An Extra’s POV
Chapter 339 Table of contents


Rey saw red all over the room.

The succulent color of blood, and the warm moisture of the liquid dropped from every corner of the room.

It occupied every facet of it.

Then, sitting atop the endless river of blood—one that flowed without end—were heaps and heaps of corpses.

Like mincemeat, their bodies were riddled with holes and squashed beyond recognition.

It seemed they were initially diced into multiple pieces, and then crushed in many areas until they became nothing but pounded flesh.

It was this very flesh that decorated the room, hanging all over like strewn spaghetti covered in tomato sauce. It was both an absurd and horrifying sight.

Yet… there was a certain beauty about it.

This painting of death, however, had one fatal flaw—the living still remained on it.

This, perhaps, was what made Rey's eyes widen in absolute shock.

Because, even if he didn't expect to see a scene of bloodshed, it wasn't at all new to him. However, this would be the first time in all of his existence that he would witness this…

… This scene of absolute depravity.

He saw humans being treated like cattle.

Young ones who looked like they were barely adults, were having intercourse despite the blood and gore that was bound to overwhelm the senses.

They were naked, like beasts, and they carried out their duties with utmost precision.

The male swung their hips, thrusting their tools into the holes of the women whose bodies dangled with each move as they received their dues.

It was a twisted scene.

Their faces told Rey that none of them were enjoying this. It seemed more like they were in a trance rather than reality.

They had dilated pupils, with drool oozing from their mouths and snot dripping from their noses—all signs of doping.

One check at their Status and Rey could easily confirm that they were on some kind of drugs, though he didn't even need to go that far to arrive at that conclusion.

What he was looking at weren't humans anymore.

They were nothing more than broken dolls whose activities had already been predetermined for them. Overcome by lust, and without barely any cognitive function left, the only thing they could do…

… Was to breed.

"W-what in the world is this?!"

Rey's perplexed eyes took in this abominable scene and could barely even speak, talkless of move.

Gore mixed with an unsavory orgy left a bad taste in his mouth—almost driving him to vomit all over the place.

However, he stopped himself since that would only make things worse.

Then… amidst all this, he heard a sob.

It came from the girl who knelt right in front of the horror that pervaded the room.

Her pale, naked skin was dipped in the crimson blood that flowed endlessly, and she seemed to be still—like a statue without life.


Rey's tone contained a lot of worry, but also a slight hint of confusion.

But, that was understandable.

For the girl who knelt in the pool of blood was different from the one he knew just a few moments before.

Replacing the black hair she had was an angelic bloom of white hair that flowed ever so beautifully.

They were partially covered in blood, but their beauty radiated through even that.

They appeared soft—softer than silk—and each strand seemed to be made from the most beautiful of gems. However, this wasn't the only change.

Esme's normal ears were now pointed, like that of an Elf. In this moment of tragedy and horror, her true beauty emerged—like a flower surrounded by dirt.

In all its majesty, her pale body bloomed like the most perfect depiction of beauty, only to be shrouded by the world's greatest horrors.

The sobs continued.

As Rey took a single step forward, the girl's body began to move.

Her beautiful hair swayed as she turned to face him, who stood from behind.

"Rey…" Her lips uttered his name in a way that completely melted his heart.

The pain in her tone, and the agony on her face as she said his name and hot tears streamed down her cheeks, was enough to paralyze him.

He couldn't go any further.

Rey could only pause and watch as she looked at him with a maelstrom of emotions.

Fear. Rage. Sorrow. Pain. Horror. Disdain.

A lot more existed on this spectrum, but before Rey could process any more of it, Esme opened up her lips and spoke once more.

"… What have I done?"


[Moments Earlier]

'I'm so nervous…'

Esme was right in between two reliable guards, but that didn't make her feel any safer. Even her very sturdy armor only felt like paper as she stepped into the brightly lit stairwell that led to unknown depths.

Each of the Grand Elementals with Esme could easily crush her in a second, and she wouldn't be able to resist at all.

She knew they wouldn't do such a thing—since they were Rey's summons—but her intrusive thoughts kept winning in her mind.

In the end, she could only nervously trod down the path set before her.

They finally reached the bottom of the stairs, and all Esme saw in front of her was a massive red door.

Atop the door, a message was shown:

[WARNING: Powerful Aphrodisiac Usage ahead. Please wear a face mask]

'Aphrodisiac? What is that?'

Esme was quite innocent in that regard so she didn't know what such a commonplace term for a chemical stimulant for one's sex drive meant.

'Is it a poison or something…?' She glanced at the Elementals who were with her.

Thankfully, she didn't have any need to worry, since the Wind Elemental Summon instantly shrouded her in a sphere of protection.

This sphere protected her from any attacks or poisonous air around her. As a result, whatever this 'Aphrodisiac' was, it wouldn't affect her.

'I have the perfect nose mask with me!' Esme smiled to herself, feeling a lot more confident.

Elemental Summons didn't need to breathe, so she doubted they would be in any trouble beyond the doors of the room.

'I guess it's time to advance.' She told herself.

Esme didn't like keeping her hopes up for too long, considering how she had been disappointed in the past up until this point.

They had explored dozens upon dozens of warehouses, but Esme was yet to see a single friend of hers. None of her surviving family was in any of the places they visited, so she didn't want to think that this particular place would be any different.

However, something told her that this time would be different.

She genuinely believed that it was possible… no, likely to see them here.

Perhaps it was just wishful thinking—an irrational expectation she placed on the situation due to how far she had come.

However, Esme chose to believe it all this time.

And so, she took a step forward, filled with purpose and determination.

'Allie, Charles, everyone! I'm coming for you!'

Esme flung the red door open, and she was greeted with a squeaky clean white hall—much larger than the room used for the Dark Gathering.

It was so big and tall.



… It was very occupied.

Esme had witnessed a lot of horrors—one of which just recently concluded above his very facility—but this one trumped everything.

It was the ultimate punishment for one not deserving at all.

The true definition of despair.




Thanks for reading!

This chapter was a little overly descriptive, but I had to pour out everything the way it flowed. I hope you didn't hate it.

As for what happened to Esme… a big OOF…

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