An Extra’s POV
Chapter 298 Table of contents

The Undead had the appearance of Lich from legend, even having a crooked style to go with its aesthetic. However, since its face was mostly obscured, it was difficult to tell its true identity.

Adonis cast a forlorn look on the Summon, saying nothing for a moment.

It forced Rey to speak.

"You mean the Undead?"

The Hero turned to give Rey a confused look, before bursting into a pleasant laugh that made his face appear even more handsome.

"Of course not, silly. I meant Sir Ralyks."

For a second or two, silence radiated among the boys. Rey opened his lips to make an "Ohhhh…" sound as Billy slightly nodded in agreement.

"Compared to him, am I really that strong?" Adonis chuckled as he shrugged.

"I'm not even confident in beating that Undead that he summoned. Not unless I go all-out."

Rey's eyes widened in surprise. It was clear what was currently afflicting Adonis.

—Inferiority Complex.

"To be honest, Rey… I don't even feel like a capable leader any longer. Whether it comes to strength or intelligence, he's ahead of me in every facet." Adonis gave a sad smile as he looked at Rey.

"I know I shouldn't be frustrated about it. It's for the greater good of mankind, but… sometimes I just can't help but feel envious."

It was difficult imagining Adonis being envious of anyone for anything at all.

He was incredibly handsome, intelligent, powerful, and most of all… he was very kind.

Everyone looked up to him.

Yet, no one could deny that Ralyks was definitely more intelligent and powerful than any of the Otherworlders.

No one knew what he looked like, but a lot of them expected to see an incredibly handsome man for some reason.

But, if there was something Adonis had over Ralyks, it was his most attractive trait.

"You're a better person than he is." Rey declared with a straight face.


Adonis looked stunned by the words he heard from Rey, but the latter didn't back down. Instead, he doubled down on his declaration.

"You're very kind, Adonis. Even back on Earth, and now here… you always put everyone into consideration and ensure we are fine."

It was now Rey's turn to place his hand on Adonis' shoulder and smile.

"It's only thanks to you that we've been able to make it this far." As Rey uttered those words, Adonis' eyes began to grow moist.

"We aren't following Ralyks just because he is strong, you know? It's because you endorse him."

"What are you even saying, Rey?" Adonis chuckled as he tried to dismiss the boy's words.

However, Rey placed his second hand on Adonis' other shoulder and smiled fiercely at the boy.

"The reason we stayed behind wasn't just because of Ralyks. It is because we trust you, Adonis. Our faith isn't on the Royal Council or on Ralyks… but on you."

Something like a spark began to glow from Adonis' eyes as Rey uttered those words.


A mixed look of relief and doubt played on the Hero's face. It seemed like he wanted Rey's words to be true, but he didn't want to risk believing them.

"I don't know about others, but… you're the reason I decided to stay behind. Because I trust you. I think it's the same for everyone else, at least to some level."

"I see…"

Rey patted Adonis on his shoulder, though his series of actions were weird due to the height gap between the two of them.

They both pretended not to notice the awkwardness of Rey's actions, though, and only focused on the intentions behind them.

"Besides, if you think you're weaker than Ralyks, then there's only one thing you can do… right?"

"Yeah… I can just get stronger!" Adonis clenched his raised fist.

Rey broadened his smile and nodded at him. The two stared at each other, trapped in a world where time was still.

Adonis began to look so emotional that it appeared as though he would hug Rey. The latter subtly pulled away, preventing it from happening a second time.

"A-ahem…" Rey cleared his throat as he awkwardly looked away.

Adonis merely smiled at the awkward Rey and nodded slowly.

"Thanks for your words, Rey. They mean a lot more to me than you realize."

Rey slowly turned to Adonis and shrugged, a bright smile on his face as well

"Thanks as well."

As they both chuckled, a certain someone clenched his fist and finally had the courage to utter his first words since they began their journey as a team of three.

"I'm sorry… both of you."

Billy's barely audible voice echoed within the corridor, instantly sullying the moment between Adonis and Rey.

They both looked at Billy, who was staring at the ground with a bitter expression on his face.

"I'm sorry for all I've done. Adonis… Rey…" He slowly looked at them, tears slowly falling from his eyes.

"I know I have no excuse for how I acted, or how I treated you. I don't even expect you to forgive me or anything…"

His brows were crinkled upward and his lips trembled with emotion.

It was clear that he meant every single thing he uttered.

"I shouldn't have abandoned you as a friend and let all that power get into my head. I shouldn't have gone that far with Ali… I mean, with everything that went down."

Everything he said was greeted with silence.

"I won't ask for forgiveness or anything, but… I'll try to be better."

As those words reverberated in the air, someone began to approach him.

It was none other than the Hero.

"It's good that you've admitted your errors. It means you have properly reflected on them."

Adonis placed a hand on Billy's shoulder and smiled at him with a warm demeanor.

"I won't speak for everyone and forgive you on their behalf. However, we're still young. Mistakes are inevitable, aren't they?"

"A-Adonis…" Billy's tears began to flow more.

"What matters is learning from them and growing. I'm happy I gave you enough time to yourself so you could fully understand your actions and their consequences."

"I thought… I thought you hated me and wanted nothing to do with me any longer."

Adonis merely shook his head and cast a sympathetic smile upon the crying hunk of a boy.

"I was disappointed and reasonably upset. But I've never hated you, Billy."



An air of intense emotions wafted through the air, and while the two boys seemed locked in the moment, Rey felt a little uncomfortable in their midst.

He looked at the Undead, and it was clear that all the positive energy and overflowing emotions were also too much for the cold-hearted creature.

They both just wanted it to end.

"… You can be better. Redeem yourself with actions and not words alone. For it was your action that caused this to begin with."

Once Rey returned his mind to the conversation, they were already rounding things up.


"You've made a great first step, Billy. Keep it up, man. We need you now more than ever."

"Y-yes! I won't let you down!"

"This isn't about me, Billy. It's about everyone else. It's about this world."

"I-I understand."

"Let's do our best together, okay?" As Billy nodded at Adonis' wise words, the golden-haired Hero turned to Rey.

Rey swiftly returned his expression to a solemn one, and thus his eyes mer the pure Hero.

"Let's all do our best. What do you say, Rey?"

It was already obvious what his answer would be.

"I haven't completely forgiven you, Billy. I don't think I can ever forget your actions, but…" He approached the duo with a bright smile on his face.

"… I don't hate you either."

To Rey, Billy wasn't even an issue worth considering.

He was just someone that existed.

'I have more important things to worry about…'

"You're necessary for this world's survival. I'm not so small-

minded that I don't recognize that."

Rey struggled, but he was able to place his hand on Billy's shoulder.

Adonis placed a hand on Rey's shoulder, and Rey did the same to him as well. Billy also did the same to both of them.

At that moment, all three boys were in perfect understanding.

They needed one another for the sake of the world.

Nothing more… nothing less.

Rey was busy thinking about a bunch of things as this whole thing was going on that he failed to notice the smile Adonis gave him.

It was one of utmost gratitude.

His face clearly read "Thanks, Rey. You really help out more than you realize…"

Adonis looked at both of his teammates and closed his eyes in satisfaction.

He was truly happy.




Thanks for reading!

What a wholesome chapter in total. I made it a lot longer than usual because I wanted to properly explore all of these emotions without any breaks.

Did you think making up with Billy like this was the right choice? Do you think Billy didn't suffer enough for his actions?

I want to hear your thoughts.

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