I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World
Chapter 6 Table of contents

Now new problems have arisen, which could lead them to poverty.


In order to shape Chen Le within seven days, this group of goblins has already consumed a considerable amount of stored food. Coupled with Lila’s rapidly increasing appetite, they are now facing a situation where their income does not cover their expenses.


If this continues, some goblins might starve to meet the arrival of the first generation of goblin newborns to greet the emperor after seven days.


And after the birth of the goblin newborns, the supply of food needed for their growth will also become a new problem.


Scouring the food reserves of other goblin groups in other goblin areas, fishing heavily, or waiting for humans to attack again and sending off a batch of goblins that are about to starve to death may barely get them through the food crisis.


But this is not a long-term solution.


They need a better way.


Chapter Nine: Girl: What to Eat Today?


They must increase the harvest of food without hidden dangers, but how?


Chen Le pondered for a long time. They had only repelled the first wave of human invasion, and the crisis of human attacks had not truly passed. Now, they faced a new problem.


The old purple demon goblin held a wooden staff taller than its body, muttering obscure and strange chants.


The elderly goblin was clearer than anyone else about the goblin area located on the outskirts of the Strange Mist Forest. Although the current situation was somewhat unbearable, there were still ways.


The so-called goblin area was actually just an area with more goblins. Sometimes other predators would appear here, and goblins would also appear in other areas from time to time.


To the north of the goblin area was human territory, to the west was the territory of wild forest wolves, and to the east was the habitat of exploding monkeys. As for the south behind them, it was the central area of the Strange Mist Forest, separated by a region established by goblins living in the central area, forming a territory of wild forest wolves.


However, regardless of whether it was the territory of the wolf clan or the habitat of the monkey group, there existed a chaotic area, large or small, between the adjacent territories. In this area, different races would appear and fight for prey.


If they could take over these areas, they would be able to expand their territory without invading other races’ territories or triggering large-scale conflicts, thereby gaining more opportunities to obtain food.


“No, it won’t work.”


However, Chen Le directly rejected this proposal.


Expanding territory is a sign of the appearance of more advanced individuals for almost all races, and now those humans led by Count Earl Rogerson are closely monitoring their every move. Hastily expanding territory will inevitably make them notice.


His existence absolutely must not be known to the outside world.


Chen Le stood up, gazing into the night outside the cave.


He thought of another way, that is…


Expanding the menu.


Goblins are omnivorous animals, just like humans, and can eat almost anything. Moreover, compared to humans, their immune systems are stronger.


Insects contain rich protein, and wild vegetables can provide more nutritious elements.


Whether it flies in the sky, crawls on the ground, swims in the water, climbs in the trees, or grows in the soil, there is nothing they cannot eat.


Human encirclement has just begun, and with the subsequent deaths of goblins, the mouths to feed will decrease. As long as the menu is expanded, at least it can ensure that there won’t be significant problems with food until they enter the central area to evade the human encirclement.


However, if they want the goblins to eat bugs and wild vegetables, he will have to take the lead.


In the future, live creatures such as wild chickens and rabbits caught should be kept for Lila to eat as much as possible. As for these goblins, they’ll have to tighten their belts and eat bugs and wild vegetables.


As creatures with disrupted routines, goblins do not have fixed schedules. They may be active during both day and night, but they tend to be more active at night.


Because at night, they can avoid the most numerous and dangerous creatures of this generation – humans.


As night fell, it was when the goblins were at their most energetic.


The old purple demon goblin summoned dozens of goblins, and appearing before them was the great  Goblin Emperor.


All the goblins were excited, paying their respects.


And now, Chen Le was putting on a mukbang show. There were no television stations here, no filtered special effects dubbing, only his heartfelt performance.


All the goblins gathered around to watch Chen Le’s every move, watching as he lit the fire with primitive methods, then took out several bugs that the goblins usually ignored, removing their heads, tails, and thorns, skewering them and roasting them over the fire. He then took a bite and quickly showed a satisfied expression.


