I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World
Chapter 10 Table of contents

However, Chen Le didn’t know that the best help he received from the old Purple Demon Goblin wasn’t its selfless dedication or its final blessing, but rather the replication of its genetic talent, carried out through reproduction with a human female.

This would be the fundamental reason he could lead the goblin clan out of the mysterious Misty Forest alive and increasingly powerful.

As Chen Le held the sleeping Lila, accompanied by only his remaining twenty-two followers and a captured female knight, and looked back after crossing through the territory of the wolf pack, his gaze pierced through the wolves surrounding them, who dared not approach.

With the first light of dawn, he saw smoke rising from the place where he was born, consumed by flames.

His existence, all traces of it, would vanish in that fire. No one would know he ever existed, nor would they know they had escaped here. But their home, where they emerged from, was no more.

“Woo! Woo!”

After a night passed, the beautiful female knight, who had been forcibly exposed and bound to a plank nearby, regained some strength. She noticed the goblins had stopped moving and began to struggle.

Chen Le raised an eyebrow slightly, sweeping away his heavy heart to welcome a new beginning. He ordered the goblins to lay down blankets in a clean area and gently laid down Lila, who was still sleeping.

Today marked the sixth day of Lila’s captivity and the fifth day since she had conceived. Her belly had swelled to the extent of a human pregnancy of eight or nine months. In another two and a half days, he and her first generation of children would be born into this world.

As for the beautiful human female knight next to them, who still had strength to struggle and had killed many goblins, she wouldn’t receive such good treatment.

Chen Le, accompanied by the White Ghost Goblin and five Green Goblins, led her to the side to avoid disturbing the deeply sleeping Lila with any noise that might arise.


In front of a large tree, the goblins untied the ropes from Cas O’Bleu and pushed her down beside the tree.

Cas O’Bleu winced in pain as she crawled up from the ground, quickly reaching to remove the rag stuffed in her mouth and pulling off the cloth covering her eyes.

The gentle sunlight entered Cas O’Bleu’s eyes, half of the world still hazy. Before her appeared a strange combination of a beautiful elf with golden hair and golden eyes, possessing beautiful platinum skin, and several ugly goblins.

Cas O’Bleu was somewhat shocked. Why would there be an elf here?

But this elf was peculiar; he lacked the characteristics typical of noble elves, such as glowing magical patterns bestowed by nature and the perpetual air of nobility. Instead, this elf and these goblins before her seemed to blend together seamlessly.

Could it be that this was a goblin that could transform into an elf?

Cas O’Bleu was shocked and dismayed. Had this goblin learned to disguise itself, or was it casting an illusion on her?

What level of goblin could this be?

“Esteemed human female knight, do you know why we captured you?” Chen Le asked with a smile.

The fact that the goblin before her could speak human language astonished her. However, as she thought about the filthy and repulsive goblins surrounding her, Cas O’Bleu felt her stomach churn in disgust.

With a solemn expression, she stood up to confront Chen Le and the goblins, her determined gaze indicating a steadfast conviction within her.

“Just a few goblins, don’t be too proud!” Even without weapons and armor, and with injuries, the beautiful and noble female knight declared her refusal to submit!

Chapter 16: “Do You Want My Stick or Its Stick?”

“It seems you already understand what we intend to do,” Chen Le chuckled amiably, then asked, “As intelligent beings, why would I trouble you?”

“Valiant human female knight, you have two choices. Would you like me to take care of you, or would you prefer it?” Chen Le pointed to the White Ghost Goblin nearby.

The repulsive goblins grinned dirtily.

The knight’s face instantly paled with panic, her words becoming stuttered, “You… you…”

As she looked at the grotesque and massive White Ghost Goblin, her face drained of color, and her eyes trembled with fear.

The White Ghost Goblin chuckled as it approached, leaving footprints in the knight’s heart.

Cas O’Bleu was overwhelmed with fear, trembling uncontrollably.

“You, come here! You come!!!” Cas O’Bleu screamed in terror as the White Ghost Goblin continued to approach her.

Chen Le raised his hand, and the White Ghost Goblin halted its steps.

