I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World
Chapter 35 Table of contents

I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World - EP.35

Both male and female elves cherished their identity as elves immensely and would never mix with goblins. The elven royal family would especially not do so.


Watching the goblins coming and going, Mrs. Dumilan panicked.


Seeing her daughter Tarian accustomed to the goblins’ scrutiny, Mrs. Dumilan panicked even more.


“No, something’s wrong, he must have deceived you!”


Mrs. Dumilan made a quick judgment and immediately pulled Tarian away from the Elf Prince.


This action caused Tarian to stagger, almost falling.


It was only at this moment that she noticed that in just two days at home, her daughter’s belly had grown significantly. Despite Tarian’s attempts to conceal it earlier, she had not noticed.


It seemed that it was already too late now that she had noticed.


In the fifty-sixth chapter, “Tarian’s Happiness”


Mrs. Dumilan turned pale. Only with a goblin child in her womb could Tarian’s belly grow so quickly.


At that moment, Mrs. Dumilan understood everything.


“Get away from him, Tarian. This guy is not the elf prince he claims to be. He is a special goblin born from the contamination of elves by goblins. It’s all his lies!”


Without hesitation, Mrs. Dumilan told Tarian the truth.


However, just when Mrs. Dumilan thought her daughter would listen to her and distance herself from the man, seeking an opportunity to leave, Tarian broke free from her mother’s grasp and returned to Chen Le’s side, looking at her mother with a bewildered expression.


It was well-known that children born from goblins and humans or demi-humans would inherit goblin features and could not possibly resemble elves so closely.


Why would her mother say such obviously incorrect things to belittle her beloved? She had just explained Mr. Chen’s plight to her mother. Could it be that her mother still harbored biases against the cursed Mr. Chen?


Mrs. Dumilan stared incredulously at her once obedient and understanding daughter, who had now taken the side of that pseudo-elf.


At that moment, Chen Le gently embraced Tarian, comforting her as he lightly stroked her slightly bulging belly. He murmured softly, “It’s okay, I’m used to being misunderstood. You’re pregnant, don’t get agitated. Go inside and rest. I’ll explain to your mother. I believe she’s a reasonable person, and I trust that she’ll understand us after hearing my explanation.”


“Yeah, Le, you’re really great. Mom, I’ll wait for you inside.”


Tarian tiptoed and sweetly kissed the man in front of her mother, then entered the dark and gloomy goblin lair.


Mrs. Dumilan watched all this happen before her eyes, dumbfounded, incredulous, and unable to comprehend.


Was this the girl, blinded by love in the eyes of others?


Was she like herself, when she married an adventurer of humble status years ago, in the eyes of others?


At that moment, Mrs. Dumilan finally understood the warnings from her elders, brothers, and sisters in the past.


With a smile, Chen Le approached Mrs. Dumilan, who had already discovered something but had nowhere to escape.


“Mrs. Dumilan, please come in. Let’s have a good talk in another room.”


Mrs. Dumilan stared at the filthy and dark goblin lair in front of her, her face gradually turning pale.



Tarian rested in the room where she and Chen Le spent their first night together.


As time passed, the girl didn’t even have a hint of concern for her mother’s safety. During the boredom, she caressed her slightly bulging belly, fantasizing about the day she would give birth to a cute little elf for Mr. Chen.


After a while, there was a slight movement outside, but Tarian didn’t notice. She continued to wait.


The waiting time was undoubtedly agonizing, but with hope in her heart, the passing time became sweet.


When Tarian’s stomach grumbled from hunger, there finally came a clear sound of footsteps from outside.


Opening the door, Chen Le walked in.


Tarian was gently caressing her slightly bulging belly. As Chen Le entered, he happily announced to Tarian, “Great news, Tarian. Your mother agreed to let you marry me.”




Chen Le nodded. “Yes!”


“Where’s mom? I want to find her.” Tarian was somewhat happy and excited; her mother would surely understand her.


As Chen Le touched Tarian’s belly, he gently said, “But she has a condition.”


“What condition?”


“She cares about you and doesn’t want you to have too many goblin children just to help me lift the curse. But she knows she can’t stop you, so she hopes she can help me lift the curse as well, so that we can have normal and healthy children sooner.”




Tarian’s nose suddenly felt sour. Her mother actually approved of her love like this; her mother was so kind to her.


However, she quickly regained her composure, blushing at the thought of her mother being with her man…


She felt embarrassed beyond words.


Although it was somewhat common in other places to hear about cases where a mother accompanied her daughter as part of her dowry, she never thought that such a thing would happen to her and her mother.


Polygamy was relatively common in this world and wasn’t looked upon with colored glasses. In the Village of Heroes, polygamy was even more prevalent.


Tarian just processed this information for a moment, then nodded with red eyes.


After her father’s death, her mother had remained single, raising her and her siblings alone. In Tarian’s and her brother’s eyes, their mother had always been the greatest.


Now, for Tarian’s happiness, this mother had given up her long-standing principles and devoted herself to this fallen elf prince.


This maternal love was so powerful, filling Tarian’s heart with warmth.


Chen Le lifted Tarian up and spun her gently.


