I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World
Chapter 8 Table of contents

Therefore, as long as they could merge with the goblins inside the central area of the Misty Forest, they would encounter a turning point.


Arriving at the barrier formed by the wolf pack, Chen Le stopped in his tracks. Through scent, Chen Le could clearly discern the rough boundary line of the wolf pack’s territory.


Even before entering, shadows could be seen moving in the jungle.


Although the wolf pack barrier was not extensive, there was a wolf pack living here, separated from the one on the west side, forming two distinct groups.


Originally, this area was claimed as territory by the goblins entering the central area. However, over time, the goblins’ markers dividing the territory were erased, allowing the wolf pack from the wild forest side to encroach here, blocking the goblins from the central and outer areas of the Misty Forest.


Chen Le strongly suspected that the goblins from the central area had a concealed underground passage leading to this area. Many goblins were small in size but had strong digging abilities, making it possible for them to dig a direct underground passage.


Accompanied by the goblins, Chen Le entered the territory of the wild forest wolves and began to advance towards the central area.


After traveling a considerable distance, the wolf pack appeared.


Individual Name: Wild Forest Wolf (Low-Level Individual)


Lifespan: 8 years


Attack: 8 (+24)


Health: 43 (+86)


Magic: 2 (+1)


Intelligence: 6 (+11)


Resistance to Physical Attacks: 6 (+10)


Resistance to Magic: 1 (+1)


Attribute: None


Beast Talent: Enhanced Sense of Smell


Upon discovering the invasion, several wild forest wolves quickly gathered, baring their teeth and appearing from various directions around the goblins.


The goblins nervously huddled together back to back, their weapons aimed at the wolf pack.


Unlike the wolf pack in Chen Le’s past life, the wild forest wolves were larger in size, with longer teeth, and their terrifying forelimbs and hind claws were like steel, emitting a chilling light.


The combat effectiveness of these wild forest wolves might even surpass those fully armed humans. Previously, the idea of having goblin knights ride these wolves as cavalry seemed like a flight of fancy.


However, these few wild forest wolves did not make any rash moves. These goblins were seen as weak prey in their eyes, but among them stood an elf surrounded by goblins, an individual they could not ignore.


They couldn’t comprehend the difference between an elf and the Goblin Emperor, but they keenly felt that this individual, surrounded by goblins, was dangerous.


Chen Le dared to tread here not without any reliance. His stats had been growing exponentially these days, surpassing all the goblins.


Individual Name: Golden Goblin (Kanal)


Lifespan: Unlimited


Attack: 33 (+233)


Health: 33 (+233)


Magic: 33 (+233)


Intelligence: 33 (+233)


Resistance to Physical Attacks: 33 (+233)


Resistance to Magic: 33 (+233)


Attribute: Fire


Occupation: Goblin Shaman


In the presence of abundant food, within fourteen days, he would reach the peak of individual growth. All subsequent improvements would rely on drugs and training.


In the remaining two days, he would continue to grow.


Undoubtedly, he had no opponents here at the moment. However, what he needed to consider was whether to make a move.


Even if he reached his full potential, he would still be fragile compared to the strong races of this world. This was evident from the fact that even a low-level wolf had higher base vitality than him.


For Chen Le to truly become stronger, the only way was to utilize the genetic talents to cultivate offspring with higher stats, and then replicate their stats and abilities.


Cultivating goblins with nearly maximum magic, goblins with outstanding attack, vitality, and defense like the White Devil Goblins, as well as the Red Devil Goblins, Black Rampage Goblins, and Silver King Goblins – this was where Chen Le, the Goblin Emperor, truly excelled.


He didn’t need any trials; he just needed to produce madly, replicate the genetic talents of other goblins, and cultivate advanced individuals who excelled in certain aspects.


Therefore, the only way for their goblin race to rise was to ensure Chen Le’s safety as much as possible and allow him to breed more special goblins.


Throughout history, goblins, unlike other species, rarely joined hunts as advanced individuals, instead waiting for offerings from lower-level goblins to avoid the risk of losing advanced individuals.


Reproduction was their top priority, and all the actions of the race served this purpose.


Chen Le replicated the profession and fire attribute of the old purple goblin, releasing a dazzling fireball in front of him. Before the leader of the wild forest wolves and more of them appeared, he led the goblins back to their territory.


It was time to break through!


This was Chen Le’s judgment after leaving the wild forest wolf territory.


Leading some of the goblins through the wolf territory, they entered the central area to meet up with other goblins.


Now that his abilities had grown to almost their maximum, even if there were no goblins in the central area, the goblins could establish a small territory around him.


After confirming this, Chen Le led the goblins away from there.


Now, they needed to prepare for the transfer of essential supplies and ensure the deception against humans was successful, avoiding their aggression for now.


Upon returning to the goblin cave, Chen Le left arrangements for the goblins to prepare.


Lila, holding her big belly, suffering from some perinatal depression, called out Chen Le’s name, wanting him to take her for a walk outside.


The goblins agreed, but Chen Le stated that they were only allowed to walk outside the cave.


Even so, Lila’s heart relaxed a little.


“What are they going to do?”


Chapter Thirteen: She Must Possess Excellent Genetic Material


The goblins hurried back and forth, moving things around. Some items remained untouched, while others were completely taken away.