The goblins were astonished at first, but soon cheered and jumped with excitement, eager to try it themselves.


Next came the tasting of wild vegetables.


Similar operations were performed, with the difference being some were eaten raw, some were boiled, and some were fried. With a variety of options available, the goblins’ reactions were particularly enthusiastic.


Chen Le was very satisfied with the results.


Although several old goblins had died from poisoning while trying out these bugs and vegetables, determining which were toxic and which parts were edible, their deaths were not important. They had made a huge contribution to the entire tribe, and their deaths were honorable. That was what mattered most.


The next morning, when Lila woke up, everything seemed to have improved.


Because she felt great now, full of energy. Apart from feeling bloated from eating too much yesterday, her stomach hadn’t deflated yet, but there were no other problems.


Up to this moment, the young noble-born girl still hadn’t realized the seriousness of the situation.


The problem she was currently pondering was: What to eat today?


The other problem she would contemplate today was: Would anyone come to rescue her?


And the most troubling question for her these days was: If she really managed to escape from here, how would she face her family and her fiancé?


But she didn’t think for long. After Chen Le had the goblins bring in a roasted pig, all that remained in her mind was appetite.


It seemed her brain didn’t allow her to dwell on her worries for too long. The troubles of a noble young lady up to now might not have been as numerous as those she had encountered in the past few days.


Dinner time.


Chen Le and Lila ate together. The pig was large, just enough for the two of them.


The more Lila ate, the bigger her belly became.


Remembering her mother’s teachings on ladylike behavior, she quickly realized that her beautiful figure was somewhat distorted.


For this, she felt nervous and upset.


“Le, is there something wrong with my stomach?”


However, before she could finish her sentence, Chen Le brought a large pig trotter to her and said gently, “Here, eat more. Our baby will develop better.”




Lila was stunned.


That day, the girl finally realized the seriousness of the situation, began to scream, and as a result, the girl imprisoned by the goblins went on a hunger strike for a full ten minutes.


But because she was too hungry and the noble girl had no experience enduring hunger, she could only give up resistance in the end.


Chen Le transformed into a warm-hearted man and comforted her for a long time before Lila reluctantly accepted the situation, feeling the life in her belly growing stronger. She held a large pig trotter in her hand, leaning helplessly against Chen Le’s chest, tears in her eyes as she nibbled.


“My lady mother, my lord father, Lord Ostin, although I am with the elves, I am pregnant with a goblin’s child. What should I do…”


“Don’t worry, no matter what our child looks like, I will always protect you and be with you.”


Seeing the girl’s helplessness, Chen Le made a promise while embracing her.


Lila’s current Hope value: 18




Today, the human team appeared again, still the same as yesterday’s team, but with a few more people.


Similarly, they were still a disorganized bunch, unable to withstand the old purple demon goblin’s fire magic attack and had to retreat in fear.


In the end, three people died, and more than a dozen goblins also perished.


Also on this day, news of Lila being abducted by goblins reached the Barlow Earldom. Barlow’s eldest son, Barlow Ostin, received the news and collapsed to the ground, letting out a heart-wrenching cry.




At the same time, Count Earl Rogerson received the news and, in anger, quickly organized a team to head to the Strange Mist Forest.


Chapter Ten: Lady Knight Cas O’Bleu and Her Family


Today was a day of shock and uproar for everyone living in the Earl Rogerson Earldom.


Because they heard news that had shaken them for at least thirty years – the Lord’s daughter had been abducted by goblins.


This was almost unheard of disgrace.


Human noble teams rarely encounter mishaps with low-level creatures like goblins. Not only because humans are generally more powerful than most goblins, but also because the superiority of their weapons greatly surpasses that of goblins.


Goblins, like most creatures, tend to avoid confrontation when faced with teams of human nobles. Even if advanced individuals appear among them, they usually target ordinary people rather than noble families.


However, tragedy had struck.


