I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World
Chapter 28 Table of contents

From the moment they were born as weak and lowly goblins, their fate was destined to begin by avoiding strong enemies and developing themselves.


Although the Goblin Cave now rules over the peripheral area of Wolf Ridge and has its first subordinate territory, the overall strength of the goblins is still insufficient to contend with humans.


To the east are the Exploding Monkeys. If they discover goblins sneaking into their territory, they will kill all the goblins and then toss their bodies into the wilderness to vent their anger.


For most races, goblin meat is not tasty. When food is abundant, goblin corpses are not their preferred choice of sustenance.


Indeed, even in terms of being food, goblins are scorned by other races.


The Exploding Monkeys are a group of carefree individuals. The only problem they face is human adventurers invading their territory to plunder the medicinal herbs they cultivate.


Similar to humans, the Exploding Monkeys quiet down and rest in trees at night.


It’s during this time that Anruth sends goblins to sneak into the Exploding Monkey mountain area at night, picking some herbs around without going deep into the area.


Based on the current information, the likelihood of being discovered by humans is high.


Only humans would clean up a battleground thoroughly, leaving behind traces of their own battles to showcase their strength.


Undoubtedly, at this moment when the threat of the Forest Overlord is imminent, new crises are also emerging.


“Keep the outer wolf pack on alert. Report back immediately if there’s any sign of trouble,” Chen Le said with a serious expression.


It’s not realistic to hide in caves to avoid human adventurers. Even if they could perfectly conceal the caves, several crop fields have already been built around the goblin cave.


Once these areas are seen, humans will definitely perceive the existence of goblins and even think that there are goblins superior to Purple Demon Goblins here.


And by then, teams of humans will come to hunt them down. If one fails, new teams of humans will come.


Ordinary goblins are seen as trash in the eyes of other races, but advanced individuals are considered valuable medicinal materials that can enhance physical fitness.


Greedy humans will not easily let go of these moving gold coins.


Even the Overlord, accompanied by its offspring, trespasses into the goblin cave’s territory, seeking advanced goblins to feed its own offspring and enhance their physique.


If both Lila’s family and Duke Nas receive the message, they are likely to send troops again.


“I’m afraid this problem may not be easily resolved,” Chen Le pondered with a furrowed brow, while the goblins began their frantic preparations.


If discovered by humans, the goblins might have to abandon a large part of their population and territory here and move to Wolf Ridge to avoid the impending crisis.


And just as the goblins were nervously mobilizing, there was movement on the side of the invaders.


Let’s rewind time slightly to last night when the human mother, Naga, was repenting for her sins.


During the night, a group of goblins led by Black Hand, as usual, secretly entered the Exploding Monkeys’ territory to pick life force herbs.


For the Goblin Cave, life force herbs are indispensable resources because human females who bear offspring for their Goblin Emperor need to consume these herbs.


Unlike other goblins, other advanced goblins impregnating human females often lead to varying degrees of life force depletion in them.


The bodily fluids and flesh of the Goblin Emperor itself have the ability to enhance the physique and lifespan of human females. Each mating brings enormous benefits to females. However, the injection of Goblin King-level goblins into human females is too domineering, requiring life force herbs to neutralize the effects, as it seems to affect their fertility.


Humans have given another medical alias to life force herbs: neutralizing herbs.

Life force herbs have extremely strong auxiliary effects in neutralizing the effects of other drugs. They are the most common and famous herbs in the human world, with different types of life force herbs distributed around the world.


In order to ensure the health, longevity, and stable fertility of the human concubines in the Goblin Emperor’s harem, Anruth arranges for goblins to venture into the Exploding Monkeys’ territory every night to gather herbs.


This time, Black Hand led the goblins as usual to the place they often went to pick herbs.


Suddenly, several arrows flew down from above, hitting the three Black Hands in front.


The goblins behind them sensed something was wrong in fear, about to flee, when a dark figure appeared behind them. With a dagger in hand, the figure stabbed them repeatedly, and the goblins all fell to the ground, blood flowing profusely.


The gushing blood quickly seeped into the ground, leaving behind a thick smell of blood.


After all the goblins were killed in the sudden attack, a figure jumped down from a nearby tree. The person pointed to the goblin corpses here and said to a young and beautiful woman who was approaching:


“Deputy Captain, take a look.”


