I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World
Chapter 15 Table of contents

At the same time, the new pregnant Cas O’Bleu also entered a period of increased appetite. Additionally, after Cas O’Bleu gives birth to her child, the number of mouths to feed will continue to increase, and Lila will also become pregnant again.


To sustain the operation of the goblin cave, usually, it is not necessary to accelerate the growth of infants, requiring only a small amount of food, but the growth cycle of infants will be extended.


However, the infants born to the Emperor Goblin are the elite of the entire tribe, and they cannot be allowed to grow slowly.


This, undoubtedly, adds insult to injury to the already impoverished goblin cave, which was originally inhabited to avoid the dominance of the overlords.


The old method of staging a live mukbang for the goblins here to solve the problem of food shortage for other goblins and concentrating more food to pregnant women and the Emperor’s offspring.


New collective training and education for the goblins to increase teamwork, formulate hunting plans to increase hunting efficiency, and address the ongoing problem of increasing food demand.


Meanwhile, new sources of food need to be added to solve the problem of future food demand, which is also imminent.


The daily harvest of goblins varies; sometimes it’s barely enough to fill a tooth, and sometimes it’s more abundant, but most of the food cannot be stored for long.


In the long run, storing longer-lasting and more edible food and finding more ways to preserve food is the best solution to uneven food supply at different times and prepares for future winter and food supply issues when avoiding the overlords.


Crop cultivation is undoubtedly the most long-term solution.


The memories from past lives tell Chen Le that self-sufficiency is the key to taking the next step.


Under Anruth’s leadership, the goblins have already attempted to cultivate crops like humans, but the harvest has always been discouraging.


The living space of the goblins is only the peripheral and central areas of the Misty Forest, and they do not know how humans solve the food problem. It is likely that the current farming attempts were learned from the few human women captured.


But obviously, they know little.


According to the description, Chen Le has already determined that Anruth’s poor harvest is due to poor land selection, not knowing the appropriate fertilization and watering amounts, and when to plant crops.


Chapter 23: The Pitiful Female Knight


Fortunately, having lived two lives…


Fortunately, having once been human.


Now, Chen Le has an idea of what crops the goblins should plant.


While exploring the peripheral areas of the Misty Forest, Chen Le selected over twenty types of edible vegetables and fruits, seven of which are suitable for cultivation.


They are: potatoes, sweet potatoes, sugarcane, mung beans, peanuts, salt flowers, and red ball fruit.


The vegetables and fruits in this world are different from those in Chen Le’s previous life, but they have some similarities. Chen Le conveniently named some of the crops based on their characteristics.


After the goblins described their impressions of these crops, Chen Le quickly grasped the suitable planting lands and conditions for them.


However, Chen Le’s expression remained solemn, and the situation was not optimistic.


The selection of planting and crops was not a problem for Chen Le from the beginning. What he really needed to worry about was how to prevent the cultivated land from being destroyed and discovered by human adventurers.


Entering the central area of the Misty Forest is the central zone, and most of the creatures living in the central zone are overlord-level creatures. Their territories are vast, and even the combined territories of the peripheral and central areas are not as large as the central zone, but they still often come out to destroy the ecology of other races, just for fun.


The traces left by them when they first arrived here already indicated this point, and this is also where those overlords often appear.


If the cultivated crops are easily destroyed by the overlords, then everything will be in vain.


To achieve stable and long-term development, they must organize a defensive line capable of resisting the invasion of the overlords.


Chen Le and Anruth discussed and plotted for a long time, waiting by candlelight, and formulated many plans and goals.


Early the next morning.


Anruth began to arrange for the goblins to train and go out to find suitable planting locations.


Chen Le went to visit Cas O’Bleu in her cell and asked her for information about the Misty Forest and the external adventurers.


“Do you want me to tell you about the types, strengths, and distribution of those overlords in the Misty Forest, and the combat power of humans compared to them?”


Although the goblins live in the Misty Forest, they have always been confined to this area and actually know very little about the forest, far less than the female knight who lives in human territory but often hears news about the Misty Forest.


Cas O’Bleu’s face blushed slightly, but her eyes were cold as she said, “Fine, but you have to take me outside.”