“I’m so lucky to have met such a beautiful and kind girl like you, Tarian, and your understanding mother.”


As Chen Le lifted Tarian, her cheeks became even rosier, and she couldn’t help but let out a bell-like laughter.


In the dimly lit room, the goblin emperor, holding the girl in his arms, also slowly revealed a smile.


Everything seemed to be getting better.


But what exactly happened in this process? The process was glossed over by the goblin emperor. Let’s rewind time and explore it.


After Tarian entered the goblin lair.


Mrs. Dumilan was full of hostility. She was very wary and resentful towards the man who deceived her daughter and made her pregnant with a goblin.


However, now that she was in the goblin territory, Mrs. Dumilan also knew that she had nowhere to escape.


Now, she could only follow along and act accordingly.


Perhaps she could find an opportunity later to escape with her daughter.


Led by Chen Le, Mrs. Dumilan eventually entered the filthy goblin lair and followed him into a room with only a bed.


Seeing the room with no chairs, only a bed, Mrs. Dumilan’s face turned slightly pale. She turned around and stared at the man in front of her.


There was no doubt that this man wasn’t going to give her any chance.


“What exactly are you?” Mrs. Dumilan questioned.


The man standing in front of Mrs. Dumilan remained expressionless.


“Would your hero clan understand us goblins? Up until now, the number of goblins killed by your hero clan may not be much less than that of the elves. To you, high-level goblin individuals are nothing more than money.”


“Your goblins?”


He admitted it!


Mrs. Dumilan’s heart trembled. Initially, she felt angry when she noticed something was amiss, but now that she had learned the truth so easily, she felt a sense of fear.


She struggled to think about what might be the significance of the goblins inside that looked like elves or possessed special traits.


Until a moment later, she suddenly remembered a kind of goblin mentioned in the books, a legendary type of goblin.


Mrs. Dumilan was instantly shocked. She couldn’t conceal the astonishment in her eyes and asked in an incredulous tone, “Could it be that you’re the Golden Emperor lineage?”


After mentioning this possibility, Mrs. Dumilan shook her head repeatedly in disbelief.


“No, this can’t be possible. With the thinning bloodline of goblins today, how could a new Golden Emperor lineage goblin be born!”


The goblin emperor responded calmly, “Some truths are right in front of you, but you refuse to believe them.”


Admitting it, he was indeed a Golden Goblin!


Mrs. Dumilan angrily questioned, “Did you deceive that child? She trusts you so much!”


The goblin emperor shook his head slowly, his gaze calm and composed.


“Deception? Not at all. She feels happy with me, and I can give her this happiness forever. Isn’t that a complete happiness?”


“That’s not happiness at all!” Mrs. Dumilan denied.


The Goblin Emperor spread his hands and asked, “Then tell me, if she’s so happy, what is happiness? Is it telling her the truth and making her collapse? Or not telling her anything and letting her remember me forever, longing for me day and night? That’s happiness?”


With a hope value of 50, this girl couldn’t leave this place.


Hearing this, Mrs. Dumilan’s face turned pale.


She knew very well that love was a curse in this kind of environment. In the Village of Heroes, love was even more of a taboo because it made people blind and foolish.


Tarian was willing to bear a goblin child rather than leave the man in front of her. This love, which shouldn’t exist, was too heavy.


Once the truth was revealed, it would only harm her daughter.


Seeing that the beautiful Mrs. Dumilan seemed to have realized the problem, the Goblin Emperor spoke again, almost like a devil.


“Madam, your daughter trusts you so much, hoping you will approve of her happiness. She didn’t hide anything from you but brought you here to tell you everything, to tell you her hopes and dreams. Do you really want to uncover the truth and let your daughter live in misery for the rest of her life?”




“You are the pillar of your daughter’s soul. Because of you, she has begun to doubt everything around her, and that doubt may grow because of you until it becomes the first crack in her happiness, making her doubt everything until she loses hope for life. In the end, it will be you who ruins your daughter’s lifelong happiness. Unfortunately, your daughter’s love for me right now surprises even me.”


Mrs. Dumilan closed her eyes, her face pale. Since two days ago, she had understood that her beloved daughter seemed to have fallen in love with this goblin emperor at first sight, even giving him her pure body that day.


Undoubtedly, at that moment, Tarian had already regarded this man as her lifelong reliance.


So love-struck brains can be inherited too?


Mrs. Dumilan closed her eyes, accepting the arrangement of fate with resignation.


The Goblin Emperor walked to Mrs. Dumilan’s side and whispered softly in her ear.


“Perhaps you should do something to show your absolute trust in me and repair the possible cracks in your daughter’s happiness. Mrs. Dumilan, are you going to leave for your freedom, not recognizing your daughter’s happiness, or stay for your daughter’s happiness? You wouldn’t want your daughter to live in misery, would you?”


The Goblin Emperor lay down on the bed, his hands behind his head, looking at Mrs. Dumilan beside the bed.


“Tarian should have told you by now that I need to lift a curse that doesn’t even exist on me. She’s trying to help me, and I want you to help me too. How about it? Our clan is currently short-handed.”


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