The two walked over together. The young female warrior Tarian, wearing a red helmet and beautiful red armor, looked at the bodies on the ground, her beautiful face showing a hint of surprise beneath her helmet.


She exclaimed, “How could there be goblins, such weak creatures, here? Goblins struggle to survive even on the outskirts of the Misty Forest. How did they end up here?”


“It should be because of advanced goblins,” came a voice from nearby. Several more people walked over, carrying a sack of herbs on their backs, the amount of which was astonishing.


They had stumbled upon a place with a large amount of herbs, and the human adventurers had decided not to leave, but to stay in the mountains until now.


Coincidentally, the place the adventurers had plundered was exactly where the goblins often came to gather herbs.


The poor goblins encountered them and fell victim to their poison before even seeing them.


Chapter 44: The Unyielding Female Warrior Tarian


“Captain, are we done collecting?”


The leader of the adventurer team, named Tazi and Tarian’s brother, nodded. “Almost done, left some root systems.”


“Hehe, quite a harvest this time.”


The conversation turned to the goblins on the ground. Tazi said, “Goblins don’t stray too far from their caves. There should be a goblin cave nearby. To come to the central area of the Misty Forest, there’s likely a Red Devil Goblin in that cave.”


As soon as the Red Devil Goblin was mentioned, the members of the Silver Adventurer Team smiled, their minds set on the goblins.


“Red Devil Goblins are worth more than advanced Exploding Monkeys.”


Tarian, the female warrior, said, “Exploding Monkeys aren’t worth much; it’s the life force herbs they like to cultivate that have value.”


When Tarian spoke, all eyes turned to her.


Tarian, young and beautiful, was famous in town, in her prime for marriage. Together with her brave and handsome brother, Tazi, they were the talk of the town.


But the reason behind their fame was their mother’s special status.


The mother of Tazi and Tarian came from the legendary clan of heroes.


As the name suggests, the clan of heroes, like the clan of sages, was a powerful lineage that had been passed down for hundreds of years.


Many years ago, during the Third King’s War, an era known for producing countless heroes belonging to humans, many renowned human strongmen emerged.


The influence of these human strongmen still resonates today. The superhuman professions they obtained, even passed down through their bloodlines to their descendants.


Whether it’s the clan of sages, the clan of heroes, or the clan of mages, they are naturally extraordinary, with a much higher possibility of awakening various super-powered professions than ordinary people. They are powerful human races who are born capable of rivaling advanced species.


Archer Kita: “Captain, could it be what the elders of the clan of heroes mentioned, that the Goblin King born some time ago is here?”


When Kita asked this, the assassin in black, Zuo Jie, showed a puzzled expression. “Goblin King?”


Kita: “You don’t know? The elders who came from the village of heroes in town said that recently, all the goblins in the surrounding territories of several duchies have become unusually excited. It’s very likely that the two highest-level individuals of goblins have appeared somewhere.”


“The highest-level goblin individuals? Are these advanced individuals very dangerous?”


“Indeed, they are dangerous for us.”


Tazi said, “The Silver King Goblin and the Black Rage Goblin were said to have appeared during the Third King’s War. They once owned a large territory, were very powerful, and even had the strength to challenge human kingdoms.


However, they don’t mean much to my uncle and them. It’s just that every part of the highest-level goblins’ bodies is precious medicinal material. Some parts of their bodies are even as valuable as the flesh and blood of dragons and pure-blooded elves.”


Zuo Jie exclaimed, “How much would that one be worth?”


Tazi: “I’m not sure. My uncle and them are looking for scattered tribe members. Although they seem to care a lot about this Goblin King, they also said they would catch it on the way. However, for the people of the surrounding duchies, it’s a good thing to get rid of a menace.”


Zuo Jie’s gaze slowly turned to the direction where the goblins had just come from.


“Is it possible that the highest-level individual you mentioned could be here?”


Tazi shook his head. “It’s unlikely. The goblins here are very weak. My uncle and them are just passing by, preparing to go to the places where the goblins are rampant ahead. They won’t linger here.”


While the group was talking, they didn’t notice the change in mood of the young and beautiful female warrior next to them. Her expression became somewhat downcast.


After the others noticed Tarian’s change in mood, everyone fell silent.


The atmosphere seemed to become somewhat awkward. Why was that?


It turns out that not long ago, the clan of sages from the village of sages issued a warning to the outside world about the Fourth King’s War. It is said that this war may erupt within twenty years and be of unprecedented scale.