The female knight made a strange request.


“Come up then.”


Cas O’Bleu was already pregnant with her child, so it was only right to take care of her. Chen Le turned away.


After Chen Le turned away, Cas O’Bleu’s face finally couldn’t help but blush. She got up from the bed, came behind Chen Le, and jumped onto Chen Le’s back, hugging Chen Le’s neck tightly from behind.


“Hmph, you annoying goblin, I’ll strangle you!”


Cas O’Bleu said fiercely, burying her burning face in Chen Le’s shoulder, inhaling the scent that she was infatuated with, and relaxing both physically and mentally.


Most people would suffocate and die after being hugged tightly like this, but Chen Le was now in a completely stable state, so this level of force was not a problem at all.


At this moment, Chen Le, with a tall figure and a strange softness in appearance, was handsome and heroic. His figure seemed slender, but after removing his clothes, his body revealed a stunningly handsome figure.


Two days ago, when Cas O’Bleu became pregnant, she deeply experienced the endurance and strength of this body and became infatuated with it.


Individual Name: Golden Emperor Goblin (Kanal)


Lifespan: Infinite


Attack: 33 (+333)


Life: 33 (+333)


Magic: 33 (+333)


Intelligence: 33 (+333)


Resistance to Physical Attacks: 33 (+333)


Resistance to Magic: 33 (+333)


Attribute: None


Occupation: None


Inherited Talent: None


These are the values of Chen Le after he has fully grown.


Walking out of the goblin cave, Chen Le carried the pregnant Cas O’Bleu on his back and strolled in the lush green forest.


Cas O’Bleu closed her eyes, feeling the gentle breeze in the forest, and felt extremely satisfied both physically and mentally.


This was the life she had dreamed of.


Cas O’Bleu whispered softly, “The Misty Forest is located in the south of the Nas Duchy, it is the most dangerous place bordering the Nas Duchy, and the range of danger is even larger than that of the Nas Duchy itself. The entire Misty Forest borders several duchies at the same time.”


Chen Le asked, “It’s that big?”


Cas O’Bleu nodded, “Yes.”


In the subsequent description provided by Cas O’Bleu, Chen Le learned about the distribution of the Misty Forest, comparing humans and goblins.


Humans have different professions, and among professions of the same level, special professions like knights, mages, and berserkers are stronger than common professions like guards.


There are various professions among adventurers, with varying levels of strength, but generally, human strength levels are simply categorized based on the adventurer’s level.


Adventurer Levels: Novice, Black Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum.


Silver and above levels are further divided into seven star ratings.


Humans classify ferocious beasts and monsters into levels: Low, Medium, High, Overlord, King.


High and above levels are also divided into seven star ratings.


A Black Iron adventurer corresponds to a low-level guard, corresponding to a low-level ferocious beast.


And so on,


Bronze corresponds to medium level, Silver corresponds to high level, Gold corresponds to Overlord, Platinum corresponds to King.


The Misty Forest is a gathering place for ferocious beasts known to several duchies and is divided into peripheral lines, periphery, central area, central ring area, and the center’s Heart Lake.


The peripheral line is just a small forest, serving as a buffer zone between the Misty Forest and human territory, inhabited by a small number of low-level ferocious beasts.


Most of the creatures in the peripheral area are low-level ferocious beasts, but their leaders are likely to be medium-level ferocious beasts, and some individuals are very dangerous. This is where Chen Le was born.


The central area is inhabited by high-level ferocious beasts, most of which have groups following them, making them much more dangerous.


In the central ring area, almost only terrifying entities like Overlords or groups of high-level ferocious beasts appear, and they are the true masters of the Misty Forest, feared by all adventurers.


Once an Overlord leaves the Misty Forest, it may even alarm the duchies and adventurer guilds.


The center’s Heart Lake is also occupied by Overlords all year round.


According to Cas O’Bleu, in the eyes of humans, goblins, especially White Goblins and Purple Demon Goblins, are generally classified as medium-level monsters, and their strength is average.


Only the Purple Demon Goblins with deep magic skills have the possibility to compete with medium-level knights of humans.