Of course, such sensational news didn’t just spread within the Earl Rogerson Earldom.


From the Baron’s now humble mansion to the Cas Baron’s residence, which had recently welcomed a newborn, the eldest daughter, Cas O’Bleu, seemed to be preparing for a journey to hunt down the goblins.


In the crib, a newborn baby boy slowly opened his eyes. Although his consciousness was still fuzzy and he couldn’t understand the general gist of his mother and sister’s conversation, unlike other creatures, human newborns don’t possess any advanced abilities. They’re just endowed with extraordinary talents.


It was impossible for him to understand the world’s languages or retain memories of his ancestors at birth, like other races.


His consciousness was still very vague at the moment. The baby’s cognitive abilities and physical functions were not fully developed yet, and during this time, he couldn’t do anything.


But one thing he could be sure of was that he was born into a human aristocratic family, though not a wealthy one.


His father had only had four daughters before, no sons, so the burden of the family fell on the eldest daughter.


The sister did not disappoint. She became a competent mid-level knight, bringing glory to her father.


With the help of his sister, the family’s finances improved, and then he was born. At this moment, all the family’s expectations shifted from his sister to him.


In a society where labor was primary, men were ultimately superior to women. Men were the foundation of the family and the unquestionable heirs to property and titles.


All of his sister’s previous efforts now seemed unimportant. What mattered was how she could create a better starting point for her little brother.


And now, their family saw a new opportunity. Rescuing the Lord Earl Rogerson’s daughter would undoubtedly bring more benefits to their thriving family.


So, they ordered their sister, Cas O’Bleu, to join the expedition, to alleviate the Lord’s worries and save the Lady Lila in distress.


Mid-level knight Cas O’Bleu gladly accepted, after all, the enemy was nothing more than goblins, so there was no big issue.


Creating better conditions for her brother was also her responsibility as an elder sister.


The baby in the crib looked at his beautiful sister and smiled happily.


As someone who adored his sister, there was nothing more fulfilling than having such a loving and capable sister willing to act for her brother. 


What’s more, his sister was as beautiful as a star. Despite discarding beautiful clothes and donning cold armor for the sake of the family, she would always be the most beautiful light in his life.


Such a sister, he truly loved her!


That day, the gods decreed that everyone in the world would undergo a trial. Within ten years, they gradually arrived in this world. Once the trial was over, those who survived could travel between the two worlds and enjoy life in both.


Some would be long-lived elves, others would be humans with vast potential, and there would also be unique races, from undead to goblins to slimes, and from trolls to dragons to fearsome beasts.


They would not be on the same side; they would need to compete, and the victors would survive.


Different species could grow into Boss-level Demon Kings, while humans and demi-humans could transition into heroes and champions.


They had no specific tasks or missions; everyone could do anything in this world. Therefore, everyone needed to be cautious of others’ actions.


It’s worth mentioning that this world was filled with magical energy. The power of purely physical attacks would be eroded and diluted by magical energy.


Whether it was physical kinetic bullets propelled by gunpowder or technological weapons relying on physical energy explosions, their effectiveness in this world was greatly reduced.


Attempting to dominate the world with technology alone was futile; magic had to be incorporated.


Undoubtedly, he was among the luckiest group.


Because he didn’t see any modern things appearing before him, he was likely among the first batch of transmigrants.


Who was born first was crucial.


Although within ten years, he wouldn’t grow up enough to have children born into this world and start working for him, the earlier he was born, the more chances he had to avoid being utilized by others.


Sister, it’s up to you!


However, in reality, his sister, whom he considered the most beautiful and dependable, was now only filled with sadness.


Returning to her room, Cas O’Bleu gazed at her sword, lost in thought.


To revive the family, she, as a daughter, resolutely discarded her beautiful clothes, rejected the proposals from her childhood sweetheart, and donned armor to hone herself, becoming a brave and powerful knight, becoming the pillar of support for her parents and sisters!


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