In the lairs of dragons, the peaks of giants, the abysses of colossal beasts, and even among angels, elves, kings of ferocious beasts, and kings of monsters, all powerful races are unexpectedly nurturing new life.


In the depths of fate, it seems that something is driving this dramatic change.


When the new leaders of the era grow up, unwilling to abide by the rules and territorial boundaries set by the older generation, they will inevitably spark the Fourth King’s War.


By then, all the world’s resources will be redistributed, and the dynamics between humans and other races will undergo significant changes.


In preparation for this unprecedented change of the new era, the clan of heroes is actively seeking out their scattered members. They are even abandoning their traditional emphasis on bloodline purity. The descendants of the clan of heroes, regardless of their impure bloodlines, will be accepted by the village of heroes as long as they are strong enough.


As for Tazi, the only captain of the adventurer team with a Silver Seven-Star ranking, he has been chosen to go to the village of heroes to receive training. He will also raise his children there, and his child is due to be born in a few days.


Tarian, on the other hand, has always yearned for the legendary village of heroes her mother spoke of. She dreams of one day visiting her mother’s homeland and meeting a hero there, perhaps even embarking on a beautiful romance.


However, she was not chosen, not because her talent was not strong enough, but seemingly because she is a daughter.


The village of heroes is predominantly led by males, and in terms of bloodlines, the clan of heroes places a higher emphasis on the purity of female bloodlines than male ones.


Even though they may exhibit impressive combat talent, in the eyes of the clan of heroes, women are merely flashes in the pan, not worth mentioning.


Because of this, whenever people mention the village of heroes, Tarian’s mood becomes somewhat sour.


Kita quickly laughed and intervened, “Let’s deal with the goblins here later.”


They were a team of six, all Silver-ranked adventurers. In addition to the archer and assassin, there was an old wizard and another warrior named Kurok.


Tazi asked, “Do you need me to stay temporarily to help?”


Kita replied, “No need, no need, Captain, you should go take care of your wife. I heard that the village where the heroes reside, the Village of Heroes, is a gathering place for big shots. Captain, you should seize the opportunity. We can handle things here ourselves. Do you think we’ll crash and burn dealing with goblins?”


Kita, Zuo Jie, and the warrior Kurok stood together between Tazi and Tazi’s brother, with their backs to Tazi, exchanging glances with Tazi.


The unspoken message they conveyed through their eyes was clear: “Big brother, you can rest assured and entrust your sister to us!”


Indeed, these guys had a strong bond, having grown up together since childhood. However, they were also romantic rivals, and their admiration was directed towards Tazi’s sister, Tarian.


Seeing their companions’ behavior, Tazi couldn’t help but smile.


With these three guys around, he believed his sister wouldn’t be bullied by anyone.


“You’re right,” Tazi nodded.


After tidying up a bit, the old wizard was about to cast a flame spell to burn the bodies on the ground, but Tazi stopped him.


The old wizard said, “Let them burn, fire…”


Tarian grabbed the hand of the old wizard and said, “With the blessing of the goddess, let’s burn them thoroughly. The Purple Imp goblins among these little devils are very cunning, so it’s best not to leave any traces.”


The old wizard nodded and began chanting the spell again.


“Oh Lady Consorti, the beloved of Fire, grant me the power to destroy,” he intoned.


Several small blue fireballs appeared in front of the old wizard and floated towards the goblin corpses.


“Let’s go, it’s getting late now. Let’s head back for now and come back later to find the location of the goblin lair,” Kita urged the others.


At that moment, the female warrior Tarian turned back, her gaze piercing through the dark forest where the goblins had come from, towards the secluded and rarely visited area, her eyes deep.


“I can become strong like my brother too.”


Chapter 45: The Female Warrior and the Goblin Lair


Today was a beautiful day with gentle breeze and sunshine.


The young warrior packed his belongings, bid farewell to his family and friends, and set off on the journey to the coveted Village of Heroes with three guests from the legendary land.


Other members of the Silver Adventurer Squad offered blessings along the town’s roads for the departing warrior, wishing him a bright future.


At the doorstep of the warrior’s home, a woman in her forties, still graceful, waved gently with a beautiful smile as she sent off her grown-up child.


After the warrior’s figure gradually faded away, the young and beautiful girl behind the door remained, her eyes reluctant to part, yet she didn’t step forward to bid farewell to her brother.




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