

She was currently confronted with a feast on her dining table.

It was mostly a meal that consisted of meat, with deep red sauce, and several garnishing by the side.

Then, a bottle of exquisite wine stood beside the meal, while she downed a glass which was gracefully held in her grasp.

Her lips formed a smile as she looked at the meal before her and mulled over the news she had just listened to.

All of it was making her hungry.

'Could I have been wrong in my assessment? Maybe two would have been enough…'

She took her fork and knife, perfectly slicing the juicy steak that was on a plate in front of her.

"Mmm…" Closing her eyes and savoring the flavor, her smile grew wider.


The tender meat seemed to melt into her mouth, and the juices were fully absorbed without any discomfort of any kind.

'I can't ever come back from this.' She licked her lips as she looked at the steak, and then carried her gaze to the other meaty meals before her.

No other kind of food could satisfy her like this.

She took another bite and swallowed, downing the wine and leaking out a satisfied exhalation.

Once this process was over, she dropped her empty glass and decided it was time to think more deeply about everything thus far.

'If I was wrong, it means that somehow, one of those two was fast enough to get to two locations. So one of them guarded the KariBlanc goods and defeated Ogun, while the other took care of Anukus and Fernand. I see…'

That scenario was a little difficult to believe, but it wasn't completely implausible.

'The bottom line is, they're both pretty strong.'

At this point, the lady's smile her broader—nearly losing her allure as an Angel.

If only she was one…

No, this was Lady Scylla, the furthest thing from a being of purity.

"I was ready to send those men to their deaths in order to find out just how strong this 'Reaper' is, but…' Scylla had changed her mind at the last minute.

After some careful thoughts, she realized how wasteful the whole thing would be.

'What's the point of testing the waters with weaklings like them when I know the Reaper is strong enough to kill a member of the Deadly Three?'

Compared to those monsters in the Mercenary Gang, her Recon Forces were mere toddlers.

It would be a pointless venture to try to see the depths of the Reaper's strength with weaklings like them.

As a result, they were spared.

'They'll serve a better purpose staking out the KariBlanc Group's assets and the Blanc Mansion.'

Once the time for action arrived, their mission would be complete and she would have to think of some other thing to use them for.

'It's only in a few days. I can't wait…'

Regardless of how strong the Blanc and Verte House had become thanks to the aid of this mysterious ally of theirs, the results were inevitable.

She had set up the perfect trap for them, and her plans would reign supreme.

'Either way… I'm going to win!'

Scylla stabbed the meat on her plate and took another bite of the juicy, tender meat.

Her intentions were to devour the entire United Human Alliance the same way she consumed the delicious meat that now melted in her mouth.

No leftovers whatsoever.


[The Next Day]


The Fourth Floor had its own sets of troubles as the Otherworlders had to set up a formation in order to stand a chance against the centipede-like monsters.

These creatures were each at least ten meters tall, with incredibly thick bodies and powerful exoskeletons.

They were also poisonous, and their incredibly sharp reflexes made them a chore to deal with.

The biggest issue was, of course, their numbers.

They were incredibly plentiful, and thanks to the several tunnel-

like holes they had burrowed all around the Fourth Floor, they could escape at any time.

Thankfully, the team had Adonis' defensive barrier and Alicia's Healing Magic.

If not for those two forms of protection, they would have been rendered invalid a short while in.

The current plan was simple: restrain the Monsters and then the heavy hitters would strike with everything they had to destroy them.

Of course, this meant that the heavy-hitters would get all the EXP, but this was the only viable plan they could come up with among themselves.

Despite Ralyks being present, he already made it very clear that he wouldn't help unless their lives were in danger.

And so, the formation was initiated.

One of the most important components of the restraining procedure was Justin—due to his ability to get close to the centipedes and utilize [Sleep] and the binding Skill [Marionette].

As a result of his particularly useful skill-sets, he was sent to deal with the most problematic of the bunch.

Utilizing [Stealth], he easily made it behind the wave of centipedes and initiated his two-part maneuver.

First was [Sleep], which instantly rendered the Centipedes sluggish as a result of the drowsiness that it caused.

Before they could recover, he used his [Marionette] Skill to create several threads to bind them all of them in something like an inescapable net of sorts.

Thanks to their lack of speed, he was able to pull this off and even reinforce the strings with a wide smile on his face.

Once he was done, the heavy hitters were ready to commence their assault.

"On my mark!" Adonis' voice echoed in the vast expanse.

They only had one shot at this.




Thanks for reading!

I just can't help but laugh anytime Scylla is on screen. I try to make her intimidating, but… haha…

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