I Was Rejected by the Main Character in a Romanti…
Chapter 7 Table of contents

After finishing basic swordsmanship training, I went to the cafeteria to fill my stomach after showering and changing into fresh clothes.

Meals were generally free, so I walked with light steps. Of course, I didn’t have to worry about money since the Earl’s family generously supported me.

The original novel mentioned it occasionally, and after trying it yesterday, the quality of the food at the cafeteria was so outstanding that I naturally had high expectations.

‘What’s on the menu today?’

In my previous life and this one, I couldn’t resist delicious food. It was the only way to relieve my stress.

You may wonder how stressed I could be just two days after being reincarnated, but seeing Leonhardt’s face was enough to push me over the edge.

The only problem was that I had to eat alone.

Helena had already gone to eat with her friends, and besides her, I didn’t have anyone I could call a friend.

Of course, I couldn’t eat with Cain either.

‘Well, I don’t mind, but…’

It was obvious Cain would feel awkward. Since I didn’t place much importance on eating alone, it wasn’t a big deal.

‘What should I eat today?’

The academy’s meals offered various options to choose from and enjoy. Moreover, an important point was that you could enjoy the food without limits.

Truly a prestigious place.

From the beginning, it would be ridiculous for an academy attended mostly by nobles to offer low-quality food or cut costs on things like meals.

As I headed to the cafeteria, I saw a few students eating. It was early, so the lack of students wasn’t that unusual.

The student cafeteria wasn’t very popular. The picky nobles found the food not tasty enough, so it was mainly used by the few commoner students.

In the original novel, even Cain, who enjoyed fine dining, used the student cafeteria because of Sylvia and commented that the food tasted alright, which made it funny when other nobles said it didn’t taste good.

I wasn’t too picky, so I enjoyed the food and didn’t pay much attention to those things.

‘Should I have steak today?’

After training hard, I craved some meat.

“Huh…? Felix?”


As I entered the cafeteria, licking my lips at the thought of enjoying some delicious meat, I turned towards the voice calling my name.

“Huh… Sylvia?”

When I turned my head, I saw Sylvia looking at me with her blue eyes sparkling.

Since Sylvia was also a commoner student, it wasn’t strange for her to visit the student cafeteria. But I was convinced she wouldn’t come here.

I thought Leonhardt would never let Sylvia eat at the student cafeteria.

Of course, when their spending became a burden, Sylvia would occasionally bring them to the student cafeteria. Still, neither Cain nor Leonhardt was by her side at this time.

“Did you come for lunch?”

“Yes, why are you alone?”

As I moved to get a nicely grilled steak, I asked her. Sylvia also seemed to have come for lunch and followed behind me.

“Cain said he had an appointment today… and Leonhardt… well…”

“Ah, I see.”

Did they fight?

Well, Leonhardt’s personality and behavior didn’t really suit Sylvia… In the original novel, they did argue a bit, too.

The current Leonhardt wanted to monopolize Sylvia. Even though they weren’t dating, he tried to restrain and pressure Sylvia.

Just looking at how he came charging when I confessed to Sylvia shows how much trouble she would have.

I received a nicely grilled, appetizing steak. I sat down at a random spot, looking at Sylvia sitting across from me.

“Enjoy your meal.”

“You too, Felix.”

Perhaps because of what happened this morning, Sylvia responded while watching my reaction.

Even if I told her not to worry, I didn’t think she would listen, so I started eating as if nothing had happened.

A sigh almost escaped me seeing her apologetic look for something that wasn’t even her fault, but I didn’t need to say anything since that was just her innate personality.

Mmm, it’s delicious as always.

It wasn’t an extremely premium cut, but they seemed to have used a decent part as the steak was really tasty.

Of course, I didn’t really know much about meat. I just knew it was described that way in the original novel.


Sylvia also seemed to find it delicious, opening her eyes wide and exclaiming.

