I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World
Chapter 24 Table of contents

In the beginning, in the outskirts of the forest, there were still many old, weak, sick, and disabled goblins. Even with the combat power of the small wolf pack, they were not as strong as the wolf pack in the western outskirts.


In the end, in the central area of the mysterious mist forest, the goblin legion in the goblin cave was organized as follows:


– 35 old, weak, sick, and disabled goblins

– 101 goblin foot soldiers

– 172 goblin warriors

– 6 elite goblin warriors

– 53 goblin archers

– 6 elite goblin archers

– 18 goblin scouts

– 25 goblin light knights

– 20 goblin heavy knights

– 5 elite goblin knights

– 3 goblin bandits

– 5 goblin black hands

– 5 goblin miners

– 3 goblin lookouts

– 9 white ghost goblin juggernauts

– 1 white ghost goblin tank

– 2 white ghost goblin rollers

– 1 elite white ghost goblin juggernaut

– 4 purple demon goblin (elemental) shamans

– 1 purple demon goblin (illusion) shaman

– 1 purple demon goblin (snake) commander

– 1 purple demon goblin (wolf tribe) commander

– 2 elite purple demon goblin (wolf tribe) commanders

– 1 purple demon goblin priest

– 2 purple demon goblin scholars

– 1 red devil goblin craftsman

– 1 red devil goblin knight


Total: 457 green-skinned goblins, 13 white ghost goblins, 12 purple demon goblins, 2 red devil goblins


The goblin elites are all direct descendants of Chen Le. Among them, except for the first-born goblin of Lila, the other goblin elites have not yet grown up. Lila’s second-born goblin has only grown for three days.


Excluding those who haven’t grown up and those who no longer have magic to control the wild forest wolves, the only goblin wolf commander who can really be useful is the old one.


According to the previous conditions for controlling the leader of the small wolf pack, after Chen Le replicated the profession of the wolf pack commander, he should be able to control exactly one wolf pack leader and four alpha wolves.


So, rise up, goblins, and prepare to invade the territory of the wild forest wolves in the western outskirts, before the appearance of the forest dominator and the new human (female) enemies.


Chapter 37 Invading Wolf Ridge


Today is another energetic and refreshing day.


Adventurers from all over, armed and ready, entered the mysterious mist forest and headed towards the area where the vitality herbs grew vigorously.


It’s a dangerous place, inhabited by very irritable monkey groups.


Look, among the adventurers who came to search for treasures, there are many female figures. They play a crucial role in the team, most of them being priests, wizards, and archers, professions that would become powerless in close combat.


It’s unimaginable what would happen if they were approached by a powerful male beast.


The scene would surely be intense and, yes, very bloody.


Of course, if you think there are no brave and skilled female warriors among them, wielding weapons, then you’re mistaken.


The female warriors, armed and standing at the forefront of the team, sweat with the unique scent of femininity. Their rare female valor attracts the excited gazes of many adventurers around them.


Beautiful human females are always central figures wherever they go because they may not be very strong, but they are certainly team favorites.


Today is another day of vibrant energy for all the male creatures, stirred by the presence of lovely and pure-hearted human females.


Meanwhile, in a secluded area far away, unnoticed by anyone, goblins living there have also begun to gather their forces towards the western Wolf Ridge after a day of preparation.


The plan has long been drafted: led by the Red Devil Goblin Knight and commanded by the Purple Demon Goblins, their army aims to distract the attention of the wolf pack, allowing their king to move freely and strike directly.


In the territory where the wolf pack resides, there also exists another group of animals, the antlered red-eyed deer.


This herd of deer prefers to inhabit areas with abundant vegetation and rich grass resources. They have delicious meat, and their antlers are precious medicinal materials.


However, compared to hunting them, human adventurers prefer to venture into the area of the explosive monkeys, as these deer are also formidable beasts.


Many times, in the forest, there exists such a situation:


There are predatory beasts that feed on vegetation, and there are predatory beasts that feed on the predators that feed on vegetation. Thus, there will be two or more groups of predators coexisting in the same area.


The hunting activities of the wolf pack control the population of the deer herd.


And the fierce resistance encountered by the wolf pack during hunting, as well as the casualties incurred when fighting other species in the vicinity, control the number of the wolf pack.


In such a situation, rather than facing two groups of predators at Wolf Ridge, it is much safer to go to an area inhabited solely by explosive monkeys.


The idea of dying to compete with the wolf pack for prey in an area where the deer herd, which travels in groups and is very aggressive, also roams, is generally the strategy of human nobles’ armies.


The goblins confirmed, through the small wolf pack, that the army of human nobles had entered Wolf Ridge a few days ago.


From the mouth of Lila, Countess’ first wife who was abducted by the Goblin Emperor, the goblins learned the reason.


It turns out that it was the Duke Nas’s precious daughter’s birthday banquet a few days ago, and the Duke Nas sent an army to hunt antlered red-eyed deer, providing delicacies for his daughter’s birthday banquet and giving a deer horn medicine as a gift to noble guests.


Learning this, and confirming that neither humans nor the Forest Dominator would appear, there was nothing to stop the goblins from expanding their territory.


Early in the morning, the goblin legion assembled, like a giant mushroom head, advancing into the fragile and perilous Wolf Ridge.


The wolf pack sensed the threat and tension spread rapidly among them. Soon, they detected the disturbance at the boundary of their territory, and the horn of counterattack sounded.




Standing over a meter tall, with a body length of nearly four meters, the leader of the wolf pack howled deeply from the depths of Wolf Ridge. It was evident that they had detected the scent of invasion spreading into their territory.