As for Red Devil Goblins, it seems that after growing up, their strength can rival that of Silver-ranked adventurers or high-level knights.


Undoubtedly, the Goblin Cave led by Anruth survives here by relying on quantity and being able to contend with high-level ferocious beasts in the central area.


However, once they encounter Overlords from the central ring area, they are no match for them.


Chen Le speculated that his descendant, the Little Red Devil Goblin, when grown up, would probably be stronger than many high-level ferocious beasts here, conservatively estimated to be comparable to third-level high-level ferocious beasts.


After a moment of thought, Chen Le asked, “What about Black Rampage Goblins?”


Cas O’Bleu was puzzled. “Black Rampage Goblins? What’s that?”


Clearly, Cas O’Bleu didn’t know about this higher-level goblin species.


Chen Le touched Cas O’Bleu’s slightly bulging belly and whispered in her ear, “It’s our child.”


Cas O’Bleu’s pretty face turned red all of a sudden, but quickly, to conceal her emotions, she deliberately said, “You’re disgusting, talking about giving birth to goblins. Humph! You better keep an eye on me, or I’ll definitely escape from here!”


Even though her hope value was as high as 48, she still said such things, which was refreshing for Chen Le, as there was no persuasive power at all.


The beautiful female knight made such a classic tsundere statement to a goblin, as if saying: I’m going to have your baby, and if you don’t come to see me often, I’ll be angry and run away from home.


Poor captive female knight, her heart has already turned into the shape of a goblin. It seems she has no way to leave the goblin cave to see her family and friends.


Chapter 24: Let’s Have Goblin Babies


After the morning passed, Chen Le sent Cas O’Bleu back to her cell and personally prepared food for her and Lila, who had just woken up.


After satisfying their appetites, Chen Le controlled a goblin knight and rode on a wild forest wolf to patrol outside.


The goblin cave raised a total of three wild forest wolves, which were stolen as cubs from the wolf pack by the goblins under Anruth’s orders and raised to serve as transportation for the weaker Purple Demon Goblins.


The goblin (wolf) commander, who could communicate with and control the wolf clan, obtained this profession through daily interaction with these three wild forest wolves. Then, it used this profession’s ability to snatch three adult wolves from the wolf clan.


However, those three adult wolves had died during previous attacks by Overlords, leaving only the three transport wolves behind. The goblins were grief-stricken by this heavy blow and could only visit the wolf pack later to try again.


The goblin knight controlled by Chen Le rode the wolf to several places selected by the goblins to inspect them, choosing the most suitable ones to establish fences.


For goblins facing the danger of Overlords, it was best not to put all their eggs in one basket.


It wasn’t realistic for goblins to resist attacks from Overlord creatures.


Although Chen Le’s own stats weren’t low, as an emperor whose skill points were all allocated to appearance, lifespan, and reproductive ability, having super combat abilities would make him not a goblin anymore.


With Chen Le’s current strength, he could probably only compete with a one-star Overlord, after all, his health bar was too thin.


Currently, after venting their anger in the periphery, humans had moved on to the territory of the Exploding Monkeys to gather life force herbs, and they had not yet discovered any traces of goblins in the central area of the Misty Forest.


The Overlord in this area had only recently visited here, so it was unlikely for it to come for a second time in a short period.


Thus, the goblin cave entered a brief period of peace.


In the morning, Chen Le controlled the goblin knight to patrol the territory, check the goblins’ hunting situation, and inspect the progress of the crop planting plan.


In the afternoon, the goblins gathered together, and Chen Le conducted an on-site mukbang. Afterward, he returned to the goblin cave to accompany Lila and Cas O’Bleu, raising Lila’s hope value to 24.


At night, the elderly goblin scholar brought over several fully trained human females, but Chen Le refused them.


Their bodies already contained a large amount of genes from other goblins, which would affect the quality of Chen Le’s offspring.


At this stage, with food shortages and the need for extra hands, the human females were needed to help take care of Lila and Cas O’Bleu’s daily lives.


It wasn’t until two days later that Lila’s body fully recovered, and her vitality increased.


Under the cover of night, Chen Le quietly entered Lila’s room.




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