Seeing Cas O’Bleu cowering on the ground, Chen Le felt relieved; she had indeed made the right choice.

Stepping forward, he lifted Cas O’Bleu’s chin.

“Perhaps, in the future, I should find an opportunity to learn some special magic to mark you as mine. But for now, you better stick with me, or I can’t guarantee your safety.”

Cas O’Bleu clenched her teeth, refusing to speak, but her fear of the White Ghost Goblin remained evident in her eyes.

Cas O’Bleu’s current hope value: 24

It was truly regrettable what fate awaited the poor female knight in the future.

With the knight in tow, Chen Le returned to Lila’s side. He carefully lifted the still-sleeping Lila and instructed the goblins to tidy up the blankets as they continued toward the central area.

For some reason, once they entered the central area, the wolf pack didn’t surround them again. However, the area was eerily quiet.

In territories ruled by ferocious beasts, typically, other predators would invade in the absence of dominant beasts. Yet, now, it was unusually calm.

Something had happened here.

Chen Le became alert.

The Misty Forest was home to various ferocious and a few magical beasts, a dangerous yet treasure-filled place. Such places naturally attracted human adventurers.

Most advanced human adventurers would enter from the outer area, where there were exploding monkeys and wild forest wolves, to gather some herbs before venturing into the central area.

Therefore, the probability of encountering high-level adventurers in the central area was higher than in the outer area. However, the old Purple Demon Goblin had mentioned that the resources in this area were as scarce as those in the outer area. Hence, few people ventured here.

This was why Chen Le believed they could hide and develop here. As long as they avoided human sight, their survival rate would greatly increase.

However, now there seemed to be a variable.

As a precaution, Chen Le dispatched a goblin from their team to scout independently and investigate the situation here under his control.

The goblin scout cautiously made his way deeper into the forest. Passing through a clearing and entering another woodland, he soon came upon a scene of fallen trees and many charred craters on the ground, right before Chen Le’s eyes.

Just one glance and Chen Le’s heart immediately tensed.

The good news was that these traces were probably not left by human adventurers.

The bad news was that there was the lingering aura of a monstrous beast.

The difference between magical beasts and ferocious beasts lay in the fact that magical beasts had high magic power and excelled in magical attacks.

These traces seemed to have been there for some time, with many animal carcasses around, but conspicuously, there were no goblin corpses.

This was another piece of good news.

Since many goblins were surviving here, the appearance of a dominant beast was sometimes unavoidable. Without the death of several goblins being realistic, the absence of bodies implied that other goblins were collecting them.

They should all be hiding in underground dens now.

There shouldn’t be anything the dominant beast would be interested in here. Things emerging from the depths of the Misty Forest were either chasing something or just playing around. They would leave soon, but their lingering aura would deter the creatures here for a while.

It was no wonder that Chen Le hadn’t seen any goblins come out of the central area during his time there.

“Little Snake, see if there are any other goblin caves around here.”

Little Snake was the Purple Demon Goblin Snake Commander. It could command snakes to do many things, so Chen Le called it Little Snake for convenience.

Holding its goblin wooden staff, Little Snake muttered some strange goblin language as it shook the staff back and forth. Soon, nearby snakes dispersed to search around.

Little Snake’s control range over poisonous snakes was quite wide, so it needed to move while controlling them to let more snakes hear its commands to search.

However, not long after they began searching, there was news from the goblin scout sent out by Chen Le.

Through the eyes of the goblin scout, Chen Le saw another goblin team appearing.

That was a team consisting of two goblin grunts, two goblin warriors, and one goblin archer. They were heading straight towards the location of the goblin scout.

Chen Le breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were indeed other goblins here.

But in the next moment, the goblin attacker in that team drew his short bow and shot an arrow towards the goblin scout.

Fortunately, the arrow missed its mark and landed nearby, startling Chen Le.

Looking at the approaching goblins, who had fierce expressions and were making strange noises, it seemed they were trying to drive away the goblin scout. Judging by their aggression, if they got any closer, they would surely attack the scout.