Frowning in thought, Chen Le said, “Lila, they may be planning to relocate the nest.”


“Huh? Could it be that someone is coming to rescue us? Shouldn’t we leave some marks to let others know we were trapped here before?”


“Don’t worry, I’ve already thought of that. I’ve left marks behind, and if someone comes to rescue us, they’ll quickly discover the signs I’ve left.”




In Lila’s heart, not only did a glimmer of hope arise, but she also hoped that the day of rescue would come soon.


Lila’s current hope value: 20


After comforting Lila, it was time to prepare delicious food for her. Today, Lila still had a big appetite, and the children were growing rapidly.


Exhausted from setting traps and training combat skills these days, most of the goblins hadn’t participated in hunting, and the stored food was quickly depleted.


The goblins entered a period of food scarcity.


The hungry Goblin Emperor Chen Le, unseen by Lila, nibbled on vegetables while keeping an eye on the situation on the other side of the abandoned goblin cave.


Soon, the Goblin Emperor’s gaze was drawn to one of the beautiful figures.


Cas O’Bleu danced with her proud figure, wielding her greatsword to split a goblin grunt in half with a single blow. The goblin’s blood splattered on her armor, revealing a hint of disdain on her face.


“Goblins are just goblins after all, not even enough for sparring.”


Cas O’Bleu regretted not having the opportunity to achieve great feats.


Behind her and her companions lay the body of a White Devil Goblin and dozens of goblin grunts.


Individual Name: Human Noble (Cas O’Bleu)


Lifespan: 56 years


Attack Power: 7 (+42)


Life Force: 28 (+61)


Magic Power: 10 (+21)


Intelligence: 22 (+45)


Resistance to Strikes: 4 (+9)


Magic Resistance: 1 (+1)


Attribute: Lightning


Occupation: Intermediate Knight (Cannot be specified)


Special Skills: None


Genetic Talent: Attack Power


Current Hope Value: 38


At first glance, the overall stats of the female knight don’t seem high. Her attack power, life force, and resistance to strikes are all lower than those of the White Devil Goblin. However, once her attributes are combined with the properties of her greatsword and armor, they completely surpass those of the White Devil Goblin, who only wields a wooden stick and shield.


Moreover, the goblin grunts were unable to provide her with sufficient support, and her intelligence was worrying, ultimately leading to her demise.


In fact, her death was necessary. Capturing Lila and the two White Devil Goblins, as well as one Purple Devil Goblin, were sacrifices that had to be made in this battle to appease the anger of the people and give their emperor a chance to breathe.


For the sake of the continuation of the race, sometimes life can appear humble.


However, the seemingly victorious humans, as they fled from the abandoned goblin cave, saw it engulfed in flames and smoke, followed by tragic news.


Lady Lila was cruelly killed by the goblins, her body consumed by flames, resting in the depths of the goblin cave.


As Chen Le had anticipated, they chose to retreat in anger and sorrow.


To reach this point, they had sacrificed the lives of more than a dozen individuals.


With just over thirty people, it wasn’t enough to completely sweep away all the goblins, especially since among them was a goblin shaman with a magic depth reaching level 2.


So, they retreated from there, with people stationed in the east and west directions, closely monitoring the movements of the goblins, while others set up camp in the woods, awaiting the arrival of reinforcements the next day.


Beside the bright firewood fire at night, Cas O’Bleu took off her helmet, eating jerky and drinking water from her pouch. She raised her hand to decline when the adventurer Keltan offered her a drink.


The death of Lila undoubtedly left a shadow in their hearts.


As Cas O’Bleu sighed, she also began to contemplate her own future.


During their conversation, the young, beautiful, and powerful female knight discussed her experiences and predicaments with the old adventurer, hoping he could provide her with some advice.


While Keltan expressed his sentiments, he also mentioned a rare method of strength enhancement that few knew about.


“Lady Cas, I do know of a recipe for a special strengthening potion. The bodily fluids of advanced goblin individuals have the ability to enhance vitality and resistance to strikes in humans. It’s a precious medicinal material, and the higher the individual’s level, the stronger its effects, even capable of preserving youth and increasing lifespan. If Lady Knight wishes to become stronger, perhaps hunting down those advanced goblins might be worthwhile.”


“Goblin elites? Seems like there’s some value in hunting them after all.”


Cas O’Bleu pondered.


As for the goblin elite they encountered today, she wondered if its corpse would still be valuable after it had cooled down.


“Oh, by the way, Lady Cas.”


Keltan suddenly remembered something, looking worried.


“There have been rumors recently that the goblins near the territories of several dukes have become unusually agitated. It seems that there are some higher-level goblin individuals born among them.”


“Higher-level goblin individuals? What are they?”


Furrowing her brow, Cas O’Bleu asked curiously.


Keltan nodded and replied, “Red Devil Goblins.”


“Red Devil Goblins? Are they higher-level goblins than those shamans?” Cas O’Bleu asked with interest.


Keltan nodded again, saying, “I’ve only seen Red Devil Goblins once a long time ago. At that time, I was still a black iron-tier adventurer. I was traveling outside and joined a team of silver-tier adventurers as a helper. It was then that we encountered a group of goblins, among which was a Red Devil Goblin. It was the first time in my life I had seen such a powerful goblin.”


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