Wolves scattered throughout Wolf Ridge raised their heads in unison, howling to the sky, allowing the larger packs in the surrounding area to hear the commotion. They then swiftly approached the direction of the transmitted information, quickly transitioning from a few loose individuals to dozens of tightly organized groups.


The guardian wolves returned the cubs to their dens for protection, while adult wolves remained vigilant around them.


The invasion of the goblin legion, the defense of the wolf pack’s territory, the battle between populations—all were on the brink of erupting.


“Let’s show them what we’re made of!”


Yili, with a humanoid appearance resembling a human but with red, fanged faces and a strong physique, still looked very fierce.


After fourteen days, he had become the first red devil goblin to grow up in the goblin cave!


Individual name: Red Devil Goblin (Offspring)


Lifespan: 66 years


Attack: 24 (+62)


Health: 50 (+136)


Magic: 24 (+50)


Intelligence: 23 (+48)


Resistance to strikes: 12 (+21)


Magic resistance: 12 (+21)


Attribute: None (untrained)


Occupation: Red Devil Goblin Knight (can be specified)


Special skills: Dulan Shield


Inherited talent: Magic, skill [Dulan Shield]


As time passes, Yili’s comprehensive attributes will continue to slowly increase through constant training until they decline with aging.


The Red Devil Goblin, with the most balanced attribute values among goblins, has no weaknesses, which is its greatest feature.


Comparable to a mature high-level predatory beast, the adult Red Devil Goblin Knight.


Yili wielded an iron spear, charging into Wolf Ridge atop the leader of the small wolf pack, engaging in battle with the oncoming wolf pack. With just one clash, he killed several wild forest wolves.


Following closely behind Yili were a Purple Demon Goblin Priest, a Purple Demon Goblin (Illusion) Shaman, six White Ghost Goblin Juggernauts, twenty Goblin Heavy Knights clad in full wooden armor, thirty goblin archers, and over a hundred goblin warriors.


Seeing that the invaders were too powerful, the wolf pack began to falter, avoiding direct confrontation and instead resorting to guerrilla tactics, attacking isolated goblin warriors from both sides.


Both sides quickly shed blood, but the defensive wolf pack suffered greater losses.


The goblin legion, with its perimeter defense and inner-circle archer output, had far superior combat power to the scattered wolf pack.


New wild forest wolves quickly gathered here, but the goblins’ advance was only hindered when the number of wolves reached over a hundred.


The two sides thus began a protracted battle.


Just as Yili led the goblin legion and attracted the attention of a large number of wild forest wolves…


Chen Le sat on a small alpha wolf, followed by two goblin wolf rider shamans, a wolf pack commander, and thirty goblin wolf knights, including five elites, entered Wolf Ridge.


Sensing the scent, Chen Le led the fastest-moving wolf cavalry straight towards the heart of the wolf pack.


Chapter 38 “They” Have a New Master


In this battle, casualties were inevitable on both sides.


To approach the heart of the wolf pack and control the wolf pack leader and four mid-level alpha wolves, a vanguard team must pave the way and advance step by step.


Simply diverting their attention like Yili and his group did, they took a detour, which carried higher risks, but casualties on both sides could be kept to a minimum.


Even for Chen Le, who could easily control the leading wolves, it was difficult to control all the adult wolves here with just a few alpha wolves. The ferocity of the beasts meant they wouldn’t easily submit to the control of other races; they had to be shown who was in charge, and their numbers had to be reduced for them to submit.


Chen Le quickly approached the rear of the wolf pack, trying to make the most of his time because on the battlefield, time meant life.


Whether in the past world or this one, there has always been the phrase “easy to defend, difficult to attack.”


The biggest difference between the defending and attacking sides lies in this:


The defenders have the advantage of terrain and supplies. They can hunt for food, make weapons and supplies, and supply the front lines at any time. Injuries can be treated and rested, and they can return to the battlefield later.


Over time, they can easily establish an advantage.


On the other hand, the attackers lack the advantage of terrain and supplies, and they lack the flexibility of being able to advance and retreat. When deployed, their forces must exceed those of the defenders, and once deployed, it’s difficult to turn back.


They must either quickly capture the fortress defended by the enemy, fight to sustain the battle, or be ultimately worn down and defeated, drinking the bitterness of defeat.


The ferocious beast pack, possessing remarkable intelligence, sometimes displays a collective wisdom that can truly astound.


The leader of this wolf pack, upon receiving news of a large number of invaders, swiftly approached the direction of the intrusion accompanied by a team of wolves. However, they did not rush to the battlefield immediately. Instead, they waited for further information.


Sometimes, when encountering other species within their territory that they find difficult to contend with, the wolf pack chooses to retreat and avoid direct confrontation.


Before determining the enemy’s strength and the leader’s prowess, it’s easy for the leader to become the target if they rashly engage in battle. Once the leader dies and the pack loses its head, morale plummets, and Wolf Ridge is likely to fall apart on its own, suffering devastation.


Everyone knows the principle of “capture the ringleader first,” and after enduring countless harsh years of survival in the natural world, the wolf pack, forged through countless battles from the corpses of numerous enemies, has no reason not to understand this.


But now, the wolf pack has yet to realize that they are facing a coordinated strike from the goblins.


At the frontline, three mid-level alpha wolves lead hundreds of adult wolves in a tug-of-war battle with the goblin legion. Meanwhile, the wolf pack leader, accompanied by two mid-level alpha wolves and dozens of adult wolves, is about to face their impending enemies.


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