An Extra’s POV
Chapter 316 Table of contents

Billy was tired.

He was tired of feeling like a shitty individual.

Sure, it was all his fault that he and Alicia experienced the horrors that they did and were nearly sold into slavery.

He recognized all of his errors, though he knew everything he had done was with Alicia's best interests at heart.

He just… made too many mistakes and went about things the wrong way. Billy realized that now.

Unfortunately, it seemed like this realization had come a bit too late. Even though he accepted his faults and was willing to change, it didn't seem like there was anyone who was willing to see him for who he was.

There was Adonis, but it was obvious that he couldn't regain the previous trust the Hero had in him.

Everyone else who didn't know of the incident treated him normally, but he couldn't help but fear what would happen if they ever found out about his actions.

As a result, he sort of isolated himself from the rest of his classmates.

He was no longer friends with Rey, who would have probably understood his actions if they were still as close as they were before.

In a tragic twist of fate, Rey now occupied the position he always wanted.

He had the respect of Adonis, the affection of Alicia, and the acknowledgment of the rest of his classmates—all while being so weak.

Rey probably didn't know this, but the Otherworlders had grown to respect him.

They knew where he started from, and now that they saw how much he had improved, none of them could doubt the hard work he put into his growth.

Even Billy… couldn't deny it.

'I regret everything.'

Billy wished, more than anything, to be able to go back and restart everything.

He would make so many new choices and stop his stupid self from making so many wrong choices.

Unfortunately… no one could change the past.

'If that's the case, then… isn't it better if I'm not here at all?' That was the thought Billy now had.

The thought that prompted him to nearly end his life for the sake of a noble cause.

Unfortunately, Clark saved him and instantly saw through his bullshit. Once again, he felt shitty, as if he now had something new to regret in his massive pile.

How much more could he endure before finally breaking?

Billy had no idea.

'I'm just so tired already…'


"Alicia wouldn't care if I died…"

Billy chuckled as he shrugged slightly. The two boys could clearly hear the explosions and echoes of destruction, but at that moment, they could only look at each other.

Clark was stunned by the version of Billy that he was seeing, and for the first time in a while, the latter was peeling off his mask.

In the end, no matter how much he tried to take responsibility, he couldn't regain what he lost.

Wasn't he better off dead then—especially if he could do something heroic before his death?

"If you can say that about me, then you really don't know me at all."

The feminine voice that echoed in the air caused Billy's body to grow stiff, and his heart nearly skipped a beat—maybe more.

Approaching the two boys, who looked to their left, was the current topic of their discussion.


"I don't like you, Billy. I don't think I could ever look at you favorably or even forget what you did. But… that's not to say I wouldn't care if you died."

Billy could feel his heart ache, as well as moistness spreading through his eyes.

This was the first proper sentence that Alicia had said to him ever since the incident.

She wouldn't even look at him before now.

"I recognize your strength, as well as the efforts you put into growing stronger. Everyone in this room requires that strength."

Billy felt a mix of both melancholy and joy.

—Indescribable joy.

"This world needs you. Your classmates need you. I need you." Alicia drew closer and stretched her hand towards him.

"So, please… let's fight together and win this battle."

Tears fell from Billy's eyes as he gazed upon Alicia, who seemed like the very personification of light, here to save him from the darkness that was consuming him.

All he had to do was take her hand.

"I…" His croaking voice echoed as he raised his hand towards her.

"… I understand!"

Grappling her by the hand, she pulled him up quite easily.

Any normal person seeing this would think it was shocking, but considering how Alicia was almost in Level 60, with immense Points spread across various facets of her Stats, doing something like that was relatively easy.

Billy smiled, swallowing whatever saliva and mucus that had clogged his throat. He also cleaned the tears in his eyes and had a determined gaze on his face.

Alicia nodded at him, and he did the same.

They were finally on the same page, and seeing all of this play out before his eyes, Clark couldn't help but also smile in satisfaction.

"Thank you, Clark." He turned to the brown-haired boy beside him.

"No problem. Glad to see you back. Billy."

"Glad to be back!"

Billy took in a deep breath, feeling a surge of motivation unlike anything he had felt in a very long time.

It was at this exact moment that the rest of the Otherworlders gathered with them, already done with the rest of the Mobs.

"What's with this gathering?"

"We needed some backup, and you all were just talking?"

"We're finally done, no thanks to you three."

Chuckles and sighs of relief echoed forth, but there was no ill spread among any of the classmates.

Belle also approached the cluster of eight students, and not long after, Adonis landed in their midst as well.

With all nine of them gathered together, having nothing else to face but the Boss Monster, they all gazed upon the fallen creature who struggled to rise.

"Now is our best chance to fight it!" Adonis spoke up, addressing all who were waiting for their orders from him.

"I'll do my best to stop the blasts, so all of you should take on respective parts of its body and chip at its health."


"Belle and Alicia, both of you are responsible for ensuring it never rises back up." Adonis turned to the two strongest girls in the group.

"Belle, use your Windfall Spell to create a pressure that makes it difficult for the Monster to rise. It's naturally heavy, so your Spell should make it more difficult for it."

"Got it!" The blonde nodded.

"As for you, Alicia, make sure the ground remains frozen, and ensure the part of its body that is on the ground is also frozen so it remains stuck."

With that, the mobility of the Boss Monster was essentially compromised.

Even though it would take them forever to chip at its health, this was the safest option they had.

"Understood!" Alicia responded with resolve.

"Alright! We all have our roles, so let's do our best."

Adonis' eyes glowed golden and cackles of power rushed through him.

"We're not going to let Sir Ralyks down. We're going to defeat this thing and get out of here in one piece."

Everyone nodded and strengthened their resolve for the last act of their battle.

"All of us, no exceptions!"




Thanks for reading!

This was quite the dramatic chapter. I wonder what Rey is doing through all this, though.

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