An Extra’s POV
Chapter 304 Table of contents

Passing through a swirling distortion in space, the Otherworlders once again made it to the surface.

Their shabby appearances greeted the evening sky overhead, and as they all appears in the open field, they collapsed on the ground and allowed their bodies to embrace the grass.


"Fresh air at last!"

"I'm gonna take a very nice shower!"

Words like these echoed from the lips of the sweaty and dirty students.

Despite groaning and grumbling, the smile on their faces was undeniable. They were all happy, and it wasn't difficult to tell why.

"We did it!"

"We reached the Tenth Floor!"

"I swear, I thought I was going to die!"

It wasn't easy, but they managed to achieve a milestone—and it was only in three days.

This celebration of theirs, however, was instsntly cut short by Ralyks' cold voice.

"I have important news for you all."

As he said this, all the Otherworlders looked in his direction with puzzlement.

Normally, this was the moment when he would say his farewells and depart. Yet, something about his tone and the contents of his words made the imminent issue seem a little grave.

"I won't be with you for your Raid tomorrow."

The moment Ralyks said this, eyes popped wide open. The Otherworlders had stunned expressions on their faces.

However, before they could utter a single word, he continued.

"I need to take care of some business for the Royal Council, so tomorrow will be completely booked."

The Otherworlders didn't know what was happening in the background—except for Adonis, of course.

As someone who associated with the Royal Council on a deeper level, Adonis was the only one who didn't depict any ounce of shock or surprise.

After all, he already knew something of the sort was coming.

'This is about the Triumvirate, and their Dark Gathering that will occur in the Merchant City tomorrow.' Adonis' thoughts flowed as he stared at Ralyks.

They recently received a tip from their informant that this would be some kind of secret meeting between the major players of the underworld.

The Royal Council has been planning a full sweep for some time, but now they had even more reasons to go all-out on the offensive.

'I wish I could go, but I'm needed here…'

Adonis sighed a little and looked around him. He had to grow stronger in order to be of help to people, but at moments like this, he felt his impulses begging him to dive into the action.

However, thanks to his self control… he knew very well what his choice would be.

'I'll leave this to Sir Ralyks and everyone else.' Adonis smiled.

According to what he knew, the Royal Council already had their forces gathered in the Allied Merchant City, while the rest were somewhere within the Royal Estate.

Ralyks would be transporting those who were still in the Royal Estate to the Allied Merchant City the next day.

'Then, they'll initiate the Full Sweep Operation.'

"So does that mean we'll have to go to the Eleventh Floor by ourselves?" Justin asked with a chuckle, though there was a hint of seriousness in his tone.

Concerned reactions instantly filled the faces of the Otherworlders. They probably didn't want to imagine a scenario where their guardian Angel wasn't in the depths of danger with them.

They looked at the masked figure in panic, praying for a favorable response.

"I'll be sending a bunch of Elementals to keep you company tomorrow. With their help, you shouldn't have any problem with the Floors."

Ralyks had already told them that they would be exploring three Floors on the fourth day, so everyone knew they would be reaching the 13th Floor.

No one really panicked since Ralyks was with them, but now,., now they weren't so sure.

"Each Elemental is of the Grand Class, and I plan on sending four with you. You should be fine."

Once the Otherworlders considered how much of a team effort it took them to take down one Elemental of Ralyks during training, they began to recognize how strong they were.

Granted, they were stronger now, so they definitely wouldn't have as much trouble with an Elemental.

However with four of them—all in the Grand Class—things would get pretty trippy.

"As long as they're with you, you'll be fine. I've surveyed the Dungeon Floors too, and I have determined that there's nothing in there that is beyond your abilities."

Ralyks then turned away from the teenagers and began to conclude his address.

"Whether or not you choose to participate in tomorrow's Raid is up to you."

Slowly walking away, his voice echoed in the air.

"You can choose to sit this one out and wait for me, like spoon-

fed children, or you can show me just how much you've grown without me."

He stopped moving and slightly turned his neck so his face tilted to the side and he saw them with his crimson eyes.

"The choice is yours."

Those words reverberated underneath the late evening sky, with everyone's eyes glistening as they watched him give them their options.

It was already clear which path they would take.

"We'll do it!"

"Count me in!"

"I'll try my best!"

"M-me too!"

"There's no way I'm missing out on this."

"As long as it's safe… I'll play ball."

"Alright! Let's roll!"

"I'm getting pretty excited…"

"Let's all do our best!"

With those words rushing from the lips of the nine, it was already clear what choice they had made.

Ralyks looked at them, almost as if he smiled underneath his dark mask.

"Good. I wish you the best of luck." He waved at them as he stepped into the distortion that had formed in front of him.



Night fell, and as the small stars twinkled in the sky, the lights of a particular room also glowed despite the darkness that fueled its exterior.

Within the Royal Estate, there was a room utilized by only the most important members of the United Human Alliance.

It didn't appear luxurious in any way, and the designs were pretty simple.

It was sparsely finished with chairs, and a round table that stood before all the seats present.

Maps and several other important documents were either hung on the walls, or carefully placed in the massive bookshelf that stood at the corner of the room.

Needless to say, the items hidden in the deep recesses of this exclusive library were confidential.

This was the Strategy Room, and right now it was occupied by three parties:

Conrad Listrio

Vida Origa

And… Kara Verte, Informant of the Royal Council.

A sudden warp in space caused all the seated members to rise to their feet and look in the direction of the distortion.

A man in black emerged from its depths, his crimson eyes glowing as he saw all three of them.

"Sir Ralyks…" They all slightly bowed their heads.

The Dark Adventurer nodded slowly and sat on his seat, an act that was followed by everyone else in the room.

"Enough with the formalities." His words were curt, and he folded his arms as though he meant business.

"Let us begin the meeting."




Thanks for reading!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. The moment is almost upon us.

Who else is excited?

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