I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World
Chapter 18 Table of contents

Four days later, Chen Le controlled the Goblin Knights to train on the territory and checked the progress of the goblins’ construction.

The planting base had been built, entering the stage of sowing.

The integration of goblins and the wolf pack was completed preliminarily. The less obedient part of the wolf pack and the young wolf leaders went to patrol the boundaries of the territory, while the obedient part of the wild forest wolves and the Goblin Knights formed cavalry to join the hunting.

The leader of the wild forest wolves was handed over to Little Red Devil Goblin by Chen Le, as the highest-ranking goblin here besides himself. It was most suitable for Little Red Devil Goblin to drive and command the leader of the wild forest wolves.

Little Red Devil Goblin and six other direct descendants of Goblin Emperor had grown up initially after three days of growth and four days of training, possessing a certain combat ability.

Individual Name: Red Devil Goblin (Offspring)

Lifespan: 66 years

Attack: 24 (+32)

HP: 50 (+82)

Magic Power: 24 (+32)

Intelligence: 23 (+30)

Resistance to Physical Attacks: 12 (+11)

Resistance to Magic: 12 (+11)

Attribute: None (Untrained)

Occupation: None (Can be designated)

Special Skill: Dulan Shield

Inherited Talent: Magic Power, Skill [Dulan Shield]

In just seven days, the stats of Little Red Devil Goblin had surpassed those of adult ordinary goblins, and its abilities were quite comprehensive. In another seven days, the stats of Little Red Devil Goblin would directly surpass the leader of the wild forest wolves.

The magic depth of Little Purple Goblin was also approaching level 2, and it would soon become the second force in combat.

Chen Le assigned professions to both of them.

For Red Devil Goblin, the available professions were: Goblin Magic Knight, Goblin Battle Mage, Goblin Berserker, Goblin Magic Archer, Goblin Grand Marshal (group enhancement), and Goblin Mage Smith.

These were the professions that Little Red Devil Goblin could choose from after birth, without adding any special professions.

After giving the leadership of the wild forest wolves to Little Red Devil Goblin, Chen Le decisively selected Goblin Magic Knight for it, which was a profession that could make it fit the role of the leader of the wild forest wolves.

As for the profession of Little Purple Goblin, Chen Le chose Goblin Commander.

After obtaining the profession of commander, Little Purple Goblin could command the wolf pack more effectively, having more wolf pack commanders, and could better coordinate the actions of the wolves with the goblins.

More importantly, the magic of the commander would be bestowed upon the wild forest wolves under its control, enhancing the strength of the wild forest wolves. This undoubtedly could further strengthen the power of the wolf pack and make the wolves more willing to establish hierarchical relationships with the goblin commanders to gain the blessing of magic power, thereby better binding the interests between the wolf pack and the goblins.

Today, Chen Le arrived early at the cell of Cas O’Bleu, with several human women waiting there.

Today was the delivery day for Cas O’Bleu.

At this moment, Chen Le was facing a new problem, she was being teased.

The pregnant Cas O’Bleu lay on the bed holding her big belly, looking at Chen Le beside her, and couldn’t help but smirk.

“Hurry up, meow.”

Chapter 28: Another Modern Person Born in the Goblin Cave


The mighty Goblin Emperor ultimately succumbed to the influence of “wife” in the face of such coercion.

As someone who had been dumped several times in his past life as a virgin until death, he cared much more about beautiful women who liked him, which seemed understandable, didn’t it?

Although Chen Le remained expressionless when meowing, almost as if “there won’t be a next time” was written on her face, Cas O’Bleu was still very happy.

Once happy, her stomach began to ache.

With the ache, the children were about to be born.

Chen Le left the cell, and the childbirth began.

Although it was a cell, it had been renovated and turned into a decent room, at least comfortable enough for the pregnant woman.

Cas O’Bleu was four years older than Lila, and as a fallen female knight, her body was more mature and graceful. The process of childbirth went smoothly.

Before long, the babies were born crying.

Today, the descendants of the Goblin Emperor’s second litter were born.

New offspring of the Goblin Emperor: 1 Red Devil Goblin, 1 White Ghost Goblin, 6 Ordinary Goblins.

Among the eight newborn goblins, two were of high rank.

Once again, cheers resounded in the Goblin Cave as they welcomed another member to their ranks.