Chen Le had only controlled the goblin scout and hadn’t activated its ability to release his own aura. Therefore, these goblins didn’t know their emperor was present.

Releasing his control, the goblin scout hastily retreated, still grumbling and cursing at the goblins that had just approached.

Chen Le gestured for the White Ghost Goblin and the goblin knights to keep an eye on Cas O’Bleu, while he himself carried the sleeping and slightly hungry beautiful pregnant girl, Lila, who had some drool at the corners of her mouth. Together, all the goblins and the humans headed deeper into the forest.

Chapter 17: Give Them a Little Shock

Today was a calm day.

The old Purple Demon Goblin scholar, wearing a robe and holding a goblin wooden staff embedded with small pieces of magic stone, sat in the depths of the hidden goblin cave, dozing off.

In front of the old Purple Demon Goblin, there was a neatly arranged table with a small activated luminous stone on it, illuminating the surroundings.

Beside the luminous stone lay a pile of tree bark inscribed with strange characters, and next to it was a small sharp carving knife.

Suddenly, a bubble of snot exploded from the old Purple Demon Goblin’s nose, waking it up. In a daze, the old goblin scholar realized that it was already morning outside.

It was time to go to sleep again.

Although it hadn’t done anything last night, it still felt like it had worked hard.

Thinking so, the goblin scholar extinguished the light of the luminous stone, walked out of the room, and prepared to return to its own nest for a good sleep, rewarding itself.

Leaning on its cane, it walked out of the room and met several old but not as old Purple Demon Goblins. They all bowed to it, showing great respect.

When there were no Purple Demon Goblins older than itself around, pretending to be old and selling experience was particularly pleasant.

After all, the status of a Purple Demon Goblin wasn’t based on strong physical power but on magic power and intelligence.


The old Purple Demon Goblin scholar sneezed, splattering snot everywhere. It wiped its nose, twisted it, and then wiped the snot on the nearby Purple Demon Goblin, continuing to walk towards its room with its cane.

As for the breeding that had to be done every day and night, the captured human females and the few female Purple Demon Goblins were already unable to bear children. They could only leave it to these youngsters to carry on.

It was worth mentioning that half of the goblins in this tribe were the offspring of the goblin scholars.

Being the boss here seemed rather extraordinary?

However, unlike some old and confused goblin sages, the mood of the other Purple Demon Goblins was somewhat low. They had been hiding in this cave for more than ten days without leaving.

Over a dozen days ago, a dominant beast suddenly appeared deep in the forest, easily crushing the defenses the goblins had established and killing many goblins.

The warriors they had painstakingly cultivated suffered heavy losses so easily, and even a few Purple Demon Goblins died in the attack by the forest overlord.

Only in recent days did they finally break free from the fear caused by the appearance of the beast and muster the courage to send out goblins to find food.

Unlike humans, goblins could avoid the sight of adventurers, but ferocious and wild beasts could easily detect their presence through the scent in the air, and thus attack their gathering places, causing huge losses to the goblins.

Entering the central area of the Misty Forest, the goblins avoided the disasters that humans had brought upon them, only to face the devastation caused by the forest overlords.

As a forest overlord-level creature, those guys sometimes came out to play, sometimes brought out their offspring for training, and sometimes simply got bored and wanted to control the population of other races.

And now, the situation was dire. The forest overlord in the deeper part of the area where the goblins were now had brought out its offspring this time to sharpen their skills and to target the races living in the central area, like the goblins themselves.

This kind of situation generally doesn’t happen just once or twice. And when those offspring grow up, if they choose not to migrate but to stay, there will be some changes in the surrounding territory division, and the living space of middle-zone races like the goblins will also be oppressed by the new forest overlords.

The birth of the forest overlord’s offspring will also be accompanied by another kind of danger, that is, the targeting of these offspring by advanced adventurers.

In any case, the goblins are having a hard time today.

However, it seems that the goblins today will experience a little different change.

TN: I feel like translating below chapters like a waste of time for me, I don’t know what to do, should I keep translating below chapters or not. Hayyyaaa!! Sooo frustrating!!!


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