Seeing her puffy, protruding cheeks made her look like a squirrel storing food, making me think she looked cute, though it was cliché.

Come to think of it, wasn’t I trying to keep some distance from Sylvia?

Yet the more I tried, the more I seemed to get entangled with her instead.

Well, it wasn’t my intention to meet Sylvia. Since we were in the same class and using the student cafeteria, there was no way to avoid meeting her. Plus, I couldn’t outright show that I was avoiding her.

Of course, there was the option of not using the student cafeteria or avoiding places Sylvia might be, but…

‘How could I resist this delicious food?’

I suppose I should come a bit later from tomorrow onwards.

With those pointless thoughts, I continued my meal.

I was also lost in thought, and Sylvia, watching my reactions, continued eating silently.

As I patted my satisfied stomach after enjoying the delicious steak, Sylvia finished her meal and looked at me.

“Um, Felix.”


“I’m sorry about this morning.”

“About His Highness?”

Honestly, there was no need for Sylvia to apologize.

The one at fault was the idiot who arbitrarily claimed to like Sylvia, did things she disliked, and didn’t listen to her.

I gave her a reassuring smile and asked. Sylvia nodded slightly, her cheeks flushing, probably recalling Leonhardt’s behavior.

“You don’t need to apologize.”

Of course, Leonhardt’s behavior itself was not acceptable.

If it were, I wouldn’t have stood up against him either. But Sylvia didn’t need to apologize for that issue.

“But it happened because of me.”

“To be precise, it happened because I confessed to you, right?”

“Eek…! That, that’s…”

“And I don’t really understand why His Highness got so angry about that part in the first place.”

I do know the reason.

But that’s only because I read the original novel; an ordinary person would certainly not understand.

“Well, that’s true…”

At my words expressing incomprehension, Sylvia bitterly smiled and nodded.

“You told me before, didn’t you, Felix?”


“To say no if I don’t like something.”

“Ah, right. Though it was two days ago.”


Seeing Sylvia’s serious expression, I jokingly spoke to slightly lighten the mood.

Sylvia puffed out her cheeks at my remark and let out a small exclamation.

“So today, I also told Leonhardt. Frankly, I told him not to act like that.”

“You did?”


To be honest, Sylvia is a typical protagonist in a romance fantasy novel. She’s indecisive and unable to choose between the men, which is exactly Sylvia’s character.

Of course, since she’s a growth-type protagonist, her personality improves later, and she finds her principles. After that, the male leads become more obsessed with her instead.

But for now, Sylvia had that typical personality.

I didn’t expect the current Sylvia to actually say such things to Leonhardt, who is willful and selfish.

I asked Sylvia again, with a tone of admiration and surprise, and she nodded with a proud smile as if she were also impressed with herself.

However, that smile didn’t last long before Sylvia’s eyes drooped and her shoulders slumped.

“Of course, he didn’t listen to me at all…”

“That’s just how he is.”

Cain or the other male lead who has yet to appear might listen, but the current Leonhardt would never.

“So you fought because of that?”

“Yes, he got angry, saying I was taking someone else’s side over him…”

After hearing Sylvia’s words, I let out a dry laugh and leaned back against the backrest.

How does such a male lead become popular? No matter how much his personality changes later to become a gentle lamb towards Sylvia, his actions now are outrageous.

Moreover, it’s not just Leonhardt who acts this way. In these female-oriented romance fantasies, male leads with such personalities are quite common.

The fact that there is a supply means there is demand… but I couldn’t fully understand it.

Shaking my head, I could only purse my lips as I looked at Sylvia, letting out a small sigh.

“Still, don’t be too disheartened since you tried.”

In fact, my advice was more applicable to Cain or the lead, but Sylvia had used it on Leonhardt first, so she must have a lot on her mind.

All I could offer her was a small consolation.

“Mmm… thank you.”

Of course, that didn’t make Sylvia feel better, but the kind-hearted Sylvia just smiled at me.

She’s so kind, but she just can’t see it.

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