Information on the newborn goblin cubs:

Individual Name: Red Devil Goblin (Offspring)

Lifespan: 70 years

Attack: 27 (+0)

HP: 50 (+0)

Magic Power: 22 (+0)

Intelligence: 25 (+0)

Resistance to Physical Attacks: 13 (+0)

Resistance to Magic: 13 (+0)

Attribute: None (Untrained)

Occupation: None (Can be designated)

Special Skill: None

Inherited Talent: Attack Power

Individual Name: White Ghost Goblin (Offspring)

Lifespan: 33 years

Attack: 37 (+0)

HP: 62 (+0)

Magic Power: 4 (+0)

Intelligence: 9 (+0)

Resistance to Physical Attacks: 24 (+0)

Resistance to Magic: 8 (+0)

Attribute: None (Untrained)

Occupation: None (Can be designated)

Inherited Talent: Attack Power

The second Red Devil Goblin, yet another formidable member.

However, the most important one was the little White Ghost Goblin. Its base attack and HP had already surpassed Chen Le’s base values. As long as these two values were replicated, along with its single attack power inherited talent, the goblins nurtured thereafter would have increasing attack power and HP.

Although the stats of the Red Devil Goblin were the most comprehensive and best, its individual base values were still lower than Chen Le’s. Therefore, the focus for replication should be on the Little Purple Goblin and the White Ghost Goblin.

With this, the stats of the ordinary goblins and the Red Devil Goblin born like this would also continue to increase.

Chen Le quickly instructed the midwives to take the children away.

“Wait, let me see our children.”

At this moment, the somewhat weakened Cas O’Bleu called out to the two people holding the babies.

The two people turned to look at Chen Le.

Seeing the pleading look from Cas O’Bleu, Chen Le nodded, allowing them to return the babies to their mother’s side.

Human women often have an aversion to their children in their first few births. To prevent the children from being harmed by the mother, they are usually sent away immediately after birth.

Usually, they wait until the captive’s body and mind have transformed into goblin form before attempting to make her accept her children.

However, Cas O’Bleu fell into corruption too quickly. Chen Le hadn’t had time to guide her in this aspect before she had already transformed.

If her family knew that Cas O’Bleu had become like this, what expression would they have?

Chen Le sat beside the somewhat weakened Cas O’Bleu and looked at the stats of the Red Devil Goblin and the White Ghost Goblin. Chen Le confirmed that the increase in single attack power inherited talent was most suitable for the Red Devil Goblin and the White Ghost Goblin.

Indeed, Cas O’Bleu was a treasure trove.

Chen Le held the somewhat weakened Cas O’Bleu, who held the newborn babies.

Looking at the red-skinned, white-skinned, and green-skinned little lives in front of her, Cas O’Bleu gradually felt relieved. They looked more like humans and elves, with clear features.

These were the offspring of her and Chen Le, adorable children.

Eight babies in one litter, how miraculous.

Previously, the female knight who detested goblins incomparably had ultimately succumbed to the embrace of the goblins today, falling in love with the process of mating and giving birth to children with this goblin.

As a baron’s daughter, her body and mind were already inseparable from the goblins.

“Brother, you have nephews now.

The children of me and your sister-in-law are so lovely.”

Cas O’Bleu recalled her brother, who had just been born not long ago, so lovely, and warmth arose in her heart.

In a distant manor of the Baron Castle of Cas, a baby boy with a modern soul, lying in a cradle, suddenly sneezed. The thought of his most beautiful and capable sister being gone made him unable to help but start crying.

Joy and sorrow mingled.

The baby in a distant place was crying, while the baby nearby was smiling.

The little red-skinned baby in Cas O’Bleu’s arms tried to open its eyes and saw its parents in front of it.

In a different world, I have arrived!


Where is this?

Oh, these are my mommy and daddy? Such handsome daddy, such beautiful mommy. Daddy has pointy ears, is he an elf?

The little baby was overjoyed in his heart.

Could it be that my prayers have been answered, and I have been born into a good family?

With such handsome and beautiful parents, won’t my looks be off the charts when I grow up?

Wow, let’s go, take off!

In this life, I absolutely won’t settle for mediocrity. I want to be a star, I want to be a stallion, I want to deceive fangirls into my harem!


Huh? Is there something moving next to me, squeezing me? Could it be that I have a cute little sister?

At this moment, the father’s gaze stopped on it.

“Perfect, the clan urgently needs to improve weapon quality. Your profession will be a Mage Smith.”

What? You want me to be a stinky blacksmith? Impossible, absolutely impossible. You say what I do? Even if you say I’m my dad, it’s impossible!

[Your profession has been selected as: Mage Smith (cannot be changed)]

Little baby: ?

Sigh, forget it, it doesn’t matter. This is my great dad, I can bear it.

Being a Mage Smith sounds pretty cool, right? Super handsome guys like me can charm thousands of girls no matter what profession I choose, right?

Wait a minute, why does it feel like I’ve gained some knowledge in my mind?

Goblins are descendants of elves and humans. They were cursed by wizards, deprived of power, and became weak and ugly. They were looked down upon by all races and were slaughtered.

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