I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World
Chapter 4 Table of contents

“Even inside the goblin cave, we only need two people to hold back a White Ghost Goblin, and three people to kill it. There are plenty of ways to disperse those low-level goblins.”




Several guards were angered by Ludin’s disrespectful words towards a mere adventurer, but as the deputy leader of this team, he maintained a much calmer demeanor.


Rather than fighting ferociously, he was now more concerned about Lady Lila’s safety and his own life.


He was well aware that if they failed to bring Lady Lila back, he would face dire consequences.


The captain of the guards, now severely injured from falling into the trap, could not continue, leaving it up to Ludin, the deputy captain, to salvage the situation as much as possible.


Ludin stopped the enraged others and calmly asked, “What’s the plan?”


Ludin didn’t beat around the bush either, given the urgency of the situation.


“As long as we kill all the senior individuals in front of them, they will immediately fall apart. The low-level goblins will fight desperately for the senior goblins, but it must be ensured that the senior goblins are still alive.”


“So, even if we don’t need to engage with those low-level goblins, we just need to seize the opportunity to break through, capture the leader, kill the goblin shaman and the goblin warrior, and we can disperse the other low-level goblins?”




At this moment, Ludin stepped forward and said, “Gentlemen, there’s no need to be too hasty; we still have time. Goblins will keep captive women for a while before breeding. As long as we rescue Lady Lila during this time, she will still be intact.”


“Is that true?”




The guards were instantly filled with excitement. Thankfully, there was still a chance to make things right. Their future wasn’t entirely bleak.


“Has she recovered?”


Chen Le looked towards the room where Lila was kept in the cave.


The Old Purple Goblin nodded, muttering goblin incantations. Essentially, it didn’t fully understand the situation of this human female, but it had administered some medicine to her, and her body had reacted. The reaction indicated that her body was ready for reproduction.


“Your physique is similar to hers, so you can start reproducing now.”


Chapter Six: The Invasion of Humans


Chen Le glanced at Lila’s current information.


Individual Name: Human Aristocrat (Rogerson Lila)


Lifespan: 66 years


Attack Power: 4 (+11)


Vitality: 26 (+63)


Magic Power: 11 (+15)


Intelligence: 20 (+41)


Resistance to Physical Attacks: 3 (+7)


Resistance to Magic: 0 (+0)


Attributes: None (Untrained)


Occupation: None (Unable to Specify)


Special Skill: Dulan Shield


Inherited Talent: Skill [Dulan Shield]


Current Hope Value: 25


Vitality has increased?


If Chen Le remembered correctly, Lila’s previous additional vitality should have been 48. However, in just one day, it had increased by 15 points. Was this the effect of consuming those herbs?


Since there are herbs that increase additional vitality, are there also herbs that increase additional attack power or other attributes?


He would have to explore this later, but for now, he decided to explore the potential between this human girl and their goblin tribe.


Chen Le slowly stood up, skewering a freshly cooked wild chicken with a fork, sprinkling it with some herbs to enhance the flavor, and walked to the outside of Lila’s room.


Lila, who was knitting to pass the time, smiled when she saw Chen Le approaching with the delicious-smelling food.


“You’re here.”


Chen Le personally took charge of Lila’s meals, which reassured her a lot. Even noble, beautiful, and powerful elves were being exploited by those ugly goblins. When she thought about it, she didn’t seem so miserable anymore.


“Yeah, it’s mealtime.”


“Did you make this? It’s delicious, even better than what my family’s chef makes.”


After washing her hands, Lila happily indulged in the chicken, while Chen Le, also with freshly washed hands, gently touched her smooth and silky hair.


With magical care, Lila’s skin was delicate and smooth, as fair as snow, and her long black hair emitted a faint fragrance of a young girl.


It was the scent of fertility.


After the girl finished eating, she was content.


Chen Le took her to wash her hands and face before carrying her satisfied self to the bed.


“Eh? What’s going on?”


“It’s time.”


“Huh? But I… I’m not mentally prepared yet, I… *sob*…”





Under the covers, with her collarbones beautifully white and adorned with love marks, Lila bit her lip lightly, her fair hands gripping Chen Le’s tightly, tears shimmering at the corners of her eyes.


“Is it really possible for us to leave here in the future?”


“Yes, it will happen, I promise.”


Chen Le embraced her, comforting her with gentle words.


Thus, the young girl’s first night was spent in the goblin cave.


The goblins were rough and violent, while the beautiful elf who belonged to him was gentle and loving.


With this, Lila’s young heart found a bit of comfort.


Lila’s current Hope Value: 23


In the afternoon, a patrolling goblin rushed into the cave, bringing bad news.


A group of humans had entered the Misty Forest and were wandering around their territory.


They must be searching for the location of the goblin cave where Lila was held captive.


Chen Le glanced at the room where Lila was resting, slowly stood up, and gave orders.


“Well then, drive them back, my warriors!”


The goblins received the Emperor’s command and became unusually excited.


The Emperor’s voice was the best stimulant for their souls!



A longsword was pulled out from the body of a green-skinned goblin, then its left ear was cut off.


Ludin’s hands didn’t stop moving, but there was a hint of relaxation on his face as his gaze wandered around.


“After all, goblins are just goblins, weak and pathetic.”


“In the end, it’s somewhat unexpected that the escort team for Lady Lila could be attacked by goblins like this.”


“You, you…”


The guards could no longer tolerate Ludin’s words.


However, the deputy captain had to intervene between the guards and the adventurers to prevent them from fighting each other.


At this moment, the guards and the adventurers had clearly split into two camps.


As guards with legitimate jobs under noble names, they were much more popular in front of the young human woman than adventurers.


And the soldiers under the noble’s command always looked down on adventurers who lacked a bit of culture and could only risk their lives fighting outside.


In such a context, adventurers, who tended to be at the bottom of the disdain chain, were also quite troublesome for these guards.


Especially when seeking a spouse, those with legitimate professions were much more popular than them. Especially law enforcement officers who often needed to deal with each other. One by one, most adventurers didn’t have a good relationship with these noble guards.


Adventurers, in essence, were unemployed wanderers who made a living through adventure.


And those who truly pursued the spirit of adventure were a very small minority of well-fed nobles, who would consider such spiritual satisfaction.


However, humans were still unaware that their every move was being watched by several pairs of eyes at this moment.


Among them, the eyes of a green-skinned goblin even emitted a strange golden light.


Within the goblin cave, Chen Le, seated on the throne, his eyes emitting a golden light, unexpectedly discovered that through the eyes of the green-skinned goblin, he could see everything outside.


He could control any goblin he had touched, placing his spirit upon it and controlling its actions.


Through that goblin, Chen Le’s voice reached the ears of the other goblins.


“Lead them to the place with the most traps.”


In the jungle, the goblins began to move silently.


“Look, there are goblins over there too. It seems to be trying to escape. Chase it down. The direction it’s fleeing in might lead to their cave.”


Just like wild beasts, when goblins run, they head home, where they are greeted with a feast.


The human rescue team immediately chased after them.


Along the way, they caught up with several goblins, and all of them were killed.


However, during the pursuit, one person triggered a trap. A tree stump swung down from a nearby tree, catching the person off guard and hurling them away.


The person fell limp to the ground, eyes open, lifeless.


“Stop, there’s a trap here!”


Keltan shouted loudly, and everyone stopped in their tracks. The death of the guard lying on the ground cast a shadow over everyone’s hearts.


“The intelligence of the Purple Goblin is almost as high as humans’, setting traps is one of their common tactics!”


The deputy captain frowned and asked, “Why didn’t you say that earlier?”


“I already reminded you before we came.”


No one had a response to that.


“I’ll lead the way now. Does anyone have any objections?”


At this point, no one raised any objections.


Keltan, as a seasoned adventurer, was highly respected among adventurers and had vast experience.


Even those guards who might have objections had now closed their mouths because of the death of their comrade.


Keltan had been waiting for this opportunity. Without someone suffering, these high and mighty noble guards would never listen to the adventurers.


“I’ve heard that you guards are always disciplined. I hope that when I’m in command, you’ll be as reliable as the rumors say.”


This was both polite and a warning. Keltan wasn’t confident in the abilities of these guards, just like other adventurers. If they were really useful, Miss Lila wouldn’t have been captured by a team led by a Purple Goblin with a magic depth of only 1.


“Now,” Keltan continued, “there are three types of goblin traps: pit traps, swinging logs, and hidden arrows.”


“The pit trap is what your captain experienced, the swinging log was what just happened, and the hidden arrow is set up by goblins with the archer profession. They place wooden arrows on branches, set traps to trigger them, and then attack the prey and people who trigger the traps.”


“Don’t run around. When moving, watch your step.”


Keltan warned, but the deputy captain beside him showed a puzzled expression at a certain word in Keltan’